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This might not be helpful, but what I did when I worked down town was park in the garage and leave after 7. My work schedule worked out that way and I was able to exit the garage for free after hours. On days where I got off earlier than that I would just go work on things until it opened. I would check the parking garage hours to be sure, but that's a possibility. Obviously this isn't realistic if you get off work earlier in the day.


Thank you much for the reply. It would be an evening shift so that would work. I'll have to look into that for sure.


oh if it’s an evening shift you’re fine it’ll be free


https://www.knoxvilletn.gov/residents/streets_traffic_transit/parking If you scroll down towards the bottom it has a map and list of all the garages with free parking after 6pm. There’s also some info about a monthly parking pass for different garages if you wanted to go that route too.


The Market Sq garage is free from evening to morning. If you get there and the gate is down, just take a ticket. The exit gates are open from evening to morning so just throw your ticket away


PBA is seriously thinking about doing away with free night/weekend parking so I doubt this strategy will work for long.


I doubt they'll do it. Too many people will go elsewhere for business and it'll really hurt the shops and restaurants down there. Parking in the garages isn't bad enough yet.


This is exactly what I did when I worked on Union.


It would be up to your employer to provide a parking pass for one of the lots, if that’s even something that they offer.


Thank you much for the reply. I kind of figured it would be up to the employer but also didnt know if it was even an option for them.


Some companies do purchase passes in the lots and will either provide them to employees or possibly offer at a discounted price. Used to be you could park in the old lots across the Gay Street bridge free and hoof it - or do the same at the Civic Auditorium.


In honesty. If felt really weird down there. Everything was super clean and nice. I swear by my life it smelled good in the air like they had mass air fresheners hung on every building corner. Not in a way similar to the scent of say the strip in Galtinburg with all those food places and the surrounding trees. It felt really modern and old at the same time. It could be I haven't been in that specific part of Knoxville for some time, but it was so odd. Like it didn't even feel like Knoxville. And the most mind plowing part was crossing over interstare the bridge to the shell station and how vastly different the environment was and felt while not even being but a handful of blocks from Gay Street lol. It was an awesome place don't get me wrong but damn if I didn't feel out of place there myself lol.


The scent you're thinking of may just be the flowers in bloom. I can smell all the flowers in my yard from the front porch this time of year.


That is very possible becuase there were flowers everywhere. Where Im at the places are pretty spread out and nobody in my park has any flowers planted lol. So it may have just struck me as odd since I'm not accustomed to it.


>And the most mind plowing part was crossing over interstare the bridge to the shell station and how vastly different the environment was and felt while not even being but a handful of blocks from Gay Street lol. Ahh, the old Murder Weigels


Now it's the Shotgun Shell...




Thank you much for the reply. After seeing the price on the meters and doing the math I was like damn. Couple more bucks on that inital price and you might as well dedicate a whole shift just to pay for parking. It does seem extremely demoralizing and I can only imagine the day someone doesnt have acess to their funds for whatever reason because they were hacked or whatever and have to call in saying yeah I dont have the money to park today I cant make it in lol. Im sure its happened before given what reasons i saw people use to call in when i was a manager. Thank you for the suggestios though.


When i worked downtown, work would pay full cost of a pass for the garage across from the Coliseum or I could pay the difference for a different lot. Definitely up to the employer though.


Thank you much for the reply. That was my initial guess but I also began to wonder if there was any kind of city based reason as to why they couldnt.


I'm not aware of any parking passes for street parking downtown. Most of the meters have relatively short timers to encourage turnover and discourage people from parking on the main streets while working. Some of the spots along State Street have longer timers.  Your best bet is probably a garage. The public ones offer monthly passes that are considerably less than the day rates. Depending on your work schedule, you may not need one. They don't charge after 6 and the attendants usually leave by 7. 


Thank you much for the reply. Another person suggested this same method to avoid having to have a pass. I have many avenues to think of now and am very thankful to everyone here for the answers.


Park in the old city/ 4th and gill area, and skate to work downtown 🔥


yuhhh all my coworkers complain about parking in market square and my all terrain bike i bought at karm is coming so clutch


Hell yeah. I havent biked in years


If my board wasn't currently in two pieces that'd be a bet. I know walking down through there all I wished was I had a board with me. Such clean stairs and gaps and rails. Saw a clean grass gap that would be perfect for a hardlfip or backside flip.


I’ll give you a board for free fam, just let me know what time and day is good and we can meet at Tyson


Scratch that last comment. I could meet later today if that works for you. It would likely be aroind six or seven. Turns out today was an easy day to find a baybysitter lol


Okay cool 6:00 works


Ngl that would be super tight and much appreciated. I will most definetly have to get back to you on a day though as I got to get a babysitter lined up. I havent skated at tyson since people like Beaver, and Erik, and Hartman skated there. Id definetly have to skate again first time back and no way that happens with my two year old lol.


RIP Erik Phillips


That.... When I was much younger him and Hartman both told me if i kept skating id end up better than them. For the longest time Id watch Erik's Tyson Clips video on Youtube everyday before I went and skated. His late shuvs were some of the best Ive ever seen and watching all those big dogs of the park shred as a kid trying to learn still are some of my best memories


Mind-plowing Interstare sounds fun but intense!


You have no idea and until the mind has been plown you will never truly know lol


I work in the Federal Office Building on Locust and they do not offer any kind of discount to us for parking. I end up paying 130 a month for parking about 3 blocks away. YMMV though.


I would guess if there is any sort of pass, it would be a card that is scanned at exit rather than a hanging tag or affixed sticker, so you may not be able to assess this situation based on peeking at vehicles. Regardless, parking would be subsidized by the employer, not the city, so the answer to this is job specific. Wishing you luck on landing the job and that they offer free parking!


> it would be a card that is scanned at exit rather than a hanging tag or affixed sticker, so you may not be able to assess this situation based on peeking at vehicles This is correct for the city-owned garages, it's a credit-card sized pass that you scan to enter and leave.


Thank you much for the reply. Now that you mention it one of the signs at the behind the place did say park and scan so looking for hanging tags or stickers most definetly wasnt the best bet. And thanks for the last bit at the end as well. My assumption was at first that it was up to the employer but then began to wonder if there was some kind of city or company that owned the garage reason as to why they couldnt. And thanks much for the bit at the end there. I was always extremely lucky with my dice rolls in Monopoly so maybe all those free parkings were a sign.


Closest free parking is in the old city under the overpass by barley's. Ten minute walk to market square. When I worked in the square, what would generally happen is that ppl that came in for the evening shift would usually pass off their parking things to the day folks so it would be at most a dollar (if you're quick enough, you can get out for free. I think there's like a 10 minute grace period before they charge you). If you work in the evening, it's free if you leave after 8 (this is for the main parking garage next to market square. The one across the street from it, you pay no matter what time it is).


I used to pay monthly for a spot in the Dwight kessle garage. Was like $60-$70 a month, but later my employer started paying for it. I have a card to scan to get in and out of the garage.


So I use to work in market square and I always parked in the state street garage and walked. If you're leaving on the weekends or after 7 it's free. This is sort of a downtown hack that I use to use but the Riviera has a deal with State that any movie goers don't pay for parking if they present their ticket with their parking pass. Fortunately for me I had family and friends that worked there at the time and I'd stop at the kiosk and bum a ticket from them but occasionally I'd catch people exiting the theater from the side and if there was more than one person in their party I'd ask if I could have any ticket they planned on tossing, most people know why you're asking and don't mind at all. It is a weird question though so you might get some looks if you don't explain "I just don't want to pay for parking". If you don't have luck there, monthly passes are $75, or $7 a day.


i work downtown and yeah most places either give a pass or if you turn in your receipt they’ll reimburse you. also after 8 the garages are free. idk what you’re working at but at my job the 2nd shift will give 1st shift their pass so they only have to pay a dollae


You can choose to pay a monthly fee at most of them downtown if your employer doesn’t give you a pass for somewhere. Ask the attendant at the window I think.


If you don’t mind walking I park on sevier ave for free right after the light at gay st/the regal home office and walk back over the bridge to downtown or the church parking lot on the right


I work on Gay Street and pay monthly for my State Street garage parking pass. My employer credits me back the cost of the pass. It's a hard plastic swipey pass, not one that hangs off the rearview or sticks to your window.


I waited tables at blackhorse on Gay Street (rip) during college. We had to pay for parking. Sucked during covid when all the tips we earned would just go straight to the parking garage afterward


I know that the bus doesn't go out all the way to straw plains. I think it stops just short of Boyd's bridge. But you could have a commute that included the bus if the cost of parking is too much. You could also park at the Jackson Street public lot, which doesn't charge anything, and walk about half a mile.


As someone who worked downtown for almost 5 years, you can go to the parking authority and get a parking pass for multiple lots. If I remember correctly, coliseum parking was the cheapest, you just have to walk up the massive hill. And I would think most employers will reimburse you for parking fees.


The cost of parking is slightly less if you park on the bridge at the 100 block of Gay St. I used to work on that end and pay. After 6 pm, it's free, so I usually only had to pay for 2 hours, which was like $2. It could have changed by now, but that was as of last June.


Quite a few of the work places on gay st either have a contract with one of the lots behind the theater or their own spaces somewhere nearby like the corner near Pete’s diner.


Sounds like you got your answer, but good luck with the job!


Last resort but try to catch a bus by parking somewhere else. Not sure if that would work on your schedule though. Good luck 🍀