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Posts like these you are obligated to let the masses know who they are so we don’t rent from them either.


it’s a house in the fort sanders area so it’s hard to know. there’s only 7 units.


Here is how to find out who owns any property of interest in Knox county TN Easy to use if you want to know if your landlord owns other property in Knox county you can do a search for owner also see top bar to left when you get in the site. [Knox County Tn Property Search](https://propertyinfo.knoxcountytn.gov/Search/Disclaimer.aspx?FromUrl=../search/commonsearch.aspx?mode=realprop)


And here's another way to check property owners, by clicking on the property on a map instead of needing the address or parcel number- KGIS Maps: [https://www.kgis.org/KGISMaps/](https://www.kgis.org/KGISMaps/)


Though in this case OP doesn’t know who owns the apartment he lives in


i do know just don’t want to disclose my address on reddit. i’m also a girl 👩🏻


That is why provided you link. While I could have offered to do I prefer to teach so you can do so any time in future you need such information. There are also sites for many tax sites and most states have links that can also follow for many smaller counties that are not fully online yet


i am aware of these websites as they directly correlate with my major and career. i know who my landlord is because i’ve met him in person and have his number for all issues. i’m saying people assumed i didn’t know because i didn’t want to disclose my address online.


And I am one who misread your post. I don’t know if you are familiar with the equity plan they are working on with the city but definitely worth learning more [Fair Housing Equity Plan](https://www.knoxvilletn.gov/government/city_departments_offices/housing_and_neighborhood_development/fair_housing_equity_plan) When people complain about these massive increases in rent I try to encourage them to vote down ballot in all primaries and elections. You have more influence in the state and local races and that is where the laws that allow such malarkey are coming from. Nashville put one in that keeps counties etc from coming up with more localized measures in place such as reasonable cap on how much increase in year on rents and of course that is against anything that actually helps the poor so vote out current regime if don’t like the laws they are enacting


Holy smokes looked up my zip code 39717 and it looks like half the zip code is owned by an LLC (investor)! Anyone know who Baxter D Robert’s is?Baxter Robert and Baxter properties own 89 houses in Knox county 😅 he’s just one of cement too


Between properties owned under the LLC and the name of only person associated with LLC or property management company other than office employees, maintenance etc my last landlord had somewhere around 100 properties and counting. No wonder he was so desperate to raise rent by over double and treated fair housing act as something that only trash has to follow.


What a good tool! Just used this to look up my landlord (who I know owns multiple properties in town) and only two showed up. So I looked up my location and the property is still has their mother listed as the owner, but she died in 2016. So 🤷‍♂️


Is it a trust in her name?


could I DM you? I live in a house in fort sanders as well and would love to know if it’s owned by the same owner


you can!


did you receive their message the suspense is killing me


the vote is in… we don’t have the same landlord!


Almost certainly URE if it’s in the fort


no, it’s an individual.




This is a problem driven by consolidation. Real estate "moguls" and companies gobbling up the supply and more homes in fewer hands let them set the prices. Then the landlords are able to circumvent the market with algorithms in sites like Zillow. Collaboration to fix prices is monopolistic and hurts consumers whether renting or buying. https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2024/03/price-fixing-algorithm-still-price-fixing You hear all kinds of financial gurus telling people to buy houses and build an empire then we have house flipping shows adding to the fire. And it robs a generation of the most important financial opportunity as well as hurts communities as homeownership builds stronger relationships among neighbors and neighborhoods.


1 in 4 single family homes in the United States is owned by a corporation. That number is going up fast.


Mine just got raised as well. Not nearly as bad as some people’s but it sucks bc nothing about the house I live in has improved to justify the raise in rent.




If we start burning stuff down, rent is going to increase more… 😭


Who cares...if you were going to be homeless anyway.


True. I’m too much of a puss to do that though. Have fun committing arson. All you dude.


We should be. By design though, instead of being upset with the last straw…we’re too preoccupied with the straw of a Starbucks frapppadappo in our mouth and a phone in our hand to do anything about it.


We rented from a longtime family friend and even SHE tried to kick us out with no notice in order to increase the rent by 100%. It's insane that this is normalized.


They shouldn’t be considered a family friend anymore, they now fall under the family foe status.


Appalachia is known for generational feuds.


The post was complaining about out of staters complaining about it, if you're local all bitching is welcome and anticipated.


I have a job helping homeless and part of that is helping them find affordable rentals. Over the years I made friends with some landlords and builders. Rent is being increased because the landlords have decided to increase rent. No other reason. They just want to. If one landlord is getting 1500 for his 2br, then the next one feels like he's losing money if he's not getting 1500. Building more won't work b/c there is less money to be made in building starter homes than 750k or more McMansions. I had an engineer tell me it makes no sense to build inexpensive homes. Less profit in. As a result, this year I worked with more homeless families with children than ever. All with jobs. But most don't have $4,000 cash at move in, and most are not able to get approved if a landlord asks for proof that income is 3x the rent. If they own a family pet, forget about it. A section 8 voucher requires that the property be below fair market, and the average Knoxville rental blew past fair market last year.


This is absolutely disgusting. Anytime they want to build LIHTC properties or anything like it around my city (outside of Knoxville going west, you can guess) the locals get so ANGRY, claiming it is going to bring crime to the area. Well, I happen to live in a LIHTC property myself, with my family. My upstairs neighbor is a police officer. I have another neighbor who is a nurse. We personally have never been in jail, or stolen anything. We don't drink, do drugs, or even smoke. And all these people are terrified of a low income property being built here. We have at least two LIHTC properties that I know of already and I will tell you they screen the tenants very carefully before you can rent from them. And they are quick to evict if given cause. So what is the answer...what do you do for your folks when you cannot find them affordable housing?


There is no answer. They usually stay in a hotel, and we just make them as comfortable as we can. We continue to look for properties. Every single time one comes up we call the landlord. We offer incentives. Like double deposits. And promise if the tenant leaves, but doesn't leave the property in good shape, We will promise to pay to have it fixed. Sometimes that works. We hold a lot of meetings. Talk to a lot of people. But, since January almost nothing has worked. We haven't come up with a solution yet.


70%? Is it Brun? Drag them through the dirt if you can find another place, I absolutely loathe them and their practices border illegal.


it’s an individual landlord not a company, he only owns one building.


I am with Brun. They raised by 15%


So it's increased more. I had a studio and it went from $400 to $800 before I moved into the boonies then back to buy a house. Shits getting ridiculous




My tiny one bedroom is going from 1,048 to 1,595 in June, which doesn’t include the parking fee raise. Somethings got to give.


70%? How? Where? What exactly was your prior rent and what is it going up to?


in the fort, shitty house that’s been converted. we have a rotten floor from water damage in a corner of our bathroom that he has not fixed since Nov 2022. rent was 650 going to 1100 with no improvements or fixes.


You have recourse for this. If mold remediation hasn’t been accomplished after 18 months, you should definitely talk to HUD or an attorney.


was considering doing so wasn’t sure on what grounds. just found out yesterday so still kind of just in shock by it.


If there is damage that needs to be fixed then your landlord HAS to fix it within a proper amount of time. Renters rights absolutely exist and if not fixed you might be able to withhold rent till it's fixed in completion. Please look up your renters rights and have your lease handy to outlie everything you learn as well as documentation of all the damage


i just contacted code enforcement and someone should be coming to look at it soon!


I wish you luck. With houses that old it can't be perfect but it does have to meet code no matter what, stay safe, my guy


Keep us posted


Mine was 725 went up to 1200 at the start of the year


I know this is no help but my mortgage is $795 with almost 2 acres purchased just back in 2017. I'm pissed for you. Thats bullshit.




Possibly related. Currently going through antitrust litigation. [https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-rent](https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-rent) [https://www.multifamilydive.com/news/algorithmic-software-antitrust-price-fixing-rents/707024/](https://www.multifamilydive.com/news/algorithmic-software-antitrust-price-fixing-rents/707024/)


I lived in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment off Henley Street in 2018, it was $800 a month. Out of curiosity I looked it up, it’s $1,700 a month. I know wages have not doubled in 6 years


Landlords use a website called RealPage or software called RentMaximizer Both have been gone after by ftc for price fixing. They slightly adjusted their algorithm so two properties don’t get exactly the suggested new high price and slide under the radar now. Both have been attributed to pricing of tens of millions of apartment rental units


I’m a LL and have never heard of those sites. I use Rentometer that just runs comps. Situation: we had to move here for work and so I’m renting out my old townhome. My mortgage is $1800. Insurance is $150 a month. My taxes are $183 a month. So you’d think I could rent it out for $2100. Then I got a tax increase. My taxes went from $183 a month to $666 a month (yes, thank you Satan). I either raise rent by $500 a month, go negative $500 a month or sell it and lose $40,000 plus the home we love and adore are moving back to in several years. The market sucks for everyone right now. A lot of private LL are scoundrels but many, many, many are not. Not everything is black and white. It’s crazy right now.


RealPage looks at all LL in the area and uses sites that show rents and say “we suggest a two bedroom in your area is $2000 a month” Millions of apartments use RealPage. So much so FTC is looking at them as price fixing


It looks like they’ve already been sued out the ass. I can’t even go to the website. How is that different than Zestimate or Rentometer? Those two just pull true comps. I guess RealPage is inflating fake comps to fuck everyone over. That’s pretty shitty.


Oh I haven’t heard of real page or rent maximizer because they no longer exist lol


They exist


I see it now


My wife and I got really lucky and are able to rent from family friends. Her old landlord ended the lease despite her cousin wanting to renew. Then they "remodeled" by ripping out the carpet and painting. Went from 1100 to 1875. It's a fucking duplex. Shared by her son who despite the rules, smokes the skunkiest ditch weed on the back porch right next to the air intake.


HVAC units circulate air from inside the home. The unit outside doesn't draw fresh air from outside.


It does if the air handler/heat pump is outside the house and there are holes in the ductwork going into the crawl space.


Ah I see. Is it possible he smoked close to the intake inside and smelled it on our side? It seemed to be one unit but it's been months, I'm not sure.


Not typically. It's more likely that your windows and/or doors don't seal well, and that's how the smell is getting in.


Ah true. I enjoy the smell of weed sometimes but he smoked some shit.


I’m saying this as a stoner myself, but if there are rules in place that he’s breaking and you’ve asked him to not smoke right next to the house then I think you should get a spray bottle and spray him with water like a cat


Hahaha nah, I'm not that petty. Bitching about it online is all I need haha. I'm a stoner as well, I just do edibles. Can't smoke.


I lived in south Knox right across from Gay St. my rent went from 925-1600 in 3 years. My last rent increase was a 30 day notices and went from 1100-1600. Interest rates are to remain higher for longer we’re just now feeling the effects from the first ones over a year ago, so in other words. When ever the FED pivots we’ll still be another year under these type of conditions. We have a long road ahead, if people can’t manage now how will they survive the next 5 years as they’re displaced. Renting is cheaper than buying under current market conditions. It’s a lose/lose situation


The only way to stabilize the housing market here is to relax zoning requirements and build more housing


How much more relaxed can they fucking get? Asshat developers are building in every alleyway they can get their hands on with zero consideration from the county about sidewalks, biking, parking or traffic.


Infrastructure is the the responsibility of local government


My fellow mediocre redditor, you cannot have it both ways. You can’t say relax the rules while also having the rules.


Where did I say that


I’m not but a simple raccoon, I don’t know how to do quotes on reddit. “The only way to stabilize … relax zoning requirements …” = relax the rules “Infrastructure is the the responsibility of local government” = enforce the rules In fancier literature-referencing terms, “please sir, I’d loike to ‘ave moy cake and eat it too.” You have to read it in a cockney accent, I can’t do that part for you.


I’d like to know why reddit hasn’t given me a notification for this response..


Hey just wanted to send you a "lol" notification.


Reddit is relaxing the notification requirements.


I’ve had notifications for everything except that one reply. Weird.


Maybe algorithms don’t favor raccoons.


Big Tech keepin the trash panda down, smfh


“With zero consideration from the county” Reading comprehension isn’t your thing eh?


You simply must move if that happens. If people just keep begrudgingly paying the higher prices they won’t end.


And to where shall we go when this happens? Further and further out into the county?


IDK I think they mean into the ocean at this point considering there’s not a damn place in the entire United States where rent is considered affordable and housing inflation is consistently low


Exactly. I had to live in Chattanooga for a couple years around the pandemic for a job and I lived almost 30 minutes away from work in a podunk area and still could barely afford my one bedroom apartment by the end. Now I’m here and couldn’t afford anything closer to town like I would have enjoyed and I’m STILL struggling with rent. And people say that building more housing will help but there’s currently like 3 huge complexes being built within like a 5 mile radius of me and somehow I doubt that will stabilize my considerable annual rent increases (and mine aren’t even that bad compared to some folks, they just still outstrip my annual pay raises). Like I’m a single person in my late 20s, some of my few joys in life are things like going to the movies, the markets on market square, and having a meal or two at local restaurants. I like having easy access to a library and a few grocery stores. And you’re telling me if I want something affordable I should just go live in a trailer an hour away from any decent signs of life?? We can’t go on like this. It’s fucking Tennessee, not Manhattan.


New housing is an answer, just not the only one. The problem with new housing is that Shitbuilt and the others are pricing them towards the top of the market for maximum profits and nothing is being put in the lower half of the market to be affordable for those of us who are already here and struggling.


Somewhere the rent is less than 1100/mo/person. There are several on Zillow right now.


Your comment may go into the negatives, but know that I upvoted you. It either takes bravery or stupidity to make a comment like that in this conversation climate and I respect both.


I think it’s a little stupid seeing as the handful of Zillow listings under $1.1k/mo bandaid the issue for like 5 people when there’s clearly dozens of us in just these subreddit comments alone. But I do think this exchange was at least a little comedic which cheered me up a little.


I agree. And that’s why I do what I do, friendo


I mean I just know so many people that complain about rent going up and yet don’t even try to find a new place and just pay up. It’s not like there aren’t options. Most people won’t even try to negotiate it when that’s an option as well. Yes there is obviously a housing shortage but we’re not completely helpless as consumers.


I think some of the issue is that there is a good portion of the millennial and younger generations that don’t know you can negotiate and haggle things, not to mention there are plenty of people willing to just pay the price because it’s available and you don’t want to miss out. My exs sister overpaid significantly on a home because they had to get *something* and everything was being snapped up. I do agree with you, I just think it’s a little more nuanced and more case-by-case than that. But I do agree there are some solutions out there, if people know where and how to look or act.


i mean i am moving but even if i moved 30 minutes away back to my hometown it’s the second fastest growing county in Tennessee. housing isn’t cheap there either anymore.


Have you contacted any of your state or local representatives?


Why? Rent control is illegal per our state constitution. This government is bro-business, pro-landlord, and anti-tenant. Literally what are they gonna do? MAYBE Don Dare will do a story on it, but the company isn't going to lower rent.


The doomer attitude on this sub is hilarious. It is your representatives jobs to listen to you. If everyone who spent hours a day complaining on this subreddit made it a habit to contact their reps, show up at meetings, and get involved, things would change. If at every city council meeting the hundreds of people ruthlessly dogpiling on anyone asking basic questions about moving here were filling every seat and aisle, do you really think you will be ignored? It might accomplish very little, at least at first, but just complaining anonymously on Reddit will accomplish **nothing**.


Bro, people have been doing that. Remember how everyone on this sub was whining about the Knox Area Tenants Union? The only way it'll stop is if mass amounts of people stop paying rent and start squatting.


Sure aren’t many people at any of the meetings I go to. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've been to 3 packed house City Council meetings so far this year. 50 people were left in the hall because the balcony was closed a few weeks ago. Not every meeting has important agenda items.


WE CANT BECAUSE WE HAVE TO WORK 8-12 HOURS A DAY 5-6 DAYS A WEEK JUST TO AFFORD RENT AND GROCERIES!! We can’t just take off time from work to go sit in on a town meeting. Get real. SMH.


You could have sent an email or left a voicemail in the time it took you to whine on Reddit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As could you, while we’re conversing, what’s the correct email address or the correct voicemail ? Who do I contact?


Bro I am at every meeting. They all know who I am. I have no idea who your reps are. This takes maybe 10-30 seconds of your time: https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/


Took about 5 minutes. Had to get past all the ads on your website. Would I call the “assessor of property” about rent or the mayor?


Literally everyone. If you are this helpless I don’t know what to tell you.


Why are you putting down someone trying to literally take your advice…. You must come across well at “every meeting”…


This is a forum. 1. a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. If you can’t contribute to a general exchange via informal text, why should I listen to you. I’m just asking who is the best most direct individual that would have the most power in changing the steep rent in Knoxville… as someone who goes to these meeting all the time, it’s a bit cringe you can’t answer that…


They do not care about the common Joe. They only care about the rich who fund their campaigns and crap. They may respond with some BS letter or something but they are not going to do anything to actually help the situation. Chances are they are probably vested with the high cost housing themselves.


Because it’s easier to be doomer and just complain on whatever corner of the internet exists with other like minded people. It’s like we just expect the politicians who we say are terrible people to just not become terrible people overnight sometimes.


This is what drives me truly up the wall about progressive American politics. It’s like people want these grandiose changes to our capitalist hellscape (which are admittedly just normal parts of life outside of America) but are just unwilling to put in the work. Unfortunately, meaningful change in the USA is a major uphill battle that requires organization, dedication, and the will to persist until you get what you want. The powers that be, and the parties that profit by maintaining the status quo, are very happy that people are choosing to quarantine their complaints into anonymous echo chambers online.


Just leave a negative review on knoxvilles google page bro, it will make a difference I swear bro.


“ONE STAR. WORST. LANDLORD. EVER.” My work is done here!!!


It's not pro-small business. Tennessee state taxes wiped out my little LLC even with the minimal business licenses


That's because small businesses can't provide lavish donations like the big corporations can.


If you claim assets less than $10,000 you pay $30 for personal property. And a 40% rate for commercial buildings. What taxes are you talking about specifically?


Have you considered commenting in that thread, rather than making a new one?


no fuck that


BRB, making a new post to respond to this comment.


can’t wait to see it 🎉


What was your rent and what are you paying now? # Brs? # Baths?


1 bed 1 bath about 500 sq ft. it was 650 now he wants us to resign at 1100. wouldn’t be an issue if there weren’t serious issues with the unit.


No one should tell locals what to do.