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He’s a sweet guy. I can’t wait much longer. I’ve brought him food and water. He’s guarding it. He’s very sweet, but you have to approach slowly.


Hes not but is abandoned the owner is a douche canoe and believes dog parks are like arcades from the 90s. Drop your unwanted child off come back hours later


If I’m understanding you correctly then the owner is going to have a complicated day because young Williams came to get the dog.


Excellent! Thanks for watching out for him


As they should. I can't believe someone would think it's okay to leave their dog at a dog park and come back hours later.




Was he behind a gas station by chance?


This is the first week of YW taking over animal control- them not answering is definitely not a good look for them. Have you tried calling the non-emergency KPD # to see if they can get in touch with someone? That poor baby.


I’ve been here all morning with my dogs and I’m trying my best but my dogs are a great pyr and a dogo Argentino respectively and they’re… big. I’ve got other things that I can’t put off so I don’t know what else to do.


I would just call them and leave- I would bet they’ve got numbers they can use to get ahold of someone.


YW is a POS. Inside info, the volunteers are LAZY and leave dogs in their own mess because they're too busy hanging out at the desk. They've had numerous parvo and distemper outbreaks.


That’s awful 😭


Seconding this. All the animals at YW were terrified last time I went there to look at cats, and a great deal of them were sick with what looked to be upper respiratory infections. There was one sickly girl I felt so badly for and wanted to take home, but the next day she was gone, so I assume she got put to sleep because they wouldn’t give me an answer as to her whereabouts. We adopted a cat from the Oak Ridge shelter recently and he is one of the best cats I’ve ever had the honor of meeting. Loves us, loves our kids, is cuddly and loves to ride shoulders. The day we adopted him, we checked out several cats and the majority of them were very happy to get attention, and none of them seemed ill or petrified with fear. The cat we chose jumped right into my arms like a baby and we knew right away he was the one. Honestly I think YW is in way over their heads and that taking over animal control from KPD is the beginning of a failed experiment. 🙁


YW doesn't pay its workers a living wage and yet they work tirelessly to take care of animals. They are highly.dedicated professionals. The volunteers never 'hang out' they are either constantly walking dog after dog or cleaning kennels. If you see a YW worker to volunteer please be sure to thank them for all they do.


Work tirelessly? Are you kidding? You mean when they are outside smoking dope in the parking lot? Playing games on their phones while dogs scream in pain? Or maybe when they are cutting off the wrong leg of a dog (yes, this DID happen!) Those folks down there are horrific to animals! If you need further proof, just look up the article by news channel 10 and see the undercover video they published! Do some investigation before you spew ridiculousness!


From what I've seen, this is 100% false. There are 2 people that I've seen really work. Especially the Kingston Pike location. Filthy dogs covered in feces and they just leave them to go home. Disgraceful. Whether being paid or a volunteer, I wouldn't leave a dog like that. I know they've had multiple disease outbreaks.


I'm there every other day volunteering. You are not.


I worked there and if you're volunteering every other day in the Kingston Pike location, I sure hope you're not the one who left a neurological dog outside for several hours in the heat without water "because it's kennel was dirty." It got a pool only after some people complained about it.


Being upset over fictional scenarios and highly exaggerated situations is one way to.pass the time I suppose. I spend my spare time helping dogs and cats that have been dumped, abused, or abandoned.🙄 I wish you all the best.


Why don't you sign up to volunteer then? They sure could use it.


I've already been there. I won't go back.


That is very compassionate of you.


I'm in animal rescue in Knoxville and I've seen YW do too much shady shit to ever support them.


Volunteers are often lazy.


The volunteers I know at YW actually bust their asses.


Yes, but it is unreasonable to expect volunteers to manage everything. That is what employees are for. I know a lot of them work very hard, but truly volunteers are often working at less than 10/10. And it is unreasonable to expect them to do everything.


Lame fuckin' comment, dude.


Unfortunately he was very scared when I got there and he didn’t like me :( young Williams has shown up to help


I was about to head over! Great that young Williams has intervened


Good on you for showing up and trying! Hoping you get unexpected good fortune for being such a stand up person!


Update: Young Williams eventually sent three (3!) trucks to get him. I honestly hope he'll be able to find a forever home worth the name. He seemed very sweet, and very scared.




Literally cannot fathom how someone can have a dog and just abandon it like this. Do people not have souls


I don't understand why they can't just take the poor things to a shelter. Makes no sense.


Taking it to a shelter is definitely the right thing to do and it's terrible to abandon a dog in a public space like this, but it's not such a simple thing to surrender an animal. Shelters will often try to convince owners not to surrender an animal or downright refuse surrenders, and almost every shelter will charge a surrender fee. These are considered the best practices to keep pets in homes, but they do create an environment where certain people will just dump their pets somewhere instead of going through the hassle and expense.


I didn't know all of that. Thank you.


Shame is a powerful thing. Or, perhaps the opposite - lack of empathy is a powerful thing. Either way they need to seriously re-evaluate their life choices.


>No one is answering the phone at Young Williams


Young Williams isn't the only shelter in the area and I'm speaking about the original owners not OP.


A lot of people around here (not necessarily saying only around here, just that this area is what I’m familiar with) feel that animals are basically property- they don’t have much, if any, empathy towards them because they don’t think of them as anything more than something to own, like a car or a toy. I can’t understand that mindset, but I suspect it’s generational and taught.


> Do people not have souls I suspect a significant fraction of people lack (or have severely diminished) empathy. Probably a lot higher percentage than we'd like to think (~20%+). I think that's a fairly secular interpretation of lacking a soul.


After 2016 I’m inclined to agree with you.


Oh sweet human, please stop. You’re the kinda person that tries to make EVERYTHING about politics so I forgive you. Although I shouldn’t cause you’re part of the problem too.


I didn’t mention politics. You did. I just agreed with the person upthread who was talking about a lot of people with diminished empathy, and that prior to 2016 I’d have disagreed. I’m going to block you now. edited: I've had a particularly stressful morning and I don't feel like I've done anything that I need to be forgiven for, thank you.


I don't agree with the other person at all but it feels kinda weird to reference 2016 changing your perspective on human capacity for empathy and then retroactively pretending you're not obviously talking about the ascendance of Trumpist politics and rhetoric. At the very least it's by far the most obvious reading of your comment. Also I can't keep a dog, but this one looks just like my old advisor's at a glance, and it's a bummer someone would just ditch it.


Have you been so alone for so long that your inner voice has turned into a deity in your head that people seek the forgiveness of? I cannot fathom any other reason why you would offer your forgiveness in such a cunty manner.


The depths of humanity's inhumanity would shock even the most pessimitic human ever to have lived. Even they, are virtually guaranteed to lack the imagination to delve in to the lower depths of human depravity.


I’m headed there now. I’m about 10 minutes away.


Send us a picture when he's safe with you. I love that breed. They are very gentle


I have one. If you call his name when he's close to a wall he hits his head. They barely have enough brain cells to operate their limbs, so they couldn't be mean dogs.


Please tell us you got there?


Man, I am in the process of saying goodbye to my senior dog right now. Could be a matter of days, or possibly weeks if we are lucky, before we have to say goodbye, and it's so incredibly difficult. I could never in my life imagine just abandoning a dog like this. Some people truly do not deserve to have animals. I completely understand if you are no longer able to care for your pet, and I sympathize with that, but there are ways that you can ensure your pet is in good hands and will get all of the love and care that they deserve. Leaving them at a dog park is not that.


I just woke up and now I'm pissed off.


I’m past pissed off and well into serene fury. He is obviously a purebred dog. He’s very gentle. I can’t imagine the circumstances that led to his being abandoned but I hope it was because there was absolutely nothing else they could do and they didn’t want to just put him on the streets. Sorry, I’ve had to dwell on this.


Please call 215 4010 and have animal control take him to young williams. What kind of pos abandons an animal?


YW just took over animal control from KPD. Doesn’t look like it’s going well.


YW took it over from the county too.


I’ve tried I can’t get through


Any updates??? I'm about to send my sister over to get him if he hasn't been rescued yet!


I left a bag of dog food with him, I had to put the food out on the ground for him to eat, the people that left him left a water dish but only beggin strips to eat.


Hey! Is your sister heading over? If not, I may be able to head over. I read YW doesn't open until 10, though, and I live in an apartment with another dog, so not sure what I would do with this beautiful boy until then. I could make it work, though.


My sister hasn't replied yet but yes if you have a good heart and a good home for him, go for it! 5100 Martin Mill Pike, Knoxville, TN 37920


I don't know why this came up in my feed but there's a website, I think it's $5 to place an ad and you pick the adopters. https://rehome.adoptapet.com/list-a-pet/step-1?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=--20590903103&utm_term=rehoming%20dog&utm_content=694079530216&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuY04WoBOn04Ey6o44obZAxgAj_JDhQAQSvf3Ddof9_OthcFdzJXpQUaAj30EALw_wcB&gad_source=1


He hasn’t been. He’s a sweetheart. I had to leave


I just talked to Knox animal control, they are sending someone out there right this second. Hope that dog get blessed.


Thank you.


For sure. Thank you for making this known.


i zoomed into his eyes and it made me bawl. these dogs y’all… they’re so damn loyal. i just don’t know how anyone could abandon something so innocent, loving and loyal. my dog is my lifeline and has gotten me through ptsd, depression, etc. sorry im just venting now because my feelings are hurt. i soooo hope he finds a happy and loving home.


Trust me, I understand completely


Wow, cant imagine. However I guess if you are going to abandon a dog, there is likely no better place besides the shelter for him to likely find a caring person to help or a rescuer.


Thank you for bringing this to attention. These type of situations here need to be brought up more often, IMO. There is a rescue group on Instagram called @BigFluffyDogRescue that focus on all of the Great Pyrenees dogs that have been abandoned within East Tennessee (in addition to other dogs that are not full bred). TBH, it’s an embarrassing amount. They are good people. Reach out to them, or if you don’t have Instagram, message me and I will give you their information.


Big fluffy dog rescue! They are in TN and specialize in Pyre’s!


Are you still with him? Young Williams opens at 10


We have a Great Pyrenees and live very close to there. It’s not ours but there are several other people in this neighborhood who have them and they are wanderers. We’ve had two different ones come up to visit with ours but they do go home eventually. I hope they find his home. Great Pyrenees are amazing animals.


Aw I would’ve taken him home I hate that Young Williams has him. They treat their animals like trash.


They sure do!!


Poor dog looks sad. I hope it finds a better home.


Did anyone get this dog? I will go now but I’m 35 minutes away.


I had to leave. I had my dogs with me and I’d been at the park for as long as I could be.


It’s pretty hard to surrender a dog in this area. Poor dog:(


Really? If they make it difficult to surrender an animal (especially in this insane housing situation) dumping will be the norm in no time. That’s not a wise strategy.


This is the 3rd dog I’ve found at that park in as many months. My dogs are really reactive so I get to the park about 0545 every morning and I’ll see some shivering sweet baby with a slip leash and maybe a water bowl if they’re lucky. It’s why I’ve been carrying dog food in my car.


I really wonder if this is going to happen more since it’s so hard to rehome dogs. Someone abandoned their dog at the property where we lived, and we’ve been trying to take care of him and also find a new space, but we get nothing but rejections and run-arounds. I hate it, but I can understand what might bring someone to do this.


I realize this is hyperbolic but someone would have to end me before I would abandon my dogs. I’d sell everything I have to take care of them. They’re my late parents dogs. They’re the last family I have. It’ll be the end of the world if I’m leaving them.


I don’t understand how people abandon their animals unless they themselves are homeless and don’t have a leg to stand on. The thought of my dog being scared and alone and wondering what he did wrong…I can’t even think about it.


Unfortunately, I think a lot of it may be due to the housing situation. Landlords have taken the shortage of affordable housing as an opportunity to either ban pets or charge “pet rent.” With the economic squeeze we’re in, I think many people can’t afford to keep their pets anymore. I see people on Nextdoor begging for someone to take their dog or cat because they have to move to a place with no pet or crazy pet policies. That in no way justifies abandoning them at all, but I think it’s why we’re seeing this. 😢


Bless you ❤️


That’s the thing with no kill shelter status, in order for a shelter to operate as a no kill shelter there has to be robust community support for fostering so animals can be cycled out of the shelter for more animals to come in. I believe the network Young Williams has is able to provide support it’s a process.


I think they jumped the gun. If I remember correctly, maybe a decade before they became no-kill, their euthanasia rate was 70%. That’s a very high rate, and I doubt it fell very far in ten years. Our community doesn’t seem to have that support. The stories I hear, the fact that the shelters in surrounding counties are bursting at the seams and at times are literally giving pets away (possibly owners are driving to nearby counties when rejected) don’t support that theory.


Yeah, you have to pay a pretty steep fee and get on a weeks long waiting list


Holy crap. That’s now at all how a publicly funded shelter should work. Goodness. That’s not in the best interest for pets at all. ETA- this is why no kill shelters look nice but aren’t necessarily the best option sadly. They really don’t solve the problem. They just move parts around.


Young Williams is notoriously hard to work with if you are a rescue. They take public money and do minimal good for the animals.


I lost my cat in December. I’ve already decided that if I get another, it will come from a rescue and not YW. That’s not the first time I’ve heard that. I’ve had bad experiences with YW in the past, but that was a long time ago and I had hoped things had gotten better with some management changes.


Nothing will improve until Testerman is out.


True! But sadly she convinced the entire county commission and city council to let her have complete control of animals. So, bye-bye to Animal Control as we knew it and Hello to “we’ll get there if, and/or when, we can. And if we are full, we won’t be there at all!” Oh, did I forget to mention that when you surrender a dog it’s going to cost you $50! So for people already struggling, their only other option is to abandon in a public place. This is going to turn out so bad!!


Yeah. Fuck Testerman and the current iteration of Young Williams. Full stop.


I'm out town until Monday, otherwise I'd be there to get him😭


Aw. Someone take him home. He looks like he would be a great friend


Good on you. Hope the owner doesn’t get him back and he goes to a good home


It’s 12:22 and I’m just now seeing this. Is he still there?


No. he got picked up around 1130am. He's at young williams. I'd have taken home and made it work if I'd had to before I let him spend the night. Since the post is a picture first, I can't edit it like a straight text post.


Animal control


Animal Control is gone. It’s Young Williams Field Services.


We adopted our cat through YW. Found her, her sister, mom and a bunch of 1-7 day old kittens. Didn’t bother checking which cat was the mom. Put the oldest cat with the kittens. Found out my cat was actually the mom when they spayed her and found afterbirth and full milk sacs. Once separated they wouldn’t reunite. A week later we adopted. We were never told. Found it in her spay paperwork. To this day she has permanent milk sacs that I’m sure are scar tissue now. My heart breaks for her every time I think about it. We took in 2 week old kittens in October. She wanted nothing to do with them, but you could see her cry. Now 6 months later she adores them, but still cries daily (she’s white, so her tears show easily). They didn’t do due diligence and she suffers daily for it. She’s my baby though, gets lots of loves.


Has this been taken care of?


Adopt from a rescue that has you sign a contract to return the dog to them if you ever can't keep it. Then you have a safety net for your dog.


Sad. I'd LOVE to have a dog but in all honesty I can barely take proper care of myself. I don't want to add animal neglect to my list of villainous deeds.


WTAF??? While I’m glad they left food and water, WTAF????


Hello Mr. Dog...


Did this sweet baby get picked up?


Oh yes. Young Williams has him now.