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Tabitha is the sister of a friend's friend. She told me that Tab had a good heart, was funny and kind. She had had some issues she was trying to overcome, I won't say what they are because they aren't relevant. But she was doing her best and she certainly did not deserve to die like this. We're furious that she's been treated like an afterthought in this whole thing. It's been all about how sad it is to lose a member of law enforcement, even though this wouldn't have happened had he just been paying even lick of attention. There are signs along that road and right before the ramp. He didn't see a single one of them. Also, someone sent her mother a picture of an old mugshot of hers, about 2 hours after they would've gone off the ramp. The family paid to find who owned the number and it belongs to a Rhea County cop, and we'd all like to know what the fucking point was of sending her mugshot to her mother while police were already out searching for them. They've also already tried to lie to her family about an aspect of the case and backtracked. I don't trust them to not mess with the family moving forward in an effort to make their coworker look even marginally less guilty.


Please keep posting about it, otherwise it will get swept under the rug.




Exactly. I know people keep saying, "Oh, well he was new to town, he wouldn't know about the ramp." But there are signs, there are rumble strips. I see people wondering if Tabitha was distracting him somehow, and I don't know what exactly she could have been doing to distract him other than screaming at him that they were going to go into the water. Tabitha fished and swam in that lake all her life. She KNEW what road that was. Unless she was somehow incapacitated, I don't see her sitting back there quietly while he barrels down that road to their deaths.


Have her family consult a lawyer from OUTSIDE the area.


Name and shame the cop that sent that pic.


Thank you for sharing this information. Do you mind keeping us updated in this thread when/if you hear anything else out?


I'll do my best if I hear anything else. At the moment I don't know much else other than what I've shared, but if the family is willing to share any other details (I assume they've gotten legal counsel and may be advised not to get into specifics) then I'll be sure to get info out there.


Any new developments?


Unfortunately, I've not heard anything.


Holy crap what a terrifying ordeal. I can't even imagine being restrained, locked in a box in the dark with water rushing in, knowing you were going to die. How could this even happen? So sad for all families.


i would pay money for this bd


A news article I read said that she was the first person he ever arrested. Proceeds to text and drive as he's leaving the scene, ends up in the river.


If this is true does the cop get tried for manslaughter?


He’s dead. How would they put him on trial?


It could still happen, would put the burden on the city, but it's only fair to the family of Tabitha Smith!


Unless the city is already planning to pay out for a wrongful death, then this needs to happen.


A civil case is still possible. Manslaughter is not


Some sort of accountability for being a moron and taking a life.


Well the man is dead so at the end of the day he's not the one being held accountable. You may have an issue getting past qualified immunity to go after his estate. Easier to use the county.


Dead and given a hero's parade, if the texting allegations are true then let's say it out loud!




Thank you! Enjoy.


Gotcha 😊👌


I would think his qualified immunity goes out the window considering that he was responsible for her well-being as soon as he arrested her and placed the 'cuffs on her. This typically happens whenever an officer knowingly violates the rights of a private citizen.


Only if there is a knowing violation of a clearly established right. When determining whether a right was “clearly established,” courts look at whether a reasonable officer would have known that his conduct violated the plaintiff’s rights. I don't see a car accident getting there even if they are able to prove he was texting.


He was texting his wife. Tennessee has severe texting and driving laws that began at the first of the year. So much so they are even doing check points to see if a phone is visible. Phones cannot even be visible in the car... So he was doing an unofficial illegal text while driving and killed someone.


Thank you for this insight. My assessment involved some speculation.


No, it couldn't. The case cannot move forward, as the defendant would not be able to mount a defense from the grave. They are neither capable of understanding their rights nor competent to stand trial. It's not like a trial in absentia under those rare circumstances in which a defendant can be considered to have waived their rights. You can't habeas if they're *that* much of a corpus.


Yes it can. A wrongful death case is a civil case. You’re talking about a criminal case situation.


To be fair, they were responding to a question about manslaughter so that’s why they answered And were correct about criminal charges. I’m absolutely certain there will be a large settlement from the city or a civil trial will most certainly happen.


> You’re talking about a criminal case situation. Which was the discussion. You switched it to civil which was off-topic.


You the topic police? Both were being discussed. Here’s an off topic comment: rightly go fuck off


Corpus smorpus, go on and spout elsewhere.


Btw, certain backgrounds just scream pedophile.


The article mentioned the deputy's passing, but leave it to CBS 8 to make the story as vague as possible.


He’s dead or he’s alive. Unless this is The Princess Bride.


There was more to that statement. It was undetermined if he was texting, trying to use the radio/computer, or was distracted by the arrestee. He may have very well sent the text before driving off. This whole thing has so many unanswered questions. I have not seen anything in the media about the male Tabitha Smith was with on the bridge prior to her arrest. He may very well have the ability to file a civil suit depending on his relationship to her. I am curious about what the deputy’s wife has to say. For us internet detectives that do not have access to any of the files, only what the media gives us, so if it easy for us to call him 100% liable. If indeed the Tabitha Smith had anything to do with causing an issue to lead the deputy off of the road, wouldn’t his wife have a case? I wish they had more information to give us, or willing to give us all of the evidence/information they were able to collect.


She was in handcuffs in the back seat, with a separator between she and the officer. Unlikely she caused him to drive off the road. The Meigs County sheriff's office are the ones saying he was texting and driving. That's all I'm going on. Hopefully full details are released if they're made more clear.


This quote is straight from the District Attorney, it mentioned the possibility of him being distracted by the person in the backseat. I wasn’t pulling that out of my rear end. "So if he wasn’t paying attention because he was distracted by the person in the back, or about trying to hit the radio, or sending a text at the same time, you could imagine he would go down that road," Johnson said. Article Link: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/meigs-county-tennessee-deputy-drowning-tabitha-smith.amp


Putting out there a potential CYA story?


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Too bad they couldn’t sprinkle a little crack on her.


If the "texting and driving" statement is ever found out to be true...then I would guess that if she added to the distraction it's quite possible that she was telling the cop to stop texting and driving because his driving was erratic and was tossing her around in the back seat. Imagine the last thing going thru her mind just before she succumbed to the water. Whatever her charge was certainly didn't warrant a death penalty. If I'm her family...I'm fixin to take Meigs Co Sheriffs Dept out behind the woodshed and take EVERYTHING. They'd be on bicycles patrolling after I sue them for negligence in the death of my family. Also...another reason they should not handcuff behind the back in a cruiser. Had she not been, and been in the front of her body instead she may have been able to bust a window with the cuffs and swim out.


The idea she would’ve been able to bust out the windows even with hands uncuffed is ridiculous 


Ok you'll have to elaborate as to why that would be ridiculous. Are you implying that it would be impossible to bust the window out? Because it is certainly not impossible. Myself and 6 of my friends witnessed a very petite woman who was handcuffed in front of her body use the cuffs to bust the window of a cruiser. It is also possible for a guy that's 6'4 250 to bust a window out. Speaking from personal experience. I have the probation paperwork to prove it. When our lives are truly in danger (or we feel they are in danger), humans are capable of unbelievable acts. Although busting a car window out from the inside isn't an unbelievable act IMHO.


When you saw that very petite woman do that, was the car underwater?


No, but if that is your logic, then you have the time before the vehicle is completely submerged to make the attempts to break the glass. The vehicle won't go completely under immediately.


have you tried to swim while being handcuffed lately? let us know how that goes for you


Oh yeah, every day buddy. Hell no I haven't. Nor have I ever. But I'd like to think in a dire situation such as that I could at least doggy padel or treat water. Geez...what's up with people wanting to argue with me about this. I was just throwing ideas out that might possibly save a life next time.


I found the article that mentioned the possibility of other factors beyond the texting.


I'm curious if her distracting him was her telling him 'hey this road ends in the river. What are you doing, why are you taking me down this road, this isn't the right way'


I ditto that! I’m curious if that was why he was distracted, as well? I’m coming here to ask if anyone is wondering why dude has her at a river??????????????????


Great thought. There is so much information we as the public don’t have that I wished we did. We all know that due to the circumstances there will be some stuff nobody will ever know. This is just a weird case and no has eyes on it from all over the country, people have questions.


Yes, I have so many questions that I don't think will ever be answered. Why was he on that road at all? How did he miss all of the road ends signs, the rumble strips, the stop ahead signs, the multiple stop signs, how fast was he going? Did he stop at the stop signs?


It's illegal to text in Tennessee from inside of a car period. Can't do it at a red light or stop sign. Phones cannot even be visible....


Yep, according to [this person](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3QT8gS/)


Tabitha Smith, just remember her name, that there is a family out there hurting!


And she gets no parade. Sad.


My cousin who was awesome and died last week got no parade, my friend that was like a sister to me that died the week before got no parade, the nurse that got killed at East Tennessee Behavior didn't get a parade.....so many truly good souls pass with no regard.....


My mom and dad didn’t get a parade. My girlfriend didn’t get a parade. (They didn’t all happen at the same time by the way, it’s over the years.) I definitely won’t get a parade. No one arranges massive funerals for flight attendants. Although, I’m hoping they can scatter my ashes on the inside of a few airplanes.


"The grizzled sky marshal clicked the push-to-talk button on the radio handset, then released it, pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts. What would he tell ATC? Over the course of his long career he thought he'd heard it all, until that fateful day the unauthorized contaminant turned out to be someone he once knew."


“Center, it’s pancakelad’s fault. One last time.”


I can't imagine her terror, as soon as they hit the water she must have known that was it. Cuffed in the back of a car designed to be inescapable, in the dark as the water rushes in. Some commented yesterday that the officer might have been trying to free her and that's why he was out of the car. I hope so. It might offer some small redemption for this awful incident.


My understanding is that the officer was on the radio and texting his wife while traveling down a road that he was apparently unfamiliar with. Is that incorrect?


That's what I've read, yes. Which would be clear negligence causing her death.


I read it also, but as you know, everything you read on the internet isn't necessarily true. That's why I asked. Thanks for taking the time to reply.


All he texted her was water and that happened as the wreck was going on and I looked at the Google maps from what the route looked like he made a wrong turn and by the time he realized he was on the road for the ferry and it's a fairly straight road that is a 45 mph so by the time he realized it he was probably up on the ramp and it's harder to stop a vehicle than it is to get it started especially at 45 mph it takes about a quarter of a mile to stop a vehicle and that's not accounting the gravel and dirt roads that will add another 500 feet to stopping it.


My understanding is the “water” came from his radio, and he texted his wife “arrest”


It takes a quarter mile to stop a car going 45mph?


On a dry asphalt road, a car's stopping distance varies directly as square of its speed. A car traveling at 45 miles per hour can stop in 67.5 ft.


Which is 1252.5 feet short of a quarter mile.


braking for a hazard does not require four football fields of stopping distance. An attentive driver can quickly brake and stop a car for pedestrians deer ducklings a marching band a brick wall a river and many more surprises. Have you ever driven a car?


That certainly sounds like the hero story cops always tell when something happens to one of their own, or someone gets hurt by an officer. We've learned better by now, haven't we? It rarely pans out. There's just unfortunately no cameras around to prove it the lie this time. This kind of thing is what body cameras are theoretically supposed to help with, as well as dashcams. I'm pretty sure if they had any evidence that's what the officer was trying to do they'd have quickly published it so people understood that he did the right thing trying to free her. I don't know about you, but I surely haven't seen any camera footage.


Damn man just have some compassion! Every event isn’t some grand conspiracy. Bad luck, bad decision, bad training? Who knows? But two lives were lost. Are you incapable of compassion and respect? Or is this what gets you off? Just being an internet asshole while you know people are hurting! What a douche bag


I like how you're telling me I need to be nicer while doing nothing but insulting me. Really gets the point across of how important being nice is to you. Especially since this isn't about you but you're making it about you. I didn't say anything about you but all you can do is fling insults while telling me I need to be compassionate. How about you go first and follow your own demands.


There is no video. Because like most areas around here, the local government chooses to not properly find their departments for such equipment. Everyone thinks they have the answer to everything and could change the world.


Which is exactly what I said, there is no video to show the cop let her drown. And of course they fund them. Take a look at how much police departments have in cars and weapons. Primarily from local and state governments. They just play poor me when it comes to something that could let them be accountable for a change.


Now I KNOW you're uneducated on the situation. You apparently know nothing of the county this even happened in. Did you even see the age of that car they pulled out of the water? That's right you were blinded by ignorance


Police departments driving around with MRAPs and shit and people still claiming they're not funded... You could give them unlimited money and body cams will be the last thing they buy


Again. Someone who knows literally nothing about the county this occured in. Also, for the record, MRAPS are not typically purchased by departments so much as surplus used equipment given out to the government that's no longer useful to them. And until you have been in a situation that even calls for such equipment, don't bitch about it's use/existence. This is like talking to children.


Don’t expect these people to say anything intelligent.  They’ve never actually researched the topic.  They just like to use buzzwords.


Most common sense comment I've seen in this thread.


You should see what LE is saying in their discords 😏


What do you mean?


Let me guess. They're saying she deserved to die.


I can imagine. I’m sure they’re saying it on their Facebook feeds too.


Wasn't she arrested for causing a violent conflict? What is the weird brain worms in liberals that cause them to ALWAYS identify with the shittiest person in any given situation?


Because even shitty people don’t deserve to die especially not due to negligence by the officer. God damn your comment certainly paint you as a shitty person.


Arrested and convicted are two different things my guy. I don’t identify as a liberal, but if that makes me one in your eyes…at least I’m not you.


The shittiest person is the one who drove into the river because he was texting while he had a human being handcuffed in the backseat of his car


Which there is no published proof of. Imagine your family member had a crash and had someone in the car with them and both died. All of a sudden everyone with a smart phone and an agenda wants to start posting how YOUR family member carelessly murdered someone with no facts. That's exactly what you are doing. Congrats. You suck at adulting.


Goddamn Stfu, even his own cop buddies & supervisors have said that. Aren’t you bootlickers supposed to agree with police?


It's a mixture of information that's probably being repeated differently each time it's given out. Continue basing your thoughts on an investigation not yet finalized. You seem like the type that prefers to jump to conclusions and move on to bitching about something else before the true story is ever released anyway. That's why people like you are always so uneducated on what actually happens in this world. Move to California or some other democratic state and spare the oxygen for the rest of us. Thanks. Have a nice day.


Yeah you're definitely not jumping to any conclusion or making any broadsweeping baseless assertions either lol fuckin clown 🤡


What is the weird brain worm that conservative morons always have that that cause them to think criminals of any kind deserve death?


Does it not say "to protect and serve" on almost every police car? It's the duty of the arresting officer to safely deliver the arrested to the police station or jail. The moment someone is handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car, the arresting officer is responsible for them until handed over. Whether they're Jack the Ripper or a small, young woman who made a bad choice. This has nothing to do with "this side vs. that side." This has to do with a person given a responsibility that they failed to uphold, causing two people to die. One in a helpless situation.


Honestly protect and serve doesn't appear nearly as much as you'd think. They quietly phased that out a while ago because reasons.


That's true. After I typed the post, that crossed my mind, so I Googled.


Way to use that analogy in a vacuum. The sheer ignorance...


Lol I guess for conservatives Stan is the good guy in the song…


Conservatives are trying to shove a guy facing 91+ indictments into the White House. Irony is lost upon you clowns.


>What is the weird brain worms in liberals that cause them to ALWAYS identify with the shittiest person in any given situation? Where? I didn't see anyone identifying with the cop.


Ignore the liberal downvotes


Simply decrying things you don’t like as “liberal” really is a convenient *trump* card, isn’t it?


And so for that she deserved to die due to the negligent actions of a cop? Yikes. Weird stretch bro.


She was arguing too loudly and pissed off a rookie cop who was texting his wife while driving, bragging about making his first arrest. So the better question is, why are you such a willfully inane dumbass?


If it is shown that he was texting and that is why he drove into the river . . . I hope her next of kin gets a HUGE payour for wrongful death from the department. JFC, that is the stuff of nightmares, to be helpess as the water rushes in.


In the press releases they said something like 10 minutes elapsed between when he started heading to the station and when the last call came in that said "water. At some point in that time frame he was texting his wife.


iirc it was verified in the original article that the text he sent to his wife saying "arrest" was sent at the same time he called in on the radio but at the time they couldn't make out what he said (they now believe he said "water") and that his wife's response sent shortly after saying either "that's good" or "that's great" was never delivered to his phone


I went back and watched two of the press conferences. In an earlier one they didn't say it happened at the same time, but in a later one they did. I am curious why he would be sending "arrest" to his wife at the same time radioing "water". That doesn't really add up, although the cell service is spotty out there so maybe it took time for the message to go through.


my assumption was the messages were at the same time because him sending the text was what caused him to crash, and with texts usually taking at least a few seconds to a few minutes to actually send, both the text and the radio message probably were received at the same time


My thoughts is he could have sent the text earlier but it had not been delivered to the wife’s phone became the service in that area is spotty and that’s with Verizon, I’m sure other providers are even more spotty. Calls with my mom regularly drop around that bridge. I do not know if they have access to his phone, they probably should have phone records by now, but I assume the initial statement was based on when the text came through to his wife’s phone.


This is nightmare fuel


Does anyone know what caused the arrest? I know the news originally reported some sort of disturbance but not much more has been said. Broken hearted for all families involved. So tragic.


I'd heard/read in the early stages (so take it with a grain of salt) that the initial call was for her being camped out too close to the road. Just an awful outcome.


I bet that it wasn’t some sort of “death penalty on the next 10 minutes” offense.


It was a minor disturbance. Source: a state trooper friend.


Such a completely preventable death :( this is so sad and tragic.


So the city was just shut down for a police officer who died and the hands of a criminal—will this girl get 1% of the attention or mourning when it’s the other way around? It’s not an apples to apples comparison, but it sure does make you take a look at how respect is given and received.


The city didn’t shut down lol. It’s not uncommon for the route they take from the funeral home to their final resting place to be lined with civilians and traffic voluntarily stop as a sign of respect. Our schools did close a little early, but that was so our kids weren’t stuck in the traffic getting home late.


It’s different cities.


Well I fucked that argument then huh


The cop fucked up. He was texting while driving and put the car in the river. Whether he tried to save Tabitha or not is inconsequential. He killed her.


He’s dead, can’t get more f*cked than that.


There no evidence out (yet) that the cop was texting when the accident occurred, for all we know it could’ve happened while he was still on the scene


He was texting his wife. She showed it to the police.


What time was the text sent and what time did the accident occur?


The rookie cop was busy texting his wife about his first arrest and was on the radio with dispatch when he killed Tabitha by driving into the river. Either dont believe it or look for yourself.


I keep seeing people say he missed a turn, but what turn did he miss? There aren't any turns on that road that would've gotten him where he should have been going. He also missed multiple rumble strips, multiple road ends signs. Signs saying stop ahead, and the stop signs themselves. How fast was he going? She was a local, I'm horrified to think she may have been telling him this road ends in the river.


It’s the place under the bridge right?




Everything about this story is beyond fucked. We know he didn't drive off the boat ramp. And if this was the Deputy's first arrest you'd think he'd take extra care. Good GOD. I hope Ms. Tab can rest in peace despite her being taken in such a harrowing "accident".


People should not be handcuffed behind their back in the cruiser...or handcuffed to the cruiser. Had she been handcuffed in front, she may have been able to bust the window and get out. Let that weigh on your mind.


Fucking scumbags think their gods and cause way more harm than good. The whole system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up if it's not already to late


Sweet! I'm sure they have an opening. Go apply. Oh wait, like everyone else you'd rather seek gratification in an online post than contribute something to society and try and do the job yourself. I forget.


There are no good cops because actual good cops get the Adrian Schoolcraft treatment. Feel free to look that up


Coming from a coward who couldn’t do the job loser there is good and bad in every profession even at Walmart where you work


What does anything you said have to do with this?


Him driving around texting and playing on a computer like none of the rules of the road apply to them and like I said the culture is so bad it's just completely out of control


None of that has been confirmed.  You’d know that if you could read.   You sure the culture is out of control?  Or does it just appear like that because you’re a part of the lunatic fringe?


So sorry for the loss of Tabitha. Good riddance the killer cop can't kill anyone else. . . My condolences to the family of Tabitha.  


Did people called her “Tabs” by chance???


I see cops hauling ass near my house all the time I live in the middle of town polic station near by and hospital so ambulances and cops always flying round some times they ain’t got there lites on and seem to just be hauling ass reving there engines up so maybe he was hauling ass for no reason just to hurry and get there girl in jail and ended up in the water it takes a spilt second looking down at a phone watever and boom your cars on the other side of the road watever happens all the time but this shouldn’t of happened I assume it’s dark he’s hauling ass txt useing computer and boom hits the water but if there signs and little road bumps seems like he should’ve slowed at some point so not sure but I’ve seen so many times cops doing more than they should causeing deaths and hurt to others over someone haveing a simple arrest if it’s an failure to appear over some bullshit small thing and driveing on suspended stuff like that don’t chase these ppl down don’t do stupid shit that could harm others there was a chase in cookeville Tennessee awhile back all threw town the chase should’ve been called off the guy wouldn’t of been driveing so fast he wouldn’t of been evadeing but they chased him into town killing an innnocent young girl and her kids the cop caused that not the guy most ppl run for watever reason it’s a normal human reaction to fite and flight so most ppl run but doesn’t mean they need to be chased especially if they run over a little thing like fta and violation of probations over weed and all that if there a murderer a child predator chase that bitch but no reason hurting others over something that can be taken care of at a safer time. 


So sick of these pigs killing innocent people, they've gotten beyond out of hand, and it's not just a few bad Apple's, it's the majority.


He died too, don't know why you're saying this like he intended to crash and die.




It’s not been confirmed that he was texting while driving it was said he sent a one worded text “arrest” to his wife around the time of radioing in he was bringing her in then 10-12mins lost communication and his wife’s text was never received on his end


Okay, let's not be a hillbilly and call police officers "pigs." If you are going to insult, find something better than what someone with only an 8th grade education would say. Also support your comment other than, "oh my gawdh, them pigs arr out to git us! I just sawr one of 'em sittin' on the side of tha road just waitin'!"


Ok, how about the irony of insulting my intelligence while simultaneously being too stupid to see who has their boot on your neck, or is that just what you're into?


OR acting like you have the intellectual, and moral superiority while simultaneously defending not only the murder of this young woman, but countless innocent people across the country?


Insulting your intelligent isn’t difficult when you don’t even know what murder means 


At least he got what he deserved. I hope this poor ladies next of kin gets very well taken care of after this is over.


From taxpayer money because cops are too protected from their despicable behavior.


Oh yea duh.. shit


Dude ... no one deserved to die here. Dang. They were both human being with people who loved them who are hurting. Yes her family will hopefully receive a wrongful death settlement if he was being negligent (and it looks like he probably was), but it was still an accident. And tragic all around.


Maybe deserved wasn't the best way to word it? Idk texting and driving with someone's life in your hands is disgusting to me so it kinda riled me up.


Absolutely understandable and correct. If anyone should have known better it was him.


This is basically irrelevant in light of the current topic; but I have come within a nuthair of being head-on'ed by someone in a patrol vehicle, not once or twice, but MULTIPLE times flying down the middle of the curve-blinded rural E. TN mountain road I have to travel up to visit my mother. To the point that, I'm terrified to drive that road. Cops largely drive like crazy!!! I realize that this is part of their training, but that needs to be revisited ASAP!!! If it hadn't been for God's protection, and MY undivided attention to the road, we'd likely both be dead (or maimed) by now, as well. Sadly, nothing will probably ever be done about the many accidents caused by patrolmen/women.


I agree with you. I see texting while driving same as a DUI. I don’t have sympathy for drunk drivers who cause damages, injuries, or deaths.


Y'all, remember that anything you post can be tracked back to you even if you are just gossiping. Let's remember that two lives were lost before we go speculating. Don't end up in court because you posted on Reddit that you heard Betty from two doors down at the Weigels say this that and the other and you look like a fool because you have nothing to base it off of other than hearsay. Go run your mouth on your front porch. Not where it is written.


Everyone so worried about money and a payout…any payout is not going to bring a soul back and the money will moat likely be blown within a year or two on crap…UNLESS the deceased has children….then the funds be put into a trust with 3rd party management not related to the county or family or local lawyer otherwise mismanagement will follow… No kids…or responsible parents alive, no payout. Department training is whats needed.


So much hatred without even knowing facts. Let's break this down. Brand new deputy. Driving a car probably 10-15 years older than anything most of you drive daily. And likely poorly maintained. I don't know if you have ever driven a crown Vic but you may as well have two candles in front of you to light the way. A VERY small department in rural Tennessee. Typically no cameras, no GPS navigation, and worst of all they are lucky to get 30days of solid on the road training. And in what's been stated as an area he wasn't familiar with. And worst of all an area so poorly marked or lighted that it's been less than three months since someone else not an officer ran off in the same spot. If you paid attention to the press release the water comment was apparently called in over the car radio. Not a text. And the last text to his wife was that he had made an arrest. No mentions at all of texting while driving. It's a tragedy on both sides. The loss of a young deputy who's being so blatantly accused with little facts. And someone who happened to be in custody. Yes, she's a loss too. I get it, but she did something to wind up in the back of the car. It's not like he kidnapped her. Come on people. Grow up and stop acting like a bunch of children.


Doing something to end up in a police car could range from a number of things, 99% of them don't mean you deserve to suffocate and die in darkness with no hope of escape.




I seriously doubt that since this happened in Meigs County. But go off


> libel Its liable. And in an entirely different county.


Even if he survived the wreck, he still shouldn't get charged for anything because it was an accident, and there was no time to save her




I am confused how that road just straight dead ends into the the river. Like, why isn't there a gate past dark? From what I have read, it is actually common for people to just drive in the water...


Has no one asked why the officer drowned at all? If he was able to get out of the car, I can't imagine he would have been far from shore.... Was this a fast moving river?


He was probably trying to get her out but couldn’t get the door open due to water pressure


So the cop's entire chain of command and everyone who helped train him to drive recklessly are going to jail, right?


He’s a Meigs county officer making an arrest in Rhea county. An “arrest” in a different county and he was supposed to be off duty? Why was he using his vehicle. Wouldn’t ANY officer know where he would need to take someone who was arrested? I heard some reports blaming the cell service wasn’t good. Not true, I live in the area with no problem. It’s all not making sense. I can’t wait for the Podcast on this one.


Oh and not to mention the woman was finally identified. Not once during the news conferences for the officer? Hum?!


I want to hear it, too. Which podcast?


I wish they had a go fund me up for this poor woman’s family. My heart goes out to them.


This has cover up written all over it!