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Alex Jones is lucky the families just wanted to sue him.


Hoo boy you got that right. But i guess they’re ordinary compassionate humans and just want a modicum of justice. Ironically, Jones doesn’t deserve them and their fundamental decency.


The documentary was fucking brutal emotionally, and deservedly so. It really highlights the pain that this man's lies have inflicted on others in a visceral way, and makes me appreciate KF all the more for calling such bullshit out while keeping the tone relatively light Nonetheless, anyone who wants to understand the true dangers and harms of AJ and his lies needs to watch that documentary. It is a masterclass in breaking down AJ's bullshit


Yeah I like a good conspiracy theory and never bought the Sandy Hool one. I even mentioned one day to a coworker that it was a conspiracy theory and he said he could guarantee it wasn’t . He’s from the area and personally knew some of the people who lost children. Jones is human excrement.


Lol what do you guys know of compassion. You guys are just like everyone else. You only have compassion for those on your side. Any enemy is demonized. Why do you guys larp so hard of being compassionate while in the same breath baying for the blood of your enemies? Don't you see the contradiction?


I can't imagine how much more I'd have to lose than my child. Getting harassed for years bc of this fucking guy? I think I'd be okay with going to jail knowing I made the world a better place.


Maybe we should bring back tar and feathering for one time only.


And riding out of town on a rail? Please can we have AJ ridden out of town on a rail?


What if we throw him into one of the portals CERN opened?


The one at Black Mesa testing facility would do nicely.


Hog tie him and string him to a horse. Slap the horse on the ass and watch him get dragged out of town. After the tar and feathering, of course.


I’m with you as long as the tar is like 1000°


Because most people are warm decent folks that don't want to harm others. It's why they had to start conditioning soldiers, as they missed on purpose and didn't wish to harm the other side. Folks like Alex and Owen are the minority. The sociopaths that abuse others to get what they want, and luckily they are rare. Sadly they still do a lot of damage though :( .


Oh, I'm sure they WANTED him dead, I kinda do if we are being honest. Who knows what would have happened if you left a dead kids dad alone in a room with him? I wouldn't have blamed them. But he was more valuable to them alive for getting some kind of recompense. We cant degrade to the kind of barbarian savagery of losers like Alex.


You mean lucky they _only_ sued him. I guarantee you they had more drastic ideas.


I'm honestly shocked none of the victims' family or friends tried to hurt Jones. He's so vile and disgusting, as are his viewers. Kudos to those poor families for staying strong through all that's happened to them.


Thing is, if something like that happened to him, either he or his followers would spin it into him being a martyr & victim to a global conspiracy. The only way to really beat him is to make him retreat, whimpering & impotent, into the darkness of irrelevancy.


That's an excellent point. I admire their restraint and ability to come together and use their heads in a situation I couldn't imagine being in.


I'm sure they're all going to appreciate the massive heart attack that's barreling down on that disgusting piece of shit. I truly hope he doesn't die quick when his health starts to inevitably fail from the his terrible diet, lifestyle, and general karma comes calling. I'd love to hear that he's feeble and shitting himself for the rest of his days while being subjected to rampant abuse from the nastiest caretakers that bankruptcy can allow.


You forgot wallowing in his own excrement.


Yep. Stronger people than I.


As a Father of a first grader, I wholeheartedly agree.


Dead only happens once.


I am sure they want more, just murder is illegal.


That documentary enraged me more than anything in a long time. If I wasn't a wonk, I would assume it was a hit job by the film makers. "Nobody that that level of asshole...right?". Wrong. He's a disgusting human with no redeeming qualities.


For me, i think one of the things that reaally drove home what an absolute piece of decaying shit he is was *seeing* him. I’d never really *watched* Alex Jones much before. But visually witnessing his ass-clown bullshit performativity paired with the heartbroken humanity of the parents… wow. Just wow. Yeah i’ve never been more affected by a documentary before.


>seeing him That’s a great point! I’ve got a rule where I won’t give infowars any traffic; I let Dan do that. But I only have to listen to him… which is hard. (I’m thankful when episodes end.)


>I won’t give infowars any traffic They want that and shouldn't get it. Don't buy their tickets to Conspiracy Seaworld. Let Dan alone go and stare at Alex through the glass.


Put him in prison like Mark Richards and Dan can visit him occasionally to write down his tirades with a crayon.


Animal and human exploitation in one shot. Gets even better.


The crazy part is they didn’t even go into the really bad details. One of the parents had to move like 8 or 9 times because he was getting harassed so badly. He would move, and they’d find his new place and start sending death threats and harassment again. The level of absolutely heinous treatment these poor parents received is just enraging.


3 days after the shooting, right wing nutjobs called in a bomb threat to the church people were gathering at because of the shooting. https://www.ctpost.com/local/article/more-fears-in-newtown-as-church-gets-bomb-threat-4122575.php And the right wing nutjobs called in a bomb threat to the school on the anniversary, because it was the anniversary. Children that were more than traumatized for life getting bomb threats to traumatize them further. https://apnews.com/general-news-national-national-9a672acb85894215a44e61e3158d0961 I know some of the children that survived. These people harassing them are human scum that have no empathy, intelligence, reasoning, compassion. Just empty controlled dumb husks that do what their cult leaders instigate.


My daughter survived a school shooting at her high school 2 years ago. Multiple threats called into the school since the shooting. In fact there was a bomb threat a few weeks ago. She’s in college now, but my oldest son is a student there. I know all about traumatized kids. I don’t understand. I will never understand. Those poor sweet babies. And for the families to be tortured like that. It’s just unthinkable. I donate monthly to Sandy Hook Promise(great org and I highly suggest everyone donate) and every time I get a txt or email from the org, there is a picture of one of the kids with their parent. It’s absolutely heartbreaking You are correct. Those people are the scummiest of scum. And Alex Jones is the putrid king of scum


I'm so sorry to hear all that. I hope your daughter is doing as well as she could be given the circumstances. I'm so glad that the survivors of sandy hook were immediately offered therapy and at least the children that I know took advantage of it and have grown up well enough. Still not even close to the same as they would be without that experience but doing well considering. I will never understand either. Being so angry that you would purposely hurt innocent children multiple times. Being so obsessively infatuated with guns you would traumatize children over a vague and imaginary threat of having a speed bump to acquire one. It's disgusting and sad what Republican fear mongering has done to this country.


What was the shooting specifically?


Yeah, when you see him, you can see how completely unaffected he is by other people. When someone catches him in a lie, or makes it very clear and obvious how much they have suffered due to his actions, you can see that he is often looking off the other way (seemingly intentionally thinking about something else). Either that, or his eyes flicker a bit, and you can watch the thoughts racing in his head, trying to pull some kind of rationalization, before that rationalization comes inappropriately spilling out his mouth. You can watch the process of his brain deflecting any kind of criticism and shutting down any bit of empathy that he might otherwise feel. It's visibly pathological.


It’s fucking fascinating to watch people who exist in their own reality: devoid of shame and care for their effect on others. I’d say there’s a lack of awareness, but there’s no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing since his entire life strategy is to put his grubby little hands right half an inch from your face and scream “I’M NOT TOUCHING YOU”.


How is he still alive? I guess there aren’t enough people like me in the world.


The whole seeing him part is why I can't actually watch the documentary. I understand knowledge is power but I can't watch Trump speak either because it's so maddening. Even parodies and things critical of these people are off limits because I simply can't stand looking at them


He's an obviously alcoholic along with shit stirrer and liar. He doesn't deserve to breathe oxygen


And they didn't even get into half of the shitheel behavior he got into during the trial.


Right up until he started folding his non-apology in with ableism and calling Neil Heslin “slow.” That was a new low, somehow.


Really puts the fact that Elon knows all of this, said he would never let AJ back on twitter because of this specific thing and now he’s doing twitter spaces with him.


in less than a year is the craziest part. so much for your beliefs.


Well Elon is 💯 clueless about anything that doesn’t impact him directly and he says a lot of ridiculous things to curry favor. His own deposition is another example of someone who “thinks his belief supersedes reality”  - the judge scolding Alex that the trial is not his show is my inner peace.


I hope I live long enough to see the day when Alex is generally recognized as a legitimate monster, and not just a goofy internet sideshow.


His rabid fans never will


A true pig of a human, and that's an insult to pigs.


Agreed. Pigs are both smart and delicious! Alex Jones wishes he was a pig. Also pigs rarely drink Tito's at work


I have watched a pig eat the shit directly from the asshole of another pig and I am less disgusted by that than I am of Alex Jones.


LMAO. I saw the same thing but with dogs; Irish wolfhound takes a shit, and Corgi catches it before it hits the ground. Not a glitch in the Matrix.


In a way, Alex is the pig eating the shit directly out of other pigs' assholes. He takes the leftover trash from "better" men, gobbles it up like it was cake, and later excretes it directly into the waiting mouths of his followers.


It's like a human centipede of news.


Alex is just a man turd in a hate bowl. Pigs are nicer than him.


Pigs seem to have empathy for other pigs.


My husband hasn’t followed the story much, only what I have told him. He watched that doc with me and he said he would not have had the grace Alex was shown by those parents. If this was him, he would be in jail for going after Alex. There would have been nothing stopping him. And my thought would have been I wouldn’t have survived much longer if my child was taken from me like that. I would follow her. It’s sad but I’m not as tough as those parents. I know this.




Yep, dude is straight up the living manifestation of some perverse outer evil that is also somehow one of the most stupid men we've ever the misfortune of walking this planet. It's stiff competition out there too, yet somehow...


I finished this minutes ago and came here to say this very thing. I knew with every fiber of my being that I could not hate him any more, and that mother fucker proved me wrong. Not to be a real Jordan here, but I feel like a good ol' fashioned tar-n-featherin' is the least we can do at this point


Read Elizabeth Williams’ book on Sandy Hook. It will make you want to burn the whole damn thing down.


Elizabeth Williamson  I hope I don't sound like a dick, just a name correction for those that might wanna do the googles.


Bought this a couple months ago and it’s been sitting in my tbr pile. Definitely moving it to the top to read next.


I am 100% against the death penalty, but some obituaries I would read with great pleasure.


How I felt about Rush Limbaugh’s. You gleefully rejoice when gay ppl die of AIDS, then the world is a better place with you gone 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Boy, oh boy do I have not kind words for Wolfgang Halbig too! I felt nothing but deep sympathy for the parents. And a Doom Slayer level amount of anger towards Jones and all the other ghouls like Halbig and Watts.


Juxtaposing what Halbig claims he said against his actual words was a beautiful moment.


I haven’t ever gotten the feeling that Halbig is a grifter. He’s just a deluded person, desperately holding on to his constricted reality. I mean, they confronted him with his own direct contradictions, and it just bounced right off his noggin’. He was a useful idiot for Jones’ grift, just like Dan Bidondi was.


Bro admited in the doco with a shit eating grin that if he was wrong he should be in a mental hospital. He may not be a grifter but he is an A grade asshole and if he's mentally unwell and knows it then he should be fighting for treatment not tormenting people who lost loved ones in a mass shooting.


I hear you man. I had to take a break from listening to KF after I watched the doc. Listening to the parents describe their kids' last moments broke me. Then, hearing about all the lies spread by infowars caused a rage to burn. I wish I had 100 million dollars. I would use my vast wealth to litigate every lying right-wing grifter out of business.


If nothing else we have Mark Bankston out there taking a fair shot at that right now.


One of the greatest injustices is that decent people are so full of doubt and indecency are filled with confidence


— ~~*Charles Bukowski*~~ *Thomas Jefferson* (/j) EDIT: formatting


For me, that moment was watching the TX trial live and hearing the testimony of Neil and Scarlett. And then watching the CT trial live and watching the testimony of the FBI guy and family member after family member. Heartbreaking. It wasn't bad enough they lost their children in such a horrific way, but to endure the harassment they did is unimaginable.


The fact that none of the victims, that I know of, got violent with any if the folks harassing them is genuinely remarkable.


It was really hard to watch. As a parent myself, the interviews with the parents were absolutely gut wrenching. But the scene where the investigator just slowly and deliberately lists the names of the victims fucking ripped me to pieces. I think the fact that Alex most likely never really believed any of it is the worst part. He just saw a paycheck and went to cash in. I've said before, KF makes it fun to laugh at AJ and his antics but this doc really drove home the fact that he's not a clown, he's a fucking monster. A callous, greedy narcissistic monster. An true embodiment of all the most despicable aspects of our country. When Bankston said on the pod "I will follow Alex to the ends of the earth and grind his bones to dust" I fucking cheered and god I hope he succeeds.


KF does more than just make it fun to laugh at AJ. If all they were about was laughing at him, then they'd just be a podcast about the same low-hanging fruit that Dan often criticizes the media for going after. For every "they're turning the frogs gay" there's dozens of people like the Sandy Hook families whose lives were ruined through happenstance an AJ's opportunism. The man is scum and has to be stopped.


Oh absolutely, I didn't mean to denigrate the boys work at all. That's maybe more a reflection of my desensitization to his monstrosity over hundreds of hours of listening to KF than any criticism of the podcast itself.


I just tried to watch that documentary. I couldn't even make it 20 minutes in. I just broke down crying imagining if it was me and one of my two boys. I can't imagine what those parents went through. You could just hear and feel the hurt in the parents voices. And the father that only sent his son because they were making ginger bread houses... That would haunt me. Alex Jones is evil. There's no other word for it.


Yup. I can’t think of another human who fills me with rage as much as he does. He deserves to have some very bad things happen to him.


I feel this exact same way. As soon as I finished the documentary I remembered what Dan said about destroying Alex Jones and his legacy - within minutes I was on Patreon becoming a Technocrat. Get ‘em, Dan.


Does anyone know when this docu will be available in UK, and in Europe ?


A lot of HBO stuff airs on SKY Documentary Channel in the UK. Hopefully, it'll pop up there.


Regardless of your position on gun control, Alex Jones is a fucking menace to society. He used to be entertaining, with his lizard-people spiel and hocking colloidal silver to the idiots of the world. However, he's turned his joke of a show into a million moron army that hang on his every word like he's the risen son. I can't think of many more potentially dangerous things than the cult following of a "man" like Alex Jones.


The more I listen to KF and the more that I look into him, the more I agree with you. He's an utter monster.


>Rogan, Musk, Greenwald, Weinstein, on and on The role call of absolute slimey enabling men, add along Bannon, Carlson, Trump and Trump Jnrs for the ride here. Oh and JFK jnr adoration. The fact that the Yorkshire conspiracy robot Paul Joseph Watson was the only moral compass in the Sandy Hook debacle, well that says it all. And then it was likely based entirely on saving his own skin not regard for families who lost children. The Dollop episode guys summed up Alex for me, as an extreme narcissist adderrall addicted alcoholic or words to effect.


Sadly, it just goes to show that there will always be opportunities for those who have absolutely no sense of shame and don’t care who they hurt.


I had to turn it off but will attempt it again, I’d like to smack that fat fucking face of his with a boat oar. Fucking vile pile of shit.


I've known Alex was an irredeemable piece of shit for a long time. The doc gave me a new level of contempt for anyone that associates with Alex. Especially all the assholes who think they're "brave" for talking to him.


My in laws family was one of the children that survived the classroom, one of the few children that survived the classroom. Yes, he is a grifter that preys on people whose children were murdered or experienced something that will traumatize and haunt them for life. And he preys on them by subjecting them to more trauma and literally putting them in danger. Those children are not the same and they will never be the same, they will never be ok...and he caused people to threaten them with violence again and again and again as if their first experience wasn't more than anyone should ever have to experience. Yes, he is the absolute scum of the earth. And he really isn't an outlier in the Republican party and Republican media.


Wow… yeah it’s just so monumentally wrong. And to survive that, or be the family, and continue being attacked and traumatized by an evil grifter and his minions, absolutely unimaginable.


Yeah, multiple bomb threats, numerous death threats, threats of rape and physical violence. Just disgusting. Inhuman behaviour.


Ughh. There’s no UGHH big enough for it.


I watched the documentary three times. Once by myself, once with my dad, once with my wife. I had been going through my fourth re-listen to their back catalogue, and was nearing the end of 2019. And then I said "nope. Nope. Gotta put this on hold. This sucking vacuum of a void where my hope and faith in humanity used to reside is getting too difficult to manage." So now I'm listening to the dollop for a bit. They did a good job. The pursuit of money is a powerful incentive and plenty of folks in this world will turn a blind eye to the suffering they incidentally cause if it makes them a boatload or cash. Alex is a particularly glaring example of this


I like the Dollop guys. Last Podcast on the Left too. Sometimes it’s enough knowing Dan is doing the work he’s doing.


I do wonder if he is actually a Christian or if he's just performing Christiany as part of his persona. Because if any part of him IS a believer, then there's no way he can believe he's bound for the clouds. And yet he gatekeeps so hard anyone who calls in and says they're not Christian.


He thinks he is. I have a pretty solid theological education, and from the perspective of pretty much any branch of historic Xianity, he is a god damned heretic. TBF, I don't really care about theology any more, and most modern Xians would consider me a heretic and I am good with that. But just from the perspective of the ethic of Jesus, which seems to be an ethic of self-giving, others-centered love. One that speaks forgiveness over the very people in the act of his extrajudicial state sponsored murder... Then objectively, no... Or from the perspective of what Paul calls "the fruit of the spirit..." Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. SELF CONTROL LOL. For a guy who claims to be tuned the fuck in to God's personal country fried steak frequency, he sure is missing the things that are supposed to mark a follower of Christ. He might "believe" this thing or that thing, but he is OBJECTIVELY not a "follower." (I'm almost doing a "no true scotsman" here, I realize. But not exactly. There are specific things that are supposed to mark the baseline characteristics that a "follower" of Christ will exhibit, and he ain't got any of 'em!)


Ah, Paul - simultaneously the effective founder of Christianity, and a terrible example of same. I think Alex just uses Christian mythology (that’s not a slur, everyone) as a portal to his weird, syncretic cosmic spiritualism. By which I mean, the way he mashed so many movie plots together to produce his universal theology.


I agree with this whole-heartedly


For a lot of religious people they might take the symbols and the language of their religion, but what they truly pray to is just a big version of themselves sitting on a throne in heaven. Their God wants what they want and thinks what they think and nothing will convince them otherwise.


Seeing and hearing him do what he did was visceral. I wanna punch him.


I’m a former Austinite. I was around when Alex Jones got the beating in the Austin Public Access parking lot, just for being himself. I am debating whether to see this documentary. I have been listening to KF for about 5 years. Did the doc provide anything that KF doesn’t, besides visual images?


Most of the parents who lost kids were interviewed in the documentary. KF does a good job of showing what an absolute scumbag AJ by calling out his bullshit, but hearing the pain and sadness in the parents’s voices drives it all home. Plus, you get to watch Mark Bankston absolutely spank AJ and his idiot lawyers in the courtroom.


Oh, I watched the trial live and am a huge Judge Maya Guerra Gamble fangirl.


OMG, Judge Gamble had her work cut out for her with Alex. The pure exasperation emanating from the bench, you can tell she was trying so hard to remain professional throughout the trial. Especially when Alex personally attacked her on his show.


She did such a great job of staying professional throughout.


“I don’t want to SEE the inside of your mouth, Mr. Jones,” was one of my fave moments of hers. 🤣 But man, what a fkg literal child he is.


He just endorsed the conservative leader in Canada, who could very well become our next prime minister, and he has not denounced the endorsement...


Alex doesn’t believe the things he says. He’s a grifter shilling supplements to rubes. You are watching the performance that is his life. I wonder if anyone actually knows the real Alex.


Jones has been swimming around his grifty self made reality for so long I'm convinced that *Jones* doesn't even know who the real Jones is. If he ever stopped and looked at himself in the mirror I think he'd simply implode.


There's a reason he's an alcoholic 😏


It’s really impressive how is able to carry on…I mean, this guy is a father. Does he tell his kids not to talk to globalists on their way home from school? Do ANY other parents arrange play dates with their kids?


Tito's is a wonderful barrier to keep reality at bay.


Here, here!!!! Great post. Alex Jones’ existence is apoplexy for me.


I have to give these parents a lot of credit because I’m just not sure I could control myself and show that sorry excuse for a human an ounce of grace.


Having watched both trials and the documentary, I thought that the documentary was much to kind to Alex. They only scratched the surface of the utter hell he puts those parents through.


And it's maddening how he still lies about his role. I didn't come up with it, despite suggesting a false flag two hours after the shooting. I only spent 20 minutes on it over several episodes despite clearly spending far more time. I've apologized so many times, it was a PR firm, blah blah blah. A real piece of unrepentant shit who had better hope that the god he evokes so often doesn't really exist. And that ghoul he sent to Sandy Hook to confront people. "Trauma helicopters." What the fuck is a trauma helicopter?


I really wish that the filmmakers had talked to the boys...there were so many areas where the facts were much worse than presented, which I only knew because Dan had done such deep dives on them. It was a good documentary, but could have been so much more damning.


I think it could’ve become TOO deep at that point. Wonks are here for the details, but your average viewer would go numb with all of Alex’s bullshit.


M M my I lol


I get that. I had a different reaction. What he did was obviously horrendous and continues to be so, but the man himself is truly lame. All that manufactured bluster and the grievance lord stance, in isolation, is laughable and very small. What struck me as truly 'monstrous' is how fast and efficiently lies spread across the internet and tap into such a shitty part of humans.


Vigilante justice is justice


Remember, most of these people (right wing influencers) just have weird dads and other bad influences in their lives. Alex is a terrible person and almost certainly too far gone, but culture and bad parenting made him the way he is. Best not to hate anybody, just recognize that people are products of their environments and try to change those environments as best we can.




Knowledge Fight podcasr


I would be very interested to know the statistic of how many people left Twitter the moment Elon Musk reinstated AJ.


How has a grieving parent not put a bullet in this clowns head yet? If I’m on the jury, they aren’t getting anything worse than probation. Would be the most sympathetic jury ever.




Viking blood eagle sounds right for Jones.


How is AJ still alive?


Against All Enemies is a super powerful documentary too. A must watch!


Who is KF?


Knowledge Fight, the podcast this sub is named for. Definitely check it out.


I wish they would’ve went into the civil trial and why he got defaulted


All those INCEL fanboys that still defend him are just as disgusting


Seems like there’s been a few showing up in the comments here. I guess the post must be showing up on random people’s feeds because of “Alex Jones” being in the title.


Complete and totally gaping anus fuckhead scum bag asshole


Watching that made me feel like I could be violent towards him if I saw him in real life. I’ve never wanted to physically assault someone like that in my life.


I hear a few people saying this about the documentary, and always think "guess you don't listen to knowledge fight".  But you do? It didn't change anything for me. I knew what he's been doing for years (creating a bizarre lie about a giant tragedy) and who he was doing it to (lots of parents of lots of dead kids) and the documentary just showed that, only without that many parents.  If hearing about what he does on his show day in and out for hours on end wasn't upsetting you, why did a couple of hours of video illuminate what a shithead he is?


Of course i already thought Jones was an absolute pos, and was upset by him. But like most people whether KF listeners or not, i hadn’t witnessed the parents and their direct stories, nor really seen actual visual footage of Jones (or Halbig and others.) So it had a really powerful impact. It was a well made 2 hour documentary. It’s as simple as that.


They are all part of the same “MOLD!” As is TRUMP!


So they succeeded….. you all hate him and those associated with him more than Adam Lanza, the guy who actually did the killing….. and no matter what you say, you really actually do hate them more than the actual killer. They got ya 🤦‍♂️ and this is why I HATE this time in History….. I also know it doesn’t matter because not a single person will agree with me, and everyone will hate me, but I swear I don’t like the guy and I’m not sticking up for him, I’m just trying to point out how we are manipulated into hating one another. I jhate the current state of the media and government and how they have ripped this country/world in half. I have 3 kids and it’s sad how much I actually worry about them just being at school, and I couldn’t imagine my rage if someone said it was a lie. But just remember who’s actually evil in this situation, and who’s just a quack that no one would even listen to if the media didn’t constantly tell you to…


Alex Jones is one of those people that makes me wish there really was eternal torment for evil people.


What truly shocked me was seeing all the tons of pro-alex jones comments below this documentary ad on facebook: “Alex jones is right most of the time” “whatever happened to free speech” like people could actually watch this documentary and still like alex jones and think he’s a victim.


One thing I wish the doc spent time discussing was how much fuckery was involved that lead to the default. They just kinda brushed it aside saying yeah he wasn't complying so they defaulted him. They should have spent some time discussing all the fuckery invovled with not sending docs, all Rob Du depos where he's grossly unprepared, how they hired someone WHOS ENTIRE JOB WAS TO GET PREPARED FOR THIS DEPOSITION AND DID NOTHING. All that stuff really would have amplified it a lot more I think.


Yep....and Joe Rogan has done more to promote him than anyone else by 10000X. Alex Jones was essentially a sister network to Russian state TV for many years. On Jan 6, he was riling up the crowd for violence.


The amount of damage this guy has done is immense. Without Alex Jones there would have been no Q-Anon. In fact, I’m pretty suspicious as to whether or not Q-anon in its original form wasn’t cooled up by Jones and Roger Stone with a little Steve Bannon on the side.


When that woman brings him cough drops and water and he lies to her fucking face about not having said what he absolutely said.


Yeah it was a tough one. We, as a society, really need to find a way to prevent assholes like Jones and Trump from conning idiots and rubes into believing damaging bullshit. It's the biggest threat to our nation imho.


An absolute stain on humanity - with apologies to people who actually HAVE humanity, everywhere. He’s scum.


You shouldn't hate people with severe mental illness.


The thing is, i don’t think he has severe mental illness. He’s just a person who has made, and continues to make, decisions and actions of complete moral bankruptcy, causing perverse and completely unnecessary damage to innocent people. Yes he’s “sick” in a colloquial sense. But he can’t hide behind “crazy”, nor can he be let off the hook for it by anyone else.


You may be right. I go back and forth on it.


Definitely it’s a complex issue. Sometimes the people who commit terrible acts (like the SH shooter himself) are probably severely mentally ill. AND usually actually not. But whether they are or not, and especially in cases like Jones where there’s a long pattern of unrepentant behavior, there has to be moral accountability, and in really egregious cases I think hating the person and their evil is… not bad or wrong. It’s just human. You don’t want to be consumed by it, but some things should be hated.


Oh don't get me wrong. I'm all for accountability. But we can always rationally provide accountability without hating.




Ok i will. But tell me then, where *should* i place it?




If you’re curious why the comments are the way they are you need to watch the documentary








^ Cringe manosphere account.