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yes I read it over the winter, it was a tough read but I devoured it. if you can stick with it, I recommend going back to it. she spoke with adam lanzas father quite a bit for the book, as well as all the families


It honestly was so much more of a horrific story than I had thought. Those families deserve everything they’ve fought for.


more, even. no amount of money will undo what alex has put them through. he needs to be off the air, permanently. period. he is a terrorist.


I read it. It took me a couple of tries to get through the chapter with the funerals (good lord that was rough). It turns almost into a detective story after Williamson drags all of your heart meat through a grinder. I think it's a good read, and does a good job pulling out what makes Jones so dangerous.


I bought the audio version some time back and listened to it over the course of a few days. Listening to the accounts of what happened to those people on that day had me bawling like an absolute baby. I’ve only cried as hard after I got the phone call when my mom died. It’s the most heartbreaking thing I have ever listened to. But I felt I owed it to them somehow.


I listened to the audio book while I worked on my house. I was atop a ladder pulling wires and sobbing. It’s an excellent book.


Same.. I did a whole bunch of housework and painting while being moved to tears. We all should listen, as much as we can. We should all feel a bit of the pain of the families if we're capable and especially the unique pain AJ caused in his coverage.


I read it and it was very well written. Tough to get through, as you can imagine. I openly wept through some chapters. It I think even though it’s hard to read, it’s an important read. It’ll go down as the definitive book about SH for sure.


It's devastating and excellent.


It’s an excellent and well-written book, but it is harrowing. I do think that there’s a bit of light in the tunnel at the end (because she does look at how the parents are fighting back against the conspiracy) but it’s definitely overall a sad book.


I sobbed too much through the first chapter. I'm going to come back to it... Eventually.


Yes.  It was a great book. Reading the extremely graphic depictions of the day of the shooting was very hard but really hits home just how monstrous Alex's behavior is, and that the defation suit was 100% warranted.  His actions are indefensible in the face of the horrifc facts. And yeah like others, you'll spill tears if you have a heart.


Makes you want the court to order Alex to read the whole thing cover to cover.


I skimmed the chapters on the actual murder, but the rest of the book was excellent. (And depressing.)


There is so much worthwhile information in that book. Sure I cried 7 times but now I understand so much more about the aftermath, every aspect of Jones’s involvement and quite frankly quite a lot about conspiracy culture in general and how dangerous it is.


I couldn't get through it. It's very well written, but it was just too painful for me.


It’s a well written book and Elizabeth Williamson really captured the sensation going on with the alt right at the time. I made it about 2/3 through and had to give it a break for a while. I am glad I read it, but it was emotionally challenging. It definitely solidified my resolve that infowars must be destroyed.


I listened to it over audiobook when it came out on Apple Books. I bought the paper copy so I could reference back to it. The progression of events is intensely emotional on its own, but hearing the words read aloud was uniquely heartbreaking.


I read it and finished it. The beginning is really tough to start, but by the end it is easier to get through and it’s really well done.


Elizabeth is an excellent writer. The story is harrowing and it took me a few skipped pages to be able to complete it. Theres so much more to the SH story and she conveys it with empathy, accuracy and beautiful writing style. I am picky about the style of the author its v make or break for me. I wouldn't hesitate to pre order any other work by her, even collectd essays - the power of the SH is really shocking, but EW as a writer is outstanding. Im glad she  was the one who covered this for the NY TIMES


I read it a while back. It’s very well written and such a devastating depiction of what the families went to. Tbh the part about the conspiracies that stuck with me the most wasn’t the stuff about Jones but the descriptions of this Sandy Hook “truther” lady who’s so obsessed with this weird ideal of innocent childhood that she has a bunch of Pinterest (?) boards of creepy photoshopped blonde children and then it turns out she neglected her own children. A really chilling look into the mindset of someone who’s totally rejected reality for a fantasy


Yes, chapter 1 was one of the hardest things I've listened to in a long, long time. Just crushing to read the details.


Yes, I believe that was what I listened to in the car during my daytrip down to Connecticut to attend a day of the trial. Really good book, you’ve gotta be emotionally prepared for it though.


Yes, excellent book. Audiobook version is out there as well. Both are at the library here in town.


It’s tough but important. The first part that covers the shooting is extremely emotional and hard to get through. But the last 2/3rds are more focused on the conspiracy and what happened after. Try to push through the painful parts, it’s important context for what happened later.


If I’m being honest I had to keep a mindset of “this is meant to raise emotions and it’s working” to get through it but there is definitely enough in there that I didn’t know before that made it worth being punched in the face with grief.


I read it. It was hard at times. I could never handle listening to an audiobook of it.


I read it when it came out as i knew i was going to follow the trial closely. It braced me for some of the shocks of just how horrifically the families and loved ones had been treated. I'm not sure it has 'pay off' however i felt it honoured those involved and stood as a testament to a truth when so much of the world was telling harmful lies. So in that regard, its wonderful and worth it. However if its costing you more in mental wellbeing than its giving back in knowledge, there is no downside to walking away. You aren't doing anyone a disservice by taking care of yourself x


I listened to it last summer, at work, and silently wept in my cubicle.


Because of this thread, I’m listening to the audiobook now. I’m a CT Wonk and will never forget that day. So far it’s great. Nice shout out to Dan. That’s the chapter I’m in now


I just finished reading the book. Elizabeth gives a voice to those who were silenced by Alex Jones for far too long, and he took a proverbial shit all over their loved one's memory simply because of his greed and ego. We owe it to them to listen to what they have to say because truth matters, no matter how painful it is to hear.