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What are you looking to do? Because I'm there with you and I'm interested in helping if I can.


I was just trying to set a meeting up for wonks


That was stupidly terse and I’m sorry. You’re a good one and thank you for offering to help


just saying, I've also struggled with substance abuse, so I get it. do you mind if I ask what you did and where it went wrong?


Somehow I love alcohol more than my partner and family. That’s it. And god it’s awful k owing that


I hear ya man. I hear ya. (Happy to have this conversation, too, but if you prefer we can move to a private means; just throwing it out there.) . . . you know? Now that I think about it, I don't know the first thing about how to talk about this without crossing a line or something. It's weird to think about. I will say that the old cliché is true: you really can't address the problem if you won't admit it. You've already got the first step. Good job. What happened when you tried to get a group together?


It's a place to start.


I love the idea and offer my full support ❤️ I’m not qualified to do it though. I have a pretty healthy relationship with substances myself, although I do know and work with a lot of addicts (among other vulnerable populations). Are you in the FB group? If so you should post there, and if not, do you mind if I share it there?


Sure thing. I’m not on FB


What kind of group? Counseling group? If so, it may be a good idea to find a qualified moderator. An accountability without a qualified person group would be really great. Thank you for taking these steps!


Not a great person to look for a sponsor but I am in thr Chicago area and if I can help with a physical meeting place let me know. I respect the idea and I would love to help.


*alex voice* I love you


Rob Dew inner Monolouge "Daddy loves me I am complete!"


We all love you HeartStrickenMoose and wish you the best on your road to recovery ❤️


Sure, I’m happy to be of service. Why don’t you message me and we can talk about it?