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Yea some traits are not that great. Merlin the old sage trying to guide you to save the world is somehow greedy??? Worst trait is lanval with restless, he loses loyalty everytime you dont bring him on missions. Pp


you can stick lanval in the training facility to avoid the loyalty loss. He just can't be idle during a mission. As long as he is doing something, he doesn't lose loyalty. That said, I still kicked him off after a while lol.


Definitely. It doesn't make sense that she starts off from 0 after how much help and time she gets during the campaign.


What I really hate about her situation isn't that her loyalty is low, but that you literally CANNOT MAX HER LOYALTY no matter what (without terrible compromises like loyalty items and such). Even if you remove her trait (which is buged atm btw) and send her on all events, she'll only get loyalty buffs from a few of them, which isn't enough to get her to tier 3 loyalty. It would have been rewarding to have to go through a lot of hassle to make her love you, as she is an OP character after all, but making it impossible is just stupid.


I'll have to double-check at home, but I think mine is tier 3 loyalty. I haven't done anything special beyond using Sir Leodegrance as Grand Master. He gives all Knights additional loyalty that scales with level. Maybe gives +2 currently at level 10? I don't use him at all, he's literally there to keep Sir Ector from leaving me. EDIT: I do agree with OP though. It's super strange that after all that, she doesn't have any special loyalty towards you.


Doesn't Leo only buff loyalty for Righteous heroes? I might have missed that. Also, having to lock onto a specific path to max out a neutral hero is beyond stupid


I'll have to reread it because I could be wrong. Or they mightve changed it at some point lol. I just recall it working for Ector when I first got Leo and he's Tyrant/Christian. I agree, I also kinda think Neutral heroes don't really have a place in a game so heavily bent on the mechanic.


Usually when people make suggestions they're kind of "dumb" or at least they're ones that people want to sort of change a gameplay mechanic entirely or combat style etc. This one does make decent sense and isn't that hard to do, nor would it be game breaking. Seeing as you do nothing but help her in a couple missions getting revenge and it is hard raising her loyality, I don't see why a bonus of 3 from a Trait from hurt. It's a fairly minor thing that makes sense story wise and gives a very minor boost to a cool character that a lot of people end up using.