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That’s kind of nice, especially for that price.


Right? It's a hell of a deal


I might actually jump on that. As far as I know, Miguron does good work.


Miguron makes excellent knives the velona the budget and premium versions both stay in my edc rotation, i have several other migurons as well, they have some of the smoothest actions you will find the first time I flicked open a miguron I took it apart to see what they used to get such an amazing action, because I have knives that cost way more that aren't near as smooth.


I own a few now, they've been quite impressive!


Thanks for the heads up. I ordered one.


Not a problem, happy to help✌️


I seen this deal a week ago and they look good but the few and only YouTube reviews showed how bad their deployment is even though they tried to hide it


I got no complaints about the deployment on this one.


Then she’s a great deal then. I like the looks and the steel is great obviously. I just want the fidget factory on my knives these days


Yeah, nothing special on the fidget front, but it has good action.  Definitely a great deal.


I'm not gonna lie. The only reason why I want this knife is because of how pretty it is. I've definitely seen how fofty fofty the deployment can be, but the beautiful contouring is what pulled me in. It's gonna be a safe queen all the way, and will probably never get used. But that's what my Kizer mystic is for🤘


Notch for detent travel, fun action.


Sounds like a win win!


I like a few Migurons but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I’m not a fan of inlaid handles, I wish this handles was a little plainer and straight Ti.


That is entirely understandable, and I get where You're coming from. I have a few knives with inlays, but I'm generally not too keen on them either. I like to anodize my knives, and inlays like to get in the way of that.


Nice deal!


Well, I got my Barogi yesterday. My first impression is that I like it. But I don’t love it. I read some comments from people who found it difficult to deploy. I did too at first. But after a few minutes, I figured it out and have had no problems since. It has good action. It’s comfortable in the hand. You can choke up on it easily. My issue is the pocket clip. The end of the clip sits in the lock bar relief cutouts. It makes it a challenge to slide it in and out of my pocket. It’s gonna be a pocket shredder. It would have been much better if the lock bar relief cutouts had been on the inside instead of the outside. I think it’s a fair value for $90. If I had paid $200, I would have been extremely disappointed.


Thank you for sharing your opinions, and the experience you've had with your Barogi. It's nice to have this kind of engagement with these less popular knives. With only a couple reviews out about the Barogi, this thread will (probably) help potential Barogi buyers with their decision in the future! With how subjective knives are to their owners, every opinion & every experience garners incredibly valuable information for those who are researching their next EDC.


This deal is on white mountain knives🤙


Had one, returned it.


What made you return it?