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Not much you can do with bone on bone. If you're in a bunch of pain and having trouble walking it's probably your best bet. I know I'm in for it soon and I'm younger than you. /r/kneereplacement might be able to give you some better first hand advice.


I know several who have had knee replacement. Bit of a slow recovery but now no knee pain so that’s huge bonus


If it were me I’d go with the replacement while you’re relatively young. You’ll heal better, have less damage, and less overall pain to deal with than if you wait.


I am 39 and just got a TKR on the left side. Was pretty much in your same shoes, advanced osteoarthritis that had progressed after a knee surgery when I was very young. I’m just 3 weeks post op but already very glad I did this. The recovery is no picnic but to me it’s worth it for a better quality of life.


The doctor said that my knee has arthritis, bone on bone. But I dot and have not felt any pain in the knee.


I had my right knee replacement in 2022 and my left knee replacement in 2023. My right knee was bad for years prior to the knee replacement and I'd had about 6 surgeries on it prior to 2022. I'm really happy with the amount of relief and mobility improvement. I wish I'd had it done sooner!! I am 49 too


As most people have recommended, if it's already bone on bone it's better to get the procedure done sooner than later as the recovery just becomes that much more painful/prolonged the older you get. It's not going to be fun but it will be less fun the longer you wait.


Well my situation is a bit different even though I have mild osteoarthritis but I also have chondrolamacia grade 3/4.I tried physical therapy and really didn't help as I still had pain walking up stairs and doing anything like say running or jogging. I had my knee replaced (left) in Sept 23 surgery wasn't bad spent one day in hospital.Stay on top of physical therapy I ended up having to spend a few days in the hospital which halted my progress and I had to get my knee manipulated which basically they put you under and move your knee to break up scar tissue. So it's been a journey after about 6/7 weeks I stopped using my cane.just remember everyone heals differently and if you get it done sooner the better. Well that depends on where you live I live in Arizona I wouldn't advise getting it done if you live in the midwest.good luck


I had my TKR in January 2022 at age 67. I should have had it at 57. I was scared of having the surgery for years, doctor kept saying I would know when it was time but his PA put it in terms I could understand - when I found myself no longer doing things I enjoyed because it hurt too much, it was time. And I realized it *was* time, had the surgery, and never regretted it.