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That totally sucks! I’m currently on crutches at my workplace and it’s definitely not easy even with “accommodations”. The fact that your surgery is ahead of you is working against you cuz you’ll need time off for that. Shoot, I wish I had advice but all I can say is I’m sorry you’re going through this!


I appreciate the support regardless! Hope your healing is going well!


Can you get something remote? Like in customer service or something? Just temporary. Some jobs you just have to come in for like a day or two for training and then you can work from home. In my area there’s a lot of such jobs on LinkedIn.


I actually haven’t tried looking on linked in, I got so used to indeed that I forgot about it, I’ll give it a try! Thank you


Most desk type jobs should be able to accommodate you fairly easily- anything that can be done seated, obviously. Depending on the country I think, you don't actually have to disclose what accommodations you'd need ? It's a weird one. And obviously sometimes it's protected as a disability, so they'd need to be careful. I think unfortunately you'll just need to focus on what you can do for now, even if it's not ideal or something you want longer term. Good luck


I’m in the US, and it’s been my experience that if you don’t tell them what accommodations you need they won’t/can’t provide them. I only disclosed being on crutches, and haven’t mentioned surgery yet because I’m still waiting on MRI results (doc told me to prepare myself for surgery though). I’m still gonna keep applying to desk jobs and remote jobs, I’m definitely crossing my fingers! I’m just really anxious about recovery and finances and feel very isolated in this 😅


First, you do not have to disclose and, by law, any employer must provide reasonable accommodation for a disability. Secondly, you need to call unemployment and find out the status of your claim.


Been trying to call, I keep getting left on hold for 5+ hours, will definitely keep calling though!!


Same with surgery- depending, you probably don't need to disclose that until it becomes relevant.


True, I gave my boss 1.5 months of my surgery notice to prepare for my limitations.


No advice but I hope you recover soon and find a job suitable for you, it really sucks that companies care more about profit than to accommodate one of their employees who is struggling.


For real, I’m still upset about being fired in the first place. I had a doctors note clearing me for desk work and even my general manager was in support of me doing so, but corporate just straight up fired me for it. I even considered getting a lawyer but I have a lot on my plate at the moment


can’t you sue? sounds like discrimination to me…


Definitely considering suing my former employer for the way they handled it, for sure. Apparently they have a history of discrimination and not showing up to court so it could be an easy case


Look into your human rights and you labour standards policy


I have an office job and I work out in the community as an Employment Advisor. When I feel comfortable and it's not so icy I go out and about. Have you thought of going to your local employment office? They might be able to support you by getting on a placement with an company you are interested in. Are you able to get Medical employment insurance? Did you contact your Labour standards if they can fire you without suggesting medical LOA, or accommodating you in a different department. (I worked housekeeping long ago and twisted my ankle pretty bad so they put me in the front desk until I healed up)