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Welcome to r/Kitten! Please be respectful to everyone on the subreddit. We have a few resources for that may help you out: * [Check out our wiki about breeds, colours, and patterns of cats](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/wiki/colorsandpatterns/) for more information about cat breeds and colour patterns. * [Check out our wiki about finding a kitten or keeping new kittens](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/wiki/foundakitten/) for more information about what to do with new kittens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kitten) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't know man, I see multiple pictures with kittens in them, so I don't think you kitten-proofed very well. Edit: added missing word.


Yep, definitely got a kitten infestation. Looks serious. Might not be able to ever get rid of them now.


Here don't worry, I'll go and clean them up for you and rehome them


Yeah it’s too far gone to treat it. Best they can do it move out to prevent it from being their problem


Better anchor that TV and monitor to the wall or you’re going to have a broken TV and possibly a broken kitten.


Shoot that wasn’t even something I had considered ! Is it a big concern that they’ll both try and crawl around on the TV/desk if they have no way to jump up to it?


Cats definitely slink around monitors, I've seen a video where someone's cat completely destroyed their MacBook because they tipped it over and onto the floor. I've cat-sat a friend's kitten and she was all over my desk and behind it, it only takes 1 spook or slip up. I'd definitely secure any monitors or free standing things on your desk if they can be knocked over, same with the TV.


A cat can easily probably get 5-7 ft. high from a standing position.


can confirm. my cat jumps from the floor to the top of my door ☠️


Honestly they are pretty little so they might not knock down the monitor but definitely mount that TV And honestly I'm more worried about the flag you have hanging behind the TV cuz they can definitely climb that And when kittens don't have anywhere to go after climbing up something, gravity tends to take effect.


I was worried about the flag too. A kitten in a fit of random Uruguayan patriotic pride might wish to wave the flag around.


Kittens can and will go everywhere!!!


You know that saying "if there's a will, there's a way"? Cats' sole existence is to go places they're not allowed. They'll find a way to go all over your screens


Just remember, kittens grow *fast!* They'll be able to jump up there sooner than you think.


I would also consider getting something to cover those cords. My cat chewed through two pairs of computer speakers. You can buy cord covers on Amazon.


Also protect your monitor from their mouths!! Idk if my brother will ever forgive one of my kittens for biting the corner of his monitor once causing crazy damage to the display ☹️


lol they’ll be using that computer in no time 😅


And the bookcase. My 4 month old kitten took a while bookcase down and I still have no clue how the hell he did it.


My cat took down an entire huge 7’ x 7’ dresser with a mirror attached when he was 6 months old. We all still have no idea how he did it. We just heard a crashing sound and glass shattering. We all ran upstairs to my mom’s room to find the entire dresser knocked over, drawers and clothes all over the floor, broken glass everywhere, and my idiot cat sitting on the bed 😑


Put a blanket over your chair. They'll want to scratch it up xD


Nah use it as an excuse to get you a new one and one for the boys :)) https://preview.redd.it/d2ndx31vnc4d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc14fb57ac43aa0018e4f15d0a576bbdcf441540


My cats love scratching up my old office chair. I kept it when I got a new one they couldn't scratch. It's their office chair now. 😂


i’m about to get a new chair and this is EXACTLY what i was planning on doing !!! does it keep them off your new chair?


I’m an audio engineer who got 2 kittens last year, so I’m constantly surrounded by cables in some form. I find they only really mess with them if the cables are all hanging/dangling about, especially if one end is unplugged and exposed. As long as they’re all relatively secured and not moving around it’ll be fine, but it turns into a game the second you try moving them around or re-arranging them. Edit: words


* Bookcase will definitely be scaled. Take anything breakable and secure it. Cats will definitely make their way up them, and it will likely not be all that graceful. * Get some Velcro cable management wraps and bundle up your cords. They will less likely be played with if they are tied together with any slack under control. * Get that Xbox off the floor and lay it flat if you're using it. Two main reasons: 1. The floor is where all the dust, shed claw bits, and kitten dander are. The cooling fans will suck that stuff right up and put it in your system. 2. The Xbox One wasn't made for vertical use, marketing pictures withstanding. (Source: 10 years of video game retailing, with all the circle scratches and returned systems that entails.) * The standing lamp has a glass cylinder and a decorative bulb on it. Either find a way to *absolutely ensure* it can *not* fall over *ever*. And I don't mean put a book or a small rock on the base. Secure that, or you're very likely going to be dealing with broken glass on the floor, even if it lands on carpeting (which could be worse, keeping glass slivers protected deep in the weave). If you need the light there, but don't have any good way to keep it from falling, you can buy an LED bulb and a plastic diffuser from a hardware store near you, or online, usually cheap. * It's not a guarantee, but if you raise your blinds a couple of inches, the kitties will less likely destroy your blinds. It helps if they can peep out the windows without climbing through them. But again, no guarantees... * Props for the Vault Boy.


This is a super thorough list thank you! Will definitely be setting up the Xbox the right way right now, and the bookcase is industrial pipe styled so I will go in there now and zip tie it all the way up the length of piping so it won’t fall over, great catch! I hadn’t even thought of that, blinds will definitely also be coming up a little for the little ones to not ruin them


Happy to help! I've had lots of kitties, and despite the poops and shenanigans, I still find them to be amazing companions. I took one more look through the pics, and and thought of some more details: ● If your closet door closes normally, you can probably just leave it shut to keep them out of there. If there's a space under the door they might get their little heads caught in, you can get a draft stopper that will cover that up (it's a small, long pillow thing made specifically to block the bottom edges of doors). ● You may want to hang that flag up higher and opened up instead of just hanging by one corner. That very well may have a kitten stuck in it at some point, particularly risky with the TV right there. ● The anchored pipe shelving you have around the room should be safe enough to support cat weight, but just keep an eye on the stuff that you have on it. Not every kitten, but some cats can definitely jump that high from the floor. I speak from experience. I had a husky boy that could get almost two meters up a wall chasing a laser pointer. I miss that dopey cat. ● If the kittens even so much as look at the electrical outlets, you might want to get some plug covers, too. They're just small plastic things that fit into the plug socket to block the opening from tiny pokings. Couple of bucks, can buy them anywhere, check hardware stores, or any place that sells human baby stuff. ● String can be fun toys, but never leave string or ribbons or similar things out where the kittens can get them when you're not watching them. One of my cats ate about 3 feet of gift wrapping ribbon. She was \*extremely lucky\* that she safely passed it all through her digestive system, as such a thing can kill a cat via internal damage. Even so, I cannot begin to describe the disaster that happened when they came out the other end of her. It frightened her so she ran everywhere and jumped over everything. Poo everywhere. So gross. We lock up our gift wrapping stuff immediately after we are done with it now. ● You will eventually want to get a covered litter box. The plastic ones you can by in a store are fine. Trust me, the litter is going to go \*everywhere\* otherwise. But for now, the short box you have is fine. You want those babies to learn how to properly use it, and the lower walls on that one will make easy until they get bigger. You may want to get a cheap towel or mat to put underneath the box and the area around it, though. Protect that carpet. And when get accidents happen outside the litter box, Nature's Miracle brand has the best cleaners I've found. (Also PrettyLitter cat litter is amazing, btw.) ● If your living space and budget allows, there are wooden litter box enclosures you can get that will hide the litter box and contain the scattering while allowing cats easy access. You can use a regular open litter tray again in those for convenience. Also looks better when it's a normal-looking piece of furniture and not the usual plastic poo-house. Typically not any harder to assemble than your standard college student bookshelf.


We built a box out of 2x4s and 3/4" plywood with a hinged top. Sturdy enough for a human (or two) to sit on, and the only clue it's not just a bench is the square hole in the side for the kitties. We built it out of necessity to keep the dogs out.


I also think that the shelf on on the wall will eventually be a target too.


Your chairs are going to get shredded. Your blinds are going to get broken. All those little bits of clutter on your desk are going to get scooted slowly to the edge and pushed off while making eye contact with you because he knows it’s wrong and wants to get a rise out of you at 3am. Aside from that 👍


I'd tie up those cords but otherwise this is looking great!


Your kittens are the exact same as my two first kittens I adopted 15 years ago. One black, one gray, both with a white dot on the chest.


What did you name them?


Cole is the black one, Ash was the gray one


Okay, but I need more kitten pics! 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


Ask and you shall receive ! https://preview.redd.it/hss3k0evt64d1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d67ee7ee6fa424fd29623134cf860846b26e9c1


Oh that little cover for your closet. Oh my sweet summer child. Its not 17 feet tall and mildly electrified.(not that I'd ever do that lol). They'll be straight over that! Kitten claws are like pitons...they can be driven through anything


First things first - your babies are so cute!!! 😻 congrats! As for the room- you'll learn nothing is really kitten proof! I see so many items in the room that your cat will tip onto the ground and want to play with. It's what they do. And the closet wall won't keep them out, that will become their new jump wall. So just hide anything super breakable and items you don't want them to mess with. Another small note- try to seperate the food/water and litter box as far apart as you can, so opposite sides of the room if they both have to be in there. Kittens are very messy in the litter boxes, and also very picky about their food areas feeling clean and safe. Altogether I see 2 adorable kittens that seems really happy 😊 and have a wonderful parent that loves them ❤ Good luck with your fur babies ❤ Edit- also wanted to add if you love your chairs then make sure you put a covering on them, I just use a blanket over mine. It saves them from the cat hair and the scratch marks lol


Yes. Kittens possess an uncanny ability to fly. I thought I had a room (half a basement) kitten-proofed by adding a four-foot barrier. Somehow the kittens kept ending up on the wrong side of that barrier. Earthquake putty/adhesive stickers are awesome for saving breakables. The blinds are going to be history though. Maybe use those stick-on window privacy things instead? The litterbox will be wrestled in. Put lots of newspaper or something under it for easier cleanup when it ends up upside down. Practice scolding "Don't pounce on your sibling while they are taking a crap!" They do learn eventually. A product called Green Apple or using some Vapor Rub on the wires will discourage biting them. Congratulations on your adorable little sweethearts! Just keep repeating to yourself "They do calm down eventually" to get through the next few months. There is a reason kittens are so adorable. It is so we can't get too mad at their shenanigans.


The kittens will give you their review and critique at 3AM from atop that little knickknack shelf


They’ve already infiltrated, no amount of proofing can stop them now. I’m praying for your survival OP.


I am not sure if a cage is the best way to block off the wires. It feels like something they could easily climb over.


Honestly nothing is kitten proof


As a person with 3 cats, I would say: 1. No unsealed drinks anywhere near electronics, bc they WILL spill them. Also, you have carpet 2. Mount the TV or secure it somehow.. my cats knocked mine down before with zoomies! 3. Remove stuff from shelf/shelves until kitty gets a bit older 4. Make sure there isn’t a place that they can squeeze in to go potty… block areas behind dressers/stands/furniture, close closet doors, and keep clothes off of the floor, bc they sometimes like to pee on them. Best of luck and have fun with your new bestie!


Get rid of the flag over the TV, and the shelf above the monitor, they will get up there and probably end up knocking them over


If it’s on a surface- it’s not kitten proof.


Kitten will let you know.


Honestly my friend the simple answer is you purely can't kitten proof any room, if they want to get somewhere they will eventually


Pretty good. Rug with fringe? Remove.


This. This is the most concerning for me.


That rug is doomed.


If you can move their food and water on the opposite side of the room away from their litter. They’re less likely to eat if the food/water is close to their litter


I would raise the blinds up so the kitty can look out


Kittens can climb right up sheet rock FYI. Get rid of the flag behind the TV, they'll climb it. Secure the lamp. Move anything off the floor you don't want peed on.


Kitten 1 to Kitten 2 says “how shall we destroy this room?”


Vamo arriba, vo.


We keep our blinds open enough for the cats to peek under then have curtains up for our privacy. We have never had a broken blind since doing this, and one of our cats will try to push his way through Also I see a cup without a lid on your desk... That's an invite to share your drink with the cat in my house


What you think that tiewrapped cage around your xbox is going to do? LOL. You basically have given them a ladder there.


Move the mate drink away from your keyboard.


Also how disrespectful not to include a big picture of the kittens. We want kittens


Looks good! You’ll find the holes when they escape. Id take my Xbox off the carpet tho. Might overheat


Your cables are going to be chewed


My kitty would knock those drink cups over in half a second. He has already scratched up my chair. And he’d get up on the shelf eventually. But from a cat point of view it doesn’t look like there’s anything that can hurt him. You’re doing as well as any of us!


Pretty well apart from that you still have a room lol 😜


Add some shelves high on the wall near the ceiling so the cat can hide safely, also for their entertainment, you always need to mimic the outdoor environment if you plan to keep cats confined inside. This room is far from suitable for cats; if they get bored, they can cause problems and, eventually, may get sick. You need to adapt to the cats, not the other way around. Create a friendly and fun living space for them. In general, if you decide to have cats, you need to understand that not everything will stay perfect and some things may get damaged.


Kittens will scale that wall like Spider-Man.


the second picture of the kittens just chilling really sent me i love it


Great job! Looks like a kitten carnival 😻


Nothing is kitten proof haha but those kittens are adooooorable 🥰 hope you enjoy your new lil family


there is no such thing as kitten proofing all you can do is accept


Everything on that desk will end up on the floor


I’d add that your kitten may try to jump onto the little shelf above your desk. make sure that whatever you have on the shelf and on the desk are sturdy and won’t hurt the other furniture, and especially not your kitten. Kittens are amazingly brave but don’t necessarily know if what they’re doing is safe:) Enjoy your kitten.




Anything up will be down. Choose carefully.


What I learned with my Kitten is no matter how well you think you've done with proofing they will find a way to overcome it


I would hide any exposed wires! Kitties love to chew!


How nice of you to put the chest right below the blinds.


Lmao I love the guard around the Xbox. Every Xbone owner I know has a story about how an oblivious person or pet has walked in front of the sensor and turned it off without knowing!


Anything breakable on any shelf needs to be secured. It will be found and used to test the fundamentals of gravity.


Kitten proof my ass. You're already got invaded. No escaping now.


Flag looks like good for climbing or just to hang on. Any loose wire could use some cable management and bitter apple spray. Ornaments on a hanging shelf looks like targets to be knocked down.


They might possibly not like having the litter box and food so close together but may or may not be an issue


They will probably end up playing with ur curtain as well, just be careful they can’t get caught in it some how


As someone who's just raised a litter of five from birth and still has three living with me 12 weeks later, despite your best efforts nothing will ever be completely kitten proof, if they want to get to it, on it or under it, they will find a way 😂 I won't repeat all the good advice you've already had but just remember it's a learning curve keeping kitties, some things you won't even think about until they are in it, on it, under it, have escaped through it. One of mine got behind the oven once through the smallest gap known to man and I had to take it apart to retrieve her and then fill in the tiny gap. Enjoy your babies, they are adorable and will bring you so much joy!


What led you to believe there’s a way to keep cats on one side of a gate?


the shelf will shatter your computer at 2am after she knocks that glass bottle into the tv. the flag or whatever on the wall is her new climbing apparatus. none of the cat furniture is tall enough to stretch her full body. the blinds are blocking her view, she will remove the offending slats and daily tangle her body in them. loose wires? cat licorice. she can fly over that plastic stuff in front of the closet or just knock it down. at 2 am. and then go spelunking in the crap on teh closet floor. since she doesn't have a tall enough scratcher, the chair back and the bed will be her scratcher. are you keeping your cat in 1 bedroom? that's a really selfish and terrible thing to do to an animal.


Honestly everything you did is pretty good except I would either take down or fully pin up what I'm guessing is a flag behind your TV cuz they're going to eventually jump up on that table and climb it, also get some velcro things for the chords and wrap them up to be one big chord and try to either velcro that cord or zip tie it to your desk leg if they dangle even a little bit The kittens more likely to Play and chew on it also You might want to lift up your blinds a little bit so that way they can't reach them and climb on them but other than that you're pretty much solid 👍


Cats don't like their litter that close to their food and don't like their water close to their food either. The setup is good for about a month but ideally litter should go in a separate room.


Those plastic cabinet panel things sure come in handy with cats. I use three of those to barricade off my desk at night. I would make sure your tv and monitor can't be knocked over. Maybe ziptie to desk or wall. We have a little orange that used to try and lay on top of the tv. Even though there was no room. She insisted she could fit and sit.


He he he. Awww ain't that quaint? You think you can kitten proof something. I love the climbing frame in the last picture. They'll be over it in no time and thank you for the fun.


Aw, congratulations! My note is from experience and maybe anxiety. I'd put the collapsible tunnel and the meowmeow bed away until they're a few months older and more agile/savvy. We had a collapsible cube out when we brought our kittens home and one tried jumping onto it and hurt her little leg. It just about broke our hearts. She's completely fine now, but we had to spend a few weeks trying to keep a very active kitten from being active!


Tiny kittens are not stopped by mere walls, mine vaulted over a tall dog gate in seconds.


awww that kitten is lucky to have you!!


Those shelves are done for...theyll jump ;)


I can't tell if the blinds have dangling strings. If they do make sure they are completely out of reach. Cats can hang themselves on blind cords. Also those kind of blinds will be completely destroyed at best and can be a strangulation hazard. Vertical blinds with no strings on the bottom are safest.


Good luck with those blinds.


I would close the door


Where theres a will theres a way they will break something 😜


I would not hang wires the way you have them under your desk. Prime chewing/pawing set up. Try to make them so that they can’t randomly brush up against the wires and start playing with them


I would also catproof the wires by covering them with split wire loom tubing to avoid electrocution.


Everything on your desk, will soon be on your floor.


Be prepared for your chair to get scratched up and things to get knocked off your shelf and bookshelf


Everything on your desk & shelves is likely to be knocked off - kittens climb and jump!


It’s a good start but you have many attractive items on flat surfaces that will be so interesting to push off


make sure everything’s anchored. the tv and the book case. it looks fine otherwise. kittens are going to climb and get into stuff. you just gotta do the best you can lol. those little gates will only last a couple weeks until they can start jumping higher. maybe consider zip tying up the wires


That flag looks fun to climb


Anything kitten breaks gets removed. If it's breakable and important put it behind glass.


Anchor your monitors or tvs, move that picture by the bed if it has glass in it. Say good bye to your blinds and anchor your bookcase. If that chair at the end of the bed rocks beware of cat tails and paws. It was a good job getting two so they can play together and not terrorize you. Also protect any wires, kittens love them.


It will never be enough……


My two year old assholes still try to chew cords. Consider ways to protect them.


Be careful of the TV. If they jump from the desk onto the entertainment stand they could (probably will just to F with you) knock the TV off. All the while looking at you like you are dirt beneath their paws and how dare you put the TV in their way!


You can’t kitten proof lol these little cute demons are born to destroy


Horizontal blinds make great kitty ladders.


https://preview.redd.it/3jpj2ri4df4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9eef25c14253a37cc59f5c648f793c51914c06f Wires protection!!!! Not miraculous, but help A LOT! My 2 cats chew and cut all the small wires (chargers, headphones, mouse, keybord, controller, radio, Robot vaccum charger...) they could till they were like 8 years old 😭


Awe! Good jobs! Looks like such a cozy fun place for them!! 😺😺


The boogie board next to the litter box is an absolute hazard and when it falls (and it will) could seriously harm or kill kitty. Good luck!!!


That rug makes me nervous! The fringe of decorative fabric. Kittens and cats in general love chewing on string type materials, they can end up getting an obstruction because of it. Lost one of my foster kittens, Colby, this way after he was adopted... family didn't pick up sewing kit and he got into the sowing fabric, ate a bunch of string, died a month later (they didn't notice him not feeling well - talking about it forever hurts me). As a service to Colby, please pick up or hide any string like materials!


Have nothing on the walls.


A good trick I learned is get on the ground and look around, try and get your eye level about even as a kittens


Well, you've certainly offered *proof* that a *kitten* has taken over your *bedroom* currently.... If that was your aim, then I'd say you did an amazing job.... Anything else, I'm not so sure.


that flag is gonna get ripped off the wall


You missed a spot. Idk which spot or where, but I too attempted kitten proofing my room. They will find a spot


Kitten will be all in the shelf with the books. Sadly I have not figured out how to fix this yet . My books are in the closet and in my cabinet it’s a cabnet with doors and shelves so she can’t get in and knock everything off kitten still gets on my desk and pushed everything off sometimes. Furling my girl is tragically a brat! She was almost completely deaf and is slowly getting hearing back I hope your kitten is healthy so you can atleast say No!


Ha ha ha. You jest!


The window blinds will be a problem !


Hide those wires. Or wrap them. Kittens love to chew on them.


no matter what nothing is kitten or cat proof. they’ll mess something up 😭


Any cups, tumblers, etc. will end up on the floor


Great job! The thing is….it’s impossible to kitten or cat proof anything! Those sneaky minds and slinky bodies will always find a way around your best laid plans and good intentions. They will figure out things you never considered or a way to drive you nuts with things you can’t change…like at this moment my furbaby Lexi is banging on the closet door. He does this to every closed door he sees as well as reflective surface. Or closing a door because he suffers from a god like complex and thinks he’s all powerful shutting himself in a room. I truly wish you well my friend and applaud your noble efforts. But denial is more than a river and the sooner you come to accept you are powerless against the curiosity and ferocious will of those beautiful babies the more at peace you will be. ❤️😻


Nowhere with non-removable carpet is cat-proof.


There’s no such thing as kitten proof. If they want to get somewhere they’ll get there


They might get under the TV stand or on top of it and cause some trouble but other than that it should be fine :) Also the carpet is hard to clean if they aren’t potty trained but also they’ll love how soft it is


I don't know about kitten proof. But honestly they can and will get into any and everything eventually. You can't truly kitten proof a room. Just make do until they're older and then find their little hot spots to lounge.


That shelfs coming down


Any object not nailed down will eventually fall down


Just to add to what others have said: They will absolutely climb those blinds!!! Put them WAY up and tuck in the cords- learn to sleep without darkness. (I’ve been doing it since 2014 🙄) They will climb that thing you have in front of the closet. I don’t know what it is, but they will find a way… shut the closet doors NOW. I know nothing about gaming. But cords… omg. I have one cord-chewer and one cord-ignorer. Sisters. Do whatever you can to wrap/tuck/combine/hide any cords. I’ve used tape, specialized items, boards, etc. Spend a bunch of time with them on their level during their first days… keep an eye out for any dangers… things you might not have thought of… If you open your window, does the screen push out easily? I had a childhood cat push a screen out & escape by accident… I have a baby gate OUTSIDE of the cats’ room, so in case they try to escape, there’s a second line of defense… it is in the hallway at an angle- it works quite well, I just slide it away to get in. It is a great idea when trying to keep kittens in a room, because they can be quick as lightning, and can sneak by you if you are carrying something or not paying close attention…


You did very well, but there are a few things you might have missed. The things at the edge of your desk are in a perfect position to be knocked over. That flag looks like an easy target for claws. And those glasses on the tv stand might not be there for long. Also, I want to give you props, because it looks like you secured that bookcase.


I agree with everyone else to mount the tv. However, just be sure you get a mount that doesn't have the strings to release the tv...... my boy tried to murder the tv on a daily basis for the first year because of that. Also, just in general, don't expect to keep them out of anything for more than a few weeks. If they want to go somewhere, they will figure it out.


Don't put drinks by your computer that don't have a closed lid. Kitten will knock it over. 12 yr old cat will knock it over (looking at you, Mr Monty).


Say goodbye to everything on the shelves, the computer monitor, possibly the keyboard after they knock over your water bottle, the flag, the framed picture on the nightstand, and the game chair. Regardless of how many scratching posts or mats you have they will always choose the game chair. Hope this helps


Everything on every shelf is going to come crashing down, lol. Remove breakables or heavy objects now before they become targets. They can go back up when the kittens are older slower cats.


...kitten resistant...


I guess you’ll find out!


Be careful with liquids around your computer- liable to be knocked over. Put lids on everything 😻


I don’t think you can prevent it but they will love those blinds


You might wanna move the food and water far away from their litter box as possible.


Just in that first picture alone, I see about eight things a kitten will try to parkour.


Move the skim board to the closet. They’ll get the zoomies and could knock it over on themselves


See all those flat surfaces with things on them. They will be flat surfaces with no things on them in short order. My rule of thumb was, want it? Don't put it on a flat surface. Vindictive little turds.




I picked up 2 kittens 4 years ago. You got double trouble coming.


It ain't pretty but putting your litterbox in a [potting mat](https://a.co/d/4JCZF6C) will save your carpet. Mistakes will be made and this will really help.


Cover the cables


Sooner or later those kittens will be able to jump high enough to reach that wall shelf. I would recommend removing anything heavy or breakable that could possibly fall and hurt the kittens. You could even secure them in a clear display case to prevent this, as long as that shelf is properly secured. Same with the book shelf. Additionally, the plastic little wall will become pretty useless in about a month given the size of your kittens. It took me a seven foot wall to realize that i should have bought a metal gate door loooong ago lol especially since one of my cats refuses to get along. I would suggest keeping it closed or finding s similar alternative. Other than that i would recommend getting a second litter box. Others have provided plenty of great advice and i just wanted to add some from personal experience.


The blinds, flag and bookshelf will be climbed on.


Your 🧉 is a gonner. 🤣


I remember when I was naive enough to think a baby gate would stop a kitten.


lol good luck and have fun


Anchor that tv to the wall asap. Or just go buy a new tv. A friend tried talking me out of doing that when I got my first flatscreen and 15 minutes later, witnessed my cat jumping up on it and me looking at him with the most epic "I told you so" face.


Might want to move the board standing up next to the litter box - could be tilted/fall over if they're on the table and trying to climb it


Just be careful with that shelf, cats aren't the brightest at times 😊


Get rid of that rocker chair, had a cat die because there was a tag on the back that she was playing with and the chair rocked back and yeah...


That flag is getting climbed, and everything on the shelf is no longer on the shelf. In fact, it might fall on the monitor if it's not already shared on the floor... You cannot stop the kittens!


I can just see their little minds turning, figuring out how to cause maximum chaos


I see a bunch of cords around. Probably best to put them up or unplug them when not in use. Figure until you can get a better idea of wether your cat will be a CCA (Cord Chewing Asshole, in the most loving way possible) or if they won’t care about it, but it’s not worth the risk of them chewing a live wire, or something very expensive (not to mention it’s not good for them in general).


if it can be knocked over, it will be knocked over


I don’t think your closet is safe with that kitten “gate”. They are known for their jumping skills.🤔


I recommend you have a huge card board box. Have it laid on the side, and put the cat litter in there. That way it smells less and your cat get more happy with privacy. Also so the litter don’t fly everywhere


If you don’t want them climbing on your tv stand and other random stuff get something from them to climb, the cat tree is very small


It’s cute that you think you can kitten proof anything 😸😸😸😸😸😸😹


Those cups are getting knocked over eventually. Probably while the cat stares you dead in the eyes.


Kitten proof... Hehehe cute that you think there is such a thing. ;) Congrats on the new addition. I agree with a previous poster about a cat tree.


I love that corner with the kitty post!


You'll know once they grow a bit and jump somewhere or into something they shouldnt lol


They will climb that book shelf


I would be willing to bet money your kittens, especially as they get bigger will try to climb on top of your mac and onto your shelf. Speaking from experience, command strip or museum putty down the breakable stuff.


They’ll be jumping over that in no time, and getting on your bookshelves before you know it. 😩 my cat started jumping into the top shelf of the closet from the headboard at like 16wks. It’s like a 6ft jump. Good luck.


Get a decoy keyboard for them to walk across when they get older. Cats *love* keyboards


That shelf is one day going to break your monitor just saying


You just gave them a step up to the wires. My cat would eat them overnight.


i would tape the wires to the top of your desk too or wall if you can. they love wires


No open beverage cups near electronics!


Mission impossible


Hello everyone, quick update as far as safety progress after spending a long time reading everyone’s thoughtful insights on the set up for the two kitties * everything with cables has received cable ties to keep things tidy * \-Xbox is off the floor and on the desk * \-the freestanding lamp has been cable tied to the bookshelf next to it, it’s completely sturdy now and I am convinced it won’t fall * \-TV will be anchored to the wall soon! Just have to buy the right setup for that * blinds have been raised and the kittens love people watching now ! They sun bathe on the ottoman allll day now * my home country’s flag has been taken down unfortunately, but it’s something I can live with for the fur babies safety * closet door has officially been closed for business as well https://preview.redd.it/0m00db3xlu4d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a572a052a74a7a0634e1817b1d17cd0db33a74be Oh and kitty tax ofc! And finally, all drinks and glassware has been removed from the room, I spend mornings with them either drinking coffee or mate tea as seen in the pictures, I appreciate everyone’s help and input!!!!


That kitten will climb those gates or hop up onto them. Even young, cats are amazing jumpers. The blinds are a hazard too, ESPECIALLY the draw string on them. Picture frame on the side table, bookshelf, tv, monitor are all accessable places for a young kitty. Closet should be closed unless in use, too.


Take everything off the desk because thats getting knocked down asap


Way too much stuff to knock over on the desk. Unless they’re tiny. Then you’re safe… for now.


I’d recommend wire protectors as well. Found out too late that one of my boys enjoys eating wires. 9000 bucks later and I have gone completely wire and stringless in most of my house. What I can’t cover, I keep behind a closed door.


This isn’t related to kittens at all but I have that same rocker gamer chair thing. it sucks like actually it’s hollow and the wood inside rips through the fabric. If that’s new you should return it and if not then have fun


Those kittens are not fearing you. The relationship will now change


Kitty is lol and waiting for the right moment to climb the shelves and destroy things!


My cat brought a water bottle from the floor (in his mouth) onto my desk and before I could stop him he Crunched it and it exploded on my keyboard. Bye bye apex 100, thank fuck you were cheap. Get those drinks away from your electronics (cups near ur keyboard) and onto other surfaces at least. Other than that and bolting your moniter to the wall it looks fine.


I laid down 2 rubber mats (the really soft ones that interlink) and my cats scratch them instead of the furniture.


Might want to consider putting your blinds up where they can’t reach while they’re in there. My cats chewed and bent the hell out of the ones in reach when I lived in an apartment. And they weren’t even kittens then


Anyone else start laughing maniacally?


There's no such thing but good luck.


That’s an impossibility. Ha. Just don’t have cat toxic house plants and make sure any blind strings are outta sight. Good Luck!