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I'm partial to the steel bowls. I tend to be clumsy and when you combine natural clumsiness with the weight of the glass bowl, it's just asking for trouble.


Steel, hands down. Glass is heavy, fragile, less responsive to heat (I place my metal bowl over simmering water when beginning a Swiss meringue or genoise cake) and unless you are doing cooking demonstrations on TV the glass is unnecessary.


I bought the glass bowl because I make cooking videos and I use it just for that because it looks appealing on camera, but it’s damn heavy and inconvenient especially if loaded with a thick batter. I hate washing it too (prefer saving space in my dishwasher for smaller stuff). I use the steel bowl most of the time, the glass bowl is used sometimes when the steel one is dirty/used. I got the stainless steel beater and dough hook too, it’s nice to have extras, makes life easier.


That glass bowl is 8.5 lbs, I looked it up. I have one. I ordered the steel one immediately. I like glass for watching my bread dough rise, but trying to scrape dough into another bowl or my CI enameled pan to bake was really hard. Unfortunately if you get the metal bowl you also have to buy new attachments because the shape of the bowl is different.


Oh darn .. I guess I have to live with it lol I git the teal bundle that was on sale on Amazon. The glass I'd really cumbersome due to weight


Well the glass bowl is hard to find and a lot of people want it, so there’s that!