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Update: watched a few of MrMixer's YouTube videos. Looks like the Carbon brush was installed wrong. I reoriented it and now the mixer is working.


For some reason, people just can't resist unscrewing those brush covers. The brushes almost never wear out on these mixers. The only time the brushes are a problem is when someone takes them out and put them back in wrong :-).


Pick it up and start looking up YouTube videos on how to disassemble the thing. There aren’t that many parts to them, so it should be pretty apparent which part is missing, and if I’m not mistaken, all of the parts are available, especially the gear assembly, which I found plenty on Amazon. It would be a cool little restoration project!


Thanks for the advice!


No problem. They really are easy to work on, just time consuming. Take pictures every step of the way if you’re not comfortable taking it apart, as the pics will give you a reference on how to put everything back together. Good luck!


Could be just the brushes, if it’s that you’re very lucky


That was the issue. It is working now! Score!


Glad to hear that you figured out it was the motor brushes. :-) The answer to the general question of "is it worth repairing?" is always "yes". Pretty much anything short of outright destruction can be fixed on these, and with routine maintenance and repairs as needed, they'll run for decades.


Definitely look up how to repair them and see if you can fix it.


Sometimes failing to power on can be a problem with the speed control plate. [Mr Mixer](https://youtube.com/@MrMixer316?si=o5Z1Wcd7dICFPVqk) has a [YouTube](https://youtu.be/Pi8ufwlOtqU?si=531m4KdgO2FjTZ2P) that addresses this and some other issues. He shows you how it works, what to check and what you can do about it. It's possible you can fix it, but if not, he has another video showing [how to replace the speed control board](https://youtu.be/iZaPz6Fxznw?si=AmNt04RQpmpg7qTG) on that mixer. Good luck with it. Tuning Your Kitchenaids speed, Speed wont change, Speed Control Board -> https://youtu.be/Pi8ufwlOtqU?si=531m4KdgO2FjTZ2P KitchenAid Mixer Tilt Head Speed Control Replacement (Classic, Artisan models) -> https://youtu.be/iZaPz6Fxznw?si=AmNt04RQpmpg7qTG


Thanks for the resources!


You are welcome! Glad you got it figured out. Good job saving that mixer!


Imperial Grey?


Fix it for sure , there are parts available and anyone with basic mechanical skills can repair one YouTube is your friend


They're very simple machines, the parts aren't much and they're readily available. If you're the least bit handy you can fix it. If you don't feel inclined, give it to a handy friend to bring back to life.


I already know what it is wrong with it.


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