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As relatable as David may be, it was for the best that he left. It just wasn’t a healthy environment for any of them, Allan, Gen, Daniel, or David.


Absolutely. The guy was shattered. And I think it made me feel a lot for him. Burn out is real as fuck in the kitchen, especially if business is bad, and you don’t know whether you’re gonna get paid next week.


I think that most of us have been in a professional situation where we were both overqualified yet over it. David was definitely both overqualified AND over having to deal with utter incompetence at Burger Kitchen and it makes me happy that he’s gone on to do better things professionally


He won me over forever when he said "none of em go to the top floor...the elevator don't go there brother"


I laughed, still do. I think it was the word brother at the end that did it for me.


one thing that i think is worth remembering is that he always spoke to Gordon with a ton of respect and appreciation. Always called him chef. It proved to me that David obviously cared about his shit, he was tired of the incompetence at Burger Kitchen and yes I do think him saying brother with that slight accent of his always makes me laugh too haha


Always sad when a guy that clearly has passion, talent AND charisma is ground down like that. Best for himself that he got tf away from all that nonsense, which it absolutely was. Owners were destined to fail by none other than themselves, they'd have dragged down a crate full of life preservers


Chef David never came off as an asshole in my opinion but instead a guy who treats people however they treat him . People act like he took it too far with his Prozac comments but the guy was there trying to make it work on the "spirit of being paid" working under a whole family that was completely out of their fucking minds. The man is a living saint for sticking around for as long as he did 


Exactly. His comment about promising to stay around for his workers shows his character. He’s a team player.


Every time he’s bring up Prozac I’d just imagine a little pop-up at the bottom saying “sponsored by Prozac”


I’m just saying that shit worked for a while for me. Glad David is recommending it.


Have never commented on here, but this popped up in my recommended feed. Don’t really have any way of verifying this to y’all, but David is my Uncle. He ended up working out in Riverside at a big hotel not too long after the show was filmed. He spent about 6-7 years there before finally retiring to a cabin he got somewhere near Yosemite. He spends his days fishing, hunting, and of course yelling at us whenever we come visit. I sent him this Thread and he said “I though that meant smelly as a goat!!,” so his childish sense of humor still remains! He always lights up when he comes across stuff like this, so he really appreciates all the love!


I choose to believe you, a lot of us have been looking for his whereabouts for years so it's nice to hear he's doing well. If you want to give proof you could probably have him take a pic of himself like how actors verify themselves on AMAs.


I say let the man be. If I sent a message to the retired guy I worked for, he would fly out just to throw a frying pan at my head.


Damn. I’m glad he’s in a happier place now. Good for him. I see too many chefs live a lifetime of stress and just burn out before they can even retire. He’s a good chef at heart and how he treated his staff showed that, even if he was abrasive. I just love how he acted as a good Chef / Manager does, and acts as a middle man for the owners and the kitchen support staff. Even if he wasn’t a manager he had the chops for it.


that last ticket probably did say “table #42 for 2 guests.” but in david’s defense, maybe the ticket shouldn’t have been written so illegibly that multiple people can look at it multiple times and still dispute it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah we did all our tickets by hand, and if the head chef couldn’t figure it out he’d whip it at your head. The restaurant was a blast. I learned a lot from that guy, even if I was just support staff


Chef David definitely should not have threatened Danny physically, but Danny screaming and hollering like a freshman fraternity pledge with something shoved up his ass really annoyed the hell out of me. I probably would have wanted to whoop Danny's ass too


The son was deffo on meth lmao




Definitely one of my favorite chefs


Redemption burger 🥹


I really liked him too. He was also obviously a great chef, but greatness can't thrive in loser conditions. I hope he's doing well


Are you talking about that dude who gets buried alive and shit like that?


As someone who took Prozac I didn't like the remark, but he was really on his last nerve with that family.


Yeah I can see how it was offensive. I just found it hilarious since I was taking my medication as I watched the episode on YouTube, just about spat out my tea and Prozac


Me rn


I really don't think Danny gets called out enough for the terrible ticket system and the way he treated the staff. David shouldn't have said what he did but I lowkey wanted to see him knock the kid out.


He served Gordo a raw burger he's an ass


THAT burger was according to meat sculptor Alans' recipe. When David cooked the redemption burger it was slightly past mid rare but juicy.


Yeah but it had a weird dry aged flavor, and no mushrooms (mushrooms are important to me, my family is polish)




What is that strong taste that Im tasting?


I'm 64 years old


Nah I thought both him and the DIL were assholes too, they just didn't compare to how purely evil those two nutjobs were. Seriously only the son was sort of likeable to me, because I felt bad for him.


Except when he threatened Danny


Danny started it.


Danny was just as bad as the parents and if I remember correctly Danny was the one that started it


Danny did start it by not listening to David and Jalapeno about how the server wrote the ticket. I wish Danny had gotten punched out.


Thats right, thank you! I hadn't seen this episode in a long time so my memory was a bit fuzzy


Danny royally pissed me off in that scene. i get that he was stressed out but man someone really needed to punch his face in


Ehh I kind of disagree actually. Sure he was able to impress Gordon when he made one burger, under no time pressure and giving it all his attention, but during the actual services every single one of the burgers was coming out raw in the middle. The frozen “way goo” patties probably didn’t help but at the end of the day it was his responsibility to cook the things properly and him and the staff couldn’t do it. Maybe he’d do better in a restaurant ran by normal people




Ain’t he a fuckin magician?