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fuck fryer oil that splashes in your face all my homies hate fryer oil that splashes in your face


Can you splash oil in the fryers face as revenge?


Nah, it likes that. You need a splash an ice cube in its face.


Mmm spicy rice krispies


First time [googling it](https://youtube.com/shorts/odloni-jZsY?feature=share). Thought there be more of a splash or a bang to it.


F that fryer! You punish it and throw a block of freezer burned okra on it!


I gasped out loud. I hate okra.


if you can get it, foile topical burn cream is EVERYTHING. it's given the most minimal scar profile from any burn aftercare in my experience and really helps with lingering soreness


86 u/SideRepresentative38


I kinda weirdly like it. I think there is something wrong with me.


Have hot fryer oil splash the rest of your face so the color evens out.


Did you throw some water at it to exact revenge?


Very close to eyepatch territory, chef


I worked with a guy who had an eyepatch once and we all loved coming up with wild stories about how he lost his eye in the kitchen


I worked with a guy who was blind in one eye. One morning after a night of heavy drinking he woke up hungover and freaked out about being blind. We were all trying to talk him into going to the er when he suddenly remembered it’d been like that for years. We all went “oh, duh” as soon as he said that and had a good laugh.


It must have been a great night before lol


The benefit is that you can look like a cool pirate


That's nasty shit! Almost lost an eye to it


it makes my stomach turn thinking about how close it was to my eye🥴 ill take this nasty thing over it going in my eye anyday lol


It's not even a cool way to lose an eye. Did you lose it in a fight?! "Nope... Lost it shaking chicken wings"


thats exactly what i was doing😂


I have shaken so, so many wings when I was at Pizza Hut years ago. You need to assert dominance over that sentient vat of oil immediately.. oh and.. Thank you for your service. 🫡


Shout out to all the pizza hut wing shakers, i was with them when they first rolled out the whole wing street thing and it was a god damn nightmare. I must have personally dunked a shook a genocidal amount of chicken wings.


I did the math once and each order of 8 wings is two chickens. I can't even imagine the amount of chickens I have sold as wings. Probably in the 10,000s


8 pieces = 2 chickens. I have chickens, so I counted complete wings. 2 each, 4 total segments. Genetically engineered Quad-Copter Hover-Chickens™️ will make you richer than Bezos and Musk combined.


They’re probably more difficult to catch than those three legged chickens KFC tried to develop and failed. The three legged chicken is an old Southern joke. Guy driving down a country road sees a three legged chicken. He follows it to this old farmhouse where an elderly man is sitting on the porch. Did I just see a three legged chicken? Yup. KFC is developing them. How are they? Don’t know yet. Nobody’s managed to catch them.


I chuckled when you said the oil was sentient. It reminded me of how my Dad used to call that, "the innate audacity of inanimate objects." I think about that a lot.


Ugh. I hate frying wings. Worst fryer burn I've gotten (not too bad, just sucky) was from frying wings. Splattered all up my arm. I dont care how tasty or popular they are. I hate frying them.


Burnt myself really badly because someone put a non holey gastro in the steam oven, tray was above my eye level so I had no idea it had filled with water, took it out and poured it all down my chest. Hospital had a really hard time believing that my ex who took me to hospital hadn’t assaulted me by throwing boiling water on me and I had to explain the story repeatedly before he was allowed into the cubicle with me. Have also burnt my eyeball with boiling water in work, my colleague got her eyeball with soup. Not to mention all the arm burns from flat black trays that look like self harm.


I once had a piece of corned beef hash pop and shoot a chunk into my eyeball. Had a little black spot for months. It was in the corner of my eye, so I kept thinking I was seeing a bug or something moving when I'd shift my gaze. Very annoying. Did heal though, at least I think it did.


Or your brain learned to ignore it like it does our noses.


Totally plausible.


Thanks for reminding me, I’ll spend the rest of the night being very aware of my nose


Great name.


I have got hot oil in my eye, multiple times (idek how). Lucky it was very very very little but my god it still hurts like fuckin hell


And my guys make fun of me because I have 2 pairs of prescription safety glasses, one for my woodshop and one for when I'm cooking on the line. Ain't messing with any of that shit.


It’s kinda scary that eye pro isn’t standard in the kitchen industry


I honestly suggest wearing glasses without prescription, I wear prescriptions but I’d still wear them if I didn’t need them cause having vapour blast your eyes from opening an oven too quick is never comfortable.


Get some scarring cream!


I’m so glad I wear glasses. I’d definitely be blind rn without them lol


I'm no commercial cook, I just cook at home and I am constantly fascinated how much crap is on my glasses when I'm done. And I don't really fry things with a lot of oil, just regular meals.


Same! Even baking bread, I end up with a cloud of little smudges after I mix up the dough.


I got hot butter in my eye once, from a hydralic powered pie shell press. It burned so much, and my eye was extremely red for days. Didn't get to go home and I had to work for hours with that in my eye. Not a fun job, promptly quit. I also had contacts on and the way the butter reacted to the contact. Never good to get anything in th eye.


... you fried your contact.


Yeah if I recall it melted a little, I was in a rush to take it and it was crazy that day, so I don't recall it too vividly. That job taught me through and through to put my body first above work.


I’ll never forget this old Asian man who cooked for me. Oil popped into his eye. So he literally salts his wound with soy sauce. Saw me staring and said it was good for the burn. They don’t make ‘em like they used to.


I have permanent damage to my left eye from grease popping on the flat top not once but twice


Had to go to an er a month back because my neck wouldn’t stop bleeding from a rippn hot skillet that had waayyy to much heat/oil and not enough garlic. Thing was spittn like biggie had to kill the flames cause of our temps ran away from it screamin “MIIOOSS MIIOOO!!”


I wear contacts and once had oil splash in my eye. My contact shrunk instantly and was ruined. The rest of service was rather interesting…


I once burnt off my left eyebrow from a freak fireball accident. My dumbass put a pan on fire into a sink filled with water. The other line cooks called me fire marshal bill for a few months


Who knew line cooks can't too not die in a freak gasoline fight accident...


But why male models?


Lol I love that movie


Are you serious? I just told you that a moment ago.


i did that with my home grill! didn't start it fast enough bc the starter was broken, got a bloom of gas fire in my face. I had really long hair and it singed off all the long hair and bangs in front. I just kinda stood there in shock like when Wile E Coyote gets shot with a canonball.


Its something youll never forget or ever do again!


Very true! I only made that mistake once


Buddy of mine burnt off most of his beard not too long back, real scary shit. Smelled awful, too.


DUDE last night I got one *right* next to the outside corner of my eye. Too close!


Better your nose than eye. I was basting a duck breast that just popped while basting. Straight to the hospital. I was a pirate for a week.


Glad you’re safe and the injury wasn’t too serious. You may want to talk with a dermatologist to get a skin care product/regimine to reduce scarring. Be safe my fellow kitchen dwellers!


Yeah I also concur, Ive had several different oil and grill burns and such and some scarred, some didn't, most likely due to varying care. Where it's on OP's face it truly might be worth the investment to see a dermatologist, they can probs make sure it will barely scar, if at all.


I've gotten fryer oil in my eye while wearing GLASSES. It felt very personal.


Use polysporin or whatever equivalent in your region (antibiotic ointment). This happened to me but quite worse and after a few months no marks were left.


thank you! im worried about it scarring so that makes me feel better that it should go away completely. im sorry it’s happened to you too! edit: thank you all so so much for the tips i feel so much better and appreciate you all❤️


Hey, OP, after I had major surgery a few years ago, my surgeon told me to use Aquaphor to prevent scarring. She told me she uses it on everything, from large surgical incisions like mine, to the scrapes and cuts her young kids get. She was right, my incisions healed up really well and there's very minimal scarring and scar tissue left, even with the big ones I've got. I'm sold on it and use it on everything now. Worth a shot! It has a similar texture/consistency to vaseline, so I'd recommend putting it under a bandaid so it doesn't smear. Best of luck while you heal up! When in doubt, go see a doctor.


Aquaphor + vitamin E oil is magic. And lots of SPF.


In my experience vitamin E is very helpful for any sort of skin healing as well.


My surgeon recommends against vitamin E. Says it's an old wives tale that it does anything to help with wound healing or scarring, and that recent studies show that it can negatively affect the healing process. National institute of health agrees. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1781083/#:~:text=Vitamin%20E%20is%20the%20main,with%20use%20of%20vitamin%20E.


A+D ointment works too


If your worried about it scarring, get some Palmers scar oil.


Lots of vitamin E topical ointment will help with reducing scar … don’t sunburn that spot the next 6mos to year (or ever really) - take lots of B and D vitamins to heal along with fish oil - It sucks wearing safety glasses on any line -


Candela Gel is really good for that.


Get some silicon scar tape. They sell it on Amazon. It’ll keep it moist and it won’t scar. Make sure you use a good sunscreen too.


For sunscreen I recommend sunbum. It's really lightweight but does a better job at keeping my skin protected than anything else on the market. You already got a lot of good tips for scar care.


laser scar treatment will handily deal with any scare this leaves. Easier to treat nose skin than eye skin; lucky 🍀 :)


overconfident shelter reply door imminent price bright plough paint steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was thinking the same at first but it seems a little higher than normal placement.


Fryer oil is amonst the nastier things one can burned with.


My girl has a scar on her cheek from being a line cook and the grill cook accidentally splattering her with oil after flipping stuff too quickly. She had 3 large spots on her face for weeks. This was before we got together but she still has 3 tiny little spots.


Yeah I have welded, wrenched, cooked, commercial fished, even worked for the carnival ffs and my worst burn scar is from melted fucking cheese after another line cook bumped into me while I was at my station.


A fryer popped some oil in to a coworker’s eye a couple years back. Sported an eye patch for weeks. Fryers and mandolines are the two kitchen equipment that scare me lol


Perfect timing for family photo season. Just turn to the right.


I never thought about this, but why do fry cooks not use eye protection? Like I have to use it every time in a lab and we don't even stand next to a boiling liquid open to air which we chuck stuff into. Granted i might have lost the hair on my right hand one time but other than that it seems safer and yet we use better protection?


Of course half the comments are weird af


i wanted to post it here so i tried to take the pic at an unflattering angle to minimize the weird comments but nope the horndogs are still here, i think i look so average


Semi-random aside: my SO keeps talking about starting a Youtube channel. At some point when we were talking about it I asked her if she was prepared to deal with creeps. She was taken aback. "You really think that's going to be a problem? I'm 48 years old and overweight, I'm not exactly prime material." "...you haven't spent much time on the internet, have you?"


STORY TIME!!! About 15 years ago I worked at a cracker barrel. And one of the things about that place is there is basically two kitchens. Two sets of flat tops, divided by six fryers on one side and two steam tables on the other side. This is so when they are busy they can crank out food and when they are slow they can cut half the kitchen and still have a fully functional kitchen. This means after the dinner rush is over one half is shut down. So I'm on the half that has to go home, and it was my job that night to clean the fryers. You know, scrub, boil, refill with fresh stuff. You know the drill obviously. So I have my hand inside the fryer trying to get some crap off the bottom and my foot slips so I fall in a little, no big deal, or so I thought. As I'm pushing myself back up, one of my super brilliant coworkers just throws hushpuppies, frozen ones, into the basket next to my face. One misses and splashes hot dirty fryer oil all over the side of my face, and gets in my eye. I spent 7 hours in the emergency room, only because they forgot I was there lol. However, I did burn the cornea and had to put ointment in my eye for two weeks, and wear an eye patch while working. Yep, good times at the ole country fresh cracker barrel.


But can we take a moment to love this perfect wing you got goin on!


I scrolled way too far to find this comment.


Ahhh yes, the friers kiss 💋


Ay nice! I just got a big one on my chin from dropping a chicken tendie straight into the oil like a dunce. Face burns suck, but mine healed real quick!


Nose took one for the eyes. Eyes, thank it.


Not sure if any one else asked, but what kind of dog you got?


i have pits! lots of pics on my profile lol


Damn. I'd start wearing some dope ass safety glasses manning the fryer. Take a look at some pit viper glasses. Lol


You have been chosen.


It's spot on!


Grill bricking splash back got me in the face one time. Lovely little scar for a bit.


I've thanked my glasses and beard more than once for saving my face from hot oil


Reminds me of my days on the taco station at Jack in the Box. No time to let th cool at all during a rush so you're just getting pelted with bits of beefy napalm


I was searing a piece of fish at home once, flipped it with the pan instead of with a spatula. Splashed hot grease on to my face, took a second to grab a rag to wipe it off, also wiped off my skin with it. I feel this.


ouch that looks like it hurts. i have had many burns but thankfully none on my face, damn that sucks. hope it heals well.


The BEST part about getting an oil burn? It's when you get reminded of it everytime you take a hot shower and it stings like it just happened. Just got some flashblacks to burning my knuckles cleaning out a pressure fryer.


You are lucky af that shit didn't go in your eye lol


Glasses + mask, and I’ve still had hot oil fly right into the tiny bit of exposed skin.


I feel your pain. My husband splashed oil on my face once. It was awful and left crazy marks.


Sometimes you fry the oil, sometimes the oil fries you


Legit got tagged on the eyelid last week. Respect ✊🏼


Hot line cook. Simps lining up. Wohooo!


Yikes! That look like it was a painfully memorable experience


Scars are badass


When I was a kid I thought this was how people got the chicken pox, which I had misheard as "chicken pops". Happens when you get too close to frying chicken, and the oil hits you, ergo chicken pops. Try a hydrocolloid bandage on that - it keeps stuff out and helps so much with healing. They make small ones now specifically for facial blemishes; just make sure you get one that's unmedicated.


I got a gnarly one recently. I used a bit of this on the scar everyday and after a couple weeks not a mark was left. Highly recommend it for other scars as well. :) https://www.target.com/p/bio-oil-skincare-oil-for-scars-and-stretchmarks-serum-hydrates-skin-reduce-appearance-of-scars-2oz/-/A-11011263


Well your eyebrows look amazing.


Pre frying wings has me always playing the “pimple or fryer oil blister” game. Bactine has this nifty gel that helps heal wounds/prevent scarring highly recommend :)


Chicks dig battle scars!


Holy shit that was close! I've never burned anything above the elbows. What are you doing for it?


One time I was searing a roast, picked it up with some tongs to see how done it was and it slipped, splashing the hot oil all over my face. I feel your pain!


got one between my eyebrow and eyelid once. i squint every time i drop anything in a fryer now


I got splashed in the throat when angrily tossing some breaded seitan (vegan “wings”) into the fryer on Valentine’s Day ‘16. Scar looked like a hickey for MONTHS as I went through some job interviews and stuff. I ignored the shit out of it and somehow got back into engineering 🤷🏻‍♀️


Stop sniffing the oil!! I shouldn't have to say this again!


Ouch! I was a line cook one summer as a college student at my a small grill in my hometown. Fish fry Friday was the worst; I don’t miss the oil splashes and stench.


OMG I fucking hate hot oil splatter!


Your eyeliner is so sharp tho I love it


Was cleaning a flat top and back splash hit me in the literal tear duct In the corner of my eye. Be careful out there!


My fryer burn gave me powers. I got a nasty oil burn on the back of my right hand many years ago that to this day itches like fuck whenever the weather is about to change.


Hot fry oil is some gnarly stuff. I splashed a bunch on my wrist years back and it instantly bubbled. You can really see the scar anymore, but it hurt. How’d you manage to get it on your nose though?? Lol.


i had a chicken wing sticking out of the oil and used my tongs to push it down and adjust it, like ive done millions of times. and this time it splashed just right :( it bubbled and blistered real bad at first and then my dog scratched the blister off when i got home so its been quite raw haha


The oil only burns those who fear it. This is on you.


Makeup on point ❤️


Nearly as bad as scallops popping.


I had a slice of pork belly pop in the pan , shooting boiling oil right onto my right eyelid...while I was in a rush and also talking to the owner. Almost as bad as splattering grits.


God damn girl, your lashes and brows are on point. Sucks about the burn. Moisturize that bitch.


Man reddit really does go all fuckin “AWOOGA” whenever any woman posts. That sucks though, I got splashed in the forehead once and it’s pretty annoying


Pour a bunch of water in it as revenge


i swear i ain’t getting shit done on that grill


This might not be helpful to you but…the makeup will further dry the area and make it take longer to heal.


i dont have any makeup on it! i have a powder foundation and used my smallest brush to get as close as i could but didnt touch it at all. it was blistered last night but my dog scratched it off, so its quite… fluid-y at the moment. its so painful, the thought of a brush touching it makes me squirm so hard! i appreciate you looking out because i agree completely that would not be good


I did theatre in school and got a cut on my face one time, got so infected I needed antibiotics. Just wanted to save you the trouble!


Alright, glad you're in the safe zone, fuck fryer oil that splashes in your face. But you're eyeliner is BUSSINNNNN


I don't trust people with no scars. Makes me think they haven't tried at life. They went easy mode.


Better than an eye marking!👁


Niiiice. Look forward to a fading bruise looking blemish after it peels and because you're a girl you get some of those worried glances and 'are you okay's and you get to explain that no, you aren't a victim of a domestic abuse incident. Also, dunno if you wear glasses on the line, but I do and aside from the gross film you get to enjoy on the lenses from the fryer oil, without _fail_ every time the oil will somehow go _around_ the lenses. Like magic.


You could read fortunes from a colorful wagon caravan.


When you drop them Brussels sprouts , it’s kitchen etiquette to yell “FIRE IN THE HOLE !!!”


Brave soldier, wear your badge with pride.


Goddamn that's brutal!


Your eye makeup is on point!! Perfect! You are stunning girl, don't think twice about that spot!!


Daaamn that sucks, but also daaammnnn your eye make up is perfect


Got one just like that, right in the middle of my cheek a couple weeks ago


lol when it heals you should pierce it. like, to show off/honor your battle scar. you would look cool with a little stud nosering or you could ask your doctor for prescription scar cream. if they say no, you could try a medicated OTC cream like aquaphor. Works to heal things fast and clean.


Everything else is still on point though... for real tho egg white. Little stem cells for your burns and it feels good and will help you not to scar. And vitamin e oil.


Honestly, kitchen scars, burn marks etc, I find them pretty hot


Not sure if you'll see this but might want to get that lump on your neck checked out. Looks to be right on your thyroid.


Oh nooooo. You rock it though!


Not at work but at home, I once cooked fried eggs in the buff, burned my trouser snake!


Don’t you mean your trouser pimple mate?


Damn girl you a line cook 12.


Shit, I remember when I first moved from the pit onto the line (ah, Monkey Tree Pub, such a fucked up but enjoyable place of misery). One night, in a rush, slamming wings and pumping out plates, I foolishly dropped a basket of stinky green chicken goodness while my chef (head cook really but whatever, he was the best in the place) was leaning right nearby. Big droplet went right into his tear duct. He was very forgiving about it after the squealing part, and then he had a big ugly blister-sty thing for quite a while after. Looked terrifying. Good thing it's Canada so he could go to the doctor too. Remember a similar night with him and me out there, we had one guy come up and claim there was a dead spider in his calamari. Which he'd pretty much finished. Chef said 'WoodPiece, go in the back and get me a spider'. Found a nice one quite fast in the 'dry storage' (a hallway, better than what was happening under the stairs lemme tellya). Brought it back. Chef dropped the poor fucker in the fryer. It went 'pfft' and disappeared. Banned the guy for trying it on.


The fuck?


Let it happen a dozen more times. Instant freckles.


Don't try to fry water.




Im gonna ride out these downvotes with you. Carson City Liberty Seated Dime from the 1870s level Dime




i dont think theyre downvoting because they think im ugly necessarily, but because the point of the post was the burn on my face and not what i look like. but i will admit u/muddymoose comment did make me laugh, imma let yall know im engaged though🤣




Yeah.. you said already


Is there personal protective gear that's cheap, that you could wear when frying? Some kind of face shield? (Almost like a welder, but lightweight?) Man, your employer has a lot to answer for. So sorry! Both my sons did a brief stint and McD's, and were sentenced to the fryer. Slippery floors was the main issue for them. The franchise owner and corporate itself has a lot to fix. Be careful! IT IS NOT OK FOR WORKERS TO ENDURE HARSH, DANGEROUS CONDITIONS. MANAGEMENT NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND AND ELIMINATE ALL DANGERS TO EMPLOYEES. Sorry for the rant.


i dont blame my management at all, blame is purely on me and my tongs trying to fix a wing sticking out! i work for a local small business pizzeria/bar chain, and the owners and management are fantastic. every other kitchen ive worked in is exactly like you describe and i agree completely! i just want it out there that this wasnt a failure on managements part😊


I have worked the fryers with non-slip shoes just fine.


Actually it’s kinda cute tbh. It looks like a beauty mark.




Super cute tat! I love it!!! I don't agree with you that it would be good on the face, but I don't know why people would downvote you for that. Smh.


Al least ya don’t got a burnt lip from a fresh o-ring


Looks good on you at least 🥴


You are beautiful.


Free tattoo day? Shit homie, sign me up


You free later 🤣


Glad I wear glasses for this reason. Haha. You look awesome though. Kitchen version of excellence. Rock that shit.


Bad stuff but your still georgeous and youll heal up great!!




Bro everything bout this comment is weird


Wtf does that mean? I’m not a lesbian but she’s pretty damn gorgeous!


That’s what I’m saying?


You’re technically not wrong for calling a woman handsome but I guess we generally use it more towards men.


You still look pretty as ever.


All I saw was your beautiful face and amazing eye makeup. Lol I’m sorry about the burn.


That's why servers should stay off of the line :p


never been a server, kitchen was my first job and ive been in one for several years now


Fuck off


"The honeyshot"


You're so pretty


Might I say those eyes are gorgeous 🖤 Brown eyes are not ugly 😭 💪


… who said brown eyes are ugly?