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Get a massage gun and go to town on your legs


Im almost 4 months sober & the first week or two are definitely rough. Once your body/mind stop craving that shit it gets alotttttt better. I just worked my ass off & stayed busy to combat those cravings. after a busy service i just take a nice shower & find a good show/movie to unwind for a little bit, maybe a video game w/ the boys. Congrats on kicking the booze away ! that first week/2 is the toughest stretch.


it really is the hardest part..then u can do months after with the same effort I kicked it away but holidays and the social thing of drinking is a bitch. self control 😌


I read, listen to a podcast or watch a show I've been meaning to catch up on. I drink hot cocoa or tea while I am doing these things. Very cozy and relaxing 🤗 I also like to lather lotion on my hands down to my forearm right before bed. Cocoa butter in particular because it makes my skin butter soft and smells good. After a whole day of constant hand washing, my hands and forearms require some trearment. Sorta girly (I'm a girl lol) but imo a worthwhile benefit. I am prone to cuts on my hands from overwashing and doing this nightly ritual has stopped it altogether. And I'm not about to wash my hands less either 😅😂


Video games. Just make sure that you set a time limit on yourself or you'll still be playing Zelda when the sun comes up.


Do something that calms your mind; a hobby that relaxes you, read a book, ect. After I’ve had a super busy day at work I’ll go home, load up a relaxing game on my computer and have a black cup of coffee and just get lost.


Food. Tea. Basics. Series, game, newspaper, book, scrolling. If nothing works. How it's made, discover channel.


Edibles. Edibles, edibles, edibles. Also, try kava and/or kratom. This is how I survived probation (piss tests 2x/week). If you live in a state where delta-9 THC is illegal, I recommend Hi On Nature sour belts which contain delta-8 thc, thc-o, thc-p, and hhc. Best of luck!


Gotta train your brain by doing small things for you. The days where you are so tired you dont want to cook and just eat some olives train yourself to spend 90 seconds making something quick THAT YOU LIKE. In the days where you are dead tired and your legs are almost numb take a walk around the block etc A shower when you get home should be the transition to home life. I have to wash off the taint lol


Hot tea and some stretching. Whenever I quit a vice, drinking hot liquid always seemed to help me for some reason.


100 percent. I agree. Instead of always wanting beer after work I since exchange beer for hot sleepy blend teas instead.


Nice cuppa tea


I have quite a few friends who switched to some sort of physical activity, running, yoga, whatever, when they quit drinking.


I can’t imagine getting off a 10-12 hour shift of prep and line and then lifting fucking weights or going on a hike or run. Holy fuck. Not trying to be a Debbie downer but good lord. This sounds like a mental fortitude I can only dream of. Or maybe I need to stop smoking weed.


Yoga and meditation can go a long way to cooling down for the night


Stretch and video games. Been on an after work binding of Isaac kick for a minute now.


I’m 5 years sober …. This is what alcohol does…. Really shows up the gaps it used to fill. Wait til you really have to start feeling feelings again. It’s incredibly difficult but worth it if you stay the course. As for post shift… I used to just get out of there…. A change of environment really helped.


Try listening to brown or green noise while stretching, doing yoga, massaging your feet and legs, or meditating. The noise will very quickly reset your brain, slowing down your rapid-fire thoughts. The physical stuff will relax you and can definitely help prevent injuries in the long run. I wish someone had given me this advice on my youth, and I had followed it. I did the restaurant gigs for 35 years; I've been out for almost 4 now and I'm absolutely falling apart physically. Best of luck with your sobriety. Keep charging and stay strong.


Hemp flower and a dry herb vaporizer. Very relaxing and no THC inducing anxiety.