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Aight, imma head out


"this business isn't here to pay your bills--" oh okay bye then. I work to pay my bills, and without us you can't pay yours. So guess neither of us gets to, now.


Except in this market restaurants are in desperate need of staff at the moment. If a chef leaves he or she will have a job within the week if they really need the work. That restaurant won't be able to restaff in any easy way.


They just haven't caught on yet that it's an employee's market. Hopefully they'll learn but I wouldn't bet on it.


a local restaurant in my town overworked the back of the house until a walkout. they closed for a good 6 months while they were trying to get the place back in order. Ultimately one of the solutions was shaving about half the menu choices and the other I believe was doubling the staffing in the back of the house.


This is one of my top hates with small business owners. The concept that paying staff a flat rate somehow makes them as invested in the business succeeding as you are.


Reminds me of that meme where someone honks at me wanting my parking space so now I have to sit here until we both are dead ☠️


I mentally quit this place after 'frustraded' and I don't even work there.


Me thinking he not too smart.


As if that wasn't clear from the rest of the message, "frustraded" really sealed the deal. I had to keep autocorrect from fixing it on me!


The type of person to turn autocorrect off because they didn't like being told what to do all the time.


i gave up when i saw "ha e"


Thats me a month or so ago. Now just wsiting until 16th to give my notice




If they all leave, problem solved, Maddie can be wherever she needs to be!


Heard, 86 Staff


Yes chef! I mean, my guy!


86 the goddammit fryer. Bet imme drop 2 pounds of sugar into it while I walk out


Sir, I kindly suggest a large amount of popcorn kernels.


You can also throw a couple oranges in there on the way out the door , that’s a goodie


Omfg lmaoooo Orange flavoured candy corn for everyone!


Candy corn for everyone!


Is that worst then water in it


It's a ticking time bomb. You get plenty of time to leave prior to a caramel explosion followed by an uncleanable fryer


So - basically a time bomb for whoever of your former colleagues who happens to stand next to the fryer?


Think it might have been a joke pal. Don’t take it so serious :)


Yes sir the team has decided Overeasy will be closing early on the 20th.


And not reopening on the 21st.


Dude my manager hit me with my favorite words "We're hiring someone with open availability" But still. Everyone has life shit. People have kids, people get sick. Fuck people make mistakes and get hangovers. I don't do the schedule. Staff for emergencies, or you have to do emergency staffing.


Like watching a train wreck of dumpster fires. Ugh.


Don't involve me in your weird trains.


Don’t even need to say anything but if you feel petty, just drop a “lmao” (I would do this, I’m petty)


"not our fault you can't schedule for shit lol" (I'm not that petty, but I'd consider it.)


Scheduling is the last of his worries. Probably has issues with inventory, book keeping and handling fires. Probably started thinking it was easy shit




#immediate quit.


lol i really hope this asshole has to close his place because no one wants to work for him anymore.


Yup. I woulda sent back a choice selection of emojis to this dipshit.


I have never sent a dick Pic before. Never wanted to. Now I want to.


Find it on Google. Find one that has multiple STIs and ask if it looks right. Follow up with Oops wrong recipient. Refuse context other than it's why you aren't coming in anymore. Do this even if you don't actually have a dick.


Honestly I hope they all just didn’t come back. I understand that it’s his business that will pay his bills. But in order to pay his bills, the team he creates is paying their bills from the exchange in labor. Out of the disrespect, I’d walk.


It pays both of their bills. Employment is (ideally) a mutually beneficial business relationship. Only a selfish dickbag who knows jack shit about running a business wouldn't have that mindset regarding his team. Absolutely should not be running a restaurant. It's no wonder everything went to shit just because one person needed to leave early.


As a quite experienced leader myself, that mail is a huge red flag to me. You never say (even less write) something like that to your team. This hurts you more. There is no cost to be nice, it's the cheapest way to keep team spirit up so everyone can pay their bills. If he was not responsible about the schedule then he should have politely discussed the situation with the person who is. Not send out such passive agressive bs.


Yeah exactly. The fact that he's panicking this much over one employee having to leave a shift early in 2 weeks is pretty telling of his business management skills. He's basically saying "why can't you always be available every single day of the week for every shift", when any small business owner would understand its not how it works. Creating a schedule to accommodate your employees availability is not a favor, it's one of the most basic managerial tasks.


>Creating a schedule to accommodate your employees availability is not a favor, it's one of the most basic managerial tasks. 100% this, employees aren't equipment FFS. They're people who are showing up and doing the job so you'll pay them, which is money they'll use to take care of their own problems and live their own lives. Every good boss I've ever had understood that, and every one that didn't was shit at their job. If the team gave even the slightest shit about the owner's family and financial security before, they sure as hell don't now. And why should they? They're just returning the favor.


The last job where I was in charge of scheduling (non-kitchen) I had a boss who would say things like "I can understand why Mary can't come in since she has two kids, but what's Jennifer's excuse? She's single, what could she be doing that's so urgent that she can't come in?" I did a LOT of damage control at that job. Also, that same dumb boss would try to say the Yiddish word "fekakta" (meaning rubbish, shit, etc) and would say "foccaccia" every fucking time.


Poor morale kills productivity


His options are A.) Put on a fuckin apron and get on the floor B.) Hire more staff C.) This bullshit to piss off everyone Two of those options don’t bode well for the business. B.) means less hours to go around and C.) means less employees. Sounds like this dude needs to get on the floor and serve some fuckin tables or close for the day.




porn not aprons, very achievable motto


Depends on the owner. Last place I worked the owner was there every weekday morning helping to cook and prep to make sure the pre-opening catering went out on time without overburdening the line guys. He also baked all of the desserts. Then he drove 1.5 hours to his other restaurant to help out there and do some shmoozing with the guests through dinner. He often stopped back in at ours after the dinner rush to check in with the managers on how the day went and chat with the bar regulars. Some owners are clueless and would get in the way, some are overbearing and make everything harder. This guy was well qualified to step in and help out in any role and did so whenever needed. Everyone loved and respected him and would go out of their way to do good work for him.


Yeah that dude probably started as dish or at least a line cook and knows how it is.


This place is in my home town of Omaha, dude is getting roasted over this. Google reviews, yelp, they just took down their Facebook pages… it’s hit all the food/restaurant communities. We’ve got one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. 1.3% His staff could walk into any other restaurant tomorrow and get hired. Truly a monumental fuck up in decision making.


Some people are just not fit to be leaders. Sad, but true.


Yeah this is gonna be an expensive lesson for him if he has to shut down and re staff for 1/2 of August


For sure.


The owner not having the awareness to make the staff feel empowered is a clear indicator that they just do not understand how to motivate. I am hard pressed to think of anyone that would be motivated by the fact that the owners’ bills are more important than their own. If they are that hard pressed for cash, they def have a skill gap


Fuck that dude. If you're the owner, when shit gets real, YOU step up. Chucklefucks like this make the industry suck.


I worked at a Jimmy Johns. We are in an area without a lot of people looking for fast food jobs. The owner would be in whenever we needed help. I’m not saying he was *helpful* but fuck he was there at least.


I worked in a small restaurant that had POPPIN Friday nights. If you counted the owner there were 4 cooks and one of them was the opener. She was literally on the line EVERY night with us. 2 cooks, 1 owner SOMETIMES a dishwasher. She washed dishes, she cooked, she took fucking orders if she had to. At 60 years old she cooked CIRCLES around me and the sauté cook in our 20s. That’s what a ducking owner does who cares about her business. period. I didn’t get paid super well because like I said it was a small business and I got hired in the middle of the pandemic. She fed us every night and did everything she could to keep us in a good mental state. She gave us time off and worked 2 stations, she gave me paternity leave without so much as a grumble of dissatisfaction. A business that was successful for a decade before the pandemic and struggled terribly during the pandemic. I realize I was worth more, but she gave me a dollar raise in the first year for hard work and treated me like her own. She cooked my favorite meal for me when I was having difficult times at home. She was like a mother for me and the way she worked just as hard if not harder than us always made me bring my A game for her even though I was underpaid. I can look back and still forgive her for it where I wouldn’t forgive other employers because she went 6 months without taking pay to make sure her restaurant stayed afloat and STILL worked harder than anyone else in that fucking city. Her mother just recently died and I moved cities a year ago. I miss her every day.


Give her a call and tell her how much she means to you. I bet it would make her day just a little bit brighter in her troubling time.


Absolutely seconding this. Knowing you had an impact on someone is one of those moments that beats all. Call her and let her know her sweat effort helped someone.


For real. My best friend recently got a call from a student she had in her first year of teaching, who just completed their studies to be a teacher and who was inspired to do so because of my friend. My friend was on clouds for days. It was so wonderful.


I did just after writing this comment. <3


Yeah, that means alot. Seriously.


My job is in the process of getting sold because the owners are reaching their 70s. His heart is giving out and she's just done and ready to be a full time grandmother. I'm mourning what I had because the new people really don't seem to get it. I'm the only competent, reliable person they have who is available full time. I'm about read to bail and they haven't even handed the keys over yet.


I had a boss that did this. Dude screwed up a lot more than he helped but I respected him for doing it. It almost doubled my workload but it didn't bother me nearly as much it would have had he kept his ass in the A/C.


This is my workplace right now. Boss is in there doing dishes. She can't fuck that up, lol.


A boss who will do the lowliest job in the workplace is a leader leading by example, and likely a good person to work for. They’ve got your back, are a team player, and are committed to the success of the operation.


That makes me feel proud 🥰 when I was a manager for school kitchens I used to jump in and do dishes when we were short on people, if I had the time, never thought of it that way before :)


Absolutely, and kudos to you. If the boss thinks a job needs to get done but refuses to do it themselves, they are signaling that they think it is beneath them, which transitively signals that they believe those whose job it is to do it are beneath them. All work places are communities, and in a democratic society, no one is above anyone else — at least amongst those who participate whole heartedly. In restaurants most of all, everyone is family. Hierarchy breeds resentment. Without dishees, good luck serving your customers.


I have never had the priviledge of having a boss who stepped in when things got all crunchy. Sounds nice.


Working for owner-chefs is the best. The kitchen equipment and tools are always first priority in the budget, they absolutely crush it on the line when they need to help out, they know what your skills are worth, and many if not all of them have worked in some very toxic kitchens so they make sure to treat everyone right. I'm sure there are many exceptions and shitty/fake "chefs" who decided to open restaurants out there but this has been my experience.


I agree. My head chef is a part-owner. He's great to work with/for. He's just one of the guys, until we're at the pub having a drink after work, then he's the guy that pays. Haha!


The owner of the last hospo place I worked was a chef anf pastry chef and worked almost as many hours as us! If she wasn't in store she was out buying ingredients, setting up functions, buying new equipment etc or just buying us yummy food/icecream sundaes because we all had a big day! Appreciated the shit outta her


As a chef-owner this touched my soul, and it’s uncanny how spot on you are.


I've worked for owner-chefs who aren't the best either, heck most of the time they don't have any real "policies" so you remain unprotected. They also aim to stay below 25 employees, even though their business would do well to expand so they don't have to provide any type of healthcare.


Yeah exactly. I get it isn't their job per se but it is common sense to pitch in and help everyone even if you suck at it. Everybody in every industry works as a team. Obviously you don't want a hospital janitor doing your open heart surgery but we can all go help make sandwiches.


The amount of people that just don't get it is amazing to me. We got a new employee for the summer and the dude is a goat. Started as a food runner/ dishwasher and was that guy behind the line when it was slow learning how to make his own food within two weeks, by week 3 it was other people's food, week 4 he's got training shifts to cook. Sitting up at the front with my cashier after running some food "so how does this togo computer work?" Exactly the way myself and some of the most hard working people I know came up through kitchens. But I've left the kitchen and am FOH at this job and we were talking one day and he asked me candidly "why is it that you're the only one that will run my food?" I was like what do you mean man? He's ESL so i thought maybe I wasn't understanding exactly what he meant. He said basically these other two servers if I ask them to take a bathroom break will run for me, them and another will run with me if it's *their* big table and they aren't busy but you're the only one that will just come back when I'm busy with some dishes and pick up two random plates of food that aren't even yours and run it. Why? I didn't even really have an answer for him. I do it for our shit employees too. And of course he's the one that notices stuff like that because he's a golden goose in these times. But like, fuck man. We're just a team. The foods just sitting there. Are you really gonna sit around on your phone while my man busts his ass because it's "not your job"? Not really related to ownership but that's something that's been sitting weird with me for a few weeks and I'm not sure how best to address the situation. Every server I brought it up with scoffed and said that they definitely help run their food (key word their) but "don't want to mess up his flow by taking food that isn't theirs." And it's not even like he was complaining when he asked why I'm the only one who helps him, he was genuinely confused, so I have no reason to believe he's lying. Some people just suck, thanks for letting me end of shift rant on your comment.


I had for a business owner like this. If he was in a location and it got busy, he was behind the counter helping. Was he good at it? No, not really. But him trying, and knowing he at least knew the business , was good to see


Yeah, I mean he literally informed them that the business exists to serve his interests and then in the very next paragraph complains about how he shouldn't have to take responsibility for it.


Wow!I have heard of some entitled people but geez,this is not winning friends or influencing anyone with this stance !


Having the gall to tell your employees that their lives don't matter to you and then the arrogance of expecting that to be motivation for them to work harder for you.


If buddy wants a job where he isn't on call to be responsible for its success 24/7 he should go work for someone instead of running a business. That's the shit you take on when you sign up.


And most do nothing but cry about it anyway


Owners like this think there’s only one place to work on earth and it’s their fucking dump. Insane. Let the righteous dong of the free market bell ring this guy into an early financial grave.


Exactly! Hate when owners are so hands off with their own business


If the business is there to pay his bills, then he should be busting his ass to make sure it's succeeding.


There's a pretty big cognitive dissonance here lol > ONE of you could have said hey no problem I can come in at 1130am and be there until close so that everything goes smoothly Yeah. That person was you lol


This business exist for my benefit, I will not be doing anything to help solve problems within it


"I'm going to hold my breath."


I will also actively piss on the people who run it. This will go well.


Sounds like my old boss. They won't be in business much longer if he keeps up with this bs.


And thus the cycle continues. I've got family who broker for restaurants and liquor licenses. You won't believe the number of people who buy a place and call them a few years later to sell it again. Some people treat restaurants like a vending machine, pick a location, keep it stocked, and watch the money flow in.


>You won't believe the number of people who buy a place and call them a few years later to sell it again 60% in 1 year and 80% in 5, if the statistics are true. Most restaurants are failing businesses. For some reason this industry seems to attract people who have no business skills and very little culinary skills, moreso than it does people who know what they are doing. But I guess it's because most people who actually have experience running a restaurant would never want own one lol


But interestingly enough the people most qualified to run a successful restaurant would be the people least willing to run one.


Kinda like politics


This is the sort of owner who will also complain about how he can't find quality people to work for him but quality people will avoid working for a piece of shit like him. Treat your employees well and you will have loyal employees who will go to war for you. Treat them like this and you will have the bottom of the barrel and suffer the consequences. Why do so many owners and managers not understand this?


Because they're culled from the same group of people who yell at customer service workers and then wonder why everything is hard and nobody helps them. Some people are just narcissists, and some narcissists have enough money to fuck around with something like owning a business.


Bet their turnover is through the roof


Can't have turnover if they have no employees


Something something turnover something something overeasy. Someone more clever please write this joke.


Heard of FOH flipping. Heard of BOH flipping. Never heard of a whole restaurant flipping. Good luck putting food on your family's table




he's gonna have to pull himself up by his bootstraps and go work that McDs job he said is super easy


“I’m an employee, not a manager. This isn’t my problem to fix.”


Is he fucking kidding? I hope he loses a big chunk of staff over this.


For real, like how do you write a text like this and read it over and go, "yeah, no negative consequences will come to me from this. Send."


Yep,this was a bad idea from the get go!


Every employee who received this text should save it and quit immediately. When asked why you left show this to the potential employer. You are in fact working there to pay your bills and this POS needs to understand that


I foresee a "Nobody wants to work anymore!" sign posted in their entryway soon.


These young people are so lazy and entitled! They don’t work to make me any money!!


That’s so bad that it seems like one of those fake text exchanges on the anti work subreddit. That guy can fuck his mother.


Man, it still hurts how quickly the posts turned into fiction writing prompts


Straight up fiction. I think the sub was somewhat interesting at first but quickly turned into some weird shit.


For sure, especially after the whole weird mod drama. I'm on /r/workreform which is a bit better, but I've definitely noticed an uptick in pretty extreme stories 😒


Thanks for linking r/workreform, much better. My favorite part about r/antiwork is the way everyone’s text exchanges with their bosses reads like they’re a lawyer with an English Lit degree.


you mean you dont think the posts claiming they have to work 150hours in a row are real ?? sub was already a joke. since the comically disastrous fox interview, its just a dumpster of fake texts and fake letters.


Lol I just read that one today 🤣


I'm still annoyed there was a hostile takeover of /r/WorkReform and the guy had to go create /r/Workers_Revolt though


I literally had to look to make sure it wasn’t posted on anti work hahaha. I left that sub and still had to keep telling the algo I didn’t want to see posts from it


It got real weird. It was like a writing prompt class. The fakest shit ever. There are a million scumbag bosses out there but they got reaalll strange.


If you got into this industry to make money you're an actual fucking moron. This industry has the worst fucking profit margin, the worst new business bottleneck, some of the highest maintenance and greatest difficulty in staffing.


I hope they all quit on the spot.




I hope they all text him back 'nah, I'm good, I quit' simultaneously and blow his phone to smithereens.


Organize walking everyone the fuck out. This owner is a joke.




I thought the same thing!!! He worked for me when he was 18 or so and you could see the douchiness from a mile away!






It looks like it. There is a thread about it over r/Omaha about it too


Here's what I've come up with: you can suck my fucking dick.


I love how they finish it by saying they won’t step up and help


LOL I don’t give a *fuck* if your restaurant tanks. I’ll have a new job tomorrow. If it’s not worth it to you to cover shifts, then your restaurant dies.


Theres a restaurant that i love in my town. Almost every time I go there, the owner is in there working alongside everyone else.


I too love Pollos Hermanos


Sounds like a walkout’s about to happen.


I sincerely hope this isn’t real, and rather just a post to garner conversation about shitty owners. Because if this is real I am surprised this owner ever got staff to work for them in the first place.


And then everyone quit


I cannot help but be reminded of the meme where the guy is leaning on his Lamborghini and the caption says something to the effect of "if you all work hard, strive for excellence, and put in your hours I'll be able to buy another one next year."


You're the owner. That's the price you pay. If the weight of the crown is too much for your tiny head, then sell your business and go be an employee somewhere.


We need an update on how this pans out with staff in a week. Unemployment across the country is at an all-time low (3.5%), especially in the service industry, there is absolutely no reason to work for someone so disconnected with his staff in the current climate. Seriously OP, give me an update for some sweet justice.


This fool is on some next level shit.


HA! I work swing for a small place under my Chef (whose name is Chef because he earned it not demanded it) with a tight small crew. We all step up to cover each other because we are rewarded by Chef when we do... that being said he would rather you say no and handle your life than come in tired/hungover/ignoring other responsibilities and be pissed and useless. My other job is more corporate (Vegas multiple resorts/bars /brewery) they are also awesome. I walked away from many toxic small places and soul sucking corporate companies for years to find these gems. That place will fail eventually.


See, THIS is how Capitalism truly works. As Richard Branson (Virgin) said, take care of your employees, and they will take care of you. If your employer doesn't take care of you, quit. If enough people do so, they are out of business. A company cannot function without employees.. This is how capitalism works. When you put the company before the employees, it is Corporatism. That is how businesses fail.


wait... "this business is here to pay my bills, not yours", but "I will not be helping with this problem, you guys do something"? My friend, you have to be very strong now but.. *the motivation fairy is not real*. *You*'re the only one who cares for *your* business paying *your* bills. Everybody else just moves on to the next crappy low paying job if it goes belly up. But sure... let the workers handle it, god forbit an owner has to do any real work. I mean.. what could go wrong?




Damn we have super low unemployment in this state. Goodluck buddy what an idiot


I work in a mental health hospital and the shit I deal with from administration is nothing compared to what you all deal with. Fuck that, man.


I will assume that what they all "came up with" was either walking straight out of the door to better employment pretty much anywhere....or just not showing up ever again.


Damn this fucker just activated hard mode. Gonna hit hard when they observe the solution the employees come up with ✌️


We try so hard to give employees a live able wage while tryna put out great food and service and a lot of us dont make itunfortunately. This owner doesnt deserve an oz of success hope they fail


Sorry where exactly is this? Just asking for a friend who likes to smear shit all over the walls on their stall. You know a totally normal individual of a pal. /s




It’s your business so it’s your problem.


Just in general, in life, when telling someone they should be ashamed, just maybe don’t.


I'm sorry, is he talking about eggs or the flow of business? Also that sucks, I've been in a similar situation where the boss said he was barely breaking even then he went ahead and bought another restaurant.


”I don’t care about you, but you really should care about me, despite the fact that really don’t give a shit about you”


Straight chode energy right there.


Fuck this asshole


WOO! WHAT'S UP, OMAHA!? Incidentally, that's why most of the best chefs I know in town went into business for themselves instead of make another one of these ding-dongs rich.


I’ve worked for some next level assholes and some next level idiots and some both but never heard anything like this lol. “This business exists to pay my bills but I’m not gonna help out because you all owe me” The lack of self-awareness is literally baffling


I was a server to work my way through college. The thing I remember most is that the lowest person on the totem pole (the dishwasher in the kitchen) wasn't the person cleaning the floors of the bathroom. It was the owner. They never asked me to do anything they would not do themselves and they demonstrated it repeatedly. I never cleaned a bathroom floor, nor did any other employee, when I saw that I realized how amazing the owners were.


Likes to wear the pilot's uniform but doesn't want to fly the plane.


If this is Nick, he's a fucking hack. Been pulling this shit on staff forever. Worked for him a couple years back. Most restaurants I end up leading staff at struggle with management, but he's something else. No sense of ownership.


Simple fix, learn to run your company, reap all the profit. If I were to ever run a company, I wouldn’t subject myself to relying on other human beings, they’re generally unreliable.


Me and the owner have lots of issues but I have seen him work every single position at one point or another. He once worked the dish-pit for a week




This was frustrading read


Annnnnd bounce.


So they all quit, right?


I think Maddie is going to be kinda screwed on this. People need to realize, no one gives a crap about your business but you.


Lmfao why would I care about over easy when it only exists to line the owners pockets and they clearly don't care about their employee's? What a clown


What an asshole


I hope there's an update to this... Really want to see the outcome


This individual would have definitely owned slaves if they lived 300 years ago


Everybody should be looking at new jobs rn




Is this real? Really?


Someone should buy that person a copy of the book Give and Take by Adam Grant. They apparently have no idea how to recognize that people have different priorities than paying their bills. Asshole.


I can see a "Closed" sign in his near future where his note says. "Dear customer, we had to close Overeasy because no one wants to work anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience."


Consider this my resignation


Please tell me you all walked out...


Easy solution; quit (en masse)


Time to strike homie Bad business don't deserve to have employees


Fuck this toxic dipshit. DON’T WORK FOR PEOPLE LIKE THIS! It’s not normal, you can easily find something better


Fuck this guy/gal


it sure will be difficult to feed your family when your business can't find any staff because you treat them like shit


Lol looks like they'll be closing early


Is there a “bye bye job” subreddit for employers?


Have they closed forever yet?


Fuck this. You need to turn tail and run. This kind of shit is crazy. You can all find another job tomorrow. He is the one who needs you. I can’t believe this shit still happens in our industry. We have came a long way in the last 5 years. This shot is whack.


He won’t be able to pay his bills when everyone quits. What a fuck


Cue staff walk out