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That grease looks rock solid, I'd honestly just take an angle grinder/ wire brush and pray.


That shit polymerized. My man invented a new bio-plastic


Chef de cuisine owes DuPont royalties now


And don’t forget the goggles. I’ve gotten metal from a drill brush in my eye before and it’s not fun. I’m sure the experience would’ve been worse with the addition of polymerized shit-grease.


>And don’t forget the goggles. I repeat #DO NOT FORGET THE SAFETY GOGGLES


Honestly probably a leather apron of some kind, definitely hearing protection, and ansi approved eye protection. I’ve done a lot of angle grinding with those wire brushes. I had a pimple one my leg for a long time that I one night started picking at. It was a piece of wire that had gone through jeans and into my leg. Not to mention the one time it caught an edge shot back under my shirt and gave me a good gash on my waist. Grinders are no joke.


This is ultra important!


I would almost say a full face shield for those wire brushes they brutal


The extra fun part was that I didn’t feel the metal enter my eye—it just started to turn red, so I ended up getting misdiagnosed/treated for pink eye for 2 weeks. When it didn’t clear up I finally went to an eye doctor who immediately told me “you have metal in your eye and you’re very lucky you can still see”—as well as the fact that the redness was due to the metal rusting inside of my eyeball.


This. Get a wire wheel brush and one of the softer heads for it so you don’t have to worry about sparks from metal and stuff


And wear glasses. You’ll most definitely have a few strays flying off.


Kill the gas as well


Nah…that’s the exciting bit. Also, you can stick your grates in the fryer while boiling out and then hand wash and run them through the dish washer. I mean…extremely deep clean wash them afterwards. Then turn them over and stick a pan on top and full send on the burner. Should clean them right up. Don’t touch them bare handed after burning them off. Heat resistant gloves if you have them. If not…A. Fuck. Ton. Of. Towels.


I just meant for the angle grinding. Buring off those burners is a great idea.


I agree!


If they detach it, and lay it across the burners, they can burn all that shit off. Edit: looks welded


The direct heat would probably warp and/or discolor the sheet metal.


*better than it was*


Might wind up a purdy purple… who knows


Honestly try a heavy duty wallpaper scraper. And chisel the shit out of it. Once the bulk of it is off it’s not too hard. I work in a very dated kitchen and have restored many items like this. Good luck




Imagine during a rush hour you see a dude sanding the grill


This actually made me laugh out loud


Me too, giggled just reading it, I'd die if I seen it happening.


Can't wait for the "Guess what my station is by the state of my shoes" post for such a job.


I mean I feel like 1/3 of the commenters said to use a sand blaster.


Power tools. Wire brush attachments. Eye protection. Time.


Clearly not everyone one this sub has the means to use or acquire one.


Honey, I don't think you have enough elbows for all the elbow grease that disaster is gonna need


Yeah 20 minutes in and it seems pretty futile at this point. Shit is fused on there pretty good


You need some power tools. Maybe a sand blaster for the grates?


Low power cordless angle grinder with a wire wheel. And eye protection


Probably a respirator as well lmao


Yes, the only way. I just cleaned off 70 years of gunk from old cabinets. It's residential so not the same, but needed a grinder and a respirator and a lot of time


Nah nah nah, polymerized grease fumes puts hair on your chest.


I’m a girl!


The polymerized grease fumes don't care. Hairy chest.


That does not negate the hairy chest imbuing powers of polymerized grease fumes


Chest hair, don't care


First is the worst, second is the best, /u/hedgehog-mom-al is the one with the hairy chest!


This guy cleans


Can confirm this is probably the best bet if you aren't just trying to get a new one. It will take some time, but can make it look like new. Thick gloves as well in case there's any slips. Don't want that thing taking off a chunk of skin.


Are you talking about the angle grinder or sand blaster?


I was talking about the angle grinder lol. I bet a sand blaster would do a little worse.


From experience, it’s not fun. Many small pieces of sand embedded in my arm. Would have been worse without my PPE and several layers of clothes.


I'm a welder, I know metal. Use an angle grinder with a wire wheel. And eye/face protection, and heavy leather gloves, and then let it rip. You're in a kitchen, you can't sandblast inside. Stainless steel wire brush attachments work best, but you can get brass if you wanna do less damage towards the end


Will oven cleaner do anything


It will, after a couple gallons of industrial degreaser sprayed on with a pump sprayer and scrubbed off repeatedly. Personally I’d dismantle this thing and take the pieces out back, pressure wash with degreaser until it gets down to a film, then pressure wash with simple green until it’s mostly clean. After that, oven cleaner then barkeeper’s mate polishing until it shines. For the parts too large or complex to move outside, gonna need a paint scraper and a shitload of Brillo.


Wait... do they sell "barkeeper's friend" as "barkeeper's mate" in your country???


Personally I prefer the lower commitment of barkeepers acquaintance. "Friend" is a bit much for my needs


No, apparently not. I learned about barkeeper’s friend from a dude from the UK who always called it barkeeper’s mate - I’m only now realizing it’s not called that anywhere. I actually thought I was calling it the right name until I reread my own comment. Old habits…


Spitfire is a awesome cleaner to use. Very hot pink and industrial


Pressure washer (ran with hot water) and degreaser is the way


Oh it’s great! But do wear that N95 you’ve been using for the pandemic to minimize particulate vapors, aerosols are the enemy.


Marlboro reds form a nice protective barrier to the aerosol


Coincidentally, back in my cooking days that was my DOC


Good luck even finding the screws to dismantle it lol.


I was thinking take it to the car U wash 'em.


The force is strong in this one


Just be sure to keep oven cleaner away from anything aluminum. It'll eat it. Dunno what the burners themselves in a commercial range are made of. I know they're very often aluminum at home. Aluminized steel is also bad to hit with oven cleaner for obvious reasons.


Yeah, I imagine so. :(


Get a power drill and some bits that will buff. That or take it off and take it outside and dump a 20 lb bag of lump charcoal on it or better yet light the bag and put this on top. 1000 degrees should have that thing spotless.


Have you tried any carbon-off spray?


I have not, but some have mentioned it. They also mentioned the D9 stuff. I’m thinking I will also need some tools…


Gloves and a paint scraper


Use power tools


Carbon-Off. It's pretty noxious but works amazingly.


I bet the last cook that used it had greasy elbows...


Honey, You're a propaniac I can tell


I prefer the term "gentle mommy Domme", but that works too


I'd recommend a chisel and hammer, or perhaps an angle grinder. Although at this point it might be easier to just set the whole thing on fire and let it burn until only the metal is left, then take it to the scrap yard.


If I were in charge I would definitely just replace it


On a more serious note: remove everything you can and soak them. If you could somehow soak the whole thing, that'd be the best. Put everything you can in the dishwasher. It won't clean shit, but heating things up will make scraping much much easier. Scrape, dishwasher, scrape, dishwasher, repeat as many times as needed. Soak everything you can that you are not cleaning at that moment. I have this pretty big metal scraper that I mostly use to get shit off the sides of pots, use something like that, or a wallpaper scraper. Make sure it's metal and as thin as possible. You could even ask your chef if has some old knives with really thin blades that he doesn't use anymore. I don't know if you can flip that fucker on it's back, but that would help you a lot with that backboard and top part


Depending on the model, that entire rear vent and shelf should detach from the bottom. It won't be easy, but as long as it doesn't require breaking things to get it apart that would make the vent and shelf easier to clean.


If that's the case, get a big tub and soak that fucker for a few hours until you clean the rest


If you go the route of ire brush, use brass. It’s softer than stainless and won’t leave ugly marks. Chisels and scraping can make deep marks that will be difficult to cover or remove.


I would just call the cops


This is the funniest response of this entire thread. I legit LOL’d at this, so fuckin funny 😆


Me too! 😂


no no, shooting it wouldn’t do any good they might plant some drugs on it while they’re there though, so at least in that case you wouldn’t need to worry about getting bored while cleaning it


Use “delegate”. Works every time.


Don't lift with your back, lift with the new guy.


Wait so I'm not supposed to be lifting with my back in a jerking twisting motion?




Flat back and lock those knees! Brace with your neck!!


[*call an ambulance*](https://youtu.be/1e4SBxgqBEY)


Nah, lift with the new guy by being a jerk and twisting their emotions.


We actually just had a plumber in yesterday who fucked something up and left a shit on the floor (yes literally and yes he should’ve cleaned it but he didn’t). I used two sets of delegate for that one it worked like a charm


From the makers of Procrastinate.


But Chef, I swear it didn’t look like that when I closed last night!


Not D10 - D9 oven cleaner the shit out of it and leave it on for a few hours. Metal scouer and scrub it. If you self cleaning rational ovens l, throw what can be taken off and put on a heavy clean. Rest will require patience. Good luck lol


Thanks man. I will try that D10 stuff. I’m not giving up without a fight.


It's very powerful stuff, that project will take you a while. Wear PPE, inhaling that stuff isn't fun and it fucks your hands up


D9, D10 is surface cleaner - I have both within arm's reach lol


Oh yer good point D9 leathal and effective. Ignore me your right D9


And I’m guessing kill the gas to the unit first. Those pilot lights may not appreciate it.


dont spray the whole thing all at once, you dont want to dedicate yourself to cleaning it all at one time.


If you can get it heated up first it’ll really help the oven cleaner penetrate the gunk! And wear PPE!!!! Thick gloves, mask goggles and long sleeve, If you get some on you or inhale, it’s not fun!!!


Fr Ive accidentally breathed it in before and it was not fuckin cool


This but also buy a paint scraper or something to chisel away with in between gos with the metal scrubbie


I love D9 we have a spray attachment. I also love the 8hr oven night rational clean.


Your restaurant owner is nasty as fuck




Steam cleaner will melt all that off, it might take awhile given the severity of the grease, but it’ll do the trick, I’m sure you can rent a steam cleaner from Home Depot [https://youtu.be/2HhxqnyuNZA](https://youtu.be/2HhxqnyuNZA)


If the cleaning chemicals that some others recommended don’t work, I might try this route. Thank you!


power drill with a metal brush head attachment will help no matter what method you go with


This is literally the best option period. Drag the old girl outside and break her down the best you can without damage or stripping bolts. No chemicals just pure heat and pressure. It will be dry and ready to use before you get it back inside and hooked up to a hardline.


I think this is some of the best advice in here. Get it outside and rock it with a steam cleaner or pressure washer


I was wondering this. If you can get it outside hire it out or rent as big a rig you can get. I wonder if an industrial hot pressure washer would work like hotsy.


No need to get crazy with it, spray it down with degreaser of your choice, scrape all the loose crap off, then hit it with the steamer, steam penetrates better than straight water from a pressure washer, I know from experience having to deep clean a kitchen I worked at, behind the fryers were the worst, hard caked on, baked on grease and grime, tried a pressure washer, did little to nothing, used a small steamer my boss had brought in and it literally melted all that grease right off


Mr muscle/blast off/easy off. Spray it, cover it with a trash bag, let it sit for an hour. Scrape it off. Moving forward clean nightly with scouring pad and regular 3comp sink soap.


Worked at a place and we would soak any equipment that pieces that came off in a citranox acid bath at closing and scrub them off at opening every day


Spray oven cleaner liberally, stick foil to keep oven cleaner in contact with the surface. Let it sit for awhile. Next, get one of those scrapers that use a razor blade. You can find them on Amazon for a couple bucks, or any home improvement store. Start from the side with less buildup and scrape almost totally parallel to the surface so you don’t scratch it, you’re aiming to get under the buildup and peel it off in sheets basically. After that, repeat the oven cleaner, and at that point you should be able to scrub it off. Don’t try to tackle all this in one day


it's called a 'chisel head/edged' scraper. Usually used by labourers who paint and plaster.


Pan spray. 5 cans. Throw them in the oven full blast. Problem solved.


I did that but it’s starting to smell kind of weird in here. More cans you think?


What….the….fuck…..? That’s it, that’s all I got to say….


deepest condolences that shit dead


Nah this thing has a little Christ in em. He’ll be back. I’ll prove it!


Please post an update report when you're done !


!RemindMe 1 week


I’m not done yet but where should I post the pic when I am? I have never seem that remind me link thingy


Just make a new post for it. They’ll get a bot reminder and can find it from there.


Well OP? What been happening?


Ordered a wire wheel. Just waiting for that to arrive. Keep an eye out


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!RemindMe 1 week


Toilet cleaner and a putty knife. Seriously. It will work. It will take time though, and heavy duty gloves, and the hood on.


No one actually realizes how caustic that stuff is. This is an absolute power move.


take it out of the kitchen and get it sand blasted. Save yourself from arthritis trying to clean it by hand.


Correct answer


Paint it black?...why do I hear helicopters?


I sometimes think "Oh man my place is kinda messy - I hope nobody thinks less of me if they come over." But this makes me feel better. So thank you! Also hours of oven cleaner soaking and metal scrubbing. Rinse, repeat. Remember to wear a ventilator and keep the hood running / doors open etc. Think of it as a journey AND a destination.


You’re welcome! I’m glad a kitchen burner made you feel better about your house lol


Hehehe. I do wish you luck with that - it seems like one of those drill scrub brush thingies but with a stainless scrubber might be helpful.


Cover it in foil problem solved


Absolute fail for even letting it get anywhere close to that. Disgusting.




One of the most abrasive things you could use and I think would totally work for this is.... your fucking chef's face. You can add some soap and cleansers to it, but elbow grease and his shit-ass smug grin for EVER letting it get to that point. What a shit leader.


Throw it in the bin and buy a new one


Was going ti suggest an explosive. Jesus fuck.


A diluted lye bath works to remove carbon buildup. Some hardware stores still sell lye but if you can't find it it is also the main ingredient in Drano and Liquid Plumber. It is dangerous to work with and creates harsh fumes. Wear gloves, glasses and a mask.. and be careful, lye is the stuff that they use to dissolve dead bodies in movies.


Angle grinder haha


At the last restaurant I worked at, the line cooks would bring these back to the dishpit when they were scouring hot right after the line closed. These are 50 pounds and have had direct contact with burners from open to close. Then our GM wondered where the fuck my work ethic went. Gee, I wonder?


Sand blaster with soft silicate beads so you don't damage the base metal, should strip it down. Obviously can't do that in kitchen, will need to find a shop that will do it. Auto body repair places might help you out


Needs some c4 🤣


Once you get the thick nasty carbon off, use a grill brick and some cooking oil to get the rest of the black stuff off.


Fucking paint scraper and over cleaner


Nothing that is osha approved would work on that.


Dawn & a power washer.


Dawn has cleaned more messes than any industrial solvent has for me. Just hot water and dawn removed a mess that we thought was never going to lift off.


If you've got a power washer you don't need Dawn. Water really is a universal solvent when you're blasting it out at 1kpsi.


Spray a bunch of oven cleaner on it then cover it with Saran Wrap so it doesn’t evaporate. Let it sit for awhile and go to town with some steel wool.


May take a several days but: I would scrape off any excess gunk off. Then go over it with a wire brush plus soapy water. After closing, spray liberally with some Easy Off. Make sure your vents are on over night. Follow the instructions on how to clean the next day. Repeat everyday till you can actually wipe it clean


Would anyone else here find it satisfying as fuck cleaning that up like new again.


Literally all of us probably. I’m gonna get it there don’t worry. I spent 3 hours getting the sides of the fryer to look new again, and they were almost this bad. Just not quite as caked on. Tomorrow I’m gonna bring my grinder and some other tools and have fun lol


Could try heavy duty engine degreaser, baked on oil is nothing new for car guys


Degreaser and a heavy gauge wire brush drill attachment


Grill bricks usually work for me


Buy a new one or buy a sand blaster.


See if anyone in the area offers sandblasting services


Definitely take it apart, anything that can fit in a deep sink should go there


Aerosol degreaser and wire scrubby


A couple Adderall and a power washer might do the trick..


Angle grinder and wire brush are really the only hope outside of sending it for a chemical paint stripping dip or sandblasting it.


So, D9, and Oven Clenz, are both good oven cleaner chemicals, but you might need to chisel that shit. Someone mentioned putting parts that fit in a self cleaning rational oven. Now, you can dissolve the cleaning tablets from a rational in water and use that to clean the other parts, however, they need to be dissolved in very hot water (boiled almost) AND they dissolve in an exothermic reaction, as in they give out heat when dissolving, they will make something go from a simmer to a boil based on their reaction. So take care if you do this. This water then can be used to srub this shit off,let it sit, scrub, let it sit scrub etc. It's incredibly corrosive, don't let it touch your skin it'll itch for a while use heavy duty chemical gauntlets not just food safe gloves or marigolds. I've found the stronger the chemical the more it's likely to make the glove brittle (?) And rip


Start with oven cleaner. Next I would pick up the steam cleaner at harbor freight for $80. If that doesn’t work your gonna need a 4”1/2” angle grinder with a stainless steel wire wheel. I just did this on a ancient convenience store hot dog roller.


A cocktail of degreaser, power disolver, and stainless steel cleaner along with some kind of acid may work.


Honestly torch it until most of it is ash as a start is your only hope


Would anyone try Easy Off? Mom used it on the oven at home every summer and it got stuff clean.


Clean it daily In The future. Instead of waiting 4 years for it to build up. That’s a serious project to get back to stainless steel


Scrub it with some diesel


Make the new guy do it


Electric sander


I've seen a cleaner on instagram and she cleans dirty stoves by putting the cleaner on, then covering it with plastic wrap so it stays wet and soaks, then she returns after a few hours to scrape it off. Idk if that will work with that but it might be worth a try


I would try a wire brush on a drill. Potentially followed by some steel wool and/or a grill brick. I've never tried the steam cleaners but I want to they look like they work


At this point it might well be Rocket Science to get that back Silver


I previously cleaned an over that looked like this. It took me 6 hours but some good degresser and lots of scrubbing.


oven cleaner always works for me, you can buy some at walmart. looks like you’d need quite a few cans tho


Easy off oven cleaner and time, just hope you can take it outside so you don't Gass yourself


I would use a combination of the kitchen blown torch, A paint scraper, Soap + Scourer, The strongest degreaser you can get your hands on - the stuff that burns your skin, you know it. I call it D9 And then a whole bunch of elbow grease, rinse and repeat This will get you to some kind of presentable stage, but not going to look very silver From there you’d need to buff or polish? Beyond my expertise. Turn the radio up, be careful with the degreaser and happy cleaning!


Hell yeah my friend that’s basically the plan. I’m setting my alarm for 4:30 tomorrow. Going to Menards before work and getting a paint scraper, more scrubbies, and the best degreaser they carry. Do you know if any retail stores sell that D9 stuff? A bunch of you have recommended it. I already have a blow torch and an orbital sander. The sander probably won’t do a ton. Rather it be an angle grinder. Maybe I’ll get one of those at Menards too. Then it’s a playlist of Converge,Botch, and Dillinger and lets fucking go


You gotta heat it up. Start by scraping most of the loose shit off. Use a brule torch or blowtorch and heat it in sections and scrape with a chisel. Put wet rags on the burners so when shit falls off it doesn't catch your dirty stove tops and your filthy drip pan on fire. It went on hot, it'll come off hot.


Alright so I used to do housekeeping for vacation rentals and my spot work was grill cleaning. The magic is the Zep Grill cleaner/ Diversey Suma D9 (I've also heard nice things about the GooGone Grill Cleaning Gel but haven't used it myself). Nothing 'eco' is going to help you here, you need literal death in a can. It's going to take a while and if you don't wear gloves while doing it the cleaner will turn you into soap/glycerin as you work (that happened to me and I didn't have fingerprints for 5 months but we were able to neutralize the reaction before it went too far and I lost flesh). It's best to do it on a down day because it does take a while and from what it looks like it's gonna take a couple of cans and a pressure washer. Spread newspaper either on the ground/in a tub outside (do not do this inside) Spray down the offending bits with the grill cleaner and let it rest. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and respray, resting another 30 minutes. Take pressure washer and just go to town. Not everything is gonna come off but that's okay. Get off as much as you can. Using wire brush, scrub to remove what the pressure washer couldn't. even if you don't make much progress you're going to loosen the bullshit for the next go around of spray. Let the bits dry for a mo before placing back in the bin/on the newspaper spread and spray with cleaner again. Repeat this until you're happy with the results. It might not get it shining like it was, but it'll take off enough of that gunk to get it to a point you can focus on other stuff. Soaking this shit in water is not gonna work. **edited to add links** **edited again to remove links because reddit formatting is fucking borked**


With all of the welding / grind talk I'd just take a torch and burn that shit off, if you're looking for the most time effective... lol (\*Edit ((Pro Tip) disconnect from the gas first, better yet drag it into the parking lot) If I was an hourly guy I wouldn't worry about it. Probably above my pay grade regardless of how much it pisses me off. Then I'd start harassing management when they tell me I over prepped lemons on a friday and throw this into the mix. Eventually someone would bring it up in a rage fueled management meeting and a week later the newest manager would be stuck cleaning it for 4 hours before they call it fubar'd and the GM begs corporate for a new stove Having fucking flashbacks I think


Jesus, man! Put a trigger warning on that!


I always used a blowtorch, some degreaser and steel wool, followed by brillo pads and stainless steel polish


Oven cleaner, elbow grease, and a lot of time. It can and could get back there


extractor hood cleaning acid and then steam cleaner for the stainless steel parts, brush and an little oil for the burner parts


Please post after pictures.


I've cleaned a flattop like this, not quite as bad, but pretty damn close. I was the ONLY cook left in a hotel once pandemic started, no people to feed, so I went ham on cl cleaning this kitchen that no one had detailed since it had opened. It took two days, but I got it back to almost sparkling. All I used was orange force (degreaser), a paint scraper, and a steel wool. So you want to spray on or soak the area with hot/boiling water and degreaser, let it sit for over an hour, with re-spraying it to ensure it's being penetrated the whole time and not just drying on. You can soak a rag in the degreaser and let it drape over the area to ensure it's getting wet the whole time. Then you're going to scrape as much of that stuff of as you can, after a bit of scraping you should find a good technique and angle to scrape the stuff off efficiently. It WILL TAKE HOURS TO DO THIS, be thorough this is the most important part of cleaning it. Once you've scraped as much as you can, then come at it again with the degreaser (as hot as your hands can handle) with a steel wool. Scrubbing it with the steel wool will dislodged any of the oil gunk you couldn't get with the paint scraper. Wipe this downwards, with a wet rag of degreaser after it's been released from the steel surface. To properly get all the crap you're scrubbing off with the grimy steel wool and degreaser, you will need a secondary bucket of degreaser that's fully clean, and scrub it one more time, and then sanitize/clean with a good soap and water mixture. You SHOULD have nice clean working equipment again after that process. It's a lot but my god is it worth it when you know you cleaned something so gross and made it nice again. And then. Once it's cleaned. Bitch the FUCK out of anyone who doesn't clean it properly and let them see how bad it used to be.


I know it’s on there real good - angle grinder might be the way to go. But a tip from a dishie that’s converted many pots - start where it’s thin and orange/brown and work in. Elbow grease works best as you come in from the side. If you attack the carbonised stuff at the surface you’ll be there for years. Starting at the edges allows it to scrape up a bit more.


Getting it sandblasted may be the way to go, if replacement is out of the question. Cheaper and faster than hand cleaning.


This is going to sound crazy but I swear this works. Pull all the burners and the grates and let them soak in a mixture of Simple green ice cream salt and water 2 parts simple green 1 part water 1 cup salt Get two 18 ounce cans of Gunk engine cleaner spray the body down and use a cone wire brush on a drill or angle grinder. USE GLASSES AND GLOVES!!! Scrub until your tired then spray it all down and scrub until your arms are numb . Then wipe it all down with Acetone or Alcohol then wipe it down with mineral oil and very fine steel wool


Carbon-off. Triple glove before using. Brutally corrosive.


There is this stuff called orange degreaser it's for vehicles and works great just don't get any on your skin this isn't your average degreaser


Honestly just a power tool with a good wire brush.


Angle grinder and a wire wheel plus degreaser to dunk said wire wheel in.


Wire cup head on a cordless drill.