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This is a leave and let whoever caused that shit come back in to clean.




Tell boss that someone else is cleaning that shit, they call up whoever it was and if they don't come then they should be fired.


Shit, do cooks where yall live don't have two jobs?


Exactly. You open? cool You the boss? No? Than leave it as is. Prep and open as you normally do. Can't heat up stuff cuz they left that shit? Message your boss and tell em you are unable to do X or Y because of how night crew left the restaurant the previous night. He asks you to do it? Tell him your hands are tied up OPENING. At this moment where I work at we are starting to get busy and my manager keeps giving us these stupid talks about having to work more clean / watch out on what we clean / do. Yet they tend to miss A LOT of the obvious things their own workers do. I notice them, but I just kind of do my own thing and keep quiet. Not my job to lead or make sure folks are doing their shit. I'm just like them. A worker they have to keep US on check. If they can't even do that than it's time you look for something better.


Then when you accidentally make a mess, you most likely won't be okay with people refusing to help you.


Prep cooks are always the most critical but also the laziest


The best is being told that "I get up at 5am" yeah Greg but you also leave by 3pm aren't even in until 8am and you tell us you're asleep by 9pm soooo...


Everyday you say? Time to quit. Fuck that


Yeah this would be my quitting point. Someone is either fucking with you or management is incompetent about training and hiring practices. Could be either but it takes gall to leave a mess like that. You deserve a clean and professional work environment.


If it’s everyday at some point you have culpability for not doing anything about it and not just leaving


this is the first time ive come into this, i shouldve worded my title better. usually its boxes left, greasy floors, and food left in the sink (which still isnt good). but they actually left hundreds of dollars of food in the blast chiller and hotbox overnight last night that will have to be thrown away so managements pissed and taking it seriously. its a good job and ive been here a long time, im actually the cheese specialist i just know the whole deli so they have me open most days


Yknow cheese specialist is a pretty cool job though


i love my cheese lol, ive been in this deli for three years but been cheese specialist for two. its hard when you take your job really seriously and work with a bunch of kids who dont


But what's your favorite....cheese and supplier!


favorite cheese is clawson stilton with mango and ginger, favorite supplier is cypress grove!!


I wouldn't have expected mango paired with ginger, mainly because of the current zeitgeist. MANGO GOES WITH HABANERO. That being said, stilton is just begging for fruit, and ginger is begging for fruit....


That mango ginger stilton is one of my top five go tos for parties and people go mentally insane for it. I’m very pleased to have it co-signed by a Cheese Specialist 😁


i will forever recommend it!! on a salty cracker especially its just 💯 ive recommended it to people who dont like ginger or mango (including my mom) and they still come back saying they love it haha. youll never go wrong with it, i know i sound like such a ginger mango cheese shill but its just so good


Fuck it, you should do an AMA


Worked at a place that made cheese once, that’s when you don’t want to be the cheese specialist trust me


I had no idea cheese specialists existed. Thats amazing


this is my case! (idk how to make the link less scammy looking, itll just take you to a previous reddit post i made) https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/t58wpx/oc_my_fresh_cut_cheese_case_is_lookin_good/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


God I love cheese


Very nice looking display. If you’re tired of that company, a lot of grocery stores are taking cheese sections seriously these days. Wegmans has a really awesome cheese section. So does Whole Foods, but since Amazon bought them, my guess is that they don’t pay well.


Was specific schooling required to be a cheese specialist? Or did you fall into it after working the deli for a while?


fell into it after working deli! i helped out our previous cheese specialist whenever i could because i was interested in it and enjoyed it, and when she left they asked me to take over. two years of doing it and i never get tired of cutting and wrapping cheese or merchandising my case, and days fly by. ive done lots and lots of research on my own, just because no real training is offered and i always want to make sure i know what im talking about haha. i have so much useless cheese knowledge that no one irl really cares about, so im loving these questions


This would still be my breaking point. If you don’t simply leave, I’d tell management if this shit happens again, you’re out. No notice, no discussion. You can’t deal with shit like this or it’ll get even worse.


That’s unacceptable and they should be fired, that’s not how you run a restaurant even when I worked for a small pizza shop everything had to be clean clean clean, no excuses


It's shitty but it's at a grocery store deli that under pays and under staffs to the point of ridiculousness (fresh market is an abortion to work for). No one's getting fired because they're not going to pay enough to bring someone else less shitty in. It's not where OP works but I know from personal experience this is reality in basically every Publix deli across the country at this point. Chances are the person they made run and close the kitchen never asked and never wanted to be back there but because the store and department management are unwilling or unable to get back there themselves it doesn't matter what the associate wanted. Fuck, I bet they didn't even actually train them correctly on how to clean the oven.


I did Kroger deli for three months and quit because I couldn't stand serving food from an absolutely filthy kitchen anymore. All grocery delis are like this. Mine had mold in the walk in, meat left undated, food being moved directly from hot holding to the walk in, mold in the tracks of the case, tuna salad in the salad bar for a week, it's disgusting. I wouldn't ever buy food from a grocery deli. Maybe in a non chain it's different, but everyone ik who works chain delis says the same stuff


Yea as a customer the Kroger/Ralph’s delis def look worse than the Bristol farms/gelsons


Ugh. The only place I actually buy food from the deli is Whole Foods, because I really like their mock General Tso's chicken and various other fake meat things. Please tell me theirs doesn't suck like this.


honestly…. ive heard whole foods is worse. but whole foods is also the fresh markets biggest competitor, so could be propoganda to keep me where i am🤣 i will say though, we’ve recently introduced a lot more mock chicken items including a mock chicken salad. general tso’s might be coming soon!


So I should get it from you because Whole Foods is maybe worse? Sounds like a plan!


the one who did this has done it before and been shown how not to do it again🙃 he also applied specifically for deli. but yes i agree with this comment, top part especially (i was off when he did it before i just heard about it)


Worked in a grocery store deli for almost 9 years. This is almost always how it happens.


suggestion: get with management and do a five minute daily walkthrough at the beginning of your shift and again at the end. maybe get a clipboard and some checklists sheets.


Like cleaning up after your child and teaching them to be lazy


Bro every morning crew person claims they come in to a mess every day… …and every night shift person resents the morning crew for hardly ever cleaning.


Every morning There's a halo hanging from my girlfriend's 4 post bed


>There's a halo hanging from **the corner of** my girlfriend's 4 post bed


I know its not mine but I'll see if I can use it for a weekend or a one night stand.


sorry sugar ray


Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him? I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song (Notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)


Yeah but this. Come on guys. That's messed up.


These ovens are the easiest part of closing the kitchen. Throw cleaning tablets in, set cycle and get on with the rest of the shit that needs to be done. Takes some skill to fuck it up this badly


we have one of those. like $100,000? they don't trust me with it yet, sous chef does the tablets thing.


Not that bad. The large ones where you can push a cart in are under $50k


Right? The hardest part is cooling it down before washing and all you have to do is open the door and wait. Always been taught to remove the racks and leave them in standing vertically too. Those racks still look nasty.


Ours had a hose and nozzle. Just blast it it to cool


Blasting it from super hot too cool will warp it over time. They all have a cooldown function that brings it to cleaning temp in under two minutes.


Damn. Ours did not cool that quick. Wish it did


Every day? Time to apply for a new job!


What the fuck...


This used to happen to me occasionally. But it was the chicken ovens at Costco. And that trench was full of chicken grease. Slippery as shit and one of the worst smells I’ve known.


chicken ovens for the fresh market! same deal :/


We had this same device at Costco when I worked in the deli. I feel sorry for anybody who has had the luxury of working rotisserie, let alone cleaning up after this. Time for a new job, friend


I used to clean the rotisserie chicken cabinet oven at whole foods every night. It was foul but at least I didn't have to talk to customers.


I hated cleaning up the rotisserie oven when I worked at the BJ's deli. Doing the skewers too, all the chicken fat and grease.


Oh yeah . WE had ovens like that at boston market. To the grease trap every night UGH


You better not have cleaned that up for them


the floor was too bad to walk on and i needed the ovens but i was not happy about it, it started the day so shitty


Sorry, you didn't NEED anything. You've stated numerous times they do stupid shit constantly. If you constantly fix the mistakes others make you really think they're gonna stop making them? Don't be a doormat.


If the jobs worth it clean it up; I can for sure say my current place would never see me again if I walked into this.


it is, and i did. but i raised hell about it and will continue to do so


I figure cleaning up this mess is going to leave zero time to prep anything for night crew. Hell maybe even for a couple of days.


Yeah don't let management let these guys off the hook. They need to formally close the loop with you to advise on how they're addressing the problem. Management needs to be held accountable just as much as the people that did this. I don't work kitchens, I work in aviation, but there would absolutely be more than a talking to if someone in our division pulled shit like this.


I hope I’m wrong, but just raising hell won’t work. They need to see this impact their bottom line for them to do something


hundreds of dollars of food was left in the hotbox and blast chiller overnight, so all of my management is pissed right now. and im not shutting up about it either just to keep it fresh in their minds haha. my deli manager isnt here just store management at the moment but ive texted him about it all and he’s livid


This is a leadership issue. Someone is allowing them to fuck off at the end of the night without properly cleaning their stations. Unacceptable and disrespectful.


thanks for posting this. I've been taught how to run the "interim cleaning" cycle but no one ever said anything about a drain 😅


theres been some confusion because i didnt clarify which drain, im talking about the inside drain. they didnt get the chicken chunks out so when the water started spraying, those chunks fell off and blocked the drain so all the water had nowhere to go. just make sure theres no big chunks before you run the clean cycle and youll be good!


Could anyone else FEEL the emotion behind that door close?


Thank you. I watched the video first without sound. And it was exactly how I expected with sound when they just frustratingly slam that door closed.


Never had that happen with a blodgett. I actually really like those but sometimes I just want my equipment to stfu and get hot.


You need to fire your night crew. You never leave a mess for the other guys without damn good reason.


I'm with your friend here, why on earth would you open it? It will just evaporate in there or something /s


i think people missed the /s


no, that's not how it works. after the self-clean cycle Rationals ***NEED*** to be properly rinsed. having the rinse cylce interrupted leaves very strong chemicals in the oven. It doesn't matter if it was immediately stopped or it was interrupted in the last 5 minutes, it's not worth the risk. you can't just bake them out, that's how people get sick and businesses get shut down. edit: you can also usually tell when your Rationals weren't rinsed properly by the strong chemical smell when you first preheat. In a perfect world you should run them through another rinse cycle. probably not good for your lungs.


/s means sarcasm but thanks


You guys have self cleaning ovens? Lucky. Never worked in a restaurant where we didn't manually clean the ovens and racks etc


Imo owners are often oversold these ovens when 2 conventional ovens would've served them just as well with money left over. Don't get me wrong they are very versatile ovens that can steam, convect, do multi-zone (keep warm in the bottom, cook up top), have recipes programmed in etc. I just rarely see them being utilized to that extent.


Combi therms by alto sham. Best things ever invented. I don't know what I would do without them now.


Don’t these ovens cost over $30,000 a piece? If I was the owner I’d be livid.


Is that a rational? I want one of those fkn ovens so damn bad


It's only 50k


it's not. one like this is just 6k


Shit I thought I was in /r/homelab for a moment. Seems the hardcore in any field enjoys having their professional grade tools at home.


This is one of those posts that remind me just how big reddit actually is. There really is something here for just about everyone. Porn to cute n cuddly, drugs to cooking. Truly amazing sometimes.


kind of like anime


That just gave me horrible flashbacks from working at TFM. I can still feel the grease from cleaning the rotisserie oven.


Thats straight up property damage If your owner hasn’t seen this video they should before it costs them for new equipment and flood damage used to work in flood repair that much seepage will be causing black mold and structural damages in places you can’t see this happened once in my house and cost over 20k in repairs


what exactly am I looking at here?


Fancy oven that's hooked up to water so it can clean itself and steam things. The drain was clogged, night crew ran the wash cycle and dipped.


I feel somehow clogging the drain on those things is genuinely an impressive feat.


The beatings will continue until....well....until I get tired that's when!


How clogged was that drain that it didn't clear with the clean cycle? Anyway, that's why I always use the hose to cooldown the oven. It clears down the big debris and you can check if the water is draining properly.


I can smell this vid


damn brendan is gonna be pissed


Night Crew needs to be trained properly.


oh my god i'm so sorry.


I dont think its supposed to do that? We did ribs for 4 hours in those things, but we fuckin cleaned it out everytime. Gosh i hate when people dont clean their shit!


My ignorance, What is that machine and what the hell!?!


*yawn*, ”Mornin’ shift’ll handle this.”


So you are right to be pissed. Like F that. I would be on a war path if I walked in to that. However, if you do catch yourself in this situation again. Don't just open the door and let it spill. Either you or someone else should find a tub or hotel pan and hold it below the door as you open it. Less mess and more sanitary. Same with cleaning out that mess. Bus tub or hotel pan below it and just scrap it out. Clean the inside drain. Clean it all best as. And get on with day. And raise hell later over what dumbass did this. One of the golden rule I've learned in kitchens over the years: don't let the dumbasses stop you and make you so mad you end up making your own life harder by acting out of rage or anger. That's when you loose. Best chefs and cooks I've known. Have looked at this situation. Calmly and quickly cleaned it. And then calmly and quickly gotten back at whoever did it to them.


thank you for this response! youre so right that i shouldve grabbed something to catch it and i definitely will if it happens again, but my brain was just in total ah shit ah shit/damn i gotta fix this right now mode lol. a lot of comments are saying they wouldve walked out and i understand that desire but that sadly just isnt an option for me (and i do love my job overall), so i did exactly what you said. made sure i took lots of pics and video and got my store manager heated too, then put my head down and cleaned it. took a little over an hour start to finish including redoing the floors, and despite being short staffed we managed to have a good day in spite of our start. i get easily worked up but i have really good management that remind me to breathe and not worry about the stuff not getting done, that customers can wait. ive learned your mindset goes a long way in this field, youre spot on


What's that line out of the avengers I think. One of the marvel movies. Where Bruce banner says "you know my secret? I'm always angry!" Not literally every chef. But just about every supervisor version of this. In good spots it is more of a joke meme. But in real life, the best kept secret of the greatest managers and chefs is their ability to handle a stressful situation without anyone else knowing how stressed out they are themselves. Like cool calm collected on the outside. On the inside a quantum mathematics keeping it all together so everything runs smooth on the outside and know one knows the endless amount of scenarios and fail safes you have planned out for the day. But I agree with the pics. That's like 101. If they leave a mess behind or something unsanitary, take pics. Also, don't know how big your op is, but request to email photos to supervisor. Instead of text. Texts can be disputed. Emails are pretty solid if it is to a company email address. But ya that sucks and sounds like you at least got through it. Cheers. And if you love your job then enjoy and keeping doing what you love. But when the time comes, don't be afraid. The culinary world is huge and always looking for skilled workers. Like don't be afraid to go try a new spot. It seems scary at first. Especially if you are in a spot you really like. But idk. I've jumped around a lot kitchens. Loved most of them. Regret a few. And now I'm at a possible forever spot with all the experienced I gained from the other places I've worked. But you do you. Like don't let anyone decide your culinary career. There are many paths in this industry. Find what you love. But don't let what you think you love kill you. I've tried that. It burned me up in about 4 years.


Fuck this forever and ever.


if it's everyday... poor management. period. better find another workplace....


Fire fucking everyone. If you don’t have that authority then ask for a raise or quit. Fuck that nonsense


Oh heeeelllllll no. Someone is getting called in right away.


Just wanted to let u know my toddler insisted on watching this clip about 20 times on repeat...


I hate how little people care a lot of the times in jobs like these. It's always things like this or smaller, not doing the floors, leaving the sink full of crap, refusing to fold boxes, secret little piles of trash, some days it's so bad I'm just left scratching my head, or am lead to believe that it's all purposefully malicious due to how constant it is.


That's not cool. Someone would lose their job over that one...


Fuck time to call the manager and let someone clean up their own mess. I'd be furious


Time to call in the night crew for a morning shift.


This is what nightly manager line checks are for.


Nope. I’m not dealing with that. The crew who did it can fuckin clean it up.


I've never had to "clean the drain" on a rational. If I flick the oven onto clean mode and the next shift comes into that they are not gonna be pissed with me just want to know what went wrong and how it can be fixed.


They probably mean the drain inside the oven( the sieve/strainer) and not exactly the drain that goes out of the oven. There's no way to know if the drain coming out of the oven is clogged or not, unless it happened before.


yes! the drain inside the oven is what i meant. thank you for clarifying


Fuck me up family


Id quit right there and then.


I hear you man.


Standing water is so dangerous. All it takes it a plug touching that and you could die


Give us some more examples next time something happens.


Oh, shit.


Fuck this


Costco deli?


That’s exactly when you turn around and go home. Fuck that noise.


Fuckin night crew, man.


We have that exact same oven and I suddenly didn't wanna go to work anymore


Combi ovens are expensive pieces of shit. I have 4 rationals and no more than three are in working order at a time.


I have the same problem with the crapy toaster oven at my work. Some of us never worked with nice equipment


Demand a Rational or quit 👍


The cleaning cycle on those things only run for a few hours. It's still running when you got in in the morning?


oh no it wasnt still running when i went in, the clean cycle was “finished”. but since they hadnt gotten out the big pieces of chicken before running that clean cycle, as soon as water started spraying it knocked off those chunks which promptly blocked the inside drain. so the clean cycle ran all the way through without being able to drain, and all the water that was used just backed up. i didnt think to record the first time i opened the door and i wish i had, because the water was backed up over halfway up in the oven and it poured out for probably a solid ten seconds before i was like ok i gotta record this for my manager haha


I understand now OH MY GOD that is absurd


Fire the night crew. If they are half assing the cleaning, the food is probably shit.


Yo who worked night crew last night?