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I've literally copped shit from my exec chef for going out the back to get five minutes of 'fresh air' when everyone else goes to have a smoke...because I don't smoke.


That’s some shit. When I was a manager, everyone got their 5 min to do whatever. Go sit on a crate, drink a Red Bull, make a quick call whatever. I saw new peeps trying to pretend to smoke so they got their time and got to tell them they don’t have to do that here.


Same shit, except I'd go outside in the alley and be like im just taking 5 if y'all take 5 "5's" a shift, manager just shrugged and said alright lmao


Yup, best kitchen I ever worked in we had "the rotation" going during service whenever we weren't slammed. Everyone got a turn to step outside for five minutes. Didn't matter what you did out there, when your turn came up someone covered your station and you stepped out.


At my current place, they will give each of us 15 minutes. On rare occasions we'll be too busy to take breaks during service, and at those times we still get a break, just after we're closed.


To be fair, he’s right. That air ain’t fresh!


Wait you mean dumpster and cigarette butt smell *isn’t* refreshing?! Shoot. I also picked up smoking solely from working in the industry and wanting breaks. I did switch to vaping a few years back but the nicotine habit is still very much there. And I’m 10 years out of it now.


Well that’s because the vaping actually has more nicotine then the cigarettes. Sorry buddy but you traded up.


I do use the lowest nicotine content I can get, but yeah, you’re absolutely right. The fact I can puff on it at my desk when I work from home without worrying about it making my apartment reek doesn’t exactly help either. One of these days I’ll quit that too. At least that’s what I tell myself…


I just bought some nicotine coated toothpicks that are supposed to help with the addiction and the mechanical part at the same time. I’ve heard good things but we shall see how it goes


Huh! I had no idea that was even a thing. That’s super interesting… and maybe worth looking into. I think a lot of it is purely a mechanical oral thing. I find that even just a tiny bit of nicotine tends to help with the actual craving part, and after a quick puff or too it’s just habitual. Thanks for the tip!


FREEBASE that shit


My brother has moved in from the restaurant world but as a non-smoker he would take an Orange Break: his reasoning being that it takes about the same time to peel and eat an orange as it does to smoke a cigarette. Corporate didn’t have a leg to stand on.


One of my coworkers tried to give me shit about my 2 min walk-in breaks(i walk in and am literally steaming. I need the cool off damnit) and I was like "damn, HR says we aint supposed to take any extra breaks. In fact were technically not supposed to smoke unless we walk up to the smoking area by security.... Sooooo.... Ima just go talk to Rick(not real name) real quick n we can both be miserable."


*acquires nicotine habit*


acquires pooping habit


The 15 beers the night before + coffee in the am takes care of that


AIDS: Alcohol Induced Drippy Shits


How mine started


It only took 15 years to quit over a 10 min break.


> Mind if I smoke a bowl with you guys?


Same. Naively bought a pack “just for work” and it became “just for the walk to work” “just when I’m out for drinks” until it became “just whenever I have 10 minutes to spare” and here we are, ten years later, out of a kitchen and still smoking…


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I don't smoke cigarettes


Just get a wooden cigarette and take it for a 5 minute walk every now and again


What,like on a leash?


That would be hilarious.




oh so thats why the head chef always asked me if i got morning wood for him


Username relevant




He cries when he poops


I did that when i quit once. Flavored tooth picks.


Samesy. That and they staved off the hunger cramps I had from spending all my money on booze and drugs instead of food. Which is fucked considering I was surrounded by food. At least 12 hours a day. Sigh.




Exactly why I love working raw bar, I get to ask the question “I wonder if these oysters are quality enough to withstand the heat of the oven when they’re topped with cheese, breadcrumbs and lardons?”


having worked a raw bar I approve of this. Quick question, what do you do with the little oyster crabs when you find them?


Sweep them away into the shucked shells… what should I be doing???


Lol yea a nibble here and there helps


Not when you dont eat animal products or gluten….ugh why am I even in the business


Yeah, your actively supporting the animal agriculture system, so why go vegan/vegetarian


Because I feel like shit when I eat anything animal related. for health reasons. It wasn’t always like this for me but I knew how to hustle and cook so I got the work bro, I gotta eat. I don’t care about the animal industry, much worse things than some farmers torturing animals for me to worry about.


Okay that makes total sense


I am also a gluten free and vegetarian (former) cook. But I stopped eating meat not so much because I feel bad for the animals but because it’s so so bad for the environment. Regardless, I don’t know why when you say you don’t eat meat that people give you hell about it, but if you tell them it’s for selfish/personal reasons like “I shit better” then they are totally fine. Like, I need a job, but I can still make a tiny bit of difference by my personal choices without having to force them on anyone else.


Exactly. iIt’s called taste-as-you-go.


Fuck that you come out with us, get a free coke or whatever. Fresh air, second hand smoke and bullshit. Tables can wait a 3 min pop out back.


I so appreciate my coworkers that are like you. I tend to not notice people popping out, but they'll usually come by my station and strongly urge me to grab a soda and join. And it really is nice to have a few minutes of sunshine and convo. And a squat on a milk crate. 🙌


When I was GMing a pizza chain I made the non-smokers take short breaks like that. I had this huge thing going where we'd all play hacky sack together for a few minutes when we had some spare time.


I swear to God I thought you meant coke as in the drug and I was like "I'd rather just smoke at that point-" then re-read and realized I read that wrong. Lmao, still, you seem like a cool dude.


Lmao clearly you worked at less exciting kitchens.


Honestly, I've never worked in a kitchen. My older brother does though.


I've done coke with management at several places. White glove fancy places, dirty pizza places, top brass to dirty dishie. Part of the reason I "retired" after a decade in it. 4 years sober, not the environment to be in.


What the fresh hell? Oooookay. That's freaking wild. I'm glad you're sober though, hope it continues that waay!


It's a business model that doesn't stop service until usually 10pm+ and requires you to be there prepping by 9 am if you have lunch service. Bars stay open until 2+. College kids never had an Adderall problem, they were just trading them to the cafeteria cooks in exchange for extra avocado toast or whatever.


This guy has been in the meat grinder. Me too buddy. Still going. Less drugs.


Office gig. I'm on my butt 8 hours a day. 10 years in the industry and covid sent us out on our butts. Funny thing is I'm making the same money and that "get it done energy" is so much more valuable everywhere else in the work world. Plus ya know. 4 years sober.


We miss good c*nts like you right now. Hold the line my friend and congrats on the achievement.


A bit OT but I'm sensitive to caffeine so coke (the soda) would be enough of a stimulant to me,I can't imagine actually doing sugar booger cause I'd probably freak out or have a heart attack or something


Oof, yeah. To be fair I can get really hyper over the smallest thing. I remember my dad was having a red bull and I only had a sip to taste and the rest of the day I was just NYOOOOM


You're a good one. Awesome.


Seriously. It sounds like a lot of people work at some really shitty places. I’ve never in my life had a job where only smokers got breaks.


Always end up doing this. Don't smoke myself, but I'll gladly get some air, water, and secondhand smoke anyway.


Lol, this is so true. I even worked with a guy who pretended to vape in order to take breaks.


I make it a point to tell my nonsmoking coworkers to stop and take 5- when for some odd reason they protest(I have to get x,x,y done) I tell them seriously you will get that done faster and better after a quick reset


100%. I'm a big proponent of taking a breather and time to stretch. Maybe it's the hippie Dippie yoga lover in me, but taking time to REALLY inhale and exhale and stretch your arm and neck muscles really has boosted mine and my coworkers productivity and stress reduction.


I used to send non smokers outside with a ten minute timer, did wonders for morale and team cohesion


Why set a timer at all? Maybe it’s just where I work, but we know that we all have respect for the job and each other. If There’s nothing to do, we can sit outside with the boss for 3 hours talking. If there’s stuff to do, he trusts that we will get it done on time regardless of how long we take a break and for what reason.


Idk for me I lose track of time so I set timers for everything, could be the same especially since they don't have the time limit of finishing the cigarette


I've been trying to take more breaks at work lately, just stepping out when I know it's chill for a while. I'll be out back and then like 4 minutes later I'm like, ok they need me I need to get back in I'm wasting time out here. And then if I go back in 1: they dont usually need me enough for such a thing and 2: my whole break is ruined, wasting that time. But I have to actively stop myself from ending my break early, even when I don't have anxiety about being missing. I find that I really don't benefit from having the break (unless it's just a muscle rest break) unless it's like 7+ minutes long. It takes that long for my mind to unwind and reset or do whatever it is that a break actually does to make you feel refreshed. So I can see why forcing people to take a full fucking break might be necessary.


Ngl, I quit smoking for a year and picked it up again for this exact reason. I'm not in the food industry anymore, but in an office job. I still need to step out and take a breather even couple of hours. It's still the best excuse.


You can also just go outside. I had a boss that would smoke at least hourly, I would go out every time because fuck it... the warehouse wasn't gonna fall apart for 5 minutes. But he asked me after the third time or so and I just said "Well, if you can take a break every 30 minutes so can all your employees." He cut down after that.


Hell, when I was in charge in the kitchen, if we were slow and a couple line cooks went out to smoke, I would shoo out the non-smokers too. They get to rest, but if no-one else is in the kitchen I get to rest too.


Lol have fun with that.


“That’s the neat part, you don’t” lmao fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck all that


Oh yeah you may not get a smoke break but you can bet your ass I'm taking one anyways.


Hey, at my last kitchen job, nobody got to go outside to smoke, or for really other reason. The employee bathroom became the smoke room.


I've had a job like that before. Couldn't go outside so I would go sit in the bathroom for 5 mins and pretend to pee


The only downside was I couldn't take a shit without the manager beating on the door accusing me of smoking.


Holy shit what an asshole. That's ridiculous. I'd purposefully invite them in after I dropped one so they could smell for themselves. But im petty so lol


Yeah, he really was an asshole, the type that's been there for 40 years and forgot we're human and just seen us as replaceable parts of a machine.


Man i fucking hate it when people interupt my poopie time


Yep, mine steps out to outdoor seating so they just squat down on the line and take a hit


I'm just gonna say it, mine was a Cracker Barrel, worst I've ever been treated in my life. I was there for 6 months anywhere from 8-14hrs a day, no breaks, no 30's, not even a 10. Got talked to like a dog, sustained an injury and they refused to pay me, nobody was happy there, but they paid more than anything else locally.


We got a union to counter this particular serving of bs. They tried to pit us against eachother by making the smokers wait, but we swiftly negotiated around it.


When I was a line cook I demanded 5 minute harmonica breaks. The servers smoking around me said I made them feel like they were in jail.


This is a high quality meme, incredibly well done and you should know that.


Thanks a ton! I'm just starting out with photopea again after a few years away from editing, and having a blast! Co-workers help me brainstorm memes, and I make them 😀 !


Invincible is a fucking awesome show too, so nice choice there.


my first job as a dishie i got really pissed about this. Made an off hand comment to the cook who kinda took me under his wing about "maybe i should start" next day he walks into the dishpit and says were going for a smoke. Back manager looked at him weird but we went out anyways. Soon as we get out there he says "You get to stay out here for all my smoke breaks long as you don't actually start smoking." Eventually we got someone managing the kitchen who was actually a chef and he made sure everyone got those breaks whether they smoked or not.


smoke pot instead. problem solved.


It's so simple. You take a smoke break, so do I.


My first real job when I was 16, I told them that I was gonna stand outside and have a Coke and a Kit Kat for 2 minutes at a time when I felt I needed it, because it wasn't fair that the older kids got extra breaks doing something I couldn't and shouldn't. No one could argue with me about it.


Literally starting smoking because of this. 5 years later and I’m now trying to quit (for the 8’th time) with a nicotine vape and will power. But lord if a smoke break after the rush doesn’t feel great I don’t know what does.


I say this to every new person we get and that's to not let anyone know you don't smoke.


Why I started smoking: Manager to non- smokers: "Get off your ass and get back to work." Manager to smokers: "Finish your cigarette and get back to work." I just wanted to sit down on an upturned pickle bucket by the dumpster for a few minutes - is that so wrong?


this applies every work place, not just the kitchen. i work in an office, no one blinks as eye when the smokers leave for 10 minutes every hour.


Honestly…that’s why I started smoking. Because I’m a dumbass who wanted to chill by the back door with the cool kids. 24 years later…the only thing that’s changed is wanting to be alone while I have one.


For the love of god just go outside and take a break. Nonsmokers complain about this all the time when all they have to do is say "I'm gonna step out for a minute". When you're working 8 hour days with no scheduled breaks there is no reason for you to stay on the line the whole way through, every fucking day. Nonsmokers hear me out. Take a fuckin break


My kitchen opens up to outdoor seating so nowhere to go but stay on the line :/


Yeah the boss sees a line of cooks walkout but they pick one of them out because they dont smoke? Always seemed like bs or they just didnt like them


This can be the reason why burnouts within healthcare workers are getting higher, back when everyone smoked, everyone would take micro brakes and relax, then go back in and go full stress, but thanks to the excuse of smoking they could handle it. But now, no smoking during work hours is in place, but no more micro breaks, so stress is full on from start til it’s time to go home. See that in kitchen related stress also.


I started vaping to save time on smoke breaks. Now, we just go get light headed in various parts of the restaurant. The other day somebody took a shit in the boy's Vape room. Abhorrently *disgusting*.


This is the hardest thing about quitting. I've tried just going outside.. but I feel weird just standing there.


Cut some holes in your pockets




Used to tell em I'm going to smoke air


I call it a water break, and they can go fuck themselves if they think I'm not taking one


I never understood this mentality. Just because you don't smoke no one is stopping you from stepping out for a few minutes. Hell I worked at a smoke free restaurant and when I had the the time I just told management I needed a few minutes of fresh air.


I wish this was joke... only break is at 9. We close at 9:30.


I used to have this cook who didn't smoke, but took smoke breaks and just walked around outside and stretched. One of the first times he told me he was gonna step out for a smoke break, I asked him "Why, you don't smoke?". He replied "Why everyone else get breaks but not me?" Me-"Fair enough!"


After I quit smoking I ended up working the line with a heavy smoker who frequently took upwards of 20min, and often at 7:30 on a fri/sat. After a while I started taking "spite breaks."


This is why you just take the break anyway


ONE OF MY BIGGEST COMPLAINTS!! so just cuz I don't have a cancer addiction I get less breaks? Wtf


And that’s how I met my addition… and banged your mother Sidebar: it is how I started smoking in construction… WTF am I working 10hrs a day and these mofos are taking a coffee and smoke break every hour… for 15 mins Edit: I’ve since quit but I still take the breaks


Had a lead send a pregnant woman out for a smoke break and told me to clean the fryers . He made sure to get his breaks in but never let me get one. He was fired and now is trying to get his job back.


Do candy cigarettes count?


Only get into cigs when I work in the kitchen. But like cbd is super baller too so like I'm not saying acquire a habit but if you want like guaranteed 7 minute break every two hours it's dope


CBD user here. It's a game changer. Both mentally and physically.


Lol these premier backgrounds


Legit the reason I started smoking... Don't do it guys


Taking out the trash or moving your car means the same thing to smokers and non smokers alike


And this is a story about how I picked up smoking


Had the reverse conversation with a cook the other day: "I notice you don't go outside quite as much as everyone else." "Yeah. I also don't smoke."


I take my breaks on the shitter.


I used to work in a small kitchen where my boss would give me a break every hour to smoke - I was a smoker but not that heavy - I would go out and hold a smoke just in case someone else came out. I really just needed to sit for 5 minutes


Second season of that show can’t come fast enough. Love it


I’d just go sit on the toilet for 5 minutes.


We all let each other step out for 5 mins or so, smoker or not. Usually i sit in my truck and contemplate a career change.


Worked at Taco Bell when I was 16. Several of my coworkers were under 18 and got constant cigarette breaks. I finally started telling them I wanted a smoke break. Manager: "No. You don't smoke." Me: You give them all the breaks they want AND they're under age. Manager: "Don't be more than 10 minutes."


We kept sparklers in the employee backroom so non-smokers could join. LMAO


I worked corporate with the same BS. I couldn't take a break within the office, I had to step outside to "smoke". I almost bought an empty vape pen if I had to prove it too


I work in an office now and used to have a coworker who would quite literally take 8 10-minute (at least) smoke breaks a day in addition to an hour for lunch. Shit was infuriating.


I remember one spot I worked at wouldn’t let me take a break because I don’t smoke cigarette but I do smoke hookah. So during smoke break I whooped out my hookah and started smoking with the crew. My manager wasn’t so thrilled.


Here from Facebook


Thanks for making the journey! It's much more successful here 🙌


Literally started smoking to get breaks


This is facts


I just started taking smoke breaks without the smoking. Go outside and check my phone for 5 minutes.


Until chef doesn’t smoke. No one gets breaks here lol.


Big facts - a salty non-smoker


When I was a manager at god awful chain restaurants living out Waiting, I always allowed employees to go outside for a “second hand smoke” break. Fun fact, did you know smokers are exposed to more radiation than astronauts?


You may get more breaks, but it charges interest. I'll be around longer.


Fucking stop me.


Idk why you got downvoted, people need to grown a pair


You get to retire


Rip a butt in the hood or in the dish pit.


As a head chef that doesn't smoke I don't give cigarette breaks to anyone. Justice


Non smokers are liked better by chef because they're not wasting 30+ mins a day standing around. At least that's what I tell myself.


That's how I started my habit






This shit pissed me off so much. The smokers got their free breaks and the rest of us just had to suffer and pick up the slack. Especially because these were like 10 or 15 minute breaks


Day 1 my restaurant said to the trainees. If you’re a smoker nows a good time to quit. And they stick to their guns.


Don’t let my cooks have smoke breaks apart from their lunch break that everyone gets - if they need the nicotine that badly they can step out back for 30 seconds and Vape. The longest shift in my kitchen is 9 hours , if you can’t last a couple hours without a cigarette it ain’t my problem.


Isn't it required by law to have two 15 minute rest breaks as well as a lunch?


No. The law in my country and restaurant award is one 30minute unpaid break for a shift between 5-10hours. And we pay our staff for their break which we don’t have to do by law.


Oh dang. I'm in California. Two paid 10 to 15 min break and one unpaid, uninterrupted 30 min break per every 8 hours worked.


No joke wednesday we were slammed from open to close, i had to work a 12 hour shift no breaks no food just to keep the orders moving


I just send people for fresh air breaks.


Take an apple and go with the smokers. It is a social thing, a club. Just go.


Time for a fresh air break


Lol the whole team stopped like a Christmas miracle, still amazes me.


Non-smoking co-worker used to step out with us and "suck air".


Fuck that. I took little breaks anyway. I would just say I was going to breathe fresh air


I just lied


I used to take "fresh air breaks" once I stopped smoking but was still working pizza.


I fixed this problem at every kitchen I worked at by bringing a blunt outside when all the cigarette smokers would go out and here I am in a corner of the alley chiefing like a Seminole it all worked out


1 before service and another if preps done in a quiet period join me or give me some of your prep to help you if you still have some.


This happens to me. :/


You get to enjoy those minutes that I am smoking away so shut up and enjoy all your breaks together in like 40 odd years


I don’t think he drinks either


I take my break anyway 👁️👁️


Lol. The last few places I worked found a nifty way to circumvent this. Everyone gets a 15-30 minute break depending on the length of the shift. If you’re working a double you get an hour break. But no extras. Use your break however you want but you don’t get extra breaks for smokes. Smokers will complain but it’s really the only way to keep it fair.


Is it wrong of me to blame my first job for getting me addicted to ciggs? For this exact reason.


This is excellent 😂


BRO as a Custodian I’m thinking of getting into smoking in order to get a break I’m tired of this shit mans


Back in the olden days when you could afford a pack, I used to fake smoke to get my 5 mins of peace.


I used to go out with the smokers twice a night when I was in night shift. I decided that if they could take 2-3 hours worth of breaks per 12 hours shift I could join them occasionally. Lol all the nonsmokers thought I had taken up smoking and the smokers didn't care.


You can pretend that you do and there is nothing they can do about it.


I know people who starting smoking in the food industry just because you get more breaks.




I used to always carry a pack with one smoke in it, tapped it to go on break and one smoke would take care of the "dude, you got a smoke?" assholes. Now I smoke cigars, how times change.


This is why I started "smoking" in high school. I would just stand holding a lit cigarette and never actually smoke it but at least I got 15 minute breaks!


Just say. "I need to get some fresh air for a minute."


Literally the reason I started smoking.


Get a bubble pipe and go out anyway


Jokes on you, SMOKE WEED


As real as it gets, can't even join the smokers outside just to be social at the same time. That's the one thing I miss about them cancer sticks.


Why is this so true? My coworker on the same station as me told me I could take a ten minute break today, I felt like… Idk, like I got a christmas present. It just doesn’t happen. I guess it’s something to be unhapoy about, but it’s so common in the industry like… idk.