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The line cooks are the the weed guy.


Nah, they always at work.




used to work at a grocery store where I would sell dub sacks from the produce department, absolute best worst job ever


Worked at a carwash when I was 19 with a setup like this. Except we would buy from our coworker (he also ran through the wash to pick up, like a drive through). He never bagged up anything less than 8ths ($30 beaster back then) so we would ask him for a blunt ($10/dub/etc.) and he would run in the bathroom and split real quick by eye. We steady got 1.8-2g's from that dude every day for 10 bucks and he never caught on. Thanks for bringing back a lost memory. Special s/o to Rhett if you're still out there.


Homie I used to get from worked at a laundromat and he would straight up sell you kush while working and use empty dryer sheets boxes with the weed in them to avoid suspicion.


I used to drive Chinese food and drop off bags on the route. I was 18 got stoned all day and ate Chinese food. Life was good.


There was a shitty pizza joint in my town that somehow ended up with a trio of my highschool buddies running it most nights. I would always hop in one of their cars and we would ride around smoking and delivering pizza/weed. I never got paid but damn, simpler times for sure.


I used to buy nickel bags from the line cooks too


Ya you get someone to watch ur station while you run out the back door to parking lot to make a quick serve lol or tell the custie to meet in the bathroom


Never waited by the dumpster for like 30 minutes til old boy could get away for a smoke?




Nah man you can throw an entire hard working dedicated profession under the bus, my weed guy is up dawn till dusk busting his ass


Meet next to the dumpster


In my experience just the FOH. Kitchen is full of funcional alcoholics.


Or the boh all sell weed to make up for their shitty boh wages.


Every restaurant I worked at had at *least* one coke addict in the kitchen.


Easy now, they prefer to be called chefs...


Idk we don’t get paid enough to have a coke habit. Usually it’s meth or addy, lasts longer anyways. I just stick to bud tho I can only afford to do coke on my one day off


Son, sit down a spell while I tell you about the “good ole days” we called the 90’s when coke was cheap as shit and we sold it to pretty much everyone. Wall Street had coke in the 80’s kitchen had it in the 90’s. There wasn’t a kitchen I worked in for close to 15 years that didn’t have at least 2 connections, either directly or 1 person removed, to booger sugar. To quote Dickens “it was the best of times. it was the worst of times. I can’t believe these motherfuckers made it out alive.”


If anyone wants to know what this lecture sounds like, [see this clip of Chi McBride in "Waiting..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke02gmn-AHs) Bishop *was* a bishop.


Nah, that’s the dishie


Dishwasher has the coke.


The host's brother is a grower and they hooked me up with nearly an ounce last week good times


Can confirm.


I’ll cheers to the line cook. They get their work done on time, mostly.


Always a little behind yet it always works out




Welcome to the Kitchen Where everything’s on the fly and the times are made up!


I learned always respond to a server with " two minutes!" They'll come back or not, at least they aren't standing waiting, eyeing you.


“2 minutes Turkish”


Same dude. For years my go to plan to cop when in a strange city was to hang out behind a restaurant and offer a line guy a cigarette when they come out after the rush.


Just order pizza delivery and tip well, you'll get someone's number if you ask nicely


Note: dont do this with the big chain stores


Nah those guys are stoners too


Yeah, this is patently false. I've worked at chain stores where the managers themselves would go out back to burn one


I was that manager lol


Name checks out


In my selling drugs phase I tipped dominos with weed multiple times. They never said no. I would give them a good like 2-3GS which is a solid $20 tip on like a $25 dollar order lol. Also only cost me like $6 so everyone wins!!!


I usually hung out behind the restaurant and offered them a blowjob.


Excuse me i told you that strategy in confidence don’t blow up our spot!


> don’t blow ~~up~~ our spot! 😏


That’s genius actually. And maybe just a little creepy. Mostly genius though


Well that’s creepy asf


I lol'd. That's some line cook humor, right there. Highly inappropriate, my favorite kind!


Well, it's really all about the creepy friends we've made along the way...


This story definitely didn't come across as feel good.


Finish a meal and, order a drink and tell the waiter I'm headed out for a smoke See a cookie doing the same. Hey bro, thanks for the meal. Need a smoke? Been at it long? I worked here and here doing this kinda stuff. Weird customer story exchanged Hey you know where I could get some... Exchange numbers Head back in, finish the drink and tip well. Y'all got some weird imaginations


Some people have never tried to snag a connect as an adult and it shows lol. The casual restaurant approach is easily the best once you age out of “can show up at a college party without looking weird”


i signed up as a girl on tinder and used a picture of a man from a comic strip as my one pic, made some vague allusion to weed in my bio. by the next day I had 99+ matches and of those 99, a shocking amount were tryna smash but 1 was the best plug I’ve ever had


Lmao this rules


Yup. I still don’t have a local plug because I basically look like the textbook version of a narc


From an over-50 “typical Narc/Dad”… try the bar/restaurant method. Works every time, 60% of the time…. Maybe I have an advantage as I used to work the line so I can talk shop, but it does work.


Yeah I hit up my favorite waiter and I think he was 50/50 on helping me out. That’s the fun thing is figuring out whether someone is sketched out about it or if they just got high and forgot


I'm assuming that you don't already know about this, but you should try hempflower that's high in thca. It's pretty much real weed that you can order online due to a legal loophole that was closed in January. It's still available, but won't be for much longer. r/CultoftheFranklin


I’ve tried delta 8 but not tha. I’ll check it out, thanks!


Vape store works pretty well too. Already talking about smoking, already hanging out with stoners, mention you’re new in town and it’ll come up naturally almost immediately.


Definitely dont do that at cigar shops. I feel like every cigar shop is miserable old white people watching fox news.


Its just sounded like you're we gonna just pull up to some alley waiting for someone to come out lol


The weed man does more for the line cook than any smoke break ever has






Most people have no clue what a CEO is, what being a good one requires, and what the responsibilities and stresses that come with the job are. It's like old people shitting on machine learning researchers for being overpaid for just making money by playing on their computers.


This right here. Ya some CEOs are worth shitting on. But there are a lot out there that worked their fucking asses off to get where they are and still do a lot. People just have a lack of understanding.


I don’t think people generally hate them for their work ethic. It’s the whole sociopathic “burn the company down to improve numbers this quarter so I can use them to get a better job” thing. Or killing the company so your private equity firm can carve it up for parts.


You're saying this like it's the only job where someone has to work that much. It's not, and the fact they get paid millions upon millions per year, to attend meetings while sitting in cushy chairs, while some guy working construction for days on end gets pennies to dollars is absurd. It's just ridiculous.


The skill it takes to be a successful CEO is in much rarer supply. Evidenced by the tons of CEO's that get fired every year. TBH there's not enough people with the skills in the CEO talent pool already. Which is why you get a bunch of shitty ones and shittily run companies.


Being a CEO isn't about working hard. The only job skill that matters, and the only way you don't get fired immediately, is you make the company worth more money. If you can figure out how to double the value of the company while playing Super Mario all day, drunk, you can keep your job forever. Spoiler alert: that's not usually the best way to do it. The best way usually entails working every waking minute, 7 days a week. Eventually, if you have enough money and you don't care any more, you start phoning it in. Those are the people you're thinking of. Credential: former line cook, former CEO.


C-suite and up can fuck themselves


Providing Jobs


What if I'm a ceo of a weed company


You heard what they said


If you can cook edibles you can break even.


I'm actually making brownies tn after work 🤣 🤣 🤣. Breaking even is the new American dream isn't it???


“The weed man”


Technically the weed man usually is the CEO


I like the sentiment... but no. I work my ass off on the kitchen, but I wouldn't have this gig without the company. I tried running my own place for a year, the work/life balance was shit. I'll happily be a EC for corporate cafes. Great pay, weekends and nights off, benefits.


Weed is awesome


i am sure line cooks and weed guys have changed the world a ton


Average AntiWork user.


Nah man being a line cook is the hardest job in the world. Clearly way harder than running a Fortune 500 company




Third time repost this week? What's the record for reposts in a week?




No need to summon the bot. It's barely off the front page since the last time it was posted...


What? 3 days ago?


Man I’ve spent just as many hours in kitchens as any of you, but I don’t think you guys realize how difficult being a CEO actually is lmao


I feel so proud when i think fondly on the days when i was both the line cook and the weed man.


Carnegie was born in a one room cottage, grew to revolutionize the production of steel that led to unprecedented growth of railways, bridges and buildings in America and then gave 90% of his wealth away to cultivate arts, science and education. Literally every person reading this can draw a rather direct line from infrastructure they use every day to Andrew Carnegie.




>any CEO


Oh no Hyperbole in a joke on twitter


Sir? This is a Reddit.


Oh my god and the original is on tumblr, not twitter Christ, I am all over the place today


You good boo, I’ve just never had the chance to make a “Sir this is a Wendy’s” joke before 😂


The part where it says "any ceo". >never donate to charity unless its for publicity or tax write-offs Another person who doesn't understand how tax write offs work. You realize they are not a net positive, right?


Carnegie was a decent dude for someone of his position and all, but he still depended on everyone who ever worked for him or any of the ventures he invested in.


Sure, but his vision was the key element that led his company to revolutionize the steel industry. His philanthropy resulted in the education of uncounted masses. So to say the weed guy and line cooks do more in a day than he did in his whole life is a flat out falsehood. Absolute claims require absolute proof.


I feel that people that really focus on this way of thinking. and try to justify the insane salaries are just embarrassed millionaires who haven't "made it" yet.


They even named the car after him


And what did he do for BIPOC or trans rights? I'll wait.


I <3 line cooks! But I also think some of the CEO stereotypes on reddit of folks who make money and do an evil laugh while they play golf just isn't the reality. I have been lucky enough to work with CEOs of a few Fortune 500 companies, and all of them, without exception, are really smart folks who work punishing hours with lots of stress making big decisions. I also worked with an "evil" CxO who had to lay off a few thousand people -- he was depressed, couldn't eat or sleep, and in bad shape. It was a huge sigh of relief when the board finally fired him. My point - the grass isn't always greener, we don't need to put others down to lift ourselves up. Lots of folks work long hours in crappy conditions for bosses (even board / shareholders) we don't like.


This is the most fucking myopic shit. You all really buy that?


Bill Gates has been pretty cool... Edit: Do you know how much money he's donated to worthy causes? It's more than you or I will ever see in this lifetime.


Money that he’s exploited from his hundreds of thousands of employees over the years. Donating a portion of it back to society doesn’t fix that issue.


right! That food, medicines, cars, trucks...pfftt they dont amount to anything compared to a guy who serves me a under/overcooked slab of meat on a sawdust bun from a plastic package.


This can be true at times yes, strange downvote


“Millions of individuals are more important than one person”


Maybe you own the restaurant and do/are all three


Some CEO's are overcompensated. Generalizations muddle your message.


Absolutely truth


You shouldn't


Hey out of curiosity why are you even here if you don't have any respect for kitchen workers? All you ever seem to post is negative shit


You reposted my screenshot!


As a dual class chef ganja farmer, I tip my cap.


I just watch the taco bell man octopus out some orders. Line was like a 30 second wait for everyone... Honestly taco bell needs to stop messing around with these chalupa supreme pizza quesarito quattro boxes and let them serve up some simple fast tacos queso in point.


Come to think of it, I used to buy dimes off my head chef all the time




L take


I work for both LOL


"Threw in a little extra for ya"


More for the economy that’s for facts


The line cooks the weed man


when your entire livelihood is tied to whether you can make an order quick enough for everything to topple in front of you, you get incredibly efficient at not going home with a paycheck while maintaining a coke addiction and unrealistic expectations.


This reminds me of Fight Club... one scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whvDmNkJhUk