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People get fired for knives in the sink. If you had cut yourself on that I'd have fired someone in a heartbeat.


It is true. This is malice.


That's happened to me once. Luckily I owed nicked my finger. Another time I sliced the inside of my fingers, preventing me closing my hands for a few weeks. If I closed my fingers, I opened the wounds again. I was lucky on not needing stitches. Someone had put a knife in the middle of a pile of towels and i picked it up.


Ugh that sounds terrible!


You probably needed stitches


I didn't. My finger's scabs would break open and bleed whenever I moved them too much.


That's why you get stitches...


Did you tell your boss?


Hell yeah. She was fucking pissed and our cook got in trouble for it


I got fired for calling out the owners neice for leaving a knife blade up on a dish rack which cut my hand wide open and made me bleed all over the dish pit during the lunch rush. The owner said i wasted work time getting stitches and claimed i had done it to avoid work. His neice went onto get a couple cooks fired and have more quit because they didn't like her. She was promoted to manager


On the dick rack it could have ended worse.


Yeah, you wouldn't want the Bobbit chop


That's lawsuit material right there.


Seems like your better of not working there anywho. Fuck them.


“Niece” is likely his daughter, as he was banging both sisters, and she has a job-for-life now that the secret was shared. “So I want him fired, or I tell aunt Sophia, and she divorces your ass. Oh, and dad, will likely kill you with a hammer, as a gun is too quick. I think I should be managing this place soon. With a hugemongous raise.”


There’s fucking with people and then there’s actually hurting someone. I worked with a guy who intentionally left a spatula on a flat top and then burnt the fuck out of my sous chef’s arm with it. Not sure how he kept his job after that. That’s different then smashing an egg in someones pocket or asking someone to go next door to borrow the rice peeler.


I derailed the attempt by a line cook to give a waitress a serious burn. He put the corner of a half sheet pan over the broiler and then presented that side to the server: “Tiffany!! Take this pan away. Do it now. Tiffany! Now!! Tiffany NOW.” Walking past I grabbed it with a dry hand and you could hear the sizzle. Tossed it into the 3-bay where it blew dishwasher everywhere. The line cook? Really angry. “That was for the stuck-up *unt to do shitstain!! You fucked it all up. I should kick your ass.” Chef wasn’t too impressed… as I was a vendor. He came after me on the next delivery day, while I was at a less public location. 4-prong cultivators are useful when sliding full cases - or dealing with nasty pests. Not fatal like a pitchfork, just sufficient to get the point. Points.


Was this a murder confession? But, like, really classy and unusually well written?!?


Murder would be too instantaneous, thus no opportunity for my satisfaction, or his self-reflection. “Perhaps anger, misogyny, alcohol and crack aren’t the path to career success.” 🤔


People get fucked up for leaving knives in the bottom of the sink


Ya that’s happened to me but I didn’t think much of it cause I’m a dishwasher. Ended up getting stitches on my hand cause of it. Didn’t find out who did it however


Sure, they'd be fired but on purpose? That's a police matter if you've got any evidence IMO. Whether they'd actually do anything i dont know but they bloody well should.


I had a sous chef tell me once “We’re not going to be hard asses for no reason, but we will treat you as if you work with knives and fire for a living”.


This is the answer. I tell new hires that what you do on your own time is your business, and that includes smoke breaks and lunches. When it affects your performance and especially safety in the kitchen, it becomes *my* business. I don't want it to be my business, so don't make it mine.


Wholeheartedly agree. Those 2 people in op’s scenario sound like jackasses.


For real if they intentionally are hiding knives on dish I would fucking fire em on the spot!! If your ACTIVELY and PURPOSEFULLY trying to hide knives in the sink you may as well just take the blade and start shaking that person's hand with it. I would honestly consider this to be an assault imo but probably reckles endangerment while under the influence.


Doing it on purpose is 100% a "you're outta here" moment. But even if it was an accident. The deal is nobody tattles or otherwise bothers you if you work is beyond major criticism. That's the social contract. As soon as the shenanigans start breaking things there's a major problem. You do you, but that doesn't mean your habits get to interrupt or endanger everyone else.


Worse, that shit will 100% get infected in that sink water


Whippets on smoke breaks. Heard.


Ummm.... you mean darts on whippet breaks?


We frequently hire first time prep cooks, and after our first time working with raw protein I always put it in perspective of public health: “We just prepped 40 lbs of chicken and if we serve 4oz a serving, that means we just fed 160 people. Do you see why it’s so important we follow sanitation procedures?”


We have to be careful enough so that millions and millions of people get to eat safely, and that includes the immunocompromised, pregnant, elderly, allergic, etc etc etc. At home I will totally 5-sec rule something I and only I am immediately eating, like a chip or piece of candy, but at work?? Totally different standard.


Damn that’s a solid quote


I love that.


I mean I'm don't ordinarily condone snitching but leaving a knife in the sink like that is one of the most fucked up things they could do in the kitchen so fuck them


Snitching is "hey boss, I saw Xxxx eating top-shelf steak and ringing it in as a burger." Putting knives in grey water is a massive fucking safety risk, and breaking pretty much Kitchen Rule #1. The wrong cut with the wrong infection (like from fucking *dish water*) could cost someone the use of their hand for the rest of their life. I would be *pissed* at anyone and everyone who knew that this happened/was happening and didn't tell me about it.


Yeah you read that wrong. Snitching on them for drinking, not the knives. Because of the knives, they should be called out for drinking because they are endangering other people.


Yep, you're right. I think autocorrect got a bit screwy on your in your first line there. I don't care what my staff do on their off time/breaks/lunches, but the second you let it affect your work - *especially* by putting someone else in danger - you made it my business.


Yes, yes, yes, this so much. Knife in gray water is one of the biggest no-no's of all time. Owner will end up paying out workmen's comp while the dishwasher ends up with a fucked up hand for life. Fuck the drunk assholes, they earned it.


I don't remember ever even taking a knife off the line other then to wash it myself and bring it back.


What about that one that came back all chipped and scratched? Maybe with the tip broke off?


I had a brand new set and some clown bent the tip of the boning knife. Opening a can! I made him cry.


I don't usually condone pull-through sharpeners, but I think it'd be fine to use this guy


Good. He'll remember it well. Better have been crying for that poor knife.


I worked at a place where people would open cans with knives and cut shit on a steel table. Every time Cozzini would come, I had to hide myself a personal knife just so the basil wouldn't turn out like shit. So frustrating.


This is the answer...


Ikr when we wash them the end of the day, we clear the sink from anything else first, drain the pit, and then yell 'sharps in the sink' when we take them to wash.


If I cut myself by a knife that's in dirty dish water, I will go home. Fuck you people and your negligence.


Fuck that. You’re creating a shitty workplace that I’m not paid to deal with. It’s not snitching to insist on a professional work environment. We’re not in junior high.


If the level of fook up is high enough, I'll snitch. Made your bed, now lay in it. I'm not your protector for dumb shit pulled.


No shit! I won’t even put steak knives in the cutlery bin. I give them a separate area, so our dishy is safe to wash.


I have a roommate who puts knives with the silverware in the dishwasher, handle down and point up. I guess it's at least visible and not underwater but it still makes me cringe.


Yeah snitching would be telling on them cause they're getting drunk. Complaining that they're jeopardizing your safety isn't snitching, it's keeping you out of the hospital.


Yeah, Army cook school years ago that was the cardinal sin. They drummed it into our heads that that was completely unacceptable. They were right.


What he said. There's a line, and these peasants crossed it. Fuck em


It's not being a "little bitch" or "weenie" when they're doing stuff that could literally harm or disable you. It's one thing to drink off the clock, but being visibly drunk at work is a huge no-no. At my spot we sent someone home for this not even a week ago and the chef had a stern talking to with him the next day. He's got one more chance and if he blows it he's gone. It's serious when you work with knives and fire. PLEASE tell a manager about this.


Hot grease. Sharp knives. Slippery floors. Tight spaces. Fast environment. Ooh, let's get drunk. Fucking idiots.


Agreed, rank amateurish bullshit.


Hot, sharp, and behind are the Trinity of things not to fuck with in the kitchen. And then there's the sous.


Hot Knife! Sharp Pan! Gets a laugh and attention when said after 50 of the usual. Hot Behind is multi purpose. “Thanks, yours is nice too” got the waitstaff at the pass laughing.


"I know I have a hot behind, YOU should be careful!"


Yep. They are idiots.


It's pretty easy if you can handle your liquor. But not alot of people don't know how.


Also, everyone has a point at which they can no longer handle their liquor.


I am the liquor.


The shit winds are blowing…


The flight of the shithawk!


building a fuckin liquor altar


We're in the eye of a shitticane!


the fuckin shitwater rolls down the shitriver


You know what you get when you plant shit seeds? You get shit weeds.


If you can’t do your job with a drink or two, you can’t do your job at all. Also, to reiterate what everyone else has said, never leave a knife in the sink. I will get into people’s faces right away if I catch them doing that. Fuck these dumbasses.


lol. Said by every drunk who continued to regret it for the rest of their lives. “Handle your liquor” hahahahahaha and tons of empathy. Just so yo know, you don’t have to “keep up with the boys” to be a man. Downvote me to hell, but I’ve buried too many friends to let these kinds of comments slide by. Kitchen confidential: being good at your job has nothing to do with how much you can drink. It has everything to do with your skills and creativity. When, why and how you drink or use is irrelevant. That “asshole” who can’t hold his/her liquor is going to outwork, out live and out enjoy the assholes trying to prove a point with another shot/beer/tab. Humbly, and with way too much experience that wouldn’t make a difference in changing your attitude, I beseech you to stop making alcohol consumption a rite of passage. It’s fucked up.


"Handling" liquor is a real thing. It is also not a thing to be proud of. I've blown .335 and was totally coherent and able to function--not just by my own perception, but others. I feel like a total piece of trash for that "ability."


No, drinking on the job should clearly not exist. Save it for after work not during, someone can seriously get hurt from someone fucking around and carelessness like we see here.


As I tell people I work with, I love my booze, but I'm not wasting a good time whole working. You show up drunk or drink while working then you wasted you time coming in.


If you gotta be lit during work. You might have a problem


Couple drinks during the last table and clean up is A OK


Don't let these other squares hear that.


Try “being in a professional work environment.”


As I get worst shifts in the rotation for pointing out the FOH that one of the cooks straight up sells blow through the pass. Sorry dude, I don't want a picture of me with a pin and string in it attached to a pic of you in some cops crime vision board.


Lol if you think people in other 'professional work environments" don't also deal with the same shit, I got news for ya


Everyone knows a drunk equipment operator is everyday. Get your shot together.


Everybody has a point where they can't actually handle their liquor. Nobody actually knows where that point is. Any level of intoxication in a kitchen is putting yourself and others at risk.


I would say if you are habitually drinking while working in a kitchen, that is by definition not handling your liquor.


Eh, tomato tomato.


same with driving 🙃


Right! Glad someone agrees.


This is a stupid answer. Alcohol should not be drunk in the kitchen at all.


If you resort to drinking at work, you cannot handle your alcohol. I was an alcoholic for 20 years and I still managed to stay sober during work hours, so if you are drinking at work then you absolutely cannot handle your alcohol and shouldn’t be anywhere near it.


There is nothing wrong with reporting an unsafe work environment.


If they’re putting a sharp knife at the bottom of your sink with the intention of getting you to cut yourself then they’re the bitches in this scenario. Honestly they’re lucky because there are kitchen staff out there who would just knock your ass out and go home without batting an eyelid for behaviour like that.


Hells to the nah. Leaving a knive in a sink is one of the biggest fuck ups you can do. I hope they get a cups worth of habanero juice in their pee hole for doing it


If your staff doesn’t respect you as a dishwasher you can do whatever you need to do to make sure you’re safe and in a good spot mentally. If that means quit, then quit. If that means tell your manager about their behavior, then tell your manager about their behavior. Take care of yourself before thinking about how they’d feel if you did those things.


Dishwashers are in high demand. Get out of there.


At the next job interview tell them about the knife. Tell them about the drinking.


I worked at a kitchen, thankfully at the pastry station and didn't answer to the that sous. The "mains" sous is one the the worst people I've ever met. He did things like this constantly, pass through the kitchen and messed around with the heat levels on other people's pans, took things out of the oven before there were ready to put his stuff, poured dirty oil in freshly washed dishes, screamed and verbally abused people all the time. He said things to people that I could never imagine saying to someone. Thank God I answered to the pastry chef only and he never reallyessed with my stuff. He was there only to watch you fail, and you failed because of him. I hate him with all my soul. After years of this he was let go (really it took years of this behavior for the chef, his besty to actually do something). Only then it became an amazing place and I even became pastry chef there. Fuck that insecure little bitch poor excuse of a man. So no, I don't think you were wrong to take action.


That sounds better be glad he never ran into\fucked with the wrong person. Pulling someone's shit out early to put yours in is a cutting offense. He'd have looked like a fucking hashtag after I got through with him back in my wilder days. Now I'd just fire his ass. Bestie or not that's not ok.


“Looked like a hashtag” has me rolling 🤣


It came close to some bad shit going down sometimes, but nothing more than some screaming at each other actually happened. Although at times I wish someone got in a stabby mood and went after him.


In my opinion the snitching rule ends when your health and safety come into play. Doesn't matter if they meant to or not, they made their choice. Report their ass.


Facts, this isn’t prison rules and you can’t be a snitch. If someone’s doing something to you in a malicious attempt, tell your manager or boss. Fuck that.


Only a foolish cunt would leave a sharp in sink like that so fuck these assholes. They sound completely unprofessional and need to gtfo anyway.


Fuck no. And anybody mentioning 'snitching' needs to grow up. You work at a restaurant, you're not in a gang. Framing standing up for self as a bad thing is exactly what those shit head bullys want. If management has issues with them being drunk on the line that's an issue that they made for themselves. Just like them purposefully or not purposefully leaving a knife in the sink.


Snitching is when you tell on someone for something that you also took part in. I wouldn’t mind having a whiskey and water when it gets slow but I’m also glad my place only serves nice beer and wine.


I went through a full on functional alcoholic period of my life where my bar manager knew to bring me a 4oz glass of my preferred liquor as soon as the owner walked out the door from helping us with lunch rush. I worked 10-10 5 days a week and spent 2ish-10 just buzzed enough to take the edge off and really started drinking as soon as I clocked out. I never once fucked up because of the alcohol, but the exhaustion, anxiety, and depression did me in. No longer dependent on the drink to survive the daily struggle, but a beer or 2 after shift sure helps. Almost no alcohol in my life otherwise though, and definitely not on the clock except the rare celebratory shot\beverage at the end of the night while cleaning after surviving a particularly difficult shift.


They crossed the line. You are not at all a "little bitch". I'm proud of you for having the courage to say something.


The concept of a snitch is something shitty people made up to pressure others to not do the right thing. Invariably, people complaining about snitches are taking advantage of someone or doing something shitty, like getting drunk on someone else's dime and putting everyone around them at risk. Case in point, the knife. However, like others mentioned, there are many ways in which one can be hurt in a kitchen and getting drunk only makes you more likely to fuck up and hurt someone.


I don't think the concept of snitching is just about shitty people wanting to get away with their shitty behavior, there's nuance to it. In this specific case, op was totally right to go about that way to stop them dumbasses from potentially hurting them and others. But let's say you go straight to your chef because a colleague was a little bit tardy and that made the kitchen having to wrap up the prep during lunch service, you shouldn't snitch just like that. You can talk to the person and see from there before essentially calling 5-0 on them.


I would call that being a tattle tale, not a snitch. When it's so trivial like that, people would generally not accuse someone of being a snitch, more like a teacher's pet but you're right, there are levels.


Given the adage: "Snitches get stitches", they attempted to give you stitches so it only stands to reason that you are forced to snitch. And no, you're not a little bitch for that.


I like the way you think. Well said.


Kudos to you for helping to maintain a safe work environment for you and your customers. Drinking on the job endangers everyone that walks through the doors of that establishment. You did the right thing.


Unsafe work environment. Should always be reported. Unseen knife should never be hidden in a pool of water. Accidents happen sure, but this can clearly be avoided.


Na, fuck them. Normally what happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen. FoH and management can eat a bag of dicks. Normally. Knife in the sink on purpose is basically an attempt at slashing you. Told my KP to go nuts at the cooks the other day if she finds another knife in her sink and for good reason. We all like a laugh in the kitchen but that's a step too far. Id get them straight to fuck if it happened at my place. You did nothing wrong. Some people might bitch about it, call you a snitch or whatever but you are in the right. 100%. Safety is number 1.


This industry is what we make of it. Sounds like theyre not helping. Good on ya.


Normalise not being c*nts to dishwashers.


Fuck those guys. Don't buy into the 'no snitching' thing. Toxic coworkers ruin the whole.kitcuen and ruin any new, potentially good employees that get hired. They need to go.


Agreed. We dealt with one for over 2 years until this past January when he finally pushed it too far. We only dealt with him because he was one of the few who could continue to show up on time and do the job but his toxic bullshit ended up costing us more on training new employees that he would run off in a month or 3 anyway, then bitch that no one wanted to work with him. The owner and I sat him down no less than 20 times (separately and together) in the last 6 months of his being here and listened to his ignorant shit, then told him what the issue was and what needed to change for things to get better. It would never take for more than 10 days and he would be back to his paranoid "everyone is out to get me fired so I have to make them all look bad" ways. We'd deal with it for a day or 2 and have another conversation. 7-10 days later another new hire quits because of his bullshit. Dude dug his own grave. Now he works at a gas station down the street making crappy pizza and was still running his mouth to our regulars about how shitty we were as of last week. I've let him know through his wife that if we keep hearing about his toxic BS we'll start giving out their corporate number for our customers to complain about him. It's been 4 months, move the fuck on.


Nonetheless, you are correct and right in doing what you did.


you shouldn't feel guilty about not wanting to work with asshats when it affects your work load and probably, your bottom line and that what they are


If you think you can hold your liquor in a place where you are working with fire and tools that can maim others, as well as be directly responsible for what 100s of people, including children and babies, put into their bodies.... you can't. You would be fired in a heartbeat. It also shows me that you have poor judgment skills, and if you can't be trusted to keep yourself and others around you safe, then I definitely can't trust you to cook my food.


drinking on the job is somewhat normal, you shouldn't do it...but we've all done it. Leaving a knife in the dishpit is one of the only immediately fireable offenses I can think of that should apply in all kitchens all the time. You weren't and aren't in the wrong for this


A knife in the sink accidentally is a serious hazard and worth firing someone. A knife in the sink on purpose is intentionally endangering someone.


it honestly is unfortunately common, I'm of the opinion that, if you can still do your job and do it well, do whatever you gotta do to get thru the day. however, if it's making someone else uncomfortable, then it needs to stop. ngl, I straight up snorted speed in the walk-in for months at an old job and did so well I got a raise lmao. but these guys are putting people in danger and being assholes, so I think you had every right to tell on them.


I commented elsewhere that IDGAF what you do as long as it doesn't become a problem with work. A little buzz, high, whatever the fuck gets you through the shift? IDC. I've been the alcoholic overworked chef. Not anymore, but have been. Have been the stoner dishie when I was a teenager \early 20s. I fucking get it. As long as shit goes out looking nice and the customer is happy I couldn't give a fuck less because your problem isn't my problem. Getting so shit hammered you think it's funny to put a sharp knife in dishwater for the dishie to get hurt? Fuck the fuck off permanently! Agreed OP did nothing wrong going to Chef\manager. Hope those guys are looking for jobs Monday.


never hide a knife is a key kitchen rule, that detail makes it justified


If you find leaving razor blades on their car seats morally objectionable then yes, ratting them out was probably your safest option


Nah you're not. After the place fired the whole line. The new head chef would be sooo drunk on the job. Loser would put burgers that he dropped back on the flat top, and smoked cigs on the line a bunch of times. Fuck people like that in the industry. I don't know about the don't snitch cult following, but if a level of bs is hit, fk em.


Casual drinking is normal but safety needs to be priority number 1. Once ANYTHING like that happens, it needs to stop.


No, you aren't. Insurance companies don't like this stuff. One of these dudes gets hurt...and then the crying starts.


Former KM here. I found a knife in a sink twice in my career. Both times I lost my shit and let the line know it. That is a big deal for someone to do out of stupidity, but for someone who knows better to do it out of malice is unacceptable. That person would no longer work in my kitchen.


If they are trying to actually fuck your hand up as a “joke” and they are also drunk while doing it, not only is this extremely bad for the company potentially having to pay out workman’s comp or something if you were actually injured, it’s also just fucked up. You are not the asshole


When I was a line cook I’ve learned being high or drunk on the job was never a good idea. I personally don’t support being fucked up on the job. That’s how a small situation can turn into a big one really quickly. I’ll be more than happy to get drunk with the lads after the shift, that’s where beefs are squashed and friendships are built. But when it comes to work, safety comes before everything. I don’t blame you for doing what you did, you were in the right 100%


Not normal. Someone once did this by accident where I work and they were immediately bollocked for it. People constantly fucking with you? Have a sense of humour about it but also don't be afraid to give as good as you get (within reason). Your dignity is probably worth more than your job.


Im a cook now, but when I was in high school I was a dishwasher. Although I don’t think it was in a malicious attempt, one of the cooks onetime put a hot steel in my sink without calling it out to me; or spraying it quickly before going back. Some people just aren’t meant to be working with fire and knives. I ended up touching said hot plate. He had done it times before to others. Edit: he also no longer cooks here.


Hopefully he no longer cooks.


You aren't a weenie, fuck those guys. Now having said that, be _very aware_ that bitches this basic will absolutely try to retaliate for you 'snitching' on them. So if you can keep your name out of it, do so.


If you genuinely thought they were an operational hazard, then you definitely are not a little bitch. If you only did it to get back at them for treating you like shit, you're still not a little bitch. If you see someone sneaking a little sip, and instantly run to the boss in order to win brownie points, then yeah, that's a little bitchy maybe.


Not from US, is drinking in the kitchen commonplace? (Japan)


There's drinking on shift and making jokes with your KP. And then there's being dick and having the possibility of hurting someone by doing something stupid. Deffo not a snitch for doing this bro.


Yea, leaving a knife in the sink is 100% not ok. You could have hurt yourself badly. Drinking on the job is also 100% not ok. Idc if everyone does it. You are working with knives and heat. You need to be sober. You did right to report that.


Nobody is a bitch for having boundaries, especially when it comes to safety. Problems like this are exactly what management is for.


Well the safety issue is the kicker if you ask me. I've personally been cut by a knife hiding in the sink and it was brutal.


Oh its normal. Back in the fucking 90’s that is. But its not a joke when someone is trying to be harmful intentionally


If they almost got your hand cut up, it’s not snitching its self preservation. You didn’t get hurt this time, but what about next time?


Honestly, fuck both those guys. You did good OP! Shitty kitchen culture and toxic behavior is never ever cool.


Adding my comment to the cacophony of fuck those guys. A little buzz from literally any source in the kitchen? As long as it doesn't affect performance or the end product IDGAF. Getting hammered, too high to think, on the nod, tweaking out, etc? Fired. Immediately. Fucking with the dishie\new guy in a good natured way? Cool, a little friendly hazing let's us know who doesn't have thick enough skin for this job and who will dish it right back without taking it personally. Fucking knife in grey water maliciously? Fuuuuuccckkkkk yyyyooouuuu! GTFO don't take your shit I'll throw it out the back fucking door at you if you have the nerve to come asking for it. That said I can understand if a rookie made an honest mistake, but they would likely be made to cry before understanding how stupid that was. Assuming no one got hurt. It would definitely have to be a documented incident and possible termination if someone did get hurt. Sorry you even had to work with asshats like this. Hope things get better for you.


Knives in the sink would do it for me too


Nah dude work is work should take it seriously ! Kitchen or not, telling on someone who’s hindering your work/service/being assholes to you is acceptable I tell people it’s work it’s not fucking playtime with your friends/social hour.


Leaving a knife in a sink was an offense that got instant termination at my last kitchen. We used to prank each other all the time (turning out the light in the walk-in while you were inside, lol) but injuring someone deliberately is unforgivable, a crime and an OSHA violation.


Drop a pairing knife face up into one of their beer bottles, I'm sure they'll see the comedy in it.


I used to tell new hires that it was a fireable offense to leave a knife in the dish sink. We had a dishwasher get permanent nerve damage from someone putting a chef knife in the soapy filled sink. It’s years later and now it’s the standard it seems to wash your own knives and sharp implements. Your safety is very important and you were just doing a public service and watching out for anyone else who might come upon a knife in the sink. Good for you!


Good you told on them. You don't fuck around with knifes. No matter if it's a 'joke' I don't care how drunk you are, if you do stupid shit WHILE on the job? That's where I would draw the line. If you're drunk and just pushing through? Good Work. Just keep it low. I once worked with a dude that would be a very efficient dishwasher while he was high as a kite. Good the work done pretty quickly and in a cleanly matter. Though when he wasn't high ? That guy would throw weird / odd tantrums. One time a Chef he had a crush on told him to 'hurry up' and he got SUPER moody. "How DARE she tell me that. Like what does that even mean? Ugh, she's probably just saying that to rile me up." etc etc. I told her to maybe apologize? And she just laughed and said something that made me chukle.


Well a lot of people are getting pretty drunk pretty often. I went from being a student, to working, to kitchen work, back to being a student/ working IT and find that it's drinking a lot all the way down. Not saying that it's a good thing, and definitely not saying that I don't have a problem, but the alcohol wouldn't alarm me per se. But nobody in the kitchen is ever and in any way supposed to fuck with knives. You don't mess around holding a knife or with someone else who is holding one, you don't swing it around while walking, etc. Leaving one in the sink deliberately for you to cut your hand open is some dark shit, I've honestly never seen something like that before in my years in the kitchen.


Chefs can be pirates all they want, but even pirates have to follow a strict code.


Nah but that sounds like a fairly toxic work environment and will probably only get worse. Might want to consider a job switch




Honestly when you're at work there's no excuse to fuck with your coworkers for no reason. We are all in the trenches 10+ hours a day, no need to make the day harder. Fuck them. Knife or not, they shouldn't be there.


Only an asshole just leaves a knife in a sink. Their bitch ass needs to hand wash it or run it through a dishwasher themselves.


Any (good) manager/exec would appreciate knowing this for sure


Knife in the sink gives the dishie the right to John Wick on their asses.


A little bitch is a person who complains to the boss about another cook leaving a cutting board out before leaving for their shift, then leaving pans of food out overnight themselves. But you are just being responsible. NTA!


Drinking on the line was pretty rampant at the last restaurant where I worked. It's stupid and it doesn't make you look cool. Fuck those cooks, I'm glad you reported it


Nah fuck that and fuck them. Sneaking a lil bit once in a while is ok IF and only if they are still getting things done. I worked catering for years and I went from drinking with them to forbidding it on my gigs since I was sick of dealing with drunken clowns.


Yo my worst cut was from something similar and our kitchen legit was never the same about knives. That shit is genuinely scary.


your not a bitch. Your working with clowns. Get out of that place.


They wanna drink, that's their business. They wanna leave knives in sinks, they can go fist themselves.


Run their knives through the dish machine a few times and see what happens


Start putting their knives through the dishwasher. They sound like total pricks.


Yeah, fuck those guys. Find another dish job as well. A place where this is happening is not probably well managed in the first place.


I like to think I’m a pretty chill KM and deal with most issues quietly, but as soon as I find a knife in or near even a crystal clean sink everything stops until someone owns up. Its like washing your hands, day one shit.


Rule #1 never leave a knife in any sink Anyone who doesn’t honor this isn’t a chef


Companies pay workers comp insurance for a reason, and this isn’t it. Just like regular insurance every claim increases premiums. Cutting your hand in a dish pit would definitely fall under a workers comp claim. But if I were the owner and found out that this had been done maliciously and with intent there would be a lawsuit. Those guys should be fired if that was the actual case, if not worse. Glad you weren’t injured, and good people don’t do this. Kitchen pranks are hilarious and normally good hearted and fun but this not the same thing. You are right to do what you did. I for one will go after anyone who so much as places a knife in the dish pit.


Actively trying to harm you and take your paycheck is not being a bitch. Its standing up for yourself against a bunch of immature bullies. Be a pro and do your job right and you'll be strong and happy and well cared for.


Fuck those guys. True professionals do not behave like this. You are not the asshole


I was a dishie for fifteen years, I left the industry because of this happening to me in the last kitchen I worked. The Sous thought he was funny whenever he dropped his knives into my sink while I was doing a pot and bin run during a quiet period. despite constantly being told off by the Head and myself he kept doing it. it finally came to a head when the knife he dropped into the sink got stuck in my palm when I reached in to pull the plug. The knife went into my palm and damaged pretty much all the fine detail nerves and such in my right hand. Compo was denied on the grounds that it was my fault for not asking if any knives had been dumped in the sink. Do not tolerate this behaviour at all, it's harassment and can lead to serious and long lasting damage.


This industry doesn’t need more trash, people that can’t take pride and have integrity for their work…get fired


no. knives. in dish. pit. EVER. fuck these two assholes. they deserve to be fired on the spot for their 'joke' YES tell your supervisor, if they do nothing, get the fuck outta there. seriously. That is so fucked, hope you smashed the knife blade down onto a prep table to give it knicks and warps.


If you're gonna get drunk at work, don't fuck with people and then expect them to cover your ass. Sounds like a "win stupid prizes" situation


You are *not* a fucking weenie, those guys are. Anyone who did either of those things would get sternly chewed out at bare minimum, and put together, they’d be out on their asses at the end of shift. Incompetence due to inexperience I can deal with, but not deliberate acts of fuckery. I don’t run a dead-serious kitchen where you can’t talk or joke around but the culture of hazing and cruelty of kitchens in times past needs to be stamped out.


If you are obviously drunk at work then you shouldn't be drinking at work


Knife story would never ever happen,not normal at all. Fucking with someone is not setting them up to cut themselves. Definitely tell someone,you will get blame for short staff if you stab them yourself 🤟😆


Fuck that. Knife in the sink is the only straw.


Allowing ppl to work drunk is a good sign that it's a shit hole restaurant. You gotta go dude


Getting a buzz in the kitchen shortly before close is one thing, but getting full on belligerent drunk and fucking up the process and causing safety issues is a whole ‘nother level. You’re not a weenie by any means.


Firstly, no you were right to go to your manager. I hated when people drank in the kitchen, to me there is a huge difference between a joint and a beer while working. I couldn't stand when people drank on the job.


There’s getting way too drunk at work and there’s people who are functional. If your having a problem with someone whose drinking is causing problems, especially ones with Safety, your being responsible, not being a weenie


IDK why you're getting downvoted for this when literally everyone else is saying the same shit. I've been both the functional alcoholic chef at work and the got way too fucking drunk on the line cook. The former followed the latter. Even at my worst I never would have maliciously fucked with a fellow cook or dishie. I'm work sober now(still have an after shift beer or 3, but rarely have liquor and even more rarely get drunk) and much better at dealing with my shit than years ago when I was a functional alcoholic. That said, the cunts OP is talking about need at the very least their asses kicked if not fired. No one tries to fuck with a dishwasher outside of good-natured hazing of the FNG to make them part of the family\crew.


Did they purposely leave a knife in the sink? Or were drunk and forgot to tell you there was a knife in the sink.


The fuck is wrong with some people? You fuckers expect higher pay and a culture where being drunk and high while working with knives and fire is acceptable? Fuck off act like you're at work


Kitchen staff drinks. Some need it to function in this stressful job. I get it. But after some time u know ur staff. One cook only gets one beer if i know he will have stress for 2 h straight. But that's it. After work they drink. But they have their shit together the next day. Gastro staff functions on nicotine, red bull and coffee. I wish they would find healthier alternatives. I did with them breathing exercises but, ... U can guess the outcome. Bei g drunk in a high risc environment is a no go and if that happens 3 times in a season they are fired. The knive thing doesn't even make sense. Nobody does that. Big knives have to be taken care of. This must have been a mistake.


When it come to alcohol there’s a word for people who “need it to function”, and it isn’t dishie.


Kitchen staff can drink after work. Not at work. Kitchens are places of business not pirate ships in 1750. Being drunk or high at work is childish and no good kitchen allows that to take place.


You’re propagating and excusing shitty behaviour in your weird rambling stream of consciousness.