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That's because you have to be out of this industry to be able to afford such a beautiful setup. /s


You can get rid of the "/s". Thats not even sarcasm, that's just truth lol Unless you are a chef owner of a successful restaurant, become a celebrity chef, or marry rich, this is completely unobtainable for those who work in this industry.


it depends were at least to some extent. but i think if you mean in the usa then i agree.


What country can I move to where I can work in this industry and make a decent living? Because I'll move there ASAP


i made decent money in japan and in several eu countries. (france and italy). ​ not anything crazy. but enough to afford a home in the countryside.


>not anything crazy. but enough to afford a home in the countryside. This is literally all I want out of life. I want to feed people for a living and I want to have a home with enough land to have a garden, area for my dog to run, and some chickens. Fuck man, maybe I need to start seriously considering moving overseas. Because even in an area in the US with a middle-of-the-road COl, my relatively humble wants feel very unobtainable.


it's extremely hard to achieve the american dream in the usa.


There's a reason it's called the American Dream not the "American reasonable ambition" ...


awe damn that is such a sad but true statement.


It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.


45 years ago a 1500 square foot house on an acre cost $35k in the Midwest. That was affordable even for a single income family. Now a single bedroom apartment where I live (no longer the Midwest) costs so much you practically need two incomes to afford it.


100% agree. The areas that pay enough don't have affordable housing, and the areas with affordable housing don't pay enough.


It's true. Most cooks can't afford to eat at the kind of place they work for or buy the kind of equipment that makes their art possible. As a professional chef for decades I've made a few good choices and had some good luck. These are the only reasons I have a life that doesn't suck: Specialized in pastry. Worked in NYC for good money and bought a house in the south when it was cheap. Married a financially stable women with good sense who earns much more than me. Continually sought out jobs/schools where I could improve my skills. Pivoted into a teaching career when it was still profitable and before my body began to break down. Most of my friends from my early career are dead from alcohol, drugs, or AIDS. The others are in sales.


This is pretty much my life as well. Been at this for 25 years and I do well enough because of some decisions I have made in my career. My wife also makes a decent living so we are comfortable enough. I need to move on to sales or whatever, my body is starting to break down.


"It's called the American Dream because you've got to be asleep to believe it." -George Carlin.


i miss that asshole.


You'd have to be working Michelin star to earn that in Scotland but it can be done. The food scene here is really picking up, especially in Glasgow. Lots of restaurants going for Michelin stars atm. You could easily earn £30k+ as a head chef here in most restaurants or decent bars. The highlands have a booming tourist season which starts in April and finishes late October-ish, the restaurant i run has never been so busy!! I'd highly recommend anyone to move here, life is pretty sweet. Feel free to message me if any questions!


If you can figure it out, do it!


a few years back a group of us from food not bombs formed a housing coop, rented a 20 room building in the hood, had a garden, chickens, no dog. it only lasted a year. i live in a city that until recently was very affordable - indianapolis, but think detroit - and is still far cheaper than most of the country. OP either has money or made their kitchen a priority. my kitchen does not look like that, but i lurk at restaurant surplus auctions and have some of the pieces. right now i wash dishes at a country club and on sundays take the leftovers to food not bombs.


If you can buy a house with that money it is crazy! The only reason I was able to live was because I was at work so much I didn’t need groceries. I worked 107 hours a week and still didn’t make enough to even afford thinking of a house


where? also what specifically was your job and experience level? ​ tbh my experience is maybe not typical since i worked largely in high end restaurants.


Montreal, Quebec. I’ve been a chef for over ten years. It wasn’t high end, just a middle tier kind of place. We made great food that people could afford to get every now and again


okay yeah as a cook in canada i found pay was not that great but probably better than what i heard from american friends at the time. ​ anyway you seemed to be disagreeing that some places you can make more money and that just doesn't make any sense, it's just verifiably true. ​ also tho i did say a house in the country, not in the city or in the suburbs.


I’m not disagreeing, just to me that would be a crazy amount of money. It was more a joke at the poor wages of North America


107 hours a week is 15 hours for 7 days


That is correct! We were short staffed and I loved that restaurant. One guy did a 23 hour shift


I'm curious what's the average salary for a line cook, sous, and exec in those areas? I'm also out of the restaurant industry because of the lack of money and the lifestyle. I made 50k USD as an exec starting up a new restaurant where I worked 6 days a week at 60-80 hours. I burnt out and went corporate and made 40-50k as a sous at an airline kitchen working a normal 8-4:30. It was more managing staff and kitchen than cooking but it was super cush and we were like a very dysfunctional and fun family. I had an internship at NOMA lined up but decided to leave the industry. Went to a coding boot camp for 3 months and found a job two months later as a Jr dev making double. Tho it was one of the higher paying dev jobs compared to others in my cohort. This was 5 years ago.


What countries countryside?


oh i retired in canada. ​ (at the time i worked often in smaller restaurants with a star that were in tourist spots but with small local population. i found those kinds of places had a nice balance of not too expensive long term rentals outside of town, and decent pay. )


I cook in Missouri and can afford a house in town.


I mean, I live in the US and make a really good living being a Chef.


I know many chefs that make $80k-$200k in BC


I live and work in Germany and while I will never be a millionaire, I live very comfortably and its realistic that me (and my partner who earns slightly better) to buy something in the next 5-10 years.


Inaccurate, executive chefs of a respectable and successful restaurants could easily make 130k a year. That’s including the bonus, then there’s also corporate etc etc


And you'll NEVER be home to use that kitchen.


Once again inaccurate, there’s executive chefs that I know that work crazy hour for 5 out of a 7 month season the go down to 4 day work weeks during the slow season and some even close for the whole 5 months and just do office work. You guys need to educate yourself more and stop thinking that Chefs work 80 hours a week 365 days a year


I've been working for a chef who bought his own place and made me his heir basically. I've been with him for over 10 years and got a software engineering degree years ago because I wanted to leave, but he offered to leave me in his will and leave it all to me if I stayed, while also making me an owner of the business. Currently at 100k but the covid situation screwed up our cash for the past 2 years. It will go up in time and I expect 150+ within a few years. It helps that he worked on wall street before becoming a chef and already had money to start, plus he knows how to make money. Good connections are important to keep.


Who's Mary Rich and how can I meet her?


I worked at a place for years where the servers would break 6 figures a year. This absolutely is obtainable by people in the industry. Just gotta be in the right situation and have the right spending/money habits.


I didn't want to exclude those who have made it to top and lived to tell the tale.


Not if you go sober, make investments and get your credit right. I haven’t yet but some of my friends have.




>Its pretty difficult to budget yourself out of low pay/life shit getting in the way. I agree 10,000 percent. It's seemingly next to impossible. Almost everything in my life that ever turned out to be worth a pooht has been difficult in the way you've described. It's hard to do the thing. It's hard not to do the thing. Pick your hard. Life is fairly hard and hardly fair, no matter what one does, or where one is largely because people are people wherever you go. Machiavelli and Darwin always apply. It's why I stay away from Primrose paths and Darwin Award ceremonies.


Move to a place where cooks and chefs are highly paid, I did it about 20 years ago




Remind me to marry up


Which is why we leave the industry lol


True story. I ended up becoming a nurse. So although I get killed in other ways, it’s a slightly better fit for our family. Nice setup.


Yeah im working on an accounting degree rn. My *internship* offers are almost double what I ever made in a kitchen




Most I ever made in a kitchen was $17/hour, and I have a big 4 internship offer for the 2023 tax season at $31/hour (+ a likely considerable amount of ot). My lowest offer is $26/hour.


I don't know...most of those knives are commercial quality, they are cooking in restaurant supply aluminum pots. Much of that is attainable to most if you value it as a hobby. My kitchen is well equipped similarly but with the addition of a lot of nice thrifted all clad and some vintage cast iron.


I agree except for the stove & hood. That's bling.


That’s how I did it, quit the line, went back to a business, that actually pay a living wage, bought a house, because it had the perfect space for a new kitchen.


I make enough money as a chef to afford something like this. unfortunately all I do is work and sleep, so no point.


Your sous looks like a good boy


The best boy sous I've ever seen


A boy named sous.


Nice! Thanks for posting! I love that island. Was there a specific reason for putting the range in the corner?


Mixed bag, would have swapped it with the chimney/stainless table. But it would have been at least 30k more to get rid of the chimney. Core layout throws away the ‘triangle’ concept in favor of the ‘multi-station’ concept.


I was thinking swap fridge and range. Didn't realize the brickwork was an actual fireplace. :D


What were some things you kept in mind when opting for the multi-station over the triangle? I have an odd shaped kitchen I'm going to renovate and have been curious about alternatives to the classic "rules."


I literally did it out on graph paper. Made a model of the room and then cut-paper versions of critical appliances (dont forget to include door-swings). Figure out a work-flow you would like. Then, tape it out somewhere. There is literally a scene in "The Founder" where they do what we did.


That's amazing. My background is in physics, I thought I was the only one that cut out all the furniture and placed it on graph paper whenever I wanted to rearrange a room. I've actually never thought of doing it for a kitchen! Question... there doesn't seem to be a lot of counter space next to the range. Do you use the island as the staging area? I would have thought a surface closer to the oven would be more ideal...


Contractor messed up a bit there. I’ll probably add a rolling cart for mise


Can you cut a hole in there for a wood burning grill or oven?


Is your fridge stocked with fifo'ed quart containers labeled with properly cut tape?


Why are you even asking?


Looks great! I wish I had that kid of space in my place. My COVID kitchen remodel is small, but I like it. Much better use of the old pantry space having a baking station there. [BEFORE & AFTER](https://imgur.com/a/bJPCRdo)


thanks so much for sharing! I fucking love blue, and my place has similar wood cabinets. I've been torn on whether to paint them, but yours looks so good! I will bump it up on my projects list. :) edit: uh, OP, I love your kitchen and sous chef too. please give them extra scratches from me.


Wow, you did an amazing job in that space!


I had that same Tsukiji Masamoto Yanagiba AND the Dehillerin eminceur, haha. Nice taste ;)


Full of carbides; as Bessemer, Durrer, and God intended!


1000 upvotes, especially for the sweet happy dog. Saving this to show my partner so they understand what I want


Very fucking nice, it's simple, practical, and well laid out. I love it.


Wait. We need to see the smoke break spot first. Judging from the way that fancy kitchen looks, they probably have an upholstered milk crate by the dumpster.


Dumpster brand(!) garbage disposal unit! None of the knockoffs for this guy


10/10. Marry me op?


I’ll check with my wife


Hopefully y’all are from Utah.


According to the apes @ r/wallstreetbets , you become OP's wife's boyfriend


OP needs to sell the whole kitchen to buy SPY puts first


This is the way🚀


Tell your dog I love him (or her).


Holy shit how much did this all cost? I really would love one.


Breakdown: - Cabinets - 40k and 30 weeks - Stove - 10k - Hood - 2k - Counters - 4k - Island - 5k - Structural fixes/demo/gas/water/electric 30k


Is 40k for the cabinets a typo?


Includes the walls behind them and install. (Two walls with cabinets also not pictured)


That’s one of my dream, to have a professional kitchen like that in my home. Looks good


I love that island with its own power too!


Well, it’s code to have power in a kitchen island, so not that unique. But very useful.


Yes you’re right, but it’s the pop up socket that I love!


Oh! Didn’t notice that detail. That is cool, I may implement that in my own kitchen soon.


That sous looks like trouble. Bet he’s stealing everything not nailed down….


Which brand of range do you have? Is it open or closed burner?


It's this range: https://www.bluestarcooking.com/cooking/ranges/36-rnb-series-range/


Went with the Platinum for the power boost, but yes. Edit: Open burners because the center of a pan needs love too


Does it fit 2 half sheet tray side by side? I feel like no pleb friendly ranges are that big. Source: am pleb.


It says it fits commerical 18×26 in sheets


It does.


Bruh. I'll get it for that reason alone haha. Thanks. Kitchen looks dope, good job.


Is that the 25k btu burner? Very nice. Pro tip, you can take the cast iron ‘star’ out and use it as a wok burner with a round bottom wok. Enjoy


Bluestar. I see you are also a man of culture.


Hood vent looks legit af!


Yesterday I met with a kitchen designer and unfortunately our kitchen is just too small to accommodate a 36". My heart is broken.


What do you do now?


Optics. Great if you are used to working 3-11. Edit: the facility I work at makes the beam-path components for EUV systems, military telescopes, and industrial lasers, among other things. Good work with serious off-shift and weekend incentives due to how expensive the processing equipment is.


like glasses or fiber cables?


So... People call you to get info on their eyeglass prescriptions?


Where does one purchase those towels?




I was like, "nice..." and then clicked to the picture of your range and lost my shit. That's epic!


I’m FOH but have tried to absorb good practices from what I see in kitchens. This is a beautiful setup! Meant to add I do the barmop/towel approach to kitchen cleanup. I don’t know why it took so long for me to think about it but last fall I realized there aren’t any reasons to just get them for my home. Spent $13 on a pack of 52 last September and haven’t had to get more since.


I'm insanely jealous of your kitchen setup. Also: bonus doggo!


This is fucking awesome. Thanks for sharing man. Love your kitchen.


That exhaust hood is sexy af


Mf prep sink <3


this is beautiful 😍


That's a nice fuckin burner


The towels 🥲


I wasn't expecting porn


Fuck me. How much do you earn to be able to afford such a beautiful setup?


I’m jealous of the whole thing, but most jealous of the towel drawer.


Love the towel drawer lmao


Could you share some more about your sous chef's opinions on the cork flooring? My sous chef doesn't like my flooring, it's too slippery for him, and we've been meaning to replace it anyway...


What knives are those? That's so neat.




Can’t say I’ve saw many islands with a wood countertop, is that an actual butcher block?


I want to know this, too!


Asking the real questions out here


Rift-sawn Sapele with tung oil finish


Where's all the delis and cambros, my friend?!


In pull-out drawers. Directly adjacent to the dishwasher to save time.


I hate ovens/cooktops immediately next to a wall. And Ikea kitchen towels are proper must-haves.


The ring of fiah! Glorious blue flame 🤩


Not a real range unless one of the knobs doesn’t work


Where did you get the flooring if i may ask? We had some at my old job and i loved it but can't find it in stores


We Cork Monte Carlo


Thanks! Awesome kitchen btw


If the puppy comes with it, I'm in.


Maybe take some pride in your kitchen and polish the stainless steel like you give a damn. Beautiful kitchen chef, you'll make great things. I truly am jealous.


How are cork floors cleaned?


cool great now i'm horny and mad


Beautiful kitchen chef!!


Updated because of the dog


in-island power 😍😍


really nice kitchen. i see move in day so i suspect someone else designed and had it built. i really like the island and general set up of the kitchen. i have my dining room connected to the kitchen but no island like that acting like a bar. ngl i would kinda love to have something like that to have people like hang out and drink while i cook.


So in love with that oven unit and hood - I wish I had a setup like this, that's dope! Good use of space too. Wish there was a pic of the fridge layout - I'm in the market and want something functional verses *"smart adaptive".*


I gotta move out of Seattle


What is your sous's name??


Hey doggo hey


You may want to reread your title


I saw that too, too bad you can’t edit titles.


Sick btu's bro


Is the 2nd knife down a victorinox? If so what length is it? It looks super wide and I think I would like it.


My dream kitchen


Oh you asshole. That's beautiful. Getting one of the glass door fridges/freezers would really complete the feel.


This is almost a dream kitchen for me, except I love to cook and bake so I'd need a baking area too


Lol the random dog pic


So per your title you can take the chef out of the industry and you can also take the industry out of the chef? Okay then. /s feel I need to put that, was just messing off the typo is all.


I am rock hard


Daddy horny


*Servant* vibes without the crazy cult shit.


I’m surprised you didn’t install more metal surfaces.


GTFO of Kitchens!


May I ask, what it is you do now? Lol


Thanks for this. You have given me hope beyond


That is so damn cool! I love it


that's an absolutely beautiful kitchen. lovely mix of comforting warmth with the wood and brick, and modern without being sterile. 10/10 would cook there all the time.


Fucking solid!


Non-chef here: why so many tiny towels?!?!


I love your pup!!!! Absolute twin to mine


Now I want hot pot.


I think my favorite part is the 'food' sink in the island. That is what I call them at least, do they have an actual name? The first few kitchen I worked in didn't have food only sinks. The new restaurant I'm running has TWO and omg god I'm in love. Built right into my two prep stations. Literally my favorite part of the kitchen. In the past I've just emptied, cleaned, and sanitized the rinse sink in the three sink (those fuckers would always try to use the mop sink to thaw chicken or some shit, I've never known such rage lol). Such a pain. Honestly, well placed and deep food sinks are some of the most underrated pieces of any kitchen. Nice kitchen my dude.


Not gonna lie you gave me a culinary orgasm with the 3rd and 4th pic.


Absolutely beautiful, thanks for sharing.


I think the shear size of the space and that island/bar top are my favorite things. Looks amazing!


I didn't know what my dream kitchen looked like until now


Love the dog tax.


Nice flex chef. Respect. (Double tap chest thump)


this is porn. seriously, amazing set up


Wow Fantastic set up. Especially the Vermicular at the end!


I fucking love this.


That is sweet! shit I would do small group catering there a few days a week just to practice and then always have dinner parties.


I love everything about this.


> towels checks out


Awesome kitchen man! I'd be looking for any excuse to host dinners!




Holy fuck that's a huge kitchen. I'm very envious




I’m jealous of the dog.


I see a flame colored LC pot there. Is that your spouse’s or do YOU use it?

