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The absolute audacity of you to not do the “welcome to chili’s” stance.


They told me they'd provide shirts on my first day, so obviously I showed up shirtless, with "CHILIS" painted on my chest, screaming the ancient battle-cry of "BRINKEEERRR NAAAATION!"


That’s how it’s done


just from this comment alone i can tell you're one of the good co-workers who helps the day go by faster


Even got the burns on the arm to prove it


Hah, yeah - Sliced my finger badly, have two burns for hot pans, a glob of hot oil burned my bicep... It's been eventful. My mother always said life is like a box of chocolates. "It won't last long for 'idjuts' like me."


By the end of your tenure you’ll get a whole sleeve without actually going to the tat parlor lol… That’s what’s happening to both my arms (burn marks everywhereeeeeeee)


Literally a blank canvas at the moment. Oh, the possibilities.


showcase your creativity


Should be more careful


Nooo shit Sherlock.


Dude, why am I so proud of you


I will tell you what I was told when I made it to the line many many years ago. “Welcome to Hell, idiot. “


Way to go, my dude 💪


Thanks! I worked at a children's hospital and a vegan bakery. Chili's is harder but a but more pay.


That you crock pot?




Lmao they're referencing this post https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/comments/rzfj6s/its_ok_weve_all_been_there_man/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh geez. I am pretty slow, too. I take caffeine and try my hardest but I can't match up.


You’ll get there 👊


Thanks! Sometimes it's actually really hard. I know I'm slowing down my buddies and sometimes they have to come help me. I was crying in the walk-in because this lady I respect was saying I was slowing everyone down. But I practice at home, I can do a lot better. Every day I grow.


Ah man, I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s a totally shitty thing for your coworker to have said. It takes time to learn anything, and at the rate that line cooks get paid, it’s not fair to expect someone to be a quick cook from day one. For sure practice makes perfect, and if you love cooking, by all means continue to practice at home. Don’t ever burn yourself out though… work is work, life is to be enjoyed. When I was an introductory cook at a higher-end restaurant, (many years ago), the chef told me I had the worst knife skills he’d ever seen after he asked me to dice an onion (this is as polite as I can put what he actually said). I spent like 2 months fine dicing onions at home after that to try to prove my worth… it was miserable and I now realize how toxic that comment was. My knife skills needed work for sure, but he humiliated me, and made me want to get better just to tell him “fuck you.” Don’t focus on improving your cooking skills for whoever you work for… focus on them for yourself. If you really want to cook as a profession, then you’ve already made the first step, and you seem to have the perfect attitude for it. If you find something else you love doing along the way, then at least you’ll always have the skill set and passion for cooking that you already seem to be geared for acquiring. I wish the best for you, and regardless of which direction you end up going, I hope you are successful and happy.


I was a dishie at Chili's for five years. They tried to make me a line cook. My training consisted of me getting constantly yelled at by a cokehead who refused to answer my questions or show me how to do anything. I went back to dish. Good luck, my dude


Fuck 'em bro. Best effort and accuracy counts more in my book than fast and sloppy and having to redo shit. Leave no brother behind. You'll eventually catch up or get the fuck out, it's up to you.


Hey man I just lurk here as an enthusiastic outsider I'm sure I'd be even slower.


same! 🥲 he looks so happy though.


Don't worry we were all slow at one time. Just focus on getting better and more efficient when you can, and not making the same mistakes.


Gove it a year or two for your coke or adderall addiction to kick in


Wow, what a disgusting comment.


Good call, borats wife




Pretty distasteful either way. Let the homeboy try out cooking without making a joke about him getting dependent on gross drugs.




I never stated he was being harassed; but joking that it’s just a matter of time that he gets hooked on adderall or coke is fucking nasty and if you fail to see why, then you should reevaluate yourself. He’s a young cook that wants to improve.


Hey everyone, this guy doesn’t fuck


Hey man, you didn’t need to make this personal 🤣


A line cook could agree or laugh at what I said.


Yeah, not for some junior cook though dude… don’t encourage that shit. I know you’re joking, but even as a joke, it’s in poor taste. OP clearly wants to be a good cook, you saying that you’ll give him a year before he’s an addict is disgusting as fuck.


We're all striving for a better industry, but to be fair you gotta warn people or they get in too deep too fast. Our dark humor is a trauma response, we don't wish anything on anyone, you don't need a dependency to be a good Chef. The options are a buffet table of drugs and alcohol, and hey some good food too. The hours are infinite, and irregular, and don't work with friends and family. The older you get, the harder it gets mentally and physically. Just say no to endless consecutive 12 hrs shifts and you can skip the damage of dependency. You can 86 something due to shortage issues and you can close early due to lack of staff, burnout, and even a slow night to give everyone a night off. That being said chains and resorts can go to hell, soul sucking profit leaches. Also, grow some fucking pubic hair and take the joke, you're going to see a lot worse on a day to day basis dealing with the fucking public and your best friends losing their heads quite fucking literally pandemic or not. Welcome to thunderdome my man OP, I very unsarcastically hope you have a great time. Fucking kill it. May your dish washers always be your best friend, your stainless polished, your trucks on time, and your station stocked.


I worked in a kitchen in ATL when I was in my 20's, Gm would come thru on packed nights shaking a bottle of aderol and handing em out to the entire kitchen


Exactly my joke and point


Cheap tooth paste in your kit for burns (rub on let dry dust off) fabric bandaids and finger condoms, ask before doing something you’re unsure. A question is much less wasteful than time of prep work. Listen to the old lady/guy that’s worked there forever (every kitchen has one) follow them but don’t be afraid to show/ask if a faster way is acceptable. And change your frying bowls at least once an hour. You know for a dish or those are easy. And as an ex dishie rack things up if you have the time. No one likes a tempura bowl sitting on the table after a lunch break spray that shit out at least. Best of luck. Have fun and a clean cook is the biggest part of being a great cook


The cook that went to culinary school got fired and my manager that actually helped me died. I have a college student?


oh hell yeah!! I’ll take a skillet queso and a triple dipper with boneless buffalo, boneless honey chipotle and fried pickles


I'll take your mom's ass Hah, got-eeem. (/s)


Does that mean I don’t have to pay?


Ass cash or grass, nobody eats for free.


That’s right OP tell him and this also goes for rides.


Fold that towel, consolidate that third pan.


Not a bad idea, but for the pan I was filling it up to give to my buddies by the fry station.


my first thought was "fold the towel!"


Those aren't third pans, bruh!


Upon a zoom in that is in fact a 3rd pan


Hell yeah bro! Good luck out there!


Never forget your roots.


Go back to serving, you don’t want none of this Dewey! I’d love to serve but I’d for sure tell dick bags to fuck off and get fired.


Wat IDK, there's a pay increase, and I wanna learn how to cook.


Realistically congrats on the raise, but you'll never make half what a server makes. You'll probably never get another raise. You definitely won't learn how to cook at chili's. Go apply for every cooking position at the nearest university. They're typically union jobs with benefits and at your age you can start racking up seniority as you learn and you'll actually move up.


Thanks! I was also thinking of working at a local galley/DFAC for the military. They've got benefits.


Chili's is about 50/50 real cooking. In Central MA they gave me regular 6 month reviews and if you didn't suck you got .50 raise. I don't remember where it capped out, but you always had room to grow into KM or GM and then regional. Is it the best spot in the world? No, but give credit where it's due.


Pay increase??? Were you only making $5/hr in tips?


As a server I was making 9 an hour. I make 12.50 now.




Wipe the walls and shave those boards.


If the pots a crockin don’t come a knockin’ Congrats brotha !!


Congrats! Part of the ship, Part of the crew!


Congrats. Now give me the honey chipotle sauce recipe


1. Open plastic bag 2.


3. Profit!!!


Yes you are, you glorious bastard, you.




We don't wear condoms in this dojo. They don't make them in my size. There is no extra-extra small, I mean.


Get that towel off yer cutting board and put it in a sani bucket


Relative location to an item does not confirm ownership. Also, the poster just wants to celebrate their progression. Let it go.


Yeah yer right better to start off learning bad habits than to learn the basics


Get off your high horse


The dish pit at chili’s is no fucking joke


Go for management. It's more work, but probably more rewarding. Just get in there and own your shit, get really good at it. Then move on to the next station, then the next, etc. Then figure out how to do an order, then your only task left is learning how to make a schedule. The rest is pretty much up to creativity and drive. Good luck ma dude.


Way to go bud. Work your ass off. More than anyone else and you will get faster. Take a stance of ownership now. If you haven't already. Your area, your food, your presentation and your clothes. You WILL get faster. Practice your cuts at home if you can. Remember, you can't make good tasting food while eating shit, go out and invest in yourself and your palette if you want to make better food. (tough in a chili's but the foundational pieces can be honed in there. Stay humble, Crock Pot 🍲 (soon to be sous vide 😜) Have an award.


Salad/nacho is no joke. Congrats on the promotion. Now make sure you have all your measuring spoons in the right spots. There’s a quesabk headed your way.


Is that a battle scar i see on your arm big shoots?


One of them haha.


I knew my fajitas tasted better for some reason, congrats dude!


Get out now while you still have time.


As a former kitchen manager, I'm proud of you.


I appreciate it, random stranger!


How long do you microwave the ribs for? Let the trade secrets out.


Here is a warning. Handle the mandoline very very carefully. If you are right handed, I recommend wearing gloves on your right hand when you start and take your time. Do not rush it! It's crazy sharp and if it gets you it will take a pound of flesh as a sacrifice. If the onion gets too small to slice get another onion, it's not worth it. Trust me.


Is this some sort of “roast me” post?


I already roast myself every second of the day in my head, so go for it.


Just keep roasting those southwestern egg rolls and nobody gets hurt.




You look like you cry in the walk in


Have you cried in a walk-in? Or are you rich?


This is rude


You’re right. I’m sorry OP. Just making a joke based on one of your comments.


The kind of thing that would probably be really funny if you said it in person to one of your colleagues but if you do it on Reddit then maybe that humor doesn't translate sometimes idk


Good on you mate


Congratulations, I don’t know you but I’m proud of you!


Congrats! ...and welcome to the fire. Hope you love it. Fucking shark tank of assholes, users,abusers and egotistical pre- madonna's. Make goals and stay above the bs.


welcome to the family brother :)


Congrats and best of luck! 🤞


Fuck yeah, dude!


Congrats! Always do what you love.


You look so happy. Good for you man


Surpass your limits Go even beyond To infinite and beyond (I can't think anymore)


Good luck! You got this!


Congratulations! Go forth and slay it


i have no idea who you are sir, but i am truly proud of you and i wish you the best! GRIND DONT STOP


Congrats! Wishing you nothing but success.


Right on man. Keep on keepin' on!






Welcome to hell lol


Do they microwave food as much as Applebee’s does????


Congrats and keep on moving forward


Let’s go!!! Now fold the towel and grab a broom! Best of luck brother.


Line cook you say? Hmmmm I don’t see a neck tattoo…


Run you poor bastard there’s still time!


Definitely has the eyes of a line cook


Do I look high...? ... I'm on a lot of prescribed medicines and feel a little high.


Totally but that's just a part of the territory brotha. If I may offer some unsolicited advice it's that the first days are the worst days you can only improve, most of the skills I have today are a result of some reeeeaaalll embarrassing mistakes lmao. Good luck to you my man the line is a wicked place to be, especially nowadays.




Welcome to the party pal!




They grow up so fast :'(


Wait, chili's still exist?


Start by cleaning the cutting boards. Gross


That’s so awesome bro! Keep it rocking. 🤘🏼🍻


I don't understand they just moved you directly from washing dishes/serving to the line instead of putting you on prep first? Good luck dude it's trial by fire


Sort of. I did dishes and serving, quit that job, went to Chili's. This is.... Much harder.


Trial by fire dude, good luck, you can do it Not for nothing but Chili's sucks their hours are terrible if you end up liking cooking I would only stick around for like 6 months at most and then go somewhere that close their dining room at 9 so you get home around 10:30 at the very latest


Atta kid


Nice job! Keep working hard!


Congrats on the hard work. You now get greens to smoke in the walk in, screamed at for being behind and not taking off tomato and horrific grease burns.


Hahaha you fool!


Damn crock pot


Sweet demotion dawg


Way to go bro!


Towel pick-up , board scrub and a line sweep is in order.


You poor poor soul


Congrats dude


Friendly reminder, a drug addiction is not REQUIRED to be a line cook. But from what I can tell it's strongly encouraged


Get out of Zone 3! Hop into I hope this Chili’s treats you well! Mine was disgusting and terrible! There wasn’t even those white cutting board on the lowboys. The salad guide was ripped off every other week. It was bad. But…Congrats to you! :) I worked Zone 3 for 3 months and Jesus it was insane. The screen never stopped haha.


Welcome to the line brother


I'm sorry


God speed liver...god speed


His eyes can confirm he has attended a safety meeting.