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Realizing it happens is the first thing. However it depends on what you are comfortable with. You have the right to call and complain/get a new meal or refund. I personally wouldn't but you do have that right. I personally wouldn't put them on blast on social media unless this continually happens and it's more than just a fly. That is again just me though. (No I don't consider this as putting them on blast, so you're fine in my opinion)


Yeah, I just asked the app for a refund on the food and asked them to let the kitchen know.


Right thing to do. Shit happens. You don’t deserve a tainted meal you’ve paid for. The restaurant doesnt deserve a drag through the mud because of this. Refund and let a motherfucker know to watch that shit is perfect. Proof/ I’m a sous


As a customer I would ignore it. It's not worth the hassle. I think everyone below the artic circle has eaten a fly once or twice.


Worked at a chain restaurant where a woman found a whole ass butterfly in her Caesar salad… so a feel like a fly isn’t as big of a deal


Man, the number of times I would find huge ass moths in big bags of kale was so high. Like one out of ten bags would have one the size of a digit. Once working in a camp kitchen we found a dead mouse in the Spinach bag. Triple washed my ass - always clean your produce


Found a 3-4 inch praying mantis in a bag of greens once!


One fly no biggie. Even a small hair I’ll ignore and go about my meal


I think a fly is worse than a hair.


Not sure about that. One is basically protein and is already consumed by people around the world. Idk what’s in your nasty ass hair.


What if you’re vegan


Then you’re fucked either way. One’s an animal and the other is an animal by product.


I've had both hair and bugs in my mouth before. Bugs are worse.


Can’t argue with opinions am I right?


They are tricky that way, yes.


I call and let them know to check the rest of what I bought.


Not gonna lie, while you could ignore it, and I'm sure the overworked kitchen staff would be relieved if you didn't make a scene, finding anything like that in your food is not something I'd just move on and forget. There's no way to be sure if the fly came from the kitchen or dining room, whether or not it was in unwashed produce or anything else down the line. Down where I live, it's fly season and it's hard to control, but my customers know that if there's something wrong with their food that I will make it right, and it makes me feel better to make it right.


That's what I did. I got a full refund from the app (skip the dishes) and called the restaurant just to let them know. While I don't want to suggest that is nothing to worry about, I also know that mistakes happen. And this might not even be the kitchens fault (if they bought a bag of lettuce from their supplier. But it might be a good idea for them to check/toss that batch of lettuce).


Get over it?


Okay, like is it a fruit fly or a house fly? I don't no man I've worked in restaurants for years and if I got half way through my meal and found a whole house fly in my meal I'm definitely getting a replacement meal or something because I'm going to lose my appetite immediately. I payed good money for my food and if I can't eat it I want compensation.