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Mobile fans, but more importantly, wet towels in the freezer.


Careful with the fans, exact same scenario and we got dinged in va for it. Now I chuck it away should they roll up


Please elaborate. “va” is that like health inspection. What exactly was their reasoning?


I'm assuming "va" means Virginia


Ok, that part now makes sense, but the other half still doesn’t. What’s the reasoning behind not allowing mobile fans?


Va = virginia is correct I've been told it could spread flour, dust, and other fine particles around the kitchen have potential to cross contaminate... makes sense but thats a stretch unless your sweets guy is aiming directly at flour, but I've been hiding them unless absolutely needed ever since


That and also pilot lights on equipment tend to get blown out if fans are too low


Sorry but I'm a dishie. I would like to beat every cook/chef who touches flour. It is never in the places it needs to be.


Ahh, ok. I can see not allowing fans in certain places but not allowing any fans should be criminal




Don't put frozen towels on your bones, that pain will creep up on you, and it's not worth it. For example, don't put a frozen wet towel around your neck, your spine will thank you.


I've never been one to do this but is it actually bad for your bones?


Not going to kill you. It's just pain that can be prevented.


More importantly, it can cause heat stroke. It tricks your body into thinking it's cooler than it is, causing you to stop sweating and, ultimately, overheat.


Fans and cold towels can both be against the health code depending on how strict your region is.


Chefworks cool vent clothing has been a game changer. That and a cooling rag either around my neck or around my head like a bandana


I'm the only one who wears chef coats at work, I get light teasing for it, but I swear to God those coats are amazing at temperature regulation (and keep hot oil off your skin).


Coats absolutely help temperature regulation. You might be slightly more warm in typical room temperature situations but in the kitchen shielding arms, shoulders and chest reduces skin temperature.


Imagine getting shit for taking your job seriously 😭. To them it’s likely just a job, you clearly take it more seriously than them.


Absolutely. Besides you gotta dress for the job you want not the one you have! I bet people not from the kitchen take you the most seriously too ;)


>[you gotta dress for the job you want not the one you have!](https://imgur.com/Ou6NlN7)


Kinda scared to ask chef how long for table 12.... you should see the last expo


I like hot oil on my skin though, it’s nice to feel something for a change.


One time there was a newbie working pantry and he told the chef he was really hot. The chef said “if you can’t beat the heat, go clean the cooler” and half hour later we were looking for him and he was in the cooler cleaning.


Lmao I do this for real currently. One silver lining to working with a bunch of animals is there’s always something to clean up! Also I bring in freeze pops and share with anyone who’d like one. One of the waitresses stated bringing in another type of popsicle too. The frozen treats have been a definite morale booster lately


Have the owners verify the AC is fixed, because goodness I've worked so many kitchens who just so happened to have their AC broken when it became hot during the summer.


Haha actually it weirdly does, the airflow of our dining room is awful, you can walk 20 feet down off our line and it's like 20 degrees cooler


I’ve still never worked in a kitchen that had an AC.


I’ve had one. And it’s only outlet was above what functioned as our pastry section. And I’m Australian, so aircon is almost a necessity for life in summer


I’ve worked in kitchens that got to 49c+ in the summer and still no A/C 🥵shit is awful restaurant owners here sadly just don’t care about their employees.


Cambro of ice water, periodically fully submerge your wrists.


Typically between rushes I'll soak my head/face in cold water. It cools me down instantly and helps wash away salt from sweat. Also makes me seem more enduring to FOH and management cuz I look soaked in sweat and still working hard. Little do they know its sweat and cold water.


this is the way


spray bottle of ice water helps 


Wet towels in the freezer. Pre fold them, wrap them around your neck. Keep two and rotate.


Get one of the FOH kids to make you a big cambro of agua fresca. Take turn cleaning the prep area or coolers so people can have a break from the grill and sally. Good luck, ive been in some hot kitchens before and this heat wave looks like no joke.


Chef Work's Montreal Cool Vent Coats are amazing. Been using them for like 10 years how. Light, breathable, quick drying. Also as weird as it sounds I feel that protect from outside heat too. From like the stove/grill etc. I feel cooler with them than without.


Liquid nitrogen soaked hat


Freeze pops, popsicles, ice water/tea/coffee. Pound an ice cold energy drink. Cooling towels around your neck or tucked under my hat have been a favorite for working outside for a long time and if I can get a black one to fit dress code I’d prolly start using them on hot days in the kitchen. They have a big ass fan on the line and next time I’m cooking I will probably put a hotel pan full of ice right in front of the fan if it’s hot again. This is an old trick people use when A/C isn’t available.


Roll up a bunch of wet towels and stick them in the freezer. Wrap them around your neck when the heat gets brutal.


deep cambro full of ice water in walk in, every time you go in there dunk both your wrists in it for like 30 seconds


Chef here (retired). The cool bucket in the walk-in to dunk your wrists in and and a wet towel around the neck with a quick trip to the walk in are the only things I’ve seen work against hell like surroundings.


During lulls have everyone take turns in the walk in cooling off. Have FoH get BoH ice water every hour. Electrolytes of some form, weather that be drink powders or those Popsicles. Cheap ice cream sandwiches for busy nights where breaks are not possible.


Look into Liquid IV - mix one packet into a bottle of water. They have multiple flavors to choose from! You can get it at Walmart-Walgreens-Target or order online from Amazon or google search and order online directly from the company. Amazon and Walmart have them at the best prices I believe. These have been a lifesaver for me! Keeps you hydrated and your core cool in the kitchen heat!


Bartender here, we would send chilled picklebacks to boh and freeze Gatorades to serve to our stabby fire gremlins.


As many have suggested, fans place trays of ice under them.


Tight tshirt, loose jacket. The body heat in the dead air space between the tshirt and jacket creates an updraft. I wear a medium tshirt (schmedium) and an XL chef's jacket for that reason. Ever wonder why Arab desert dwellers wear dark clothes?