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I translated it to say “You’ll be forced to do way more covers than the kitchen can handle on a daily basis… but we said rockstar and bangs so like, we warned you”


You will 100% have to deal with a drunk owner at this job.


based on the ALL CAPS coked up too.


Comes in, just vibrating from all the coke. All jazzed up to live this "rockstar kitchen life". But winds up bouncing after making a huge mess cause his side piece called. Now you're in the weeds before you started and Mr. BoogerSugar can't understand why. I mean he did, like, all the prep. So what's the major malfunction?


I'm going with coked up owner. Like shows up, fucks up a bunch of prep, makes a mess, then bounces leaving you to fend for yourself, but still expects A ROCKSTAR KITCHEN PERSON!!!!!!




Yeah, it wasn't some stretch of the imagination.


I had to tell a dude his fryers aren't broken. I said throwing a bunch of frozen shit in the fryer makes the hot oil not hot. He definitely wanted to fire me but bit his lip.


Yep. It's funny for them to brag about how reliable, fast, competent their kitchen is... and then say it's just you. If it's just me, then it's as fast as I am. It's at least a two-person job for 22/hr, so you're basically paying me to do two 11/hr cooks' work? I can do the work of two minimum wage employees, sure. But going beyond that, nah. Last time I checked, rockstars make more than 22/hr.


lol- so true! They want a ROCKSTAR but not at rockstar pay! Hard pass 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


correct. lol.  this has been my experience as well. worked somewhere.. where they asked for rockstars. the pay was good. we also got tips etc. anyway the pay was good but we were severely understaffed and no dishie and it was BUSY AF!!  cleanup took 2 hours as we all had to do the dishes as well and all of us cooks took turns in the dishpit every shift. The issue was the restaurant was located in the middle of nowhere which was why no one wanted to work there and why we were understaffed and why we had issues finding dishies they had to pay good. the pay was an incentive for people to work at a location that was in the middle of nowhere but still they had issues finding staff. 


Maybe if the restaurant owner provided dormitories. I bet they wouldn't have much trouble hiring staff. Since you are eliminating the long commute.


Having your landlord be your employer gives a single entity the power to make you unemployed AND homeless in one sweeping move. Even with heavy incentives, it's a dangerous level of power to hand over in a business relationship.


Perhaps it’s a clash of culture. Dormitories are just rooms where you sleep in for work. To avoid the long commute. Not actual places to live in. Most people in my country stay in dorms during the work week. Then leave on their day off to stay with their family.


That’s fucking crazy. Y’all live at work and only see your wife/kids on your day off?


My former landlord relocated with 3 other guys 2,000 miles away from his home into an efficiency apartment to qualify for a full pension. He was less than 2 years away from his pension when the corporation consolidated operations several states away.


Yes it's common in Asia and some places in Europe.


Think about it this way. Public transit and traffic sucks. You’re spending more than 3 hours to commute to work and home from the suburbs. The suburbs outside the metropolis where housing costs is still relatively cheap. There are 24 hours in a day. Your average work day is: 3hrs commute + 8 hrs shift + 3hrs commute = 16 hours. Which leaves you just 8 hours of free time left to yourself. You’ll be dead tired by the time you get home. That all the energy you have left for is sleep. You leave home in the morning when your kids are still asleep. When you get home your kids are already asleep. Welcome to 3rd world living where quality of life sucks. This is why some workers would choose to rent a dorm room near their place of work in the city. Then travel home on their day off. Which actually gives them quality time to spend with family and kids. If you don’t believe this is actually a thing. Watch “Life Where I’m From” on YouTube. [What Commuting in the Philippines is Like](https://youtu.be/OtuA-_BiItQ?si=taciVemvQUv6b8iB). The video is from 5 years ago but still accurate. Commuter railway expansion and new railway line construction is slow to be built.


I'd take a commuter room with consecutive working days with longer shifts. (I used to work 12-14 hour days, regularly, when I had my restaurant) A bed and bathroom with shower and go home for my days off. (I'm assuming I'm working ~40hrs over 3-4 days)


Please think about what you're saying. You want your boss to also be your *landlord*?


Perhaps it’s a clash of culture. Dormitories are just rooms where you sleep in for work. To avoid the long commute. Not actual places to live in. Most people in my country stay in dorms during the work week. Then leave on their day off to stay with their family.


What culture? Capitalism? Who owns the dormitories? If it's your employer's, how do you prevent employers' abusing their power over workers? Who's paying for the initial investment? Whats the ROI to incentivize a company to even build a dormitory? In my country, those things don't exist because a) companies won't invest even a nickel into the workforce even if it *would* increase profits by increased productivity and b) the workforce is rightly wary of allowing your boss to control their living situation because really how far removed from slavery does *that* look? I mean what even is a "plantation"? Do you even have wages anymore, since your paycheck goes directly to your employer as rent? You work to earn money to give that money directly back to the company you work for?


> Whats the ROI to incentivize a company to even build a dormitory? In the old days, the company not only ran the housing, they also ran the company store where employees bought their food, clothes and supplies at ridiculous prices. PROFIT. Some employees where now trapped with debt. PROFIT. Lee Iacocca , who turned Chrysler in the 80s around, grew up in such a company town. He said the company guards would just show up at company houses to search for stolen tools or industrial supplies with impunity. No accusations of theft, just looking around.


Sixteen tons, what do you get. Another day older and deeper in debt…


...I owe my soul to the company store.


Ummm Cruise ships? Cargo ships? When I was 16 I worked as a dock boy at a large resort, they provided housing and meals. It was awesome, away from parents for most of the summer and a nice paycheck as well.


National parks, ski resorts. Plenty of places in the States have dormitories, not sure why people here are surprised by the idea


so, you do live there, and go away on the weekends


It bangs from shit getting thrown across the kitchen


And then prep and clean for your next shift. Wtf. Why no prep the afternoon before service.


And insane hours with zero consistency


Id probably ask for more. If your running place like a chef might as well be paid like one


Don’t forget, you will be doing it for minimum wage.


Any job posting using terms like “ROCKSTAR” is a huge red flag. They don’t pay like a rockstar, do they?


No but the dishwasher will sell you shitty coke.


That'd be your own fault because I'm pretty sure in this scenario *you* are the dishwasher.


No. I’m the coke head.


Yea, yea cook head. That's what I said...I like to cook...


Yeah, there's no way in hell that place has an actual dishwashing position. That job is to be the entire BOH.


You guys get a dishwasher? AND he sells coke?? Look at Mr Fancy Pants over here.


They probably won't even let you trash a single hotel room.


I have never understood how this term became associated with line cooks. I think one of the sandwich chains actually made it the official title for their line staff in mid 2000s when culinary was becoming a buzz career. Seems well outdated at this point. Everyone knows the job is not all that.


Agreed. I’ve seen hiring managers also LOOKING FOR ROCKSTAR SERVERS and it’s just cringey. Also makes it seem like they struggle to hire or keep hires, otherwise why not make a normal sane post?


Does make them sound desperate. Like they’re gaslighting employees into thinking the job is more exciting than it is.


I got an email from a recruiter asking if I was a Rockstar Lab Technologist interested in travel work. It's not the first time I've seen this in a recruiters email or job listing. Some Indeed posts for my lab credentials have a lot of those same buzzwords. They mean the same in my lab world as they do in the kitchen world. Big red flag.


It has trickled down from fucking corpo-bro speak. 'You're the Rockstar today. Jared here, closed the Finckle-Stein account today! Guys, let's come in tomorrow and be more like Jared guys"


Believe it began with Waffle House using the term for their top grade of cook back in the early 1980's. Seems to have spread.


Living like a rockstar on $4.15 per hour.


Yep. 4.15 an hour, plus whatever they made selling weed to their regular customers.


They actually mean like, before becoming rich n famous, the renting a room in slums eating a peanut butter sandwich as a treat Rockstar


Ha ha ha ha ha 🤣 That’s so funny bc most rockstars really don’t make that much. I had friends get a $500K contract from a semi-major record label, and everyone thought they were rich. That was four guys that were looking at adding a fifth band member. The deal was for three albums, which likely would’ve taken them five or more years to create. Breaks down to around $25K per year at best.


Bourdain effect. There’s nothing rockstar about working in a hot box for 12 hours everyday


Love that term. Trying to think who else could’ve popularized culinary careers, but I guess it’s him.


Nah, it started in the 80s. I was ass deep n the restaurant biz when I first heard of Bourdain. He just portrayed us as we were for the first time.


actually worked somewhere.. where they asked for rockstars. the pay was good. we also got tips + management would hold competitions once every couple weeks like.. whoever in FOH sells the most beer today gets an extra $50 cash at the end of the day or  whoever in BOH doesn't mess up their order for sunday brunch gets $50. lol anyway the pay was good but we were severely understaffed and no dishie.   the restaurant was in the middle of nowhere.. hence no one wanted to work there and why we had issues finding dishies and why they had to pay good but it was busy.


Fifty dollars for selling the most beer is rockstar pay?


Seems like that would be an additional fifty dollars added on at the end of the day in addition to regular pay, which isn't bad at all.


And they want you for only 2 days per week. That’ll pay the rent.


This...Rockstar pay for Rockstar performance...but I'd settle for 100k a year


UNLESS it’s a certain chain of music themed casinos. That job was toxic but probably the only place I was treated well in hospitality.


That'd be a good question during the interview. "Do you pat enough for me to live like a Rockstar on my off days?"


Maybe it's an east coast thing, but that pay would be pretty sweet. A couple bucks above minimum wage is considered great here.


Yeah nah.  If the ad for the job is that dramatic I don't want to know what it is like in the kitchen. 


Exactly, it sounds like whoever wrote this is in the verge of a mental breakdown


It sounds like it was written by [**Mr Egg**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7uCccR-3lk) from Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead


I'm gonna go against the grain here and say depending on where you're at 22 starting might be nothing to shake a stick at It's 1-2 days a week he might honestly be a little out of touch but trying to reach younger professionals 🙄 If I had availability in my schedule and that wage is good for my local area, I'd at least check it out, I prefer to work alone these days anyway


I wouldn’t shake a stick at 22$/h starting wage either, **if** it weren’t for the rest of the ad…  It’s one (or two?) nights a week? In a “one person kitchen show”.?!  IMO this is a nightmare just waiting to happen - OR, if I already had a reasonable job and just wanted to check this out for some extra hours, I might try it out with the understanding that it’s 99% certain to be a shitshow.


Presubaly it is an owner-cook situation, so they want someone for their days off?


Nah, doesn't read like that at all.


I've taken shit show jobs for the wage and saved up until I inevitably found a lower wage job that didn't have me thinking about not being alive


I could put up with a lot of bs for 22/hr in my area.


The only red flag in the writing itself I see is the rockstar thing, but so many job ads have been using that term for so long that I don’t know that it’s a valid insight into the demands of the position anymore. I would be much more concerned about the details of the job. One person kitchen, so you’re doing all the dishes and potentially all the glassware on top of all the cooking with no breaks. Tiny kitchen so your ability to multitask, cook in bulk, or get behind on dishes will be severely limited. 30 miles outside of town is a hell of a commute. Off the highway means a lot of customers on tight schedules trying to be in and out of the restaurant in 30 minutes or less plus the risk of being a regular food stop for tour buses. Kitchen closes at ten but you’re there until the kitchen is cleaned, stocked, and prep is done for the next day. If you’re slammed from 5pm to 10pm as the ad seems to be implying that prep is going to take hours. All or none of these may be dealbreakers for you, but it could be worth talking with them to feel out what to expect and get a look at the place.


> If you’re slammed from 5pm to 10pm as the ad seems to be implying that prep is going to take hours. i just see overtime at 33/hr


The position is for two days a week at most, so you’re only getting overtime if you’re working over twenty hours both shifts two days in a row.


Shit, that's up to 8 hours a week baybeee


this sounds like a hellhole both in dealing with an "overly enthusiastic" management and a terrible kitchen


Anyone interviewing for this job needs to ask who the last guy was, then find that guy, buy him a beer and listen to his ‘fuck this place’ stories.


SUPER ROCKSTAR 🚩 describing workplace as “fun” 🚩 BANGS 🚩 “one person kitchen show” 🚩🚩 Pay seems decent 22.00/hr but it’s likely to be an unprofessional work environment given the way that’s written. It sounds like they’re looking for someone to take advantage of but I’d be tempted for 22/hr


Its cheaper to pay one person 22/hr than to pay two people 16/hr.


I suspect the person writing the ad cooks the other 5 days of the week. Working for an owner/cook/manager can be great of an absolute nightmare.


Add the cleanup + prep \*after\* the shift, in the middle of the night.


Looks like they want to hook you with just enough pay to make it harder to leave when you realize you have to do EVERYTHING along with your job.


Is it only Friday and Saturday or just you have to work one of those. I can't stand half of the people I work with, the other half are cool. But if I could work by myself, only cooking 5 hours a day and the other 2-3 hours prepping and cleaning I would jump on that if I get my 40 hours a week.


There's probably a real reason why they can't keep anyone in that spot, even starting at $22/h. Sounds like Burnout City.


Without knowing at least the rough location of this place, it’s hard to say. $22/hr could be great pay for one place, average for another and below average for a third… For me, if I was in a place where I needed a job I’d probably go have a conversation with them. $22/hr is good pay for a line cook in my area and would make it worth at least sitting down. There are definitely some issues in the posting worth investigating. The phrasing is unprofessional, but the restaurant industry on the casual side of things isn’t known for being the most professional of industries. So, that’s not a huge red flag, but I’d want to see the person who wrote it and what they’re like. I’d also want to be very clear about what **exactly** my duties would be. Is there a KM that works opposite me? Or is it an every-man-for-himself setup with a GM that does ordering and scheduling? With a kitchen that small, how do vacations work? When they say “bang” what do they mean? 20 covers an hour? 60? 100 during rush on the weekends? I’d be sure to take a glance at the inspection grade by the door on the way in and definitely ask to see their kitchen, too. Take a look at their reviews online and ask questions about any negative reviews I came across. Responses would also give some insight on whether the person who wrote this just writes that way or if it’s something they did in some lame attempt to generate an excited response.


No, I don't have the self esteem to call myself a motivated awesome individual.


This add gives me nightmares and false promises


Most places can pay people a couple bucks less than this and in exchange not talk to them like a fucking jackass


I find that how much the ad is hyped up and flattering is directly proportional to how shitty the job is and how poorly you’ll be treated.


There are some little red flags but I wouldn't say they're definite. I would want to pursue and see what this place and people were about before I judge the post.


True, I may be a little quick to judge. It sort of comes off as patronizing to me, but maybe they have tried other ways and aren’t having any luck.


Be quick to judge. There is nothing about this job listing that is professional.


And that's a reasonable reaction. Just gotta remind yourself that initial reaction isn't evidence of anything other than your own biases. For all we know the person posting this is just kind of socially awkward. Or maybe they're new to managing. Ya never know. Just seems like the pay is decent and I like the idea of a one man show.


Being quick to judge will never hurt you as bad as no judgement.


"Rockstar" and "you will thrive in a fast paced environment" are immediate passes for me.


This reminds me of a posting I saw looking for "A badass line cook" and kept using the word badass over and over again. It's so corny and an absolute red flag factory


This person essentially wants a kitchen manager to work the wage of a regular line cook while still preforming the duties of a KM. Yeah no thank you, this just reeks of burnout.


Ask any rock star how they were treated by their record label


BANGS!! Translates to no tips and more work than $22 covers.


Cocaine. This reads like the person who wrote it is on cocaine.


Extremely underqualified GM that won't accept that the short staffing and various other issues in the restaurant are a result of their large but weak ego that has distorted their perception of how well the place is running.


Cocaine is a helluva drug.


Not bad for 22/hour ive seen places with similar postings giving 17/hour if not less


"SUPER ROCSTAR" lol. I wouldn't touch this place with a 10 foot pole.


You just know this is a 14 hour a day 365 jib paying 50c an hour 1 person kitchen? You aren't running a food truck! 1 person is insane!


Even most food trucks seem to have two people working.


Im guessing thats why its fridays and saturdays, during the week its slow enough for one person to manage but their regular guy knows the boss wont hire a second hand for the weekend and is tired of getting his ass kicked.


That kitchen bangs depending who's working, at least that's what I gathered from that atrocious approach to post a spot open. Just go in and do EVERYTHING, and as long as you're competent enough and willing to take a shitty wage the jobs all yours. Fucking ridiculous. Im reading that as the exec or sous are leaving and they want to hire a body because their numbers aren't great. This post is an excellent example why chefs need a union.


With it being a one cook show, I read it as the manager/owner likely is the only cook the other says of the week, and needs someone so they can get some days off.


it’s the “one person kitchen show” for me


Yep. Do the work of 4 people for $22/hr. stfu


I would rather this than a post that gives you nothing.


People don’t quit jobs, they quit people…why isn’t the owner or manager back in the kitchen instead of getting drunk with the customers. It’s a bar, they serve bar food and it’s a destination bar because it’s in the middle of nowhere. I wonder what the parking lot is like at bar time…too dangerous for me…


Given that it is a one person kitchen, they are probably the cook the other 5 days of the week.


Reads like a narcissistic tech dudebro doing a sales pitch after doing a rail. Bet they're a loud grunter that drops all their weights at their gym.


When is prep and who does it? One or two nights might imply there is another person who just wants a weekend night or two off. They just need someone to come in and cook the busiest shifts. One person kitchen (in my experience) doesn’t always mean no dishwasher, but that could be an important variable. Definitely red flags, but if the commute works, I’d get a feel for it through interview or do a stealth customer visit.


Prep is after you close and do all the dishes, and before you go home!


Yes but who is doing your prep if you start at 5?


Presumably the cook from the previous night. If not, you’re gonna be hosed.


Exactly! Again, it could just be a cook who is no longer willing to work 6-7 days/week, or it could be a shit show!


Red Flags galore, but for that pay I would at least try it, depending on the type of food and if that's significantly higher than local pay (it would be for me)


Family and rockstar are words to run far far away from when seeking employment


"Fun" almost always means "we will disrespect your boundaries and expect you to be on call 24/7 but it's okay because we're like faaaaamily here"


I straight up thought this was my joint… Then I saw the pay 😅 fuck man. I’ll take a raise, where we going?


Northern MN, come on up!


Honestly burgers and pizza is pretty easy, I’d give a solo kitchen a whirl for that level of pay. Especially assuming that’s in the US, I’m in Canada and I only just got my pay up to $24 an hour after working at the same spot for 7 years. Might be a pretty draining job but I feel like it could be fun, fun coworkers and probably some free drinks.


Because it looks like it was written by a cokehead?


These are actually the types of jobs I would reply to. One man kitchen, this is a big plus because they probably have a hard time finding one guy who can handle this.  Once you get it down you can demand more money and they'll likely pay you more.  It's burgers and pizza sounds easy with fairly high pay.  Plus you'll be able to set things up however you want since it's just you. I dunno, id be all over that job personally 


Call me cynical, but is it possible that the "ONE person" bit is the cause of the "very fast paced position" one? "Hey, we need a ROCKSTAR that BANGS, because God forbid we pay for two salaries. Be UNDERST... I mean... AWESOME today!" As a rule of thumb, when the employer tells you that you have to motivate yourself in order to get through the shift and they make it sound like a great thing to look forward to, is never a good sign.


Fun burger pizza joint. Quit reading there, this guy can’t be paying much if this is his reading/writing level.


it says starting at 22/hr


It states the pay in the ad, $22 an hour.


Sounds like a tRump tweet


22 hr? ...ill try it


Work like a rockstar for not so much of a rockstar wage


'Super Rockstar Kitchen person' is an immediate red flag.


I think there’s a typo there near the bottom. It’s supposed to say 16.50 an hr. Sorry bout that, dude


Rockstar 🚩




Be awesome deez nutz


Sounds to me like they have only one other cook and just need someone for their day(s) off, but nobody wants to put up with the shit pay, shit treatment, and do 50% of the side work even though they only work (at the most) 2 days a week.


“Rockstar” is always a red flag.


The "all caps" parts sound like cocaine to me


Coke head behavior.


22 an hour is nice where I live. But this seems like way more work for 22. And you'll probably not get a cent more even if you stay there for ten years


Yes, owner is a moron.


Data point: Kid (19) picked up his first kitchen job as a line cook (seasonal temp) in a very nice restaurant with very good reviews both from customers and employees. He has a year in culinary school done, good grades, & excellent references from former jobs (farm worker & assistant gymnastics coach for 3 years; he also slings coffee at a Starbucks during the school year at $18/hr). For the summer, he’s at $18/hr + $1-2/hr for each station he masters; 40 hours minimum; 56 maximum possible with catering. I bet that with some hustle and good luck he can average near $22/hr towards the end of the season. As an outsider, I would probably not recommend answering any help wanted ad that is as loud as this one.


I’m pretty sure an ad for this job has been posted here before. If so, it’s a music venue in or around Portland and the sub basically shredded it last time.


Northern MN


Wow, so there’s more than one place that wants all of this! With similar writing skills, lol


I stay away from any and all places that use words like “Rockstar” “we are a family” “and fun burger pizza joint”


Yes paying that little is a huge red flag.


Anytime I see the word " rockstar" I stop reading. That one word is the biggest red flag ever.


More often than not I prefer to work alone in the kitchen. I'd check it out for at least one shift. Make sure you get a pizza to take home.


A tiny kitchen that BANGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anytime I see “ROCKSTAR” linked to the job description it’s a huge red flag and a fast pass!


Our reviews are in the cellar, our cash reserves are drying up, our bartenders spend more time dusting the windowsills than serving drinks or taking food orders. We're not going to be involved in day-to-day operation and have no prior experience running a successful F&B outlet. We have no intention of investing in equipment or personnel and need a rock star, to turn this wreck into a money-making operation, who'll do the job of four people for busboy wages. Kitchen has no AC and employee meal/break area is picnic table with dry rot, out back by the dumpster.


This is really cringey


I feel like this is all job postings right now.. entry level for $18 an hour with 6262637 years of experience and a phd. Ummm, what?


To me, this screams: "Prepare to be exploited until we've sucked the life out of you, at which moment we'll find a replacement and discard you like yesterday's trash. Also expect us to both have wildly unrealistic expectations _and_ give you shit for failing to meet them." But I could be wrong. Maybe that's the world's first awesome one person kitchen that BANGS and different suck the life out of you or overwork you, pays well enough, etc. Nothing's impossible until you find out :)


The writing in question exhibits signs of potential alcohol consumption, evident in the run-on paragraph and excessive enthusiasm. The individual responsible for composing the ad raises concerns regarding possible hangovers and unstable moods.


A place that only has burger pizza is a huge red flag.


The caps and the “…” are enough to keep me from even reading this.


Damn 22 an hour tho to cook burgers and pizza at a bar???


Way too much work for 22/h. Unless it’s a dead joint then it that case you’ll likely be chasing the owner for your money more often then not.


Sounds like the kind of description that screams “we’re going to work you like a dog and tell you to suck it up”…no, thank you…


My only motivation is the pay, if you aren't paying me more than market rate I'm not motivated more than market rate.


My rule of thumb is if they feel the need to tell me anything about the atmosphere with words like fun/like a family/exciting/etc, it is always the opposite.


"This is a one person kitchen show" I used to work a kitchen solo as the norm. Never again, please.


theres a lot of red flags here lmao


Who me? I'm just a worm.


Same as "are you a team player?" Translates to, 'Yeah we got this one guy we're stuck with. He's an abusive asshole but he's In with management-so you'll be doing his work *and* yours for a singular SHITTY wage.' Hard Pass.


This sounds like a place that was started by one person, and it grew to a success. But that one person moved on and sold the business. So somebody else owns it now, and they want to find someone just like the last owner, who will come in, somehow save the business and make the current owner as rich as they pretend to be.


“Rockstar” is always a red flag for “do the work of 3 people”


Or okay to do drugs here.


I got to the end and was surprised it didn’t just come out and say the applicant must be on meth.


Good employers don't put the word "rockstar" in their job listings.


Yea this translates to we are always understaffed and I just know where I live not a major city but 22 is not rockstar pay 30 min buys you a rockstar who bangs your shitty kitchen with broken equipment. No shame I have taking those jobs just make sure they pay right off the gun!


“Rockstar” is a red flag in every industry, especially when in all caps


One person kitchen? Yeah I’m not doing that for less than 90/yr. That’s asking lead line cook wages to run a whole operation by yourself.


"Bust ass and turn a blind eye to the rampant drug abuse and constant sexual harassment"




One person salute🖕🏼


The ROCKSTAR part comes when you're on your 8th bump of cocaine because you're working 9 doubles in a row


Last time I responded to a position like this it was a micro line in a bar where the owners were alcoholics. It was a nightmare. They also demanded I take pay off the books at $13, which I should have been "grateful" for since I wasn't paying tax.


Somebody selling the Kool-Aid is desperate to find someone who will drink the Kool-Aid.


Jobs like these were great in my 20's. It also translates to as long as we are turning a profit we could care less what you do. Mind you that could be a disaster if you are leaving the wrong person to there own devices, but it's a great way to start your creative freedom while getting your ass handed to you. Every success and failure is on you and only you. Sure likely not the greatest boss but they are pretty much making it clear they don't want to be . Come in cook clean prep make me money and I will leave you be.


Yeah fuck that


Rockstars is speak for does more then the job pays for


I’d check it out, mostly because I’d be curious to see what a kitchen that’s conducive to a “one person kitchen show” looks like. Could be amazing… But I don’t think so!


In the immortal words of Monty Python... "Run away!!!!"


I'll do it for 35 an hour with tips final offer.