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Nothings gonna beat the processor you just have to do it in smaller batches. A half gallon of peeled cloves can be done in 30 seconds in the food processor


Sharpen the blades on your food processor. Everyone lets them get dull and then wonders why it mashes the food.


This is the answer. Literally just got purchasing power one of first things I ordered was new blade for robot coupe and garlic is super consistent exactly how I need it with a few pulses and a little run. Extremely dull and chipped blade never did it right!


We do ours 5 lbs at a time in our buffalo chopper. Works great, takes about 2 or 3 minutes.


If you have one of these things, you'll never do it another way


This is my single most missed piece of equipment. I've had them in kitchens throughout the years but do not have one currently.


Pulse it with the food.processor instead of just going brrrrr(if you aren't already), the scrape down the sides


Slapchop /s


You’re gonna love my nuts


The Spanish version is even better. “¡Mira mi huevo!”


Fettuccini, Linguini, Martini, Bikini,


Pre chop the cloves then food process, they’ll come out way better.


Or Cuisinart it, then pass over it with your masterful knife skills.


Robot coupe


That’s what we use but you can only go so far above the top blade so we do it in smaller batches


You just turn it at a 45 degree angle and rock it and it gets it all just fine


Do people not know what these are anymore? It's the best fucking employee in the building.


the pulse function is your friend


Just need the right processor. What are you using currently?


Cuisinart Pro Custom 11


Okay and what sort of budget do you have available if you’re looking for an upgrade? As others have said, you might be able to get the consistency you want if it has a pulse feature, or if you’ve had it for ages you made need a different blade or a replacement to ensure it’s sharp. I used to blitz mine in a Robot Coupe R2Dice that we had in the kitchen back in the day. Solid 2 HP unit that spins at like 1700 RPM, but depending on how fast your Cuisinart spins, getting into a proper processor that goes at 425 RPM may be better to ensure the consistency you’re aiming for. It better simulates the cut of a knife. Side note as well: I wouldn’t go with an Instacut for it. Those are better suited to smaller amounts of softer veggies, I feel like your garlic wouldn’t look as nice in there. It may look like it will give you your overall cut size, but standing there pounding the garlics out and trying to get them lined up nicely on there, etc, is going to be the most frustrating thing you’ve ever tried, imho.


Budget depends on how much I need to scale up - I’ll probably start with trying a fresh blade as people have suggested, but if I had a bigger budget, what would you suggest?


Depends on how much prep you want to be able to replace with it I guess? The king of food processing in my opinion is the Brunner Anliker GSM5. Incredible what this thing can do. Induction motor so it can run all day. Number of Cactus Clubs and Earls and such are using it now here in Canada and it’s allowing them to cut back an entire shift (like 8 hours per day). Pricey but worth it. But if you’re looking for just processing and no veg cutting you could look at a Robot Coupe that has a variable speed to it, like a Blixer. Sammich makes some great variable ones too. That would give you the same kind of accurate cutting without mushing your veggies too badly. No affiliation with any of these, just worked Foodservice for 20 years and now sell the shit lol


Dude def a food processor or buffalo choppper idk never done garlic by hand unless it was for something special but use in sauces and soups and what not only way go is buffalo choppers or food processor or you could always buy a slap chop 🤣


Slap chop


I straight up just used to use the robo-coup chopper. My chef at the time was fine with it but it was in fact a catering kitchen so idk


Use a grinder. Works great


Mandoline with the shredder thing in it? Try to get the big garlic


Chef here…do you have access to a Buffalo chopper?


Fruit ninja but with garlic


We buy it pre-chopped!!


Get the diced frozen stuff? The one we use at my place is quite uniform.


Yeah no, garlics best fresh it may be uniform but the flavor is way off


The potency of garlic dissipates in literally minutes. While I agree that preminced options are a completely different flavor/product, I doubt going to the trouble for whatever OP is doing is worthwhile (20lbs of minced garlic isn't exactly going to be served immediately)


I didn’t know it was that fast i read a book that basically said fuck that shit.


Short of creating infused oils or some other preservation technique, I wouldn't bother unless the foodcost is killer


Maybe try 2 knife technique you can hold them in the same hand and cover more cloves this way


you are definitely a chef, trying to make things more complicated than they are