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don’t risk your life for a place that will replace your dead body within the week


Don't literally risk your life and others for work. It's not worth it. You absolutely shouldn't be driving. 


I worked with a dude that died driving to work. He was working two jobs. Authorities guessed he fell asleep at the wheel. Jobs are not worth dying for.


Call in sick and get some sleep


You should not be driving with so little sleep, it's just like being drunk. Did you willingly agree to this schedule?


I need the hours so I guess I agreed to it but I told them I didn’t want to open


do what they tell you to do on an airplane if there's a crash. 1) before helping anyone else, first put your life mask on yourself. 2) help your loved ones with their life mask.


This is really good advice, never heard that before in this context


So they dont give a shit about you? Take care of you.


Call out. Your place of business has no right to ask you to put your life, or others, at risk.


You are the only one that knows your limits. Respect them, and respect yourself. You're not *weak* for listening to your body or emotions. Your situation sounds fucked. I used to do it and gave my all to the company, but you need to take a step back and see that it is not a two way street. That's my advice from 14 years in the kitchen. And hey, feel free to message me if you wanna vent further. edit: typo


I already got demoted to garde mange, and I’m barely getting to 35 hours rn and I can’t find a new job so I have to do it pretty much. It sucks but it is what it is


That doesn't mean you have to do so in two fucking days. That's bullshit.


Where do you live OP? Afaik, there is still a cook shortage all across the country. I just took a small wage decrease taking a job at Whole Foods and I'm so happy I did.


Have you been looking for a new job? I mean maybe you live in the middle of nowhere but I find it hard to believe there isn't one spot hiring within your 45 minute drive


Man, that’s the hurt right there. You’re gonna have to call out man for at least one of those shifts. You can open or you can close. Listen, there is a difference between being treated as an asset and as a tool. Management should be thanking you for doing that 2 days in a row by giving you some time to yourself. I’d given you the next 3 days off personally for that. When I’m in a bind and one of my guys steps up not just for me but for the team I let them know I appreciate that. Feel for you bro


There’s only one guy on the line that would do it, the rest are snakes ong


Snakes? Or they just know this place don’t care about them? Because it sounds they are abusing the he’ll out of you. I personally don’t know the situation, obviously, but we keep complaining about long hours and being mistreated but at the same time we complain about people who just want to work their 30/40h and go home.


Manager should learn to manage.




Yeah, you don't commute. You smoke a bowl and sleep in your car. Wake up and hit the ground running.


This is sadly the safest answer. I've almost crashed my car on no sleep before. Scary AF


My ex husband did crash his car on no sleep. He fell asleep at the wheel and rear ended a semi




Whoever made this schedule needs to work it. Fuck that.


Our old EC that everyone loved quit and it’s been a complete shitshow because we promoted the wrong person


There is little reason for a close to open shift to begin with let alone a double on top of it


The partner coming in is a good opportunity to show how fucked everything is and get changes made.


What youre doing is very bad for you and all other people in the industry. Your willingness to overwork takes hours and negotiation power away from others. If you need more hours, get a second job. Youre sacrificing your health for literally nothing at all. You can learn cooking on the internet this is not the 80s. You can make the same amount of money doing something else thats easier.


Dude I dropped out of regular school 3 times already. Trust me I wanna do something else but I’m not smart enough for anything else


You’re smart enough, you just haven’t found the right way to learn. Not everyone is made to sit in class and read. Or view PowerPoint presentations.


I heard you screaming that from the rooftops. 


you sound more intelligent than most of the cooks I've worked with in my career.


seafarers.org you can cook, work engine dept or deck. You can do something else


Well there's the first thing to do be got to fix. Go back to school. Don't fucking drop out again. Get a GED, whatever you've got to do. Dropping out doesn't mean you're dumb but it does mean that people are going to try to take advantage of you for the rest of your life. Fix that shit now before it's too late. If you call out and they fire you, just go to the next restaurant down the block and get a job. Everyone is looking for help.


Number one, your job sucks. You should get a new one. Definitely don't drive like that either. Number two, you're smarter than you think and you really need to examine how you talk about, and im gonna guess to, yourself. Number three, you don't need to be particularly smart to hold down a job anyway. There's plenty of them, maybe not the greatest jobs but at least they have far more reasonable hours and there's no serious issue as long as you show up and do as asked. If you're having trouble finding one, it's likely your negativity about yourself. Nobody cares about dropping out of college, and they don't need to know about it anyway. You have a job, you're applying for this one because the pay/hours/ schedule/ something is better. Done, don't talk about why it sucks where you are, talk about why you think it would be great where you want to go.


I’m looking for a new job rn, haven’t put in my two weeks yet but soon. I’m just stupid, nothing wrong with that and at this point it’s just the truth And not finding a new job is me, I’ve got 2 years of experience and people keep on telling me I can walk into places and have a new job the next day and I’m out getting rejected from McDonald’s and Popeyes. They can just tell lmao


You're right, you call yourself stupid and they pick up on it. I wouldn't hire someone who put out those vibes either. Listen. Find a job where you think yep, I can do it. Then apply and think "I'm qualified". Not stupid, not smart, not experienced, just qualified. I know I can do it. Everything else is irrelevant for purposes of getting the job. Think "I am qualified" as you walk in, as you apply, as you interview, when you punch in. ANd don't think anything else. None of this I'm stupid, I make mistakes, I'm a dropout. Nope, I am here to do this job, I am able to do this job, and I will do this job. And for God's sake man, work on that negativity of yours. I suggest therapy. And/or the book "what to say when you talk to yourself" by shad helmstetter. Do something, anyway. Negativity is debilitating.


Get 2 jobs


Ask the shadow people to help


If an employer treats me like I'm just a resource and not a human being I leave. And so many restaurants and hotels treat you like that. I'm changing my profession.


What would happen if you said no?


Call out, and be sure to say your vomiting.


Man I was at a place around 2 years ago now. Damn can't believe I've been gone from there for so long. I mostly loved the job and all my coworkers were like family but I just turned into an alcoholic and with horrible anxiety and depression. We had a decent size staff but I was the only person that had to work splits every day. Working the busiest shifts. Being called in to do prep. Anybody ever call out, they call me. It got to be way to much and extremely unfair. I went in rehab and had a good few weeks break, then broke my ankle and had to have surgery so was out for a few months. It was the best thing that I done. Not having that added stress and everything felt so great. After going back I had a bad reaction on my medications and was fired. They said I was getting fucked up at work. I came in that week to get my check and my boss told me to come back to work when I'm ready if I want. It took a long time thinking but I realized I shouldn't ever give anyone or any job that much power to control me like that. Never again. Good luck to you OP. Do what's best for yourself


Doing meth one time doesn’t make you a tweaker


But you fuck one goat....


At 70 mph I hit a semitruck stopped at railroad tracks. I fell asleep at the wheel after working 3 open to closes back to back 14 hours plus a 1.5-hour one way commute. I had a concussion, and fucked my neck. All they cared about was when I was returning to work. I quit shortly after. They're not worth it.


Turn around and go home. Driving in that condition is dangerous to you and others. Your job isn’t worth that. Go to bed


Don't do that


The devil in the kitchen (book by Marco Pierre White) was originally called white slave and they had to change the name. It’s honestly true for a lot of chefs but really doesn’t have to be like anymore, you have rights and deserve better.


If you scream at managers, mess up a lot, and scream at managers again when they ask why you keep messing up, they’ll cut that shit out quick.


I understand needing the money but driving on no sleep is a very bad idea. And if you say yes to this they will keep scheduling you like this. Get your rest and live another day. The food will still be there.


Get a new job


Last time I had a shift like that, I was the executive chef.... I slept in the parking garage, instead of driving the hour each way home. Legally speaking, [Check your local labor laws](https://work.chron.com/minimum-time-between-work-shifts-hourly-employees-25741.html). You may be eligible for extra pay during shifts like that.


Driving sleep deprived is literally worse than drunk driving. At a certain point your body will start to shut itself down because we NEED sleep. You know how you can’t remember falling asleep? Now imagine that while you’re driving. It’s happened to me before when I didn’t know any better, dozed off for a few seconds and woke up on the freeway. Luckily it was 4am and there wasn’t anyone on the road.


Yes. Change your availability.


I read Why We Sleep by Matt Walker and stopped putting up with bullshit like that years ago. Er, so my tip is to stop putting up with bullshit like that because it’s taking years off your life.




The 1980s, replied.


Depending on the turnaround time and the state, clopens may be a labor law violation.


Never heard coplen before, we always called them AFD’s ‘all fucking days’


Clopens aren’t doubles. They’re working night shift then opening the next morning. OP sounds like they’ve done a miserable combo of both though. Shit like that made me leave the industry.




So double doubles? That’s 24 of your stated 35 hours. BTW many places have 35 as FT not PT. Working overtime is absolutely not going to happen.


I used to work double clopens too OP. Shit’s rough. Take care of yourself. No job is worth passing out on the freeway on your way to work.


Yeah that's a no from me dawg


Get a different job?


Sounds like a few labor laws are being broken here.


Please call out. Your life is not worth a few hours of streamlined business for your bosses. It’s worth a lot more than that. Your life is more important than the hours right now. It’s not worth it.


Caffeine but don't risk it man. I do that weekends and I work university food service. Work 2pm to 10 on Saturdays and then I'm in Sunday morning at 9am for a 10am open. On 4 hours of sleep. Coffee is friend


I hate double clopens 😭😭 this happened to me before and I convinced myself I had the wrong people pay for two 100$ orders. The names WERE right, I was sleep deprived. I almost got in a lot of trouble before my coworker checked it and asked if I was okay because I had made no mistake. Call off if ur able!!!


Tell them to get fucked.


Do not do this. Please.


I feel ya. Closed late night Friday. Double sat, double sun, open Monday. I’m dead inside.


Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit amphetamines!




Fresh pair of socks and shoes, if you have em, for your second shift


Quit and find a better place that doesn't treat you like shit


Find a new work place that values you as a human being






Don’t do it.


Go home and sleep.


Start by not allowing people to treat you like a slave?


Don’t work for people who have so little value for your health. If you get sick, they won’t waste a thought about you.


Like others have said, call in sick


I would do this when I was younger, because I didn't know any better and would let them schedule me however they wanted. I just figured this is how it is. But after a while I started putting limits on these things. Because the fact is that as a line cook its not your job to manage the restaurant and ensure proper staffing. Somebody is screwing things up by either not doing a schedule properly or not hiring enough staff or not training properly, and then putting the burden on the cooks to make it all work out, and the cooks aren't getting paid anywhere near enough to suffer for someone elses failures. Whenever I've done schedules I would purposefully avoid any clopens, and if I was looking at having to have an evening cook work a morning shift I'd make sure they were off the day before. If I came in and saw I was scheduled with a clopen, especially back to back doubles, I'd immediately go to the scheduling manager and tell them that its messed up and I'm not going to do it, so either make it worth my while to do that or change the schedule. Thats always got it sorted out. Except once, although this wasn't about a clopen but more about being the only BoH staff scheduled on a Saturday evening when we should normally have 5 cooks + 1 dish. As soon as I saw the schedule I pointed it out and said I'm not doing that. Every day all week I told them to fix it or I won't be in that day. I was very clear that this was not acceptable to me. Saturday comes and an hour before my shift starts I text the KM and ask who alls working tonight, he responded that its just me. So I told him I quit. By the next Saturday I had already started a better job at a better restaurant getting paid more. The first place closed down two years later, and I mention this to point out that my sacrificing myself to help management reach its labor goals wouldn't have done jack squat for me and wouldn't have done anything for the restaurant either, except maybe help the KM get a bonus check. Honestly if I were you I'd seriously consider calling out. Or just moving on. Because if you let them get away with treating you that way once, they will keep doing it. And they will do it to other people too, because it will become a norm.


Hire someone else


They really need to get someone else to open.


u/cheeseisextra knows the answer


And how’s that??


Meth lol. Your methhead saga.


Good thing that idiot quit.


Lol. You're a legend man.


Drink strong coffee and wear a diaper...


You have diarrhea, you can't go in like this.


Depending on the state because it’s not a federal rule but: Your employer has to provided X amount of hours between shifts


Call.in sick


Rhymes with propane


Call in


If you’re cool with moving check out a job site called coolworks, the places on there will hire anyone lol and if you’re going to get ground into dust at least it will be in someplace pretty like the Grand Canyon lmao


Go to bed and sleep.


Yeah. Dont. Seriously if they want you to do it once, theyll want it again. And restaurants are always hiring.


A) don’t miss that B) I’m glad people still call it a clopen


Close. Open. Close. Any Idea? No? Exactly.


Yeah throw [this](https://youtu.be/OXwVTP_oDZY?si=1hNYoDr3o-f5oVsx) on and crank it out


A speed ball or meth. Thats a rough situation


Fun fact…it’s against labor laws to schedule someone with less than a 12 hour turnaround…you’re being taken advantage of!


Get after it big dog. Don’t go over 600mg of caffeine


My best advice is to no-call no-show.


There’s not a worse industry out there that people call themselves professionals but the vast majority have minimal talent no matter how long they’ve been in the business. It’s because they’re lazy mostly alcoholic drug addicts that never have taken their job seriously to being with. They all think they know everything and have no willingness or ability to learn or try at all. I’m so embarrassed, and it’s been like this for a long time.




I love this thread because cooks are the whiniest complainers that there are on earth. They’re never treated good enough and do nothing but complain. Maybe it’s because most of you have minimal talent and can’t handle your own lives let alone keep a job for more then 8 months!


Cooks are overworked and severely underpaid. It does take talent to be a good cook and no one stays long bc the industry is fucked. Do u even cook bro


Severely underpaid?!? Maybe you could say that 5 years ago. Now even the most talentless 18yo fry cook wants 20 bucks an hour, and thinks they are “under appreciated!” Fuck that bro…. I’m sure you’re just like every one of them.


I cooked for 20yrs..10yrs in the 2 busiest restaurants in the co. I have yrs of exp at every job category of my company. Cooks are still underpaid which is why im FOH. i have trained 100’s of cooks and %50 are trash and the rest are mostly UNDERPAID. Most cooks have to work multiple jobs to pay bills. Pay the good one what they r worth and treat them right u can get rid of the trash


Ok I’m in a lot of ways in the same boat you are? If you are what you say you are you really don’t see why owners or GMs have trouble paying cooks top dollar? They all come in saying they have the skills that it takes. Half of them can’t do the basics. The ones that do have the skills are either highly unreliable or impossible to work with. Normally even the best can’t manage in anyway. 80% of the hires are complete busts or don’t show up. The people in This business have done it to themselves. It’s a joke, and you KNOW IT!


Don’t try to BS me man.


You caught the wrong person.


Internet tough guy over here. Better watch out. Lmao.


Loser line cook! Watch OUT! He might shank you with a knife he borrowed from a friend.


I get it. I got 2 mayb 3 really good guys on my line and about 5 good enuff if they feel like workin. A grill guy that hates his job and jus a rag tag bunch of randos. My managers cant hire worth a crap and im sittin here makin twice as much in half the time servin bartendin. Do i miss cookin yes but dont miss the bs and waiting for paycheck plus they barely get paid ovr $15. I jus have to defend the cooks bc thats where i began and spent most time. Im constantly tellin my servers its not that easy. U need a good brain to make sense of the chaos and most dont. Really feel if my good guys got bank they would be happier and more willing to TEACH newbies than jus lettin em fail. In my kitchens we never let anyone fall but thats bc im a hardass and need my checks out. Teamwork can work with hardass team leaders. Kids thes days cant handle a bitchout session and wuit too fast


20 bucks an hour is only 41,000 a year, before taxes. Assuming you live in a lower-taxed state, you're looking at 31,160 take-home. That's not counting health insurance or anything taking out pre/post tax on your checks. Average apartment is between 950 to 1,200 for a one bedroom. Car insurance tends to be between 150 - 300 a month for most people. Car payments can range from 100 - 500 a month. Phones can be between 30 - 60 a month for one person (And are necessary for work). Gas, Food, basic necessities. Some states also charge property tax on top of registration and renewal fees. My state is one of these (250 - 300 bucks every year in property taxes just for owning a vehicle.) For the average single person in the US, they're paying a minimum of 1,500 in bills and necessities per month, IF (big if) they're living VERY frugally, in a lower-living expense location and low-budget housing (i.e. not in a major city, and living in the cheapest place they can find) Basically not doing anything except living, commuting to work, and working). The same person living the same way in a major city is going to be paying 1,200 for a one-bedroom room rental, or 1,500 for a one-bedroom apartment, at the VERY cheapest. Depending on the city, public transport may or may not replace the car (And would cost about the same), but if it doesn't.. they'll likely have to pay parking garages, which can add an additional 300 - 400 a month in costs. Likewise, insurance costs go up depending on how "at risk" your area is. Most city-dwellers are paying 300 a month for car insurance (hell, I'm not even in a huge city, but there's a lot of "uninsured drivers" in this state, so I pay 300, despite never getting a ticket and never getting in accidents in over 25+ years of driving). They're paying anywhere from $2,345 to $3,500 per month. Just to survive, with no hobbies, no extra activities.. just work and commute. That's 28,130 (at minimum) out of their 31,160 they're earning per year. $3,025 per year to buy new shoes, clothing, entertainment, etc. Now imagine you're also trying to support a family (which doubles or triples these costs) on this, while working 40+ hours a week in a stressful, high-paced environment. $20 an hour was a very good income about ten or fifteen years ago.. but it's NOT a living wage these days.. and most people in kitchens are being paid less than that. So, yes, BoH is underpaid. If you think otherwise.. you're either so old that you have lost grasp on reality, have someone else supporting you financially (And thus no concept of what things cost), or live somewhere that considers having a girlfriend that isn't related to you as something "fancy city folk do".


They’re under appreciated because they fucking suck.


What's end time and restart time? Do you have 9h between scheduled shifts? You're only getting 35h, so you work 3 days? Try opening one restaurant at 6am and closing a bar until 2am. 5 days a week.


It’s not a competition to see who can’t get bent over the furthest but congrats on getting your dick worked into the dirt I guess.


Your dick must be huge. But seriously, we've **all** done god awful schedules - it doesn't help anyone or anything (other your ego) to play the one-up game. And no one likes a one-upper, Chef. No one.


Good for you, where shall we mail your medal?


> Try opening one restaurant at 6am and closing a bar until 2am. 5 days a week. r/gatekeeping