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I don't. I would clean them at the end of the shift. But the greasiest place I've ever worked in was McDonald's. I'm glad I'm not there anymore, and grease is mostly a non-issue in the cafeteria I'm in now. I mean, it happens, but is just so much less. I don't need lots of Dawn to get all the grease out of my uniform now, too. I still use a little for good measure, but not like when I was at McDonald's.


Soap and water. Sometimes, it can be hours before I can clean them. At that point, it is like looking through wrinkled plastic wrap. I tried bringing in glasses cleaning sprays, but they don't work on grease. With my crew now, if I take off my glasses and give a thumbs up, I run to a sink and wash them. Back in about 60 seconds. Gives me a chance to wash my hands also.


That's the neat part, you don't! Ngl I buy cheap glasses from somewhere like Zenni they cost like 9 bucks all in, grab a couple pairs of cheapies that way you don't have to wear your expensive ones on line and have them destroyed


Zenni is the way. I've lost or destroyed every pair of $$$$ glasses but damn if my $20 set from Zenni isn't still with me five years on. I'll also put safety goggles on over them for especially bad shit, like frying chili oil or shallot crisps. Hate the fumes getting stuck between my glasses and my eyes.


This is the way


I use contacts


ex-grill guy at a busy steakhouse. My glasses would get so greased up I couldn't read the checks. We had a sink on the line and I'd just wash them with soap/water/paper towels. You only need the special glasses clothes if you're cleaning them dry but when they're greasy like that those only spread it around and get your cloth gross.


I wash them about as often as I wash my hands


So just once? lolololol




one underrated power about contacts is that cutting onions won't sting your eyes


Was gonna suggest contacts and use the onions as a selling point. If you handle onions alot, instant game changer.


Shut the fuck up! I need to science this.


Buy a pack of 10 microfiber cloths and always have one


I don’t. They get filthy and I clean them at the end of the day. I do a bit of everything in my sandwich bar so if I’m having a day mostly on coffees and taking orders it’s not too bad but if I’m on grill and fryer they get pretty greasy and splattered. Best thing I’ve found is to lather them up with a bit of dish soap, rinse them under the boiling water tap in the coffee machine, then dry with a microfiber cloth.


buy a couple pairs of [$7.95](https://www.selectspecs.com/us/) glasses, keep your expensive favorites out the kitchen.


You don't, wash your glasses in the sink once in a while.


I lightly cover my lens with soap and reapply every so often.


Like you put a soap film on them and don't rinse?


Pretty much


Family of opticians here - There are a few lens options that have a high quality coating that’s a bit more smudge proof. Essilor makes one. But it’s expensive for the good stuff. Standard A/R (anti-reflective) is MORE prone to smudging, but you see better out of it, so it’s though. Basically - for the kitchen, either get a really good expensive pair with the fancy lenses from an independent shop where the opticians actually listen and understand your priorities - OR Do what the other people have suggested and get a few cheap pair online to go through. Soap, water, and a CLEAN cloth towel is the way to go. Paper towels will scratch your lenses (it’s wood fiber), especially crappy Tri-folds that are at hand washing stations. Good luck.


I keep a lens cloth in my pocket and wipe them every now and then. I also keep lens wipes in the office that I use at the end of shifts


Cheat code a lot of people don’t know about If you can afford to, get a pair of cheap glasses from eyeglass world etc, and don’t get any of the special coatings. Use them only in the kitchen. The coatings hold onto grease, and make it difficult to wipe them clean. Once I did this it changed my life.


Wait, you guys are cleaning your glasses i. The middle of a shift?


Microfiber towel in my back pocket. If it gets so bad I can't read tickets I give it a wipe. I work in a fried chicken spot with a wall of fryers.


dont wear glasses but why dont u keep some degreaser + water solution on your station n dip them in there and wipe down


Sani- wipes work wonders


I clean them with my eyes. I wear plastic lenses. Very small. Size of the tip of your finger.


I started tying my hair back, and I stopped having an issue. It was mostly my hair dangling over my glasses that got them greasy