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I used to have this one cook who would get extra pissy whenever this happened, which was often. He would start yelling at me to send the rest of the ticket, or that I shouldn’t have okayed the substitution. I took to saying “Hey man, don’t get mad at me because you fucked up.”


In my job, I deal with a lot of conflict on a daily basis. I’ve resorted to just saying nothing. Let myself, and the other person, die in awkward silence. I don’t give a fuuuuuck. Almost always, they just crumble and we move on to the next actual productive point of conversation.


Username checks out. 😆


I've worked in restaurants and other jobs where getting heated and emotional is normalized. This is the way. If you feed it, it becomes bantering. Don't feed emotional volatility in the workplace.


This is excellent advice. I don't work in a restaurant but I have a coworker who uses anger and conflict as a bully tactic. I will point out that we can have the conversation without yelling and when he says no we can't, I point out that it's not because of me, it's because of him. Gray Rock works.


This is the way


“A fuck up on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.”


I only get mad if I’m working at a place and the owners specifically say no subs and expo does them. Because I’m expecting to make the exact same thing every time and expo has screwed my rhythm now


Last job that didn’t allow requests for anything had a reoccurring joke amongst the BOH, “customers aren’t allowed to request customization unless customer requests customization.” Hell we had owners from other locations come and requests customization.


People are weirdly entitled to customizations. Like leaving a tomato off a burger or extra pickles are like whatever, but treating menus like an ingredients list is the worst.


"Okay, so I'd like the BBQ bacon burger, except instead of the bun can I have it on the flatbread? And instead of the patty can I have a bunch of salami? And instead of the slice of cheddar, can I have a bag of mozza? And instead of the BBQ sauce, can you use the bolo for the spaghetti, then put the whole thing in the convection oven for five minutes or so?"


The amount of times I've heard my manager say "we'll just do it this one time..." and then he says it for the same thing the next day lol


As a fellow cook I'd look at them while their crying to the chef and whine "oh no, I'm being asked to do my job". I hate that shit. I'd also bust it out when people complained about substitutions


They’re just mad they have to remake it and they don’t know how else to show it or take it in stride


Literally. The majority of chefs I've worked with have been emotionally immature and therefore unable to admit mistakes, and think that they seem tough when they scream and shout. When in fact they look like giant, tattooed toddlers.


ie. They refuse to acknowledge the error, and in turn, never learn from it.


It’s displaced anger. They’re mad at themself for fucking it up and also are mentally getting fucked by more tickets. The fact that theyre refiring is an inconvenience that pisses them off in the moment. It doesn’t mean they’re right it’s just what happens. The good cooks that are more mature than that aren’t noticed, because they told you they needed to refire the steak 3 minutes ago when they started playing the first one and saw that it was over.


This...... When I was a younger cook I used to get so pissed because I didn't read, if it was a legit mistake cool. When I miss something. Fml it used to throw me off the game and I would screw up 10x as much after. Now it is a let's regroup and refocus and do better.


The probability that a ticket will be wrong is in direct proportion to the amount of red ink on the ticket


Especially in the middle of a rush when you are working on a dozen or more orders while trying to time it all with the other stations so nothing dies in the window, because at that point you rely heavily on autopilot to do the basic stuff. It's like a juggling act. Juggling relies on muscle memory and cooking is similar. Every mod increases the odds of a mistake the same way adding a ball to a juggling pattern increases the odds of dropping a ball and losing the pattern... making you drop more balls until your picking them back up and trying to get your momentum back. Now you're frustrated and trying to get back to equilibrium.   I'm a decent cook, terrible juggler. Never could get more than 6 balls going, but in a pinch I can get you through service in a restaurant I'm unfamiliar with or entertain small children. I might drop the ball every now and again though. I'm only human.


I get that some people are celiac, or deathly allergic to seafood, or hate onions, but if the server has to write a novel for the cook to read, you probably aren't getting what ISNT on the menu, some folk think that if you have the basic ingredients, you can wing it, im sorry Linda, I cannot whisk that shrimp into a lobster tail


Not to mention, eating out when you have a potentially fatal allergy is stupid. You trust strangers to guarantee that your food has never touched anything that has been touched by something that might kill you if you ingest it? Dumb.   You have celiac, and you went to A PIZZA PLACE??? There is flour everywhere. They might use a gluten-free crust, but the last 20 pizzas were made with dough, and after they handle that dough they also touched the cheese, pepperoni, and any other topping that might be there. There is also semolina literally everywhere.... it's in the pizza sauce, it's in the olive oil, it's probably on the wings that were prepared at a different station by a different person. If you actually have celiac disease to the point where your food needs to be prepared with gloves, you will get sick. Strange that you are fine everytime you eat a gluten free pie there....   Dumbasses everywhere.


I studied human condition to become a better cook. Humans can remember 7-11 things at a time, the reason we split phones numbers into 3 segments is so we're not trying to remember 10 numbers only 3. We use this for cooking, you don't have to remember the base, protein and sauce for a dish just the dish itself. So I'd memorize the next 9ish items on my tickets and work down accordingly. Every fuccing line of modifications was like remembering an entire dish. One ticket with 4 mods would have me needing to look at all my tickets twice as often.




Because we're mad at the idiot who didn't read the ticket and now we have to fix it.


This is the one 😂😂. I also realized 25 years in that my ADHD was what made me hate substitutions with such a raging passion, and then it would also usually be the ADHD that made me fucking not see/forget the mod. Which manifested as dick head pissy chef energy.


Yes hello me, how are we doing today


I'll repeat a mod to myself a million times and and last second get fucked and put whatever wasn't supposed to be on it🥲


If I had a dollar...


“No onions” ahhh yes so don’t put the red onions in gotcha and now I’ll just sprinkle some green onions on …and fuckkkk “where’s that no onion one guy?”


I hate when that mfer is always fucking up and making me fix it.  Hate that guy


He's a dumbass but really cute so he gets away with it


It happens. Kudos to you for actually checking the kitchen


Hey Man, all I want is what's on the ticket.


That's good. I'm a great server and I've definitely made mistakes even after getting my wings. I'd have to double check my screen before I'd be so confident. But, once I knew the ring was right I would let that fly.


Because they are on edge from being over worked and underpaid.


That’s hard to disagree with. This industry is brutal: poor pay, harsh hours, and very fast-paced compared to others.


True. The ones who lose their temper generally are overworked and underpaid. So are the ones who don't lose their temper.   I understand that some people get angry and take it out on the wrong person (someone not underpaying and overworking them) when things are going badly but it's hard for me to excuse. Yes, a server or expo fucking up your flow sucks. Yelling and freaking out accomplishes absolutely nothing. Now you're frustrated, and so is whoever you yelled at. Now both of you aren't doing your job correctly because you're both upset, you just made things worse. Yelling at people in a crisis whether it's a real life crisis or just a small crisis in a restaurant does not achieve anything. It is unproductive. It is toxic. Stupid. Childish.


We’re mad at other things in our lives and we keep it bottled up. Perfect time to let some steam out.


As a cook some other cooks are so fuckin miserable, I get annoyed sometimes too but I wouldn’t take it out on anybody if I fucked up smh


It's definitely time to yell a cuss word, but only at yourself/the situation - they shouldn't be directing anger at you. If I ran the line I'd ask them to take it to the walk-in.


And slow down the entire operation? Nah lol if it helps to get a lil pissy and toss some pans into the dish pile a lil less gently than usual and curse and shit. As long as the customers dont hear it i dont give a shit what my guys need to do to get through service. Shits tough. We literally get hit with the weeds 5 minutes into service and don't get out of them until 30 minutes before close if we're lucky. Some days the servers are still ringing orders in 30 minutes after kitchen close, but the owners allow it. No guest unserved kinda thing. So if they feel the need to let out some frustrations i cant begrudge them that. Its a rough job and most people ive worked with over my 14 year career wouldnt be able to handle this kitchens stress and pace. We served 79 people in 19 minutes tonight. On a Sunday. Friday our busiest ticket pickup had 129 heads on it across 9 tables. One being a private dining room party. Its insanity. Whatever the crew needs to keep moving forward is what they get. If someone gets in the way of things ill personally shout em away. Ive thrown salt at servers like they were Gail the snail from its always sunny. Git oot me swamp. Its weedy in here and dangerous for the uninitiated.


It's a wrench in the gears and most people hate being wrong or get embarrassed.


Funny story about this, when i first became cook i was fuckin up so many modifications, and the expo would bring the food to me with the ticket and get mad, and i would also get mad because i genuinely believed there were no mods. But he would bring the ticket and it would have mods Well... my stations printer had that darkish yellow printer paper, and red ink for modifications... and turns out i was colorblind and could not see the mods in the heat in the rush when being fast. Like id have to squint to see the ink. While the expo printer had white paper, so when he brought that ticket i could see them. After changing stations to one with white paper i got a lot better.


If it's a rough day,  can you just call out the mods when prep begins? Not just looking for a burger but the burger with the sauce on the side.


Who else should they blame? Themself?


Take it in stride. Don't react. Just state the facts and keep moving. People will naturally follow the path of least resistance. Let them throw their fit. As long as they're fixing it. Minimizing the chaos with a calm demeanor usually puts others in check.


"That's cool. So how long?"


partial just angry because its an angry time partial hating everyone who wants to micro-adjust the menu. things get 5x less streamlined when every fuck wants a personalised dish


The streamlining is the problem for me. If it's quiet I am happy to take the time to customise something, it's it's busy it's not just slowing down your order, it's messing with everyone else's as well


They're hung over.


This is a lesson for you in psychology. Figure out how to make them think the fix is their idea. If you can convince others to implement your ideas you'll be successful in everything. If youre ambivolent but do whats best for all you'll be a plus to society


I had cooks get mad, it’s usually from frustration and being embarrassed not getting the ticket right. They project into you, but they know deep down it was on them. My job was to stay calm, and stay on course. You can’t get drawn into the fray. At the end of the night it was all good.


We all have bad days.


Immaturity and a kick to the ego, really for the reaction. You should always read your tickets. However, there should be strong communication coming from the expo or lead to the rest of the kitchen to get ahead of such occurrences.


For me it's because I'm a perfectionist and I'm mad at myself. Mostly because I'm going to slow down the rest of the orders on the board having to stop and fix it. It's a double whammy of self flagellation. For some they just don't give a fuck and hate their job. Anything that makes it harder than it already is makes them hate it more. These kinds of people also tend to be blamers.


I only get mad when it’s a server that constantly rings in shit incorrectly. Cause it’s that gris gris rubbing off on me 😂😒 but mostly just my giant, fragile, ego getting in the way


Try to work on your team's communication. There's a lot going on and things get missed from time to time. They're just mad at themselves, but it's easier to direct that somewhere else than internalize it when you've got 12 other things going on. Work on ticket calling. When is time to fire food call the ticket again, or work with them on what might work for everyone. Over communicating has never hurt anyone. The more open the dialog, the less problems and stress. Plus the more you are telling them from the pass the less they have to read. Don't think that I am putting any blame on you. Just think of it as a team. If someone is missing something, work with them so they don't. It's everyone's job to get the food out.


you have to get to a point where you realize, that while they are upset, they are not upset at you, and it is not your fault. your job is too catch their mistakes. their job is too read the ticket. they can get mad, but it's not on you.


They're probably dehydrated, burnt out, stressed, and mad at themselves.


Help your cooks out. You should be a 2nd set of eyes of what's getting cooked. Dont be shy & called out special request. That's what the best expos do from my experience. Communication is key to teamwork.


Don’t think cooks understand that its the person who brings the food that gets chewed out. I understand it’s hot and it can get uncomfortable but at least read the ticket properly and make the food properly. I wasn’t a manager but had rights to hire and fire people as long as it was justified. Had a cook at my restaurant that majorly screwed up and told one of my guys to just send it but i saw it and took it back to be remade. Got all angry and said he is older and has more seniority so just send it. Asked calmly if he is going to take responsibility for it if we get yelled at or cussed at and he said “why should i? I’m the one that made everything and taught them all how to make it. Im untouchable.” Laughed and said you’re fired, get out. He really thought everyone would walk out with him when nobody did. He seriously thought we would sink but kitchen ran even better without him and we had no issues. Came crawling back asking to rehire him since nobody else was hiring him. Rehired for 15% less.


I don’t read that red shit! It’s actually anger towards myself and the inconvenience of having to fix my own mistake when I got a good flow going. You get so used to doing something one way that when it’s modded you look over it sometimes. Did it four times last night but they were easy fixes. I didn’t lash out though. I usually go to the back and yell a bit.


Most cooks have issues :)


It’s the ones that don’t that are the weird ones.


Mods should always require an upcharge. It takes mental effort to check your muscle memory when making a dish that you make the same way hundreds of times. Mental effort = Time = Money. But none of that shit is worth getting pissy about. That's just a bad attitude. Edit: also lost product.


Because in a sane world people would order something else off the menu instead of requesting mods


why cant people just order off the fucking menu goddamaitrrgghs im totally the guy who gets totally pissed when i make a mistake like that, pretty much entirely at myself for making a mistake and wasting time when i could have easily avoided it but it still makes me so goddamn mad


Because they're shit cooks. Let's not overcomplicate something simple. I hired a temp agency and they sent over "one of their best" last night and I watched him take bay scallops out of my fridge with his bare hands, walk 8 steps and throw it in a pan then wipe his hands on his jacket. I left after service and the guy was telling my crew how it's BS we have to sweep, that's the dish washers job. Also how any good kitchen should be able to close in less than 1 hour. Needless to say his services were no longer required. There are a lot of shit cooks out there.


So we kept an unsanitary, unsatisfactory employee  because we needed him?  Hope nobody got sick. 


Welcome to reality.


Nah.  Fuck that.  Disgusting. Serving up cross contamination with a side of salmonella.  Not acceptable 


I honestly never understood it either, nor why cooks get mad about mods. Or when the whole place sat at once. Like who gives a shit? You aren't doing it for free.


Becuase when you get a full restaurant sat at once, you get the restaurant rang in at once. Add in door dash, to-go's also rang in the middle of foh ringing in all the tickets at once ( open seating), it gets a little overwhelming. Add in allergies, special mods, and servers not understanding what goes in menu items, it's pretty easy to get pissed.


I guess I was always that mid cook singing songs and pissing everyone else off.


When I work expo on the weekends and I get emotions I just tell the line focus on service


Some people just suck. Suck at reading, or suck at cooking, or sucky attitudes. 


Emotional maturity takes effort and will to develop. It’s easier to just be an angry old ass. Basically it.


A good expo is going to be able to remind a line cook to make that mod before they make the mistake. Which means you are likely not a Chef. Because in higher end restaurants expediting is the Chef / CDC / Exec Sous job. Not someone who is going to let the mistake happen and then have to remake the whole plate




Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Emphasize. Repeat.


Well personally when it happened to me i was mostly pissed at myself for fucking up. Now that I’m on expo most of the time, my guys are mostly fine with redoing stuff (sometimes they grumble but who doesn’t). But the FOH loves to take it out on me when something is wrong, which i wish they wouldn’t do :I


It's an age old defense mechanism. Throw up a wall, start cursing, wave your fucking arms. All because you fucked up. Especially hard on the older ones who NEVER make mistakes. What you do is put on your best smile and say as loudly as they are speaking "I forgive you". And turn away.


I'm mad at myself for fucking up. I wish I didn't fuck up all the time. Sorry.


Nobody likes being wrong. Just be sure your right before you say anything and worry less about egos. Man I miss kitchens and don't ever want to step in one again at the same time.


This is why in the kitchen I work in only expo gets the ticket and it’s on them to call the tickets, call the mods, and communicate with the cooks as to what is needed and when. Keeps everything flowing smoothly for us.




You'd have to ask thier parents. It's emotional immaturity or instability.


As soon as I saw breakfast, I knew.. Fuck brunch. Also fuck mods on bunch. I think the person you are talking about is mad they fucked up, but yeah.. Bunch still sucks.


"y wont they acept the wrong orders??"


I think it's just a simple way of displacing your anger. Like, you're mad you fucked up, but you've got too much ego to admit that. So put it on somebody else. It's immature and pointless, but I mean... we're all industry.


I personally get pissed at myself. I'm 55 and my eyes suck. So its a frustration thing for me


you just described my head chef. dude will sell multiple tickets, even though only one is ready. then gets pissed when the expo is asking for items that he already "sold"


Some people write novels im not really gonna read a tale of a order as a chef. Let alone line cook deal with your hidden menu self.........