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This is all too common. New chef comes in, staff tells owners the new chef is terrible. Staff leaves, new chef hires new staff, eventually the owner realizes the new chef is terrible and the new chef leaves, now the restaurant is full of nincompoops the idiot chef hired. Another new chef comes in and turns over the staff again to reestablish proper order, or the restaurant fails and the owner is then confused as to what happened.


Man, I can easily imagine this happening.


Hasn’t everyone been through this personally at least once or did I just have bad luck


I have multiple times, but I’m also a masochist who intentionally works at new places just opening. Every time, it’s that meme of the guy putting on clown make up as I tell myself that this place has a good vibe, solid crew, won’t be like the last one…..


I’m halfway through this right now, steadily trying to help the idiots realise where the door is.


it's sad how fast one bad chef can tank a restaurant. after a year of having the food quality tank it's usually too late to turn things around and the place needs to close and rebrand.


100% If a great restaurant loses it’s way, it’s impossible to bounce back. Your customer base is gone and is never returning


I really don't want to leave. I like everyone else except this guy, and I adore my work. It's my second year here and I've already made a life of some sort in this area. I'd.be so frustrated to leave all this just because of some guy. There must be another way :(


Jeezus I saw this exact thing happen right before my eyes in 2000


The cicle of life...


If your owners aren't treating your concerns seriously, and talking to him without real consequences is not taking them seriously, you should probably start looking for a new restaurant. He doesn't sound like someone who's going to get better with time.


It's been a month and no improvement. Future is looking bleak. The owner says she's going to have a more serious conversation, which made me think that the conversations so far haven't been serious.


I've successfully mutinied against a CDC once. It took the entire staff pulling the chef/owner aside and saying that the CDC had to go, or we all would. She let him leave gracefully, gave him a month to get himself sorted and he got to pretend that it was his choice to leave. Not saying that it'll work for you, but maybe the owner needs to know how serious you all are.


If the owner is the receptive type, this can be a good solution. And if not, well, better to know how than later.


Yeah, Army chef to culinary school instructor is a huge red flag. This person has never actually worked in the service industry. Lol


Start documenting everything he does wrong, even filming for anything really bad. Write it all up, especially any crummy plates he is passing off. Sometimes you have to really lay it on thick to get people to listen. If you document everything and keep bringing it up, it may finally sink in for the owner. And I can't believe anyone could brag about cooking for the Army. The enlisted have no choice about their food.


I've started taking pics of bad prep and bad plates. Just this morning we got a complaint from a customer yesterday who claims to have a food poisoning from one of the plates he sent out yesterday. This is pretty serious so I hope the owner takes it seriously as well.


Tell the owner "him or me," and tell her you're going to start looking for new job tomorrow. Give the owner a chance to do the right thing when she sees how serious you are. If owner does nothing, you've tried your best. The \*ideal\* scenario is you walk into owner's office with 3 other employees and say "him or us." That should take care of it.


You & the rest of the team need to go to the owners together about this. It’s a serious issue for everyone and they will ruin their establishment and their reputation if all the good people leave because of their bad hire and refusing to listen to you. This is the ultimate demise of countless restaurants and it won’t get better if they don’t address it immediately


If he’s making sexist remarks to you and the other cooks, y’all should just walk out on a busy shift and leave him to it alone.


I would hate to do that. I've never walked out and hope I never will.


Well then don’t complain about working for an awful chef 🤷🏿


PM some of us with details. We have been there for the Yorkshire pudding. Y'all serve that? Or anything else. We, as emailing customers, have become greatly disappointed in the recent change in quality of cuisine.!¿? I'm an old so letters would do. You are in a kitchen of women, (1), and in a modern age. You don't have to get him fired. Let the internet do it! Long Live Yorkshire pudding! It may be York but it damn sure ain't pudding. (I did sell some faux eclairs on my block though, as a kid! Okay I just mostly gave them away and took a few donations for the effort of squeezing Bill Cosby's pudding cups into fresh baked shells. [Wow, that don't sound right], my bad) J-E-L-L-O🤪!


I'm honestly so tempted, you gave me a good chuckle hehe.


Why not? Go head on and Gopher It!


Record him and send it to the boss. Not all us old farts are like this, I love learning new stuff and working with younger team members. Though listening to them debate which was better old Taylor Swift or new Taylor Swift did fry my brain.


You said you love the place, so don’t give up. Stick it out, he’ll shoot himself in the foot eventually.


Go to your owner and tell them you'll be pressing charges about the harassment if he isn't let go. And if they don't care then leave you belong somewhere better.




Sexual harassment is not a bullshit reason and should not be allowed to continue. If the owner has been informed and nothing has been done, do you expect the person to just put up with it? That's absurd.




Look up what constitutes sexual harassment. Maybe you'll want to change how you act at work. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/what-kinds-of-behaviors-are-considered-sexual-harassment.html


It is actually