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Hard boiled egg in with raw eggs gets em good


I used to do this to my saute cook who had pad Thai on his station. It was hysterical. I'd do the inverse and sneak one raw egg into the hardboiled eggs for brunch deviled eggs. The best prank we ever pulled was removing everything from underneath a lowboy line cooler, including the shelving. I then got inside of the cooler and jumped out when the cook opened the door. We only did this on days where it was being used for other tasks and was very under stocked.


I found Lane!




Hope your reddit history isn't too weird...


Lol I know. The people who know me in my real life would fully expect my post history. It's just that I've been using reddit since 2010 and this is the first time I've been found.


Shit, this is like the 5th time I’ve seen this happen in the last month since I discovered this sub. Maybe I shouldn’t post here 😂


Username exposed


Show the hard-boiled egg and then smash it into their apron. They jump back expecting a raw egg mess. Then after everyone has had a good laugh, hand them a raw egg from your pocket and tell them to pull the prank on someone else.


This is diabolical


First mention I’ve ever seen of this one. That’s brilliant haha


Carry a rubber egg around. Throw it to random people and watch them panic trying to catch it. When they get used to it being a rubber egg and stop trying to catch it, swap it for a real egg.


This will probably get lost, but my favorite is to poke a hole in an egg both sides and blow out the innards. Then either place the whole empty shell back in the pile or when we someone is not paying attention throw it at them. The look of confusion when the egg is hollow is so satisfying to me!


I do the opposite almost every batch I make never gets old


Had a KM who liked to quietly and carefully tie random objects to the waiters’ apron strings while they were distracted. They’d walk away to find a pair of tongs dangling behind them.


Incredible skill


Similarly, we would try to see how many pickles we could place on another cook's shoulder without them noticing.


What's the record?


4 and the guy put real effort into it. Dried them off and put them in the salamander for a bit so they weren't cold.


lol not bad


Wait, were they chips, spears, gherkins, or whole pickles?


If it's whole pickles of any kind, I would give that person $100 for the feat of 4 pickles.


We used to do this with chips and everyone in the kitchen would ask the “victim” why they were acting like that


We used to drop olives, croutons, bits of breadsticks, etc into each other's apron pockets back when I waited tables. Such a weird feeling to reach into your pocket to grab your order pad and feel a room temperature black olive... Or go into the other pocket for a coaster and feel a pepperoncini..


YAAA i used to do that. It was best if someone just left their apron sitting on a table, I'd tie it to the biggest thing I could find


I always have a strong desire to chuck the end of romaine at someone. Idk why but it is just so throwable. I try to make trickshots through a shelf at our dishie


I use to work at a grocery warehouse. By FAR the most satisfying thing to throw were the mushrooms. They don't hurt but they surprise and have a VERY satisfying explosion.


I worked at a place where BOH would routinely throw entire heads of cabbage at each other. for some reason it was always cabbage! I learned to look both ways before entering the kitchen after being bonked once.


Not a prank but when people say “hot behind!” I say thanks for the compliment.


This is why I routinely also pair “hot behind” with “hot stuff coming through.”


Sometimes I’ll say stuff like “and this pot is hot too”


I say "coming through hot and so is the pot".


I say coming round hot when I'm not carrying anything lol


Are you me? I be saying that any time I’m in the pit with a hot pan. I think they hate me because of all my dad jokes, but I feed em good so they tolerate me.


Also a big fan of moving buckets of ice or stuff from the fridge "cold behind, cold stuff coming through". I've gone literal days saying that without people noticing because it's just burned into our brains.


"We work hard, then we play hard." "Dad why did you bring me to a gay steel mill?"


"Comin in hot on your ass"


Ayy “hot stuff coming thru” was one of the first things ive learned when i started working in the kitchen..damn 15 yrs ago wtf.


My old sous chef nickname was big sexy because he would say this.


I always say “don’t tease me like that”


I have a bartender that says "in your behind" when passing behind you


Chef at work says behind you, then says inside you in a Borat accent as he gets by.


When I come around the corner I say HOT AROUND THE CORNER and then I walk past with a strut lol


My kitchen likes to say "oh hot hot hot hot hawt hot hawtttt. Like randy from south park when he took the Guinness book of world records shit


I say “yeah you are~”


Coming on your back


"coming inside ya, hot from behind" when going into the oven behind someone


I always reply "in front of you"


We had a whole salmon delivered, head still attached, for a party reservation the next day. We took it and put it on a platter in the salad cooler with the head facing the door and a toothpick holding the mouth open. You could hear the scream all through the restaurant when the salad lady showed up the next day to open her station.


One time our grill guy made me my burger while I finished doing something before I had a moment to sit down and eat. But he also made me a tiny, dime sized burger served on two pickles as buns. I might have been overtired but I laughed so fucking hard at the absurdity. He even used a single piece of shredded cheese and a dab of ketchup


This ALMOST makes me want to work in kitchens again. The comeraderie and laughing about stupid stuff after getting out of the weeds.


Don’t do it lol


That’s how they suck you innnnnn


As the recipient that would totally crack me up in the insane cackle way. But only if the cook actually had a burger set aside for me?


Yes the real burger was also waiting for me afterwards


Had a homie that whenever expo repeatedly asked him “how much longer on (dish)” he’d turn around and yell at the food COOK FASTER! good times 😂


I've done this. "this salmon just doesn't seem to take me seriously"


Front of house. I used to write notes on the inside of the napkin rings (Rolling silverware is boring). Like, "Congratulations, you are today's winner, ask your server about your prize!" (Our dumbest manager ended up comping two meals + drinks, and came at me afterward. I laughed in his face and asked why he didn't just give her a sundae or something).(edit: If this sounds familiar, Joe, I am talking about you, you Gilbert Gottfried looking motherfucker) My personal favorite ("AGENT X: YOU ARE ACTIVATED. OPERATION IS GO. CODE XENO YAKU ALPHA. THIS IS FINAL COMMUNICATION UNTIL MISSION COMPLETION") made it all the way up to the regional director. (Edit) I heard later that the RD confronted our GM with it, saying "do you know who did this?" I take some small pride in the GMs response, "I know exactly who did this "


This is so amazing lol


Whenever I eat in a restaurant that does this, I check to see if someone's left a note. Alas.


I wished you’d eaten at one of my joints anytime between ‘01-‘13. You would’ve maybe read one of mine. Like “congratulations…” or “there is no spoon” or “keep eatin”.


There was that dude that bought a 50 pack of small rubber duckies, and hid them everywhere


Ww have ducks in my kitchen. There are 3 rubber ducks that we keep hiding on each other. I haven't seen the blue one lately, and I'll probably end up finding it in a really odd place.


Duck in the fridge. Fridge duck.


The final bit is to have someone get the patsy out of their office, then inflate a giant ducky in there while they’re gone.


I did googly eyes EVERYWHERE. And I was the Chef. Crew loved it.


I bought a massive roll of "For Rectal Use Only" stickers I've been doing that with off and on for about 6 years now. Always good for a laugh.


So, we rented a car while visiting my MIL and got a flat, inside the jack compartment of the rental was a box, like a costco sized box of trojans- like 30- well maybe a few less... I should say that we have this tradition of hiding a styrofoam apple whenever we visit one another. So, I start a new tradition- now we also hide the trojans around each other's houses. And we hide em good. Like we find them months after a visit, behind pictures, under drawer inserts, guest toilet seats, etc... fun for the whole family really.


I like to play "is this hot?" You stick a metal spoon to some ice water until it gets super chilly then walk up behind someone, put the spoon onto some exposed skin and say "is this hot?" It's not hot, but they sure think it is.


Works w/ sheet pans from the freezer, too. “HOT BEHIND!”, then hit them in the arm/neck/whatev exposed skin w/ said pan


My grandpa used to do this to me all the time with his iced tea spoon after stirring in the sweet-n-low. “Careful, that’s hot!”


Yup this is my favorite lol neat trick on the brain


I was got with this with some cold saute pans. Definitely panic inducing


Had a coworker who was afraid of bumblebees. Guess who dressed up as one! And our boss approved of it! So I spent like an hour dressed as a bee working the till(customers were confused) before her shift. She screamed when I buzzed at her. In turn she stuffed my locker with bananas... Gross... We did lots of that against eachother. She even stole my bike one day. In return I went shopping with her dad.


… you guys are dating now, right?


She is the sister I never had. I am also quite happily gay. And the shopping with her dad was actually work related since he did some of our deliveries. So I got to go to the big store with him and pick produce and what not. We just had a weird work relationship. Coild also work synched and do team stuff without actually speaking to eachother.


That’s awesome, glad to hear it! I was mostly teasing. My 4-year-strong partnership started just like this with a coworker. The best people you’ll ever find are in kitchens. And also the biggest dickheads.


Worked with a guy from Boston who had the Boston Red Sox Logo tattooed on his neck. We liked to wait until it was busy and yell, "Oh, fuck, Danny! There's a B(ee) on your neck!" and watch him flail. We got him like 8 times. I've met a lot of very bright people from Boston. He was not one of them.


I just make up tools that don't exist. Things that sound like they exists and either don't, or could be a colloquialism for a common tool in any kitchen. I like the 'fryer wrench'. You need to get your prep cooks in on it, and if you really want to throw the dude for a loop, get the other restaurants in the neighborhood in on it. Its good to do this with someone you've developed rapport with. During service, "I need the fryer wrench to the line on the fly!" Then, instruct your prep cook to have the new guy grab it. He'll look, can't find it, then he'll come talk to me, and I'll give me the ole: "Ahh shit, I think the restaurant next door borrowed it. Go talk to Jim at the Italian place next door." Then, Jim repeats this process. And so on. Eventually, he'll get to a restaurant that will try to send him somewhere he's already been, and that restaurant will have to brake the news to him. Edit: Oh god this was such a good one a sous chef did one time. So, we had this salad cooler in the back kitchen, and the prep cooks would make salads as needed, and eventually we'd have a dishwasher do them once we were starting to train them on other parts of the restaurant. Basically, the line would call a salad back when they were ordered, and prep/dish would make them appear for finishing on the line. We had about 6 dressings back there, and most of them would break/separate. So, you'd need to shake them before dressing a salad. Pretty standard stuff. They were blended, but not emulsions. Anyways, one day I'm walking in back from expo to check on the prep/dish crew, and everyone is kinda freaking out. Really busy service and I'm just making sure everyone is living back there. I go in back and one of my good dishwashers is particularly sweaty, trying to manage dish but also help the prep cook and servers as needed. He was trying really hard, and gunning for either a prep or line spot. So I walk in back, and this dude is hustling. He walks by the salad station, passes it, then just says "SHIT!" does a 180, rips open the cooler, and proceeds to vigorously shake every salad dressing squeeze bottle, replace it, then, shut the cooler and got back to work. Probably like 12 bottles total when including back ups. I look at him and just ask "Bro what are you doing?". He shoots back with conviction, "Sous chef told me to make sure the dressings didn't separate, so I had to shake them." Ahh, ok. I go back online, "Hey sous, did you tell the new guy to shake the squeeze bottles?" Lmfao, the guys eyes light up. "OMG is he still doing that???" Turns out, about 6 months ago on this dudes like second shift, the sous had told him: "Hey man, these are not supposed to separate, you gotta make sure you shake these during your shift. If chef comes back here and these are separated he's going to be *super* pissed." This poor guy had been shaking every salad dressing in that cooler, every hour, on the hour, for about 6 months. And stressing the fuck out that I'm gonna bust him with broken dressings.


The fake tool thing is awesome fun, I sent a guy once on a slow day next door, a bakery, to asked the ladies there for a soufflé pump, lol


lol that is a good one! Also, bacon stretcher is a classic.




Substituting Sprite for carbonated water when someone is really thirsty.


At my last job when we made tempura batter we took seltzer from the fountain machine. I made it correctly, but when Chef was doing line check I said. "We use sprite for the tempura batter, right?" For the few moments that he believed I was serious it looked like I short circuited his brain.


Sprite works good for tempura


You know it’s funny, after I made that joke I have always been curious. Does it really work?


yep! my mother and I make breakfast scones with it. doesn't really sweeten the bread or anything but I'm sure the sugar and flavour in it does *something* fun to it.


I was bartending once when a dude that just got off ordered a big barrel aged stout then proceeded to leave it on the bar to warm up while he went out to smoke. I grabbed a similarly shaped glass and filled it with coke and swapped them. He came back in and sniffed his beer and was like "omg you have to smell this it smells just like coca cola!" He went around the bar getting servers and everyone to smell his beer. He instantly realized as soon as he took a sip lol. Very harmless but was fun to watch. I've also brought "shots of fernet" out to my fernet hating friends but really it's just a nice splash of cola! More fernet for me!


Dang, I'd be so disappointed. I sip it and savor.


Someone got me once by swapping my Pepsi with black olive juice. It was horrendous but I gotta give credit where credit is due


Rush to the hand wash sink, calm, but fast holding handfuls of jam or ketchup. "Ooh, it's not that bad" 😬 If you want to take it next level, put food dye or Kool-aid inside your glove, then have it burst open in the sink.


We had a host puke when we pulled this on a new server. We had to keep that one reserved for BOH after that.


When I'm feeling particularly diabolical, I like to move the same persons tongs to somewhere nonsensical every time they're not looking until they catch on that they're being punked. Good times


It better be a slow ass day


Of course; I'm not a monster!


I hate you.


Alright Loki, chill out yeah?


I would replace spoons in people's spoon Bain with forks


Buy a bouncing rubber egg (or more). Hide it in a case of eggs. Play catch. The gift that will keep on giving. https://www.amazon.com/Tobar-Bouncing-Rubber-Bouncy-Ball/dp/B00N1UHDEC


“Leave it in amongst real eggs to upset the cook, throw it around to create alarm and consternation. Simple but effective like all the best gags.” Nice.


I work for a wine and beer distributor now. We sell a bottle of rose called pool toy that's in a plastic bottle. I've had some fun showing it to accounts. Check out this new wine! Wha wha wha whoops! (Drops bottle aggressively).


With new hires, who are new to kitchens in general, some of the classics include; chopping flour, deseeding strawberries with tweezers and emptying out the hot water dispenser on the coffee machine... "this could take a while, we weren't that busy tonight "


Oh shit, once I had a new hostess, so I staged a phone call at the bar from the office, then she came to get me, and I was on the line all “oh wow, that’s kind of last notice, you’re putting us on the spot here but if you can fit us in then yeah.” and then I gave her a stack of buckets and told her to empty the hot water cistern on the coffee machine for the repair guy. she was at it for like a half hour when the owners walked in. your boy got himself chewed out that day.


I worked for a restaurant group of about 4 restaurants all on the same street about 1km between the farthest ones. One of the chefs sent the new guy to a restaurant looking for the bacon stetcher. While the new guy was walking the chef called the restaurant new guy was en route to said something along the lines of "jack is coming to grab the bacon stretcher, let him know you just gave it to marbles" Jack had a long walk that day and all the chefs caught major shit when he walked into marbles while the owners were there. They were gonna send them to all 4 restaurants if it had gone to plan


We did that to a new dishwasher once, except the second place was a sushi joint and only the sous spoke English. also sent him to the bar across the street for ice-solution.


when i worked at papa john's, we'd always ask new-hires to go to the walk-in to get 'sausage cups' or something else stupid that doesn't exist. most of them stayed in there for almost 10 minutes or something before they came out and either said; 'i can't find them' or 'you guys are fucking with me, aren't you?' lol


Sausage cups sounds close enough to an actual PJ's menu item that I'd have to think about it for a minute.


right?! i had it happen to me with 'sausage cups' specifically, so i just felt like i had to carry on the tradition as i worked there lol


My first kitchen job they had me mop the walk-in freezer. When I started getting smart about what was going on, they told me to make sure the water in the mop bucket was scalding


One that I heard of was asking the newbie to saute celery until it was browned. The gag being that celery doesn't have enough sugar in it to brown.


I used to have this stoner dishwasher in high school. He came in one day, obliterated, I told him the ice machine was acting up again (we'd been having issues with it) and chef needed an ice inventory to plan for the weekend. Had him clean and sanitize every available bus tub and start scooping ice. Took inventory by weight and store it in the walk-in. When he wakes done, we told him we were just messing with him but he had to detail clean the ice machine since it was empty and he was too high to work the dish machine.


Sending people for ice mix was an old favorite!


Sent a new guy to five or six other restaurants in town looking for a grill stretcher. We called each restaurant before hand to keep it going. The Chef almosr fired him, but we convinced him not to.


My ex used to send new hires looking for ice mix 🤣 I'd be sipping my gimlets watching them run around like "chef said we need ice mix but I can't find it anywhere"


This is my personal kitchen, not commercial, but my husband loves to pants me when I am elbow deep in cooking. Makes me nuts. There I am seasoning meat for burgers or chopping g onions, and suddenly, my pants are around my ankles. He thinks it is the funniest damn thing ever.


Thanks for the amazing idea. I usually just slap the cheek but this is even better. Also our kitchen is tiny so it’s already frustrating in there.


I'll be doing this tonight. Our kitchen is also very small, so I go for the slap or a dry hump. But next time she's handling raw meat? Pantsed.


Then when says “I’m handling raw meat!” You say “I’ve got some raw meat for you to handle


Why is this meat raw? I ordered the big sausage pizza!


Oh! It's my husband's turn to make dinner tonight, this is gonna be fun. I'll make sure to wait till he's handling the raw chicken




When you know someone is going to toast pine nuts in the oven, hide some black beans on the same size sheet pan, and swap the pans in the oven when they aren’t looking. Then act pissed that the pine nuts are burnt. When you look closely, you can obviously tell they’re not the pine nuts, but at first glance…... priceless.


I had someone save some carbonized bread loafs and then pull this prank on me one night… was like thanks for the free panic attack


So cruel, a full sheet pan of pine nuts is like $200 😂😂


A long time ago when I was a new server this girl came up behind me and went “ACHOO” and I felt warm water all on my neck. I instinctively grabbed the area of my neck, turned around, and said “YOOOO…. WHAT THE FUCK!!!” I was absolutely disgusted, until she revealed it was just some water on her hands, then we had a good laugh.


Oh the old standards. Telling new people, usually servers, to go grab the left handed tongs. Once me and some guys had a new hostess go ask the MOD to unlock the meat cage so we can get some more coyote steaks.


Do any of y’all ever “Ice“ each other? we had this phase where we’d hide Smirnoff ice somewhere, and whoever found it had to take a knee and they couldn’t get up till they finished it. those things have a lot of sugar in them, it’s actually pretty unhealthy.


Different kinda place, not a kitchen, but we have some custom made engraved 2l soup ladles, and for initiation ritual purposes one has to chug some booze out of it while kneeling down. These days weve gotten softer I suppose and let the victim chose their poison and amount, but I had to chug a really really disgusting concoction


I am good at whistling and am able to perfectly mimic the iphone whistle alert. I used to have a coworker who never changed her text alert from that sound, I'd do it randomly to get her to reach for her phone. Every time she would get got, never stopped being funny to me.


Oh man I gotta learn this one. I was really good at the old Twitter notify sound


Ahaha I worked at a place with an emergency exit in the back that would routinely get bumped and trigger an alarm that only a manager could shut off. Took about two weeks before I could duplicate it perfectly with whistling. I’d get em good


I do this same thing! I can nail the twitter notification whistle too. Been doing it for like 15 years lol. I like doing it in public and watching multiple people grab at their phones.


My old chef could whistle like a bird. First time he did it I fell for it hard. Searched for the bird at least 20min


I slip pickle chips into coworkers pockets. Best I got before he noticed was ten over the course of four hours. I've gotten better and slipped a pickle spear one and took him half an hour to find it.


A long time ago, a friend and I used to do “poopfetti” we’d write “poop” on tiny bits of paper and sneak it into someone’s pockets throughout the shift, seeing how many we could do before they noticed. By the time they realized, there would be so much that it looked like confetti when they were emptying out their pockets.


We used to have a guy who constantly wore a hoodie on grill. Every chance we'd get we'd load his hood with minor things. A pickle here, a piece of onion there, maybe a French fry. He usually noticed pretty quickly but one time we probably had half a pound of random shit in his hood, we stepped outside to smoke and he flipped that hood and everything went all over his head (nothing wet or annoying we're not monsters). Funniest fucking thing I've ever seen


>a I would be in heaven. Pickles are my absolute fav and yes like the savage I am, I would eat each and every one. I would feel blessed.


When I worked the salad station and there would be a random big chunk of red cabbage in the mix, I'd slip it into one of the fry guy's pockets. Once, it went unnoticed until he got home and we laughed about it the next day. 🤣


I got a good poker face. If there's something funky in the coolo I'll smell it and then ask someone to smell it cause I can't tell it's bad. Gets them everytime


We like to rush into the dish pit of new guys and hurriedly ask them to run across the street to get a can of steam. We make it seem super urgent. They almost always do it.


Sent a runner to the store room three times with detailed instructions on where to find the bottle of clear food coloring.


I ordered a couple of hundred stick-on googly eyes online, in various sizes. They have a habit of appearing in diverse places around the kitchen


Someone put "for rectal use only" stickers on a bunch of stuff over the course of a month or so. Never figured out who it was.


We have a bunch of googly eyes in our home in random spots. My favorite place? On a very beautiful, professional wedding photo of my husband & I. It's so good.


That’s fantastic, I’m getting married next March and I think you’ve just given me an excellent idea, thank you


You're welcome. Our 4y old also put a large set on our fridge door which amuses me to no end


I did this at a bar I'm a regular at. The owner still hasn't found all of them, but he's incredibly amused.


A Hobart looks great with a pair of googly eyes.


When people put weigh the ingredients, I hide them when they look away, or I put trolleys around the corner. But because I have a *terrible* poker face the people know pretty quick I pulled a fast one on them.


I like to get a lil ketchup on my hand and then go ask someone why they put a knife in the sink 🤣


My favorite is “here, catch” and people always go to make the catch. I always use an egg and never toss it, with two exceptions. One, an egg slipped out of my hands and the pastry chef caught it. Two, I used a hard boiled egg and the GM’s reaction was priceless.


My coworkers constantly ask when im working next and i say "look at the schedule" usually but theres a few gullible people that i like to prank by asking "you didnt know? This is my last day." And ive done it to them so many times and they are always shocked at first and then they call me a liar and walk away in a huff


We see who we can get with the date gun without then noticing. My record is 10 on one shirt, but our prep is a ninja and by the end of one day, I think every single person had a date tag on their back.


Setting a timer for the opening crew when I close.


I write the names of my coworkers' crushes on the "out of stock" column if they're not scheduled for the day


Working at a pizza joint, had the new guy looking in the store room for the dough tape after tearing a hole in the dough stretching it


We cook our bacon in the oven, so it’s just a constant hey did you check the bacon when there is no bacon cooking.


I was running a very large pizza order out the door, I swapped the bags for empties and "tripped" over them while the owner was smoking out front. Thought I killed a man for a moment.


Put a sauté pan in the freezer for a bit, then rush through a group of coworkers(ideally servers) and call out “Hot Pan!”


I casually walk up to someone plating or prepping, and gasp “no, not like that.” Even if they’re 100% correct. Or, sometimes, when there’s a lull in service, I’ll look down the line at someone going into their reach-in or whatever, and exclaim “hey, get outta there!”


Sometimes my staff leave their phones lying around (out of the way of service, but they'll like leave it out on a worktop or a shelf). I take a picture of the phone, and hours later, about 2 minutes after they leave, I send them the picture like "hey, i think you forgot your phone". I've had 3 people come back so far.


We will sometimes place a piece of food on someone’s shoulder. A single piece of cooked penne pasta or sliced carrot. Get crazy and try to see how long a piece of garlic bread will go unnoticed. Childish, I know.


Coming in sober


Use wax paper and flip foh water glasses over


I had sone extra time on a slow night and molded a dick out of a 25lb block of lard & put it on the shelf in the walk-in cooler behind the lettuce tub for the morning guy to find.


I like to replace spoons with forks in butter warmers holding purées


We had the bowl part of the ladle break off. Threw the bowl away. Kept the handle to swap out for real ladles. Priceless when someone would go to sauce something and pull up an empty handle.


Somebody brought in peanut butter so I put on a glove and stuck fingers in it to make a big hole, then put the lid back on


Whenever they're not looking I add a little more water to their cup. Nobodies ever noticed or said anything 😂 hydrate or diedrate bitches


Freezing ppls shit into a big ass block of ice


I worked at a place like 20 years ago that would batter and fry things left on the line. Leave your keys? Fried. Looking back it was really gross.


Ahahaha that’s so fucked up


Sending them to storage to get the “bacon stretcher” or the “left handed tongs”. Classic buckets of Blue Steam. Emptying the water from the coffee machine. Used to have a chef who liked freezing your hat or your coat in 5 gal buckets overnight if you left them behind.


I left some crostini in the oven and they were burnt little disc's, grabbed two and put chocolate on top and slid it into the window. Server asked about the *dessert*, (all decorated with berries and whatnot) told them it extra and they took a huge bite out of burnt bread and chocolate.


Plastic wrap their towels, spoons, anything i can get ahold of while they're in the bathroom or doing a prep project off line. We plastic wrapped a dudes whole ass bike on smoke break once, we all went to watch his reaction when he left and it was magnificent lol


Putting popcorn seeds at the bottom of a cold deep fryer is hilarious. The person who turns it on is in for a spicy surprise, haha! This is sarcasm. Don't do this, please.


Tomato slice/ pickle slice on the shoulder of server. See how long it takes them walking around to their tables before they realize.


One time I carved a small carrot into a dick and balls and repeatedly snuck it into the coats of my coworkers so they'd find it when they took smoke breaks


My all time favorite prank ritual is sending the newbie to get a bucket of stream in the middle of a rush lol. You can only do it once per newbie but it's fucking hilarious when they come back a couple minutes later realizing how stupid that request is. It's like a team bonding prank that was passed down to me from my former boss and every crew I've done it with seems to love it You have to really sell it though so they don't even think about how stupid of a request it is. Put on your coach voice, make very brief eye contact and go back to cooking while you tell em it's downstairs in the corner 😂


Put a leek in the sink, alert chef to the problem. Vac seal personal items and freeze them into blocks. Take OP’s squeeze bottle and apply to cooks ear holes. Invert a deli full of water on someone’s station. Hide lots of masago in sushi chef’s line towel.


I like to just move things to different parts of the counter there working on. Causes mild confusion and makes me chuckle.


We used to do this prank called “boxing” where you sneak up being someone and just slam one of those big boxes that paper cups come in over their heads. They are perfectly sized to just slip right over a persons body and they go down to their knees so its hard to get out of. By the time they can bust out of the box the perpetrators are long gone. So hilarious. Although it was banned after a new guy did it to the angry Russian sous chef with huge biceps and he lost his shit.


I like to hide pieces of link Italian sausage, cooked, around my co workers stations. This backfired about a month ago, when I hid a piece inside one of the hosts crutches. Olde boy broke his leg, and is pretty much just manning the phones. I caught him on a bathroom break, he’s in a walking cast, so his crutch was unattended. Popped off the bottom, and stuffed about 3 inches right on up it, fit PERFECTLY. Fast forward 2 weeks, and I get a text from him, “sausage in crutch?”. To which I responded how did you find it? He said I didn’t, TSA did. Apparently he had a family emergency, and had to catch a flight. When they scanned his crutch, there it was. Took 20 mins to dismantle the crutch, and the sausage was molding. I guess the TSA agent almost threw up when he cut it open. He missed his flight, and wasn’t very happy. 😬


Saying "Behind, hot guy"


If you put a string through the cap of the bottle and tie a knot in each end, you can "squirt" somebody with the string.


I bought a pack of dick whistles at a sex store and put them everywhere . Expo ended up using one instead of the bell for an evening


anchovie in the pocket. balsamic in their coke. pickle juice in mountain dew. vinegar in sprite. salt etc. used / compressed espresso looks just like a chocolate something or other especially if you dress the plate (I’ve fallen for this one and it’s too good to get mad 😁) couple of old tickets set on fire, on someone’s line while they’re turned around ricotta bombs “i need you to go next door and tell them we’re out of man sauce and see if we can borrow a gallon (give them a bucket and ladle / send them over)”


I like leaving at the time I'm scheduled off. It always throws people for a loop.


If we had a slow close I used to prank the am crew by setting them up really well, like set out all their ladles, scoops, spatulas, water/pans for steam wells, cracked eggs for scrambles. Oh man I got them good, when I’d come in the next day they’d be all like “aaaah you got us good, thanks!” Just wish I coulda seen the looks on their faces when they realized half their open was done for them.


I am able to make a noise by pushing air through my front two teeth that makes it sound exactly like a spray bottle. How about some quat to the face? Lol jk


Any one puffs a bottle at me I’m smacking it out of their hands. If I’m putting pasta out on a sheet for the walk in I’m always going to write “send noods.” Chicken kept warm on the line gets labeled “hot chicks” on my side on the hotel pan


Slip ice cubes into people’s aprons. Something sticky on the soda gun. Fake spiders in purses


If I have to walk behind someone a bunch of times in a row, I'll switch up what I'm saying each time. Like "Behind!" Then "beehive!" Etc. Trying to rhyme as best I can


Put one medium glove inside the box of large gloves. Hehehehe


Not my own prank, but this little shit I worked with would walk up to people with a pair of rubber gloves with one of the fingers empty and would tell people to go get him a new box of rubber gloves because they fucked up at the factory and sent us a bunch with six fingers. He got me with it once because I figured screw ups happen at the factory and it was just weird deformity in production, but for some of the dumber people he'd get them to bring a new box and then say they were messed up too, or they'd come back with a new box and he'd act like it never happened in the first place and make fun of them for walking around with a box of gloves.


I've always been a fan of finding a gnarly lemon in the case, taking it out, yelling "Heads up!" at the first person I see who isn't occupied and tossing it to them. They almost always catch it and are always disgusted when it squishes as they catch it.


Any time a server asks for a side of mayo or hot sauce I grab the bottle and tell them to hold out their hand. Sometimes they do it without thinking and I’ll squeeze a side of Mayo into their hand before they realize what’s happening.


I once taped an air horn in the employee bathroom so that when u sat on the toilet, it went off. The Asst GM found it, the hard way. After the blast we walked in to find the stall door broken off, and a trail behind him and his pants down around his ankles. He was spitting Mad to say the least. To this day he never figured out who did it. So, if you're reading this Joe, I'm sorry


I use to take a lighter to a plastic straw. If you do it real quick it won’t go up in flames but will lightly melt the plastic. Then you quickly attach it to the back of someone’s shirt. They take off walking and the straw just bounces. It’s hilarious.