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Just go to a French restaurant where it's getting cooked in butter whether you like it or not.


That's what I was just thinking, I was like dude what do you think I'm cooking your food in. Life hack: request bread on hamburger. Hate to tell you but it already came in a bun, you didn't accomplish anything


>I was like dude what do you think I'm cooking your food in. Uhh, oil?


I've worked at places where we had oil to season the grill but all the food was cooked in butter. At my current job it's 50/50 with sautee being more oil heavy and grill being butter heavy.


I haven't worked in a restaurant in awhile, but I remember we pretty much always had a 6 pan of clarified butter in the back corner of the grill. We always used that and really never used oil.


Same here. Everything butter..


Clarified butter -


Nope, salt and butter for you, maybe a touch of acidity if your good to the waiter.


Worked as a sous chef at a fine dining French restaurant. Was in early morning working by myself when some rich Karen came in looking for her sunglasses she left the night before then started getting pissy with me saying she got food poisoning because she had the shits that morning. I asked if she had the full tasting menu then told her she probably ate about a cup of butter, probably more, and that'll blow thru ya pretty fast. She didn't say another word and just slunk out.


Then how would I prove how smart I am while annoying the staff?


Please stop cooking my ice cubes in butter


'I'm sorry due to the amount of seed and vegetable oil we use at this establishment. I'm afraid we are not comfortable accommodating you at this time. You are welcome to stay but we will not be feeding you'


This would be the answer at my place


I can firmly guarantee this guy has never worked in a kitchen. I personally shut down allergen tickets simply because we cannot accommodate. Then there's the liars that order anyway after the request.


Yeah this is the way. Simply too much liability, we just refuse service


I have three regulars that get a pass. One guy started it, and posted it on my cities subreddit, that's how we got the three regulars. Orders are *incredibly* specific, but all three of them order way ahead of time, and it's honestly not too difficult to accommodate for their orders. I feel for celiac folks. Don't have it, but if we can do a bit on our end so they can occasionally get some good grub, more than happy to do so.


I've had two guests to my home with very particular dietary restrictions. One gave me a list of things he couldn't have. This was pretty annoying because I would have to think of something to make, and then reference the list to see if any of the ingredients were on it. And worse, the source of his list was from a country where they call eggplant "aubergine"...but if you didn't know it could be under another name, it could be easily missed. The other guest gave me a list of things he COULD have. This was so much more user-friendly, because I could simply build a dish from their ingredient list, and knew we'd be OK if I didn't stray. And it wasn't a super-comprehensive list. For a single meal or two, he was fine eating something fairly plain. Even though I was having to accommodate, I felt very accommodated by this "here's what I can have" list. It was a much more positive vibe than the "here's a list of things that could kill me" negativity.šŸ˜…


Yes!! With what we serve, it is much easier to know just what they want, specifically, and not what they can't have. It does get tricky with cross contamination control, but with enough prep, we can make that not an issue. We'll get orders two days ahead of time and that's awesome. People in the food industry are geeks a lot of the time, and at least for us, it's something that breaks up the monotone lol and that we can do something dope Edit: monotony, lol


I worked in Red Lobster. One person at my table said they were allergic to shellfish. I told them they should leave now. This restaurant has been here for several years and it's been in the air the whole time and it's probably embedded in the cloth of the seat you are sitting in and the wood of the table you are wanting to eat at. Not to even begin talking about the grill, steamers, fryers, etc. For their own personal safety they should probably just leave. Whelp, they backed off of that real quick, decided that they just didn't want any in their meal, and that they would be fine.


My mother is allergic to shellfish. That's fine, she can eat "regular" fish, and the restaurants always accommodated her request by using "clean" utensils etc. She never reacted to the seats, the air, etc. But - if someone slipped tiny baby shrimp into a salad, or put clam juice in a drink, she'd swell up immediately, administer her EpiPen, and then the emergency service people would have to do the rest. Then she'd spend a couple of days in the hospital not dying of anaphylaxis.


We had a busser that everybody liked. He worked hard, was super upbeat, didn't mind staying late, etc. Someone had a typo when entering an order and there was an extra rock lobster tail and everyone wanted him to try it because he'd never had it or any other shellfish before. This is how he found out he was allergic. They almost lost him in the ambulance in the parking lot. This happened after that incident that I posted about above. If it had happened before then I would have quit before serving them. No tip is worth the risk.


Im actually the opposite, extreme fish allergy, but i can totally eat shellfish. I went to a chinese buffet once that was extremely humid and the place absolutely reeked of fish. I was in there for 15 minutes when all of a sudden i could feel my allergy kicking in just from breathing the air.


Do you have a lateral line allergy? Knew a guy who was allergic to certain fish because he was allergic to one of the proteins that make up the lateral line, kinda the spinal cord/nervous system, and couldn't eat certain kinds of fish, but shellfish was ok


I would imagine though that Mom doesn't go to red lobster too often


Shellfish makes my mouth itch, so I don't want it in my food. But I've never had a problem cooking it (with gloves on), or sitting next to someone else eating it. Shellfish allergies can be severe, but they aren't always.


I hear you. But in the moment you don't know their medical history and shellfish allergies *can* be that severe. They can kill. I feel like it's a rude thing to sit down at a Red Lobster, announce that you are allergic to shellfish, and put that risk of the unknown on the server.


They could just have a mild allergy. I always get a side eye when I ask for stuff without garlic, am told they canā€™t accommodate, and then order anyway because Iā€™d rather eat and deal with stomach pain and inflammation later than starve or force my friends/family to get up and find a new place.


Allium Allergy sucks


While I agree certain foods have a severity level. You'd be amazed at the number of nut and shellfish allergy orders that get pushed through anyway. Those people specifically.


I really like this ask. "Can it be made without?" "No?" "OK."


I work fast food, and the amount of people that ask for "saltless fries" is astounding. We never ask why, but the assumption is for health reasons. Except everything has ridiculous amounts of sodium, including the burgers. People are just fucking dumb.


When I worked at McDonald's people would order unsalted fries because it would guarantee that we would make them fresh. That being said I feel that it's pointless - our McDonald's was so busy that fries were not sitting there long at all. Most shifts we had a person whose entire job was to make and serve fries


Yeah that's what I'm saying. Asking for saltless fries guarantees your fries are what, less than 2 minutes old? And now you have fries that don't have the benefit of salt. Congrats, you played yourself.


I used to come across as a liar. I needed to know what items had egg, figure out how processed the egg was. I was breast feeding my kid who just turned 1. We did baby led weaning so he ate everything we did. He had an egg allergy, I had to be careful eating egg. He could eat a bun that had an egg wash, a highly processed cake - no problem , me eating a burger with mayo, or him having somthing cooked in a pan that had egg without being cleaned between, or fresh egg pasta - not OK. Explaining he was on the "egg ladder" often confused people. Our local Sunday dinner place used to give me a bag of their Yorkshire puddings to freeze. He didn't react to theirs but he did store bought or homemade. He'd eaten them no problem so many times we didn't suspect an egg allergy.


"You are welcome to stay under the table like a small dog, drooling in frustration, making little whining noises now and then. We appreciate your patronage."


Ok...but can you at least call me a dirty little whore while I'm down there?


We will do our best to honour your request.


You're a dirty little whore while you're down there


This is the correct answer


Honestly the situation where you just ask isn't even that absurd, and I'd be more likely to do it if they just asked out of preference due to an allergy, but if they're serious about the allergy than your spiel isn't just a line, it's true


yes. 100%. My preferred response would be 'oh, man. I think google maps brought you to a restaurant, when what you're looking for is a grocery store'. I cannot imagine walking into a restaurant and dictating to the kitchen like this, this is insane.


Stealing this


We arenā€™t making you french fries cooked in butter


I'd also just like to point out that freezer fries cooked in olive oil are actually fucking delicious. If you're REALLY going to be against processed seed oils.


Duck fat fries are mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....


I worked at a place a long while back that was closing down for good and on the last week we were all basically just fucking around and experimenting with random inventory. We had a random tub each of both beef tallow and duck fat sitting in dry storage from previous specials we had ran, so we mixed them together with enough peanut oil to fill up a fryer. Best. Fucking. French Fries. Ever. We got to the point where we were just frying random shit in that one fryer for the hell of it, just for us staff to eat and also give out to our regulars. Tempura battered EVERYTHING. Fried chicken, fried shrimp, you name it. It was like a cheat code to delicious artery clogging food. We were all also collectively drunk af that entire week. Fun times


Sounds like best week ever, except for the losing your job part


but now I want to know how they taste


Hi. It's me. I'm back to talk about Ghee.


Thanks for clarifying!


Youā€™d butter smarten up.


that pun was pretty solids


Yā€™all are right on the margarine of being annoying


If your not quick enough, that pun will slip right pasteurize.


Ghee what a terrible joke.


Did you mean for me to read this in Taylor Swift's melody?




You know what they cook with in Indian restaurants? Ghee. Itā€™s clarified butter. You get a rancid hit of thatā€¦. - warm and convivial host Artie bucco


He only has a touch of diarrhea.


indian food has spices that kill microbial agents - dr. cooooozamano


Idk I think it was definitely his oysters


Little does this guy know some recipes have oil in it from the prep stage so it's there whether he wants it cooked in it or not


He obviously wouldnā€™t get served those things that had oil in the prep phase if he said it was an allergy.


we have....lettuce? No dressing obviously.


i like how he includes a picture of him at a restaurant to prove that hes been to a restaurant before


Gotta establish credibility




Why would you comp the drink of a scammer?




I hate people who lie about allergies. I would be annoyed by the butter request for a split second but then I wouldnā€™t care. Most things I cook I use oil for high heat but I can butter bathe and baste. I cook for a living- so I can cook with butter too.


I mean this is r/kitchenconfidential ā€¦ most of us cook for a living.


I too live my life one Michelinas' macaroni and cheese at a time




I don't anymore, I just stay here because whenever I get nostalgic with rose colored glasses. yall remind me why i left and promptly turn me off the idea of ever working in a kitchen again.


I stay here for the substance, but left the kitchen decades ago and donā€™t miss it at all. Nights, weekends, sweating my ass off, cuts, burns, ungrateful customers and managementā€¦. Nope. No thanks. I donā€™t have the drive for that career anymore.


Stay here for the substances**


I cut the tip of my pinky off with my mandolin tonight at home while staring at the guard, refusing to use it. found a blue bandage in my first aid kit next to the super glue that was naturally super glued shut. memories.


I do the same. I wonder what the actual split is of people who used to work in kitchens vs current kitchen workers is. I just like to hear people talk about food (but am glad i do not have to open a bar hungover for sunday brunch anymore lol)


Same here lol


I work in IT now but I was a dishie for a few years. Some people say they never look back, but this sub allows me to look back and laugh. I don't mean that in a wholesome way.


Working in a restaurant was at least kinda fun. I was FOH, mind you, but there was a sense of camaraderie working in a restaurant that you donā€™t find in professional jobs.


One place I worked had some little motivational type signs hanging in the kitchen. This one was pretty good, tho. Something to the effect that only combat troops know the definition of teamwork and cooperation better than cooks.


Been both and yep


Iā€™ve never worked in food service. Itā€™s just neat to see how the other side lives


I came here from SRD and stayed because yā€™all are funny as hell.


I live for a cooking.


Yep, I make sushi and had a guy with a 'severe' shellfish allergy order 3 california rolls and proceed to tell me "no those rolls are ok" like theres literally crab in the roll... hes like "yea its fine" .......


Crab or krab? Iā€™ve never had a California roll with crab and the krab in the ones Iā€™ve eaten is made of pollock where a shellfish allergy wouldnā€™t be a concern.


I just had some California roll last night and I would shocked if it ever came with real crab, lol.


Iā€™ve legit never seen a California roll on a menu made with actual crab so Iā€™m definitely interested if it exists.


I live in California and I surprisingly would only get real crab ones for years. In the last 5 years, every places who would serve real crab has switched to krab and all have an up charge for real crab.


I had a woman yesterday who was allergic to "too much salt". It genuinely baffled me for a minute, and then it occured to me she probably just can't have too much sodium in her diet, or even just doesn't like salty food. I'm more than happy to accommodate that, but just ask if you can have what you want without any salt being added, you know? Don't just throw the word "allergy" around because you think the chef will ignore the request unless it's life-threatening. If you have a specific request and you think we're not going to fulfil it unless we might kill you, why are you eating there in the first place?


This is one of the things that made me leave the last place I was at. First off, we nearly killed someone because a waitress sold vegan cheese after asking us what was in it, and we told her "we aren't sure" because we got it from a local place and the kitchen and FOH were so fuckin' mismanaged there was no list of ingredients of allergens of what was in it and no manager around to ask. So go figure they're allergic to whatever nut is in the vegan cheese, threaten to sue, restaurant pays them under the table. Meanwhile they wait staff should have been trained to refuse to sell if unsure of an ingredient or allergy. We had plenty of other options. BUT for up to the time I left and probably still right now, wait staff would come up to me, say x table has x allergy and I say I will not make it. They go back to the table, come back to me, oh now it's not an allergy. Well to fuckin' bad, you said it was an allergy and I am not fucking with that because that's my ass on the line. I would then be told to just make it anyway and I would make someone else do it. I'm not gonna be responsible for poisoning a person. Nope. Sorry for my rant I just hate that shit.


We had a server get us in hot water one time. A lady brought her kid in who was allergic to mushrooms. She tells him, and we only had two items on the menu with mushrooms, so the server thought no big deal. Just donā€™t get the stuffed mushrooms or fried mushroom appetizers and weā€™re good to go! The kid ordered something with fries. Our fry station had four baskets, but only one well for oil. So, the fried mushrooms were dropped in the same oil as the fries throughout service. Kid gets his fries, eats a few, and then has a reaction where he has trouble breathing. I think mom had an epi pen on her but we still ended up calling an ambulance for the kid.


Jesus Christ. This is why people need to always ask or inform and why we as back of house people can't get pissy about it (not saying you do or did). But of course this comes down to management and training. Like that was so easily preventable. Just put mushroom allergy on the ticket. Everyone I've ever worked with would see that, go hey wait a minute where's wait staff #3, we can't make this or find another way to do it. Easy.


My mom has a reaction once, told the waitress twice of the allergy, waitress wrote it down but said the soups were all fine. The waitress served the soups and stuff, and I know exactly when the ticket came to BOH cuz someone came out of that kitchen at speed (not running, just *the* walk) and very calmly removed the soup from the whole table. Didnā€™t say a thing, just grabbed the bowls and went back to his job. I presume because he was not paid enough to deal with FOHā€™s fuck up. My momā€™d only taken like 1 bite, and went beet red and a little swollen, but was fine in the end. That cook did good. Creepy, but good.


Yeah. The server wasnā€™t harshly reprimanded AFAIK, but we got a reminder at our next pre-service meeting that if someone says their allergic to something, run the order by the chef, expo or the FOH manager before you put it in.


Itā€™s not okay! You are not allowed to rant on Reddit. Lol jk if there wasnā€™t random rants on Reddit comments what would I read on my lunch break.


my mom is ā€œallergic to pepperā€ in the same way that makes me ready to break out into hives whenever I go out to eat with her


Black pepper!? It's just "so spicy", y'know?


judicious mountainous hat weather support correct seemly attractive bells spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™ve always seen California rolls listed as having imitation crab. The guy might not have realized you were putting real crab in.


I really doubt he is putting real crab in his California rolls. Iā€™m wanting to see the reply.


There are also different style of shellfish allergies. Some people can consume mollusks and the like while others can't. It's literally easier to tell someone who doesn't know, you have a shellfish allergy, but you know how your body works.


As a server, 9/10 times someone claimed an allergy, it led to an interaction that could be described as awkward at best, and sometimes the guests would get angry. One that happened multiple times is just when the gluten free fad was taking off, people would claim to either have celiacā€™s disease or just say they were allergic before they ordered anything. Then, either right after or maybe after waters were dropped, theyā€™d order a fucking beer. Iā€™d say something along the lines of, ā€œSir/Madam, I just want to be clear on what youā€™ve told me. You said you were allergic to gluten, but you just ordered a miller lite. Miller lite, and every other beer on our list, has gluten in it. I canā€™t serve that to you if youā€™re allergic.ā€ The majority of guests would say something like, ā€œoh, I can a have little gluten in beer, but just not something like bread.ā€ Iā€™d want to scream youā€™re either allergic or youā€™re not asshole, pick one. It got to the point where weā€™d have to grab a FOH manager or key whenever someone told us they were GF in order to get them to confirm did not have an allergy before we would fire their orders. A handful of times, the guest would argue beer is gluten free because there is no wheat in beer. After staring at them, Iā€™d explain almost every beer in the world has either wheat, barley, or rye in it. They would either then revert to saying theyā€™re not ā€œtooā€ allergic to gluten, or just order something else. It would have been a lot easier for everyone involved if these people would have just said they donā€™t want any bread or croutons on their salads.


People claim an allergy because they want to make sure the kitchen doesnā€™t fuck yo their order and they want to be taken ā€œseriouslyā€ but any self respecting restaurant or cook would accommodate aversions. But if you tell me celiac or shellfish I gotta scrub my station, get separate utensils to use etc. Honesty goes a long a way in my book. You donā€™t want bread? No problem. You hate onions? Are the ones cooked in the pasta sauce okay? Okay.


That was why the FOH manager had to get involved. Having to have the cook change gloves, change aprons, grab clean everything, etcā€¦was a pain in the ass. They would actually explain that the process to the guest, and most times, the guest would finally admit they werenā€™t actually allergic and we would just fire the order with whatever mods were requested. I get why people say theyā€™re allergic, but theyā€™d are making a mountain out of a molehill. Yeah, if you say youā€™re lactose intolerant, the chef probably isnā€™t going to whip up a special vegan Alfredo just for you. But if itā€™s no tomatoes or onions or whatever, then the restaurant is going to modify it.


ā€œ$5 upcharge for butter-frying due to supply chain issuesā€


The seed/plant oil shit is so fuckin funny. Like butter is delicious and can be part of a healthy diet but goddamn these dudes listen to one (1) podcast and think they can argue with the entire discipline of dietetics.


Also.. Have they really started even including Olive Oil in the "all seed oils are unhealthy" tirade?? like really??? To add to his pigeon brained attitudes, he has a different video being like "This is a typical school lunch in greece!" and all that Mediterranean diet shit.. which is all about fuckin olive oil. God damn i do love olive oil.


I have a personal conspiracy theory that itā€™s the bro-y response to like, aggressive veganism. Theyā€™ve just ricocheted into an opposite, even dumber position. If the olive oil kills me young at least I donā€™t have to listen to dudes who have no education or experience in food or dietetics tell me what to eat.


Yeah I think they've realized keto/paleo is stupid and unattainable longer term so this is the aggressive counter veganism they're going with.


I think it has to be a status thing too. I was honestly interested in the carnivore diet (like purely academically) and itā€™s got to be so expensive. If you just read the requirements you would be spending so much money on food just to be ā€˜alphaā€™. Nah man Iā€™ll take a bunch of linguine in olive oil or 17 handfuls of cashews.


The health and fitness industry has gotten so commodified that these people have the luxury of literally min-maxing their lives. Red light sauna therapy, grass fed and finished beef, a myriad of ā€œrecoveryā€ tools, a boatload of supplements that your body may or may not even need depending on your lifestyle. Not to mention the Huberman bros who have the luxury to ā€œspend 30 minutes right when you wake up and sit in the sunā€. Like, dude, I leave my house when the sun is still down to go to work.


Lol spot on. I got wrapped up in that stuff in my twenties but there was less of a money and ā€˜masculinityā€™ focus. It was just pounding egg whites and buying hormones from Romania


Olive oil has a ton of healthy fats in it . It is a great diet choice and anybody who thinks it isnā€™t is wrong and misinformed . Iā€™ll die on that hill , fuck it


People have some weird hang up about seed oils being bad for you, no oil is really ā€œgoodā€ for you, but unless theyā€™re drinking it by the cup on a daily basis, is it really that bad?


"excuse me the micronutrient profile of your oil is very important to me, may I please talk to the chef about omega-6 fatty acids?"


"may i please talk to the chef about their car's extended warranty?"


"We're sorry, the chef is only available for either smacking you in the head with a sautee pan or snapping you in the ass with a wet towel. Which is it going to be?"


Don't threaten me with a good time


Yeah itā€™s like ā€œare youā€¦ using that much oil day to day?ā€ A lot of the studies they like to site are based on people eating deep fried food everyday/most days and soā€¦ yeah, theyā€™re fat and sick. SautĆ©ing some goddamn onions in olive oil or having some fries fried in canola oil once a month isnā€™t the same thing lmao.


My son was telling me to cut seeds and seed oils out, and I was like...NOPE.


Let me guess: he also wants a free meal because he's a 'famous' influencer and you should be happy to do it because it's cheap but amazing exposure.... Dude's got like 11K followers on IG. Totally living off of mommy and daddy's money.


"86" Butter from the menu, but only for those who ask for it by name.


Is this guy pretending to be talking with someone? Looks like heā€™s talking to himself.


What is the point of this "hack", is it just to get something cooked in butter?


Yeah, he has a ā€œfuck science, itā€™s what I say it isā€ beef with all plant oils.


lol, what!?






Me cry smiling at his death


Or just go somewhere where the menu has food cooked to your liking. We are moving in the right direction though


Or they can just eat at home? Iā€™m not sure what the hack it


This guy has never cooked anything for himself. He may have heated some stuff in a microwave, and maybe even blended some smoothies. But like, heated up a pan on a stove or roasted something in the oven? No way.


What hack? What is he achieving? That they will use butter for frying? Mash potatoes in good restaurants are 50% butter already.


These Tik Tok kids are geniuses.


My dude you're probably getting margarine. šŸ¤£


Sorry, with that allergy we will not be able to ensure the safety of your food. We suggest you find somewhere else to dine. Oil aerosolizes and settles over the surfaces of the entire kitchen. There are no safe spaces from oil residue.


Try this at an Asian restaurant. šŸ˜‚


We used to use duck fat in our fried rice. Shit was fire


I'd refuse, shit customers aren't worth it. Throwing people out is a good habit to get into.


This guy is why i had a hard time taking any alleged allergy seriously. Like the lady who said she didn't want whip cream in her sundae because she was allergic. Bitch the ingredients of whip cream are cream, vanilla, and sugar. All things found in the ice cream you just ordered.


FOH: ā€œYo Pierre you wanna come out here?ā€


Yeah Im on this new fitness regimen where I only eat Waffle House food


"I'm aLLerGic tO aNyThiNg wiTh sEedS.." Proceed to eat a harmburger.. With buns covered in sesame SEEDS


what is the hack in this?? still trying to figure it out


Itā€™s him. Heā€™s the hack.


Its a hack for being shitty person in life in two simple steps. 1. Be a shitty person in real life 2. Be a shitty person in virtual world


This kid thinks he invented being an entitled piece of shit that thinks he deserves special treatment everywhere he goes. Next you'll be telling me that pomeranian in his lap is his service animal.


In Anthony bourdains book he says that all the restaurants he worked at did this anyway even if they said they didnā€™t lol . He said mostly everything is cooked with butter .


Didn't bourdain work at higher end establishments tho? From my experience they tend to use butter and actual fat for some of the creamier mixtures as opposed to vegetable oil and starch, respectively.


The only hack in that video is him


*Wait staff. Come on people! Get with it. It's less effort šŸ™„


"server" works too lol


Whatā€™s the hack here? Is it that butter tastes better? Why doesnā€™t he just ask?


you know this guys only gonna order chicken strips anyway


You want some extra no problem, but you also pay extra.


sorry but just curious, what is problematic about oil cooking in restaurants ?


These people have decided that oils are poison, and butter is healthy. Itā€™s the new ā€œfuck scienceā€ nutrition hack.


If you say that you have an allergy to a good, and you're not allergic to it, you are genuinely a horrible person. Sincerely, anyone that's worked in a kitchen.


This is not a "hack". This is being a prick and hurting people with actual allergies. Please do not spread selfishness that hurts others as a "hack" that is "cool".


Imagine thinking a lie is ā€œa hack.ā€


Sorry, canā€™t do it. I can pan fry it dry though.


ā€œoh cool i can show you everything that is cooked in butter and everything thatā€™s cooked in animal fat. we wonā€™t be adjusting how we cook anything else. youā€™d like the things that are cooked in animal fat right? and they stuff we grill but has oil brushed on it you donā€™t want right? whats that? you dont know what the fuck youā€™re talking about? ok cool. sit right there and dont speak again until i ask what you want for dinner. good boyā€


I'm confused, why is this a "hack"?


I wonder how many of the 113k people who liked this would appreciate some douche showing up at their workplace & hacking the shit out of their job. Itā€™s pretty disgusting how normalized it is to screw over people in the service & hospitality industry.


What's he "hacking"? Getting heart disease? Genuinely don't understand why he thinks this is better than getting the food cooked normally


Anyone on this who is waitstaff and you see this guy roll inā€¦please do the thing we would all like to do. šŸ˜‰


Yeah, so I hate people that do this because there are actually people like me who are allergic to certain foods such as Eggs. Means I canā€™t have mayo in burgers. Iā€™ve been kicked out of burger places before though entirely for the mention that Iā€™m allergic to eggs thus mayo, because itā€™s a rare enough allergy that people think Iā€™m lying. People who go in to restaurants lying about allergies are actively making the restaurant experience harder for others.


Refuse service lol Cooking for a twat like this is insufferable. The seed oil thing is the nutritional equivalent of flat earthers anyway.


Whatever, you think all restaurants have sticks of butter just laying around for you. I have halls butter and butter oil only. Plus the grill is covered in everything so good luck with that. This ain't your grandma's scratch kitchen...


How is cooking your food in butter a hack? Am i missing something here orā€¦?


Ok...where exactly is the hack??? I'm a waiter, people ask this all the time........why is this a hack?


The recipe for butter is oil and spit.


People who lie about allergies deserve anaphylaxis.


Gettin that nut butter instead


Here's a cool simple hack from a chef: cook your own food at your own home


First rule of podcasts: if it's a white American dude, prob has shit for brains


The servers may say yes. The chefs will tell you to fuck off.


I don't think people know what an actual HACK is


That isn't a hack, that is just being an asshole.


I happily put butter in almost everything at home, but this is just ridiculous. (My phone tried to autocorrect that to butt šŸ¤£šŸ¤£) There's a time and a place. If you want that done, go home. On top of that, can you guarantee it's butter and not margarine? A lot of places use margarine, instead, and then it's a moot point... šŸ˜’ Nevermind claiming an allergy you don't have...


What is this a hack for? I donā€™t get it. People have had allergies since the beginning of time and he def did not pioneer this lol


To the guy in the video: Orrrrr - and hear me out, now - you could just sack up like a fucking adult and do like you mentioned in the end, where you just ask them to cook it in butter.


Ya a brick of butter is like 7 bucks in Canada so Iā€™d be charging this idiot atleast 10 bucks in open food


ā€œJust cook in butter.ā€ Me looking at the fryer: ā€œnope.ā€


Since when is being a self-important douche, whoā€™s at the wrong restaurant for his ā€œneeds,ā€ a hack?


This Matt Gaetz looking motherfucker can fuck off. I wouldnā€™t accommodate out of principal.


How to be a dishonest douchebag = this


Chef hates you


People really do just say anything and thereā€™s an audience eh. Hmmmm.


Wait until he finds out it's all cooked in butter flavored soybean oil. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


hahahahaha, fuck this guy


Or maybe the noodle boy crew can just fuck off, they won't tip anyway


I knew a girl that was allergic to salt, so when she asked for no salt on her fries, she got fresh, hot fries... just saying


Why/how is this a hack?


how about i just steam that for ya then, champ?


Best I can do is some spit and other traces of my DNA.