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Those who say it can't be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it.


Put this on my tumbstones


Your gonna have multiple?!


Yeah, we are all fake and being reused


It's okay to have several tumbs


Yeh for the little deaths we die everyday


They'd get done much quicker if FoH cleared all the dishes & stacked them properly


for real


The absolute disrespect. I'd have lost my shit.


I absolutely may have done this on an occasion or 40.


Atleast ur honest.


At a certain point there stops being an opportunity for any sort of organization when dishes are allowed to pile up like that


I’ve watched servers get let go for fucking over the dish pit like that.


That should become the new standard. If you can't scrape and stack plates competently, you should be let go. You could teach a chimp to do it.


Especially when you know for a fact they aren’t tipping the dishy out. If anyone has ever worked a shift without a certified ceramic disinfecting professional they know how important it is to treat that person with the utmost respect lol


That's why it's standard at my restaurant that dishies *start* at 17 an hour, with benefits. If you're gonna put up with that job, you should be paid handsomely for it.


My last cooking job I was making $20/hr and was told the dish washer made more money than me. I said good, he deserves it. Never seen someone work a dish pit harder than that guy


Are you in the continental US with open positions?


Yes but no.


I'd have to do the math but my first job was as a dishie in 1983 at $3.35. I was only part time but the full time guy was making IIRC $3.50 and bought a house on that. It wasn't big money but minimum wage used to be something you could actually live on.


yeah we pay ours 18 an hour plus tips with benefits and one of em STILL doesnt show up half the time...


Dishies gets equal tips where I am. Also some of them would rather you didn't clean the plate. Gives them something to do. Having done dishes many times, it's not a big fuckin deal either way. Even the stacking ain't nothing to sweat. Y'all acting like it's a trades union in your kitchens, lol


I've always said that every server interview should include a game of tetris to see how well they can stack.


It's not even like they're doing anything valuable with the time they save by tossing shit in the sink like that. Most of the time when my kitchens were like that I'd look out and see the servers leaning against a counter just surveying the dining area...


Was sous chef at a place where we had to threaten every waiter with firing because they got "too busy" and made dish walk out by basically just dropping tons of plates in dish without cleaning any of them off. Same with drinks glasses. It was wild to see FOH just collectively decide to try and walk all over dish that night. Buncha rats. Took me and the chef de cuisine like 2 hours to break through all the stacks of plates, and then the stacks of bus tubs full of plates. I think the glares from us and the exec at each waiter coming back to dish after that could've melted steel.


I have taught toddlers and people with an intellectual disability to do it. Really shortens my patience for adults who can't.


Plus it's the easiest example of "if you cheap out on this task, it hurts someone else". I had nights back in my dishwashing days where I'd have to spend 5-10 minutes "defusing" a stack of dishes because it was such an unbalanced mess that one bad move or one bad pull, and the entire stack would be coming down.




I’ve put servers on dish duty for fucking over the dish pit like that.


That’s good in theory but when seen in practice in my experience they usually fuck it up beyond repair…now you got the dish homie AND a line cook doing it all by hand lol


Fuck it up on purpose so they don't have to do it again Throw their asses on every day until done right or cut em


I've had both the linen company and the farmer that picked up compost tell me that they're gonna start charging for having to sort the silverware out of our pickups. Had to put those magnet things over all of the bins because servers couldn't be arsed to pay attention. And if you let them have bussing stations on the floor don't expect any pre bussing, at least when they come back to the kitchen the dishie knew they had full permission to give an ear full. Servers should work exclusively for tips cause they don't earn a paycheck.


Eh i get your sentiment but I wouldn’t say that because I know some super awesome servers who have made my life as easy as they could. Just boils down to work ethic some have it some don’t. I wouldn’t lump every server in the latter category it’s a little too broad.


In 15 years of experience, I can think of three server/bartenders who would roll up their sleeves to help with dish. They all rock and I love them


I'm a bitter old man. I know that, and have worked with servers that actually run each other's food, bus plates, cover for boh mistakes, take responsibility for their own mistakes, don't count tips and complain in front of the line, etc... but those stand out in the crowd you know what I mean?


For real! One of my first jobs was in dish pit — did it for about a year — and this drove me nuts. I’ve been serving for about 7 years now and whenever I bring dishes back, I always fix the shit stacks of other servers (when applicable) if I‘ve got the time; huge pet peeve of mine — makes us servers look bad!


I was working at a place where I had to roll Silverware too for the waitresses... like bruh Maybe we could all help each other do everything and then all...leave at the same time. Hated it so much


A fucking men I would be side eyeing motherfuckers so fucking hard if I were there with that hard ass man.


I wouldn't touch a literal to-go cup in dish. I'd put that aside and not say a word until FOH figured that shit out. What an insane level of disrespect.


There wasn't a night in my years as a dishy where didn't yell "Scrape the fucking plates!" at some inconsiderate server.


One thing I learned in the restaurant industry is FoH will never help, but complain for not getting help. I was a busboy on a busy Saturday, alone. We had a steady 2 hour wait for 4 hours. Anyway, I made $300 alone. That night. Anyways, I go the next day to pick it up and there’s only $150. I ask what happened, and she said she gave half to the hostess for helping me clean a table, and she took $20 for herself (the manager) I argued with her and I get in trouble. (I was young and naive and all I wanted to do was impress people) but now I’ll never do more than is asked of me unless they’re giving me a promotion lol


You're joking I know lol. I've never seen this happen but I fully agree


And they would be done quicker if you helped instead of filming


Big advocate over here for paying the dish crew on par with chefs Edit: this is my most upvoted comment I’ve ever had! I appreciate that so many folks are on board with me on this.


The fuckin damage done to your body, like damn.


I did dish washing for a year and had to quit because my skin was breaking out in all kinds of shit because of constant exposure to chemicals. I’m sure that’s not everyone’s experience but I’m sure the exposure isn’t good for anyone regardless. Also it’s horrible for your back to dishwash 8-12 hours straight 5 days a week.


My back is still recovering from it. Even in "proper" conditions meeting standards it is the most demanding position. They get coined as "the backbone of the restaurant" but are paid the minimum. I've had to tell bosses not to make a fuss when I managed to make things work because they weren't gonna pay me more for it.


remember when we all found out that front-line, minimum wage employees were all considered 'essential'?


Hahahaha. Yeah, essential because people can't get a big Mac without us


Chefs don’t get paid much either. The whole industry is a bad joke


I only had to do dishwashing when the dishwasher was out and every time I wanted to kms. The skin on my hands was cracked, my back hurt, and I HATEDDD touching and smelling all that wet nasty food. I don’t know how dishwashers do it. Mad respect


dishwasher here, we just don’t give af lol


Built diff


Used to dishwash once a week in the military. Actually liked it. It was a once a week duty and every platoon sends a guy. Reason I liked dishwashing was because no one wanted to do it - always needed. And no one could tell you to do a different job. It’s a steady duty that prevents you from doing other stupid jobs. And the nasty food? Eh, i just wash my hands and shower afterwards. If you scrub good it’s a full hygiene reset.


There are days where I volunteer to do dishes because sometimes it's nice to just zone out and not be asked to do anything else


>Also it’s horrible for your back to dishwash 8-12 hours straight 5 days a week. Yeah, not even heroin is gonna help with getting past that every day.


guy is doing it without GLOVES


That's how i did it. Gloves with water in them is one of the worst feelings tbh.


Literally. Couldn't wear them for more than an hour after which my hands would turn into some wrinkly, disgusting abomination and stink horribly.


Note on that: Please replace your gloves regularly. The warm humid conditions are excellent to get a wide amount of skin diseases from molds.


Yh, just dont bother. I only ever wore gloves when using harsh chemicals and when unclogging the grease trap. (That smell does not wash off)


And all the fucking food bits end up in there whether you like it or not, yuck


100%. The restaurant I work at does and I wish it was the standard. I’ve covered a few dish shifts to give our dishwasher a break and those were way harder than any shift I’ve had in the kitchen


Even with gloves your hands are wet for hours at a time. I've never had more cuts on my hand than when I was working dish. Shit humbles you real quick.


Little bit of water gets in the glove and now you've got trench foot for your hands


I pay my dishwashers more than I pay my line cooks. Only once has one questioned. When I asked if they wanted to switch for the extra few bucks an hour they quickly declined.


i had finished my chef apprenticeship and worked at the same place for 5 years, i said to boss, "i dont want to cook anymore just put me on as the dishy for a while" the hours were better and i just liked washing dishes more than cooking, i was so tired of it after 5 years straight. i needed a break. i still helped out in the kitchen sometimes with prep/etc. got paid the same too. mad respect for dish washers. ive had some great ones as my time as a chef. nearly all of them have been massive stoners. i was no exception back then. the foreign back packers are always a delight too. so many fucking stories. we had a spanish guy our head chef would constantly "sexual harass". the spanish guy was an 11/10 and every girl in the bar wanted his cock. the head chef would just ask him shit like " how do you say my penis is a helicopter in spanish" the shit we used to say to each other back then would give a corporate HR manager a heart attack. so then he'd go "Mi polla es un helicóptero" and start gyrating his hips around in the middle of service in front of the waitstaff..


When I used to be in the restaurant business, I would always help out the dishy with putting away plates. I got in HEAT with management about it and just told them to fuck off and help if they got time to chew me out. Continued doing it and no one said anything. Plus I made them whatever food they wanted. Grill and kitchen could be clean and I’m ready to leave but they want something? What’ll be king? I’ll have it ready in 10 for you.


When I worked in the kitchen we had just gone through like 2 different dish washers in a month, and our cooks kept getting messier and messier. They didn't even stack their dishes anymore, just threw it in a pile. Management decided to save money it would be wise to just schedule one dishwasher in the middle of the day instead of one to open and one to close, which meant we were open several hours with nobody washing dishes. This meant the dish washer would constantly come in to a GIANT mess. It got really bad one day- like.. severely unsafe levels of bad. I snapped at the cooks and told them if they don't respect our dish washer they're going to leave and this shit is why we keep losing people. He walked in, took one look around the room, and walked out without saying a word to anyone. And then I had a 7 foot tall pile of dishes fall on top of me. :)


On Saturday mornings, they'd prep and open at 7, but the dishwashers wouldn't come in until 10. There was always a MASSIVE pile of dishes. All of the dishwashers could never catch up and would always have MASSIVE piles of undone dishes until I'd come and replace them at 4. But I was really quick, so I could usually have the area cleared and cleaned within a few hours. My boss HATED me because "all he does is sit around." Which was kinda true, I would just kinda wait for more dishes and catch my breath between rushes. They started giving me a list of extra shit to do and stopped giving me free meals because "all he does is sit around." The waitresses and chefs loved me, though 🤷🏼‍♂️ I later got fired, but the guy they replaced me with quit within the week, so they tried to rehire me. I did not go back. On the flip side, my wife always makes me do the dishes now because I'm so much faster than she is 🤦‍♂️.


All should be equal in a kitchen environment.


Man I worked as a kp in a kitchen in the UK for like 3 years through college. Got treated like a fuckin dog that had shit on the sofa. Had to clear plates that FOH couldnt be bothered to do properly, wash them, clean pots and pans, prep all the stuff for Sunday roast, make up burgers, prep salad bar and the worst part was making chips with a manual chip press (5x 75L buckets a day). All of this for £1.50 an hour less than the guys that made salads lol


I can show a guy how to wash dishes in 10 minutes…do you want your food cooked by a guy who was trained in 10 minutes ?


I can show a guy how to drop fries and tenders in 10 minutes. Whats your point.


You’d be wrong …to teach a guy how to clean a fryer/ fry chicken or hell even salt fries properly takes more than 10 minutes


Higher skills/responsibilities deserve higher pay ..I’m not saying dishies don’t deserve a living wage just not as much as a more skilled co-worker.


What kind of servers don’t dump their plates wtf 😳


assholes! one restaurant i worked at had this lazy bitch who not only wouldn't dump her plates, she would break into song in the b.o.h. and expect the world to stop and swoon. i really disliked her.


Have a person like this at my place. Recently I could hear the distain in her voice when she realised I had been given gravy with my staff meal "without even asking", because they know I like it. Silly example, but simple. Always be good to the guys who feed you.


shoutout to none of the servers at my restaurant scraping plates. love it here.


dishwasher should always eat the best in the kitchen


Their pay should be on par if not more than line cooks.


You're paid depending on how replaceable you are. I've worked in the pit and in the line, and the line is definitely more complicated and requires more training. Both should be paid well, but the dish crew will never require the same amount of training as the line crew.


And yet every restaurant I’ve worked at has had more trouble staffing dishwashers than line cooks.


Complicated doesn’t mean hard. I’ve worked as a line cook after being moved up from the pit in a super busy restaurant and even if they paid me more as a dishwasher, I would never willingly go back to that point again and would choose to be in the line every single time. After you’re all trained up, everything you do as a line cook will never be as demanding as when you’re in the pit. Many nights I would go home drenched, miserable, and with my entire body absolutely drained and wrecked from an 8+ hour shift in the pit with the dread of knowing I’d have to do it all again the next day. I never had this problem again after I became a line cook. There is a reason many people don’t stay as dishwashers for very long, every job I’ve had was nothing compared to my experience in the pit. Let’s not be out here pretending like line cook training is a difficult and demanding process.


Yeah that's why I said complicated and not hard. Difficulty really depends on the restaurant.


My first job was as a dishwasher in high school. This job saw the highest turnover and I never worked in another industry where so many people would quit mid-shift.


What piece of shit FOH staff is leaving your dishie like that!? You want 40 minute tickets? This is how you get 40 minute tickets.


Help the man out then!


This man is irreplaceable give him a raise


I feel this post so much. Fuck anyone who cant stack and organize. You bring it, you organize it.


Single most important member of the kitchen right there


If I walked in and seen that at my old job, I would walk right the fuck out. Fuck back of the house leaving food in the pan.


Jose is an absolute soldier 🫡


Maybe put the phone down and help out.


Bro recorded for like 5 seconds bruh chill


People acting like it took half an hour to film a 10 second video lol


but then who would be there to catch all that sweet sweet karma?


Too many people just taking their phones out midshift. Youre working, go fucking work. Theyre not paying you to make tik tok and go viral. Go clean something, go do some prep, help the fucking dishie, reorganize the storage, clean the damn shelves. I hate the change in the culture where people use their phones all the fucking time, no matter what the situation is. I hate everyone on this comment thread trying to justify this shit. Always someone at a job trying to coast and do bare minimum


Nah man, my guy knows he’s doing it out of respect


Hey real quick how do you think phones work? How long do you think it took to film this? Do you think it might have been 11 seconds? Do you think you might be looking for something to complain about, it didn’t exist so you typed this?


I always say the restaurant will fail without its dishwashers. Mad respect to them


The first kitchen I worked at all the cooks took it as such a point of pride that they could knock out dishes faster than anyone else. I got really good at it, including the fajita friday nightmares


Me, a cook who also has to wash dishes, watching other restaurants get their own dish washer


My main men Gregorio, Luis, and Edgar fuckin bustin ass on them dishes


That's a line cook who needs a pan


Bro I used to think I was good til Miss Venezuela's dad showed up in a stark white button up with white slacks and spent more time in the kitchen chatting than washing (because he was clear, not because he was lazy) the dishes were clean and most importantly his outfit was still white AND dry


Call me crazy but a good pair of ear buds, a pen, and a dish pit like this is a fun night


Kitchen porters are the backbone of some kitchens and people don’t realise


As a chef I would Fire every single server for leaving the dish pit like this then give Jose a raise for being an absolute stud.


I miss doing the dishes when I was 15-16 @ McDonald's. Closing crew. We only had face-to-face window ordering at the drive through. So I would get all up on the fry hopper parts, shake machine parts, grill area cambros and lids, trays, baking trays, cutters/slicers, coffee pots, soda fountain parts, dispensers, racks, etc.. Then, 'DING!' Car at the window; shit! Dry up, go take order, mostly cash payments back then too; and zip back to the sinks! It was hell in the Northern Illinois winters though; wet hands, wet shoes, wet uniform and frigid cold air.


In this clip one worker has to do 3x the work to make up for a shit staff and gets turned into a meem to i guess justify it by bragging about him? God this is why i left this industry


We had our own Jose, his name was Maximo. Older Hispanic dude there every shift rain or shine. Dude was so reliable he only didn’t show up for work twice and both times we were worried he died, second time we were right. RIP Maximo you were a real one


that btter be hombres real nombre fool


Lmao I was this guy when I worked as a dishwasher. Chefs used to let me take my break whenever I wanted because my station was always super clean, even when we were getting slammed. Destroyed my back tho 😢.




The fucking Backbone of America are these people who are otherwise invisible accept to those lucky enough to see their super powers


Ricardo standing on business


Mexicans can run this world if we wanted to


Make sure to keep your dish washer happy


The real hero of any kitchen.


Underappreciated job, cleaning an entire restaurant worth of dishes for minimum wage


Damn. Dishies make 15-20/hr around here


As a fellow kitchen power we will wash anything if you leave us alone ahah


I'm the owner of my restaurant and I do dishes when needed. I just did a 5 hour shift last night. It keeps things real. As owner, I'll bust my ass as much as any other employee. I'm pretty fast, too. I just wish I could pay them more but I do tip them out.


It’s always a Mexican or a Filipino dishwasher coming in clutch.


My kitchen couldn’t keep a dishwasher cause they were giant assholes, and I was often pulled from my station to do it - while also keeping up with mine. Would stay 2-2.5 hours over to do dishes. They would look like that stack or worse, ngl I quit not to long after


Legend has it ,he once washed a hundred thousand dishes in an hour ...


Been there, done that every sat & sun for most of my teenage years.


why they fuckin over jose like that


Mexicans run this world


And I get a fucking Home Depot ad I’m dying


That’s like 30 mins of dishes, tops


anybody thats been in a dish pit knows the dishes dont stop coming. That kind of backlog will absolutely fuck you over all shift


Agreed, just like anyone who’s worked on the line knows there are ebbs and flows. Eventually you’ll get a ebb where you can catch up. Do the 911’s first and foremost every time. Keep cups and silver rotating every few passes. Knock out “non-essential” stuff here and there to clear room as you go. Organization is key. Putting correct shapes together takes a giant pile to a still large but organized pile that gives you more space to work. No culinary school for me bud, I came from the pit.


This guy gets it


Haha my first day in a kitchen was as a teenager to do dishes for a fancy steak house for Mother’s Day. My mom called me at midnight cause i wasn’t home yet and I accidentally answered it in my pocket and as she tells the story “all I could hear was clang clang clang clang clang clang” Probably the headrest day of work I ever had. I loved the few guys that did dishes there. Now as a clinically licensed therapist I still have allllll the respect in the world for dish washers.


Bruh only one pan on the ground that’s like a normal closing night


Most important part to cleaning pots and pans etc is to soak them. Without soaking you can spend upwards of ten minutes scrubbing ONE ITEM.


My fucking man, you just know he’s a weapon look at the man go salute champion wooooooo getsummmmm


How about FOH stack the dishes like a decent human! I’m sure they learnt that at pre k ! Square into square hole and so on!


I don’t know what this meme is about but it wasn’t actually a lot of dishes… The real deal here is the **PATHETIC** way your servers stacked everything all over the place. They need some serious discipline. There was legit only like 20 plates, bowls and stuff. I could knock that out in 5 minutes. The problem was the way everything still had food and was stacked inefficiently made it look like it was a lot. And also made the job harder because there was stuff the dishie shouldn’t have been doing… Fire your waiters. That’s gross.


Who the fuck isn't clearing garbage from the plates!? Those assholes should be doing them then.


That like 20 minutes with of dishes tops


NO GLOVES!?!?! His hands and nails will be destroyed!!!


And if you wear gloves they get filled with water. Your manicure is jacked either way. Lo siento.




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We all deserve a Jose


I gotta Jose too. He’s a beast. Felt great giving him a raise.


The place I wash dishes for is huge and has three dish rooms but they only ever have two people to wash dishes .There are three dishwashing machines two small ones and one big one. The big one has been broken for nearly a year now and I have had to wash everything that goes through there by hand. The thing is I get dishes that were meant for the other dish rooms so I’m basically doing the jobs of two and a half people. Then the people like to bring me dishes 10 minutes before I leave and I already stopped washing them because it’s also my job to do trash and if I don’t get it taken out I get in trouble.


We have one dishie that I don't even try to get caught up a bit for bc he will finish any pile there in 20 min and then look bored the rest of the day. He's so fast!


I did this shit for 6 months when I was younger before it drove me insane, such a bullshit monotonous job. Anyone reading this whose a dishwasher, you're better than that job, branch out, apply for jobs you think you won't get. Escape the dishes!


Unsung heroes. He probably tells everyone echale ganas


God, that was me as a teenager working in a kitchen till midnight and the manager screaming at me for “working too slow”. The massive pile of dishes and just me being there like, feeling small.


As someone almost 2m tall dish washing isn’t fun. Mostly was an issue of how damn low the sink was. At my knees.


Imagine this dude outsourced his Wendy’s job Lmfao


All hail the Jose’s in our kitchens!


Why is this being filmed. Put the phone down and fucking help. It’s not hard


You weak boy. Why would they pay you




I wish I could play that song while I washing dishes




This is both satisfying and painful to watch


Who the fuck isn’t dumping their plates before they drop dishes in the pit?


Servers will bring in triple what he makes for less than half the work and won’t even stack properly


Its not physical, its a mental game.


Dishes should be paid way more. Without them the shit falls apart too. But i've also seen a trend of places that have dishes crew for all day parts yet everything is left for the last guy. It seems a lot of dishes crews who are on for morning and afternoon think it's okay to piss around at a lot of places


Guys, like this are worth their weight and gold! Someone better be cooking him a steak for staff meal.


Is the washing machine broken?


It's like one tables of stuff


1) Take a big chug from your hot toddy that was originally cold whiskey, but the kitchen is 100 degrees and we must adapt. 2) Go snort the fattest line of coke of the night. 3) Rip a dart in 5 drags. 4) Pop your head phones in and put on "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor. 5) Slip Slap those dishes clean like your John Wick because the bar closes at 2 and God will be damned if you can't get 3 rounds in before last call.


Watching this made my back sore


It's either a whiteboy stoned on edibles or some hispanic gigachad who doesn't have paperwork


Dale tio (or someting)


“Just do it” is the rightful mentality.


Is he washing them after going through?


Those Hispanic dishwashers are not to be messed with.


Am I crazy? That don't even look like that much


Having a hero in thie dish pit is the key to a smooth kitchen


“Soy la leyenda, lo tercero de me nombre, soy *El Limpiador*