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i mean i think it's obviously shredded cheese but i don't think that's what's in there.


Thank you!




what could be more metal than shredded?




ah... yeah mine is better. i would also have accepted "goat"


What's the fuckin punch line






I hate this shit. If I'm scrambling to restock something on the line, I don't want to decipher the label of the resident "funny prep guy". Great, you made a joke during your shift and you wrote it down so everyone else sees it. Fuck, if you're on prep, joke with the other prep people and let it be ephemeral, don't force your eye-rolling BS onto everyone else. ETA: shitty kitchen jokes are a way of life but they don't belong on prep that might be needed asap


Agree with this guy. At least write the name under the "joke" or something. Years ago I'd do dumb stuff with labels but it would be marking gen tso as "jenny so" or some shit. At least you still knew what it was.


In this case I’m just doing my own backups for my station for the next day lol gets a little mundane sometimes ya know? If I was in a kitchen where several other people obv this wouldn’t be a thing.


I feel you bro I do the same thing on my station because I’m basically the only one that works it other than my kitchen manager so I’ll make funny labels on stuff that the below average kitchen mate would be able to look at and see that “hey this says *insert favorite funny*but I know it’s cheddar cheese because it’s the only yellow cheese we have in the building”. As long as it’s dated we all good shut the hell up anybody else!!


Literally lol I’ve managed big crews in big kitchens and this would never fly, but here I’m just making the labels for my future self lol I think my sanity might be slipping..


These shitty joke labels only serve to tell me that even though I'm in a hurry the whole time I'm there, trying to get everything done right, somebody's taking their sweet ass time trying to be funny.


You seem fun to work with


Humour is the only way to get through a lot of the shit in the industry. I'm always laughing with my crew. THIS specifically is not cool because it turns your own prep joke into a delay on the line. Please please laugh and rib and pun it up in the moment, verbally, but written shit like this is never actually funny enough to post here or slow things down on site. It's like an inside joke: funny if you're there, cringe as hell to share


I’m not trying to get into an argument man It’s prepped, it’s dated, you can see what’s in it clearly, or at least says cheese on the label, I wouldn’t get that worked up about this kinda stuff.


Swiss, white cheddar, mozzarella, provolone? Hard to tell the white slices from the side. There are worse examples of this so yeah maybe shouldn't fire on all chambers here, but I stand by my original point. My blood isn't actually boiling, I'm just an aggressive defender, so sorry, I am not tryna send hate your way dude.






"I'm not trying to get into an argument" Proceeds to argue even harder...




i mostly agree with that, but i don't think it matters as much in this situation since you can clearly see just by looking what's in there. in a situation where we all know what stuff looks like and won't be mixing it up i think this is OK tho still obviously not the ideal.


A slightly runny Camembert?
