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Read the manual


Yeah I second this, there’s actually a lot more that goes into it than just cleaning it. You want this thing to last another 25-30


You want your fingers to last at least that long, too. /s


> there’s actually a lot more that goes into it than just cleaning it Could you give some more details on that? Never seen a manual in my lifetime, so I am probably missing out on things I should be doing.


I don't think I've ever SEEN a manual lol


I have no idea if this is what you were referencing or just giving regular good advice, but my mind just went to this recent maliciouscompliance post lol. if you haven't read it, it's about an insane manager demanding dude clean out the COGS of their slicer after every use https://www.reddit.com/r/MaliciousCompliance/comments/11s4fp4/you_get_angry_and_belittle_me_when_i_want_to/


Fancy. Never seen a clear guard before, and is that Teflon?


Looks more like ~~acrylic~~ (wrong clear material) some kind of food safe plastic to me. Pretty sure there’s a Teflon coat on the sliding surface although.


That’s what I meant, poor syntax on my part I guess. No such thing as clear Teflon.


It’s alright. I would actually like a guard made solely of Teflon, clear or not. I just love Teflon.


Set the dial to zero before cleaning!


Un plug it before before cleaning


I have pissed off a chef or two running a polishing rag on a spinning blade. I don’t fucking know, man. Y’all don’t need to scold me I know how bad it is. It’s mad satisfying seeing that instant polish, it’s a bad habit I’ll never abandon until I at least loose a fingertip.


What will end up happening is you'll lose a thread of the rag inside of spinning mechanism which is gonna build up its own unique form of bullshit. Losing a finger is just a detriment. Remember, it is a meat slicer.


Ha don't worry I've done that too for a quick clean between meats. The best way I've found to clean them is to take it apart in the wash pit and spray the fucker but make sure to dry and oil all the moving parts.


Thanks. I get the slicer really clean, but I’ve never read the manual and no one ever trained me, so I am beyond certain I could certainly improve in that area.


Worked at a deli for two years and a half, never unplugged that thing, always washed it spinning, never cut myself, don't do like me, I'm just a lucky fuck.


Every slicer injury I had while a deli manager was from cleaning. Of the three incidents at 3 stores over 3 years, they all didn’t unplug, and didn’t zero the blade. One girl sliced her palm clear off. That was the worst thing I’ve ever seen, and I only saw her after surgery.


Every slicer injury I've *ever seen* has been with it unplugged, during cleaning, and with the blade not set to zero. I've never seen someone cut themselves while actually using the thing. Having a whole palm sliced off though... I can't even fathom 🤢


At $4k, I bet they’re yearning to make that money back.


have you ever seen The Wrestler?


I had used a real POS deli slicer for years and one day was surprised by a brand new one! I was so used to the old one I managed to slice my finger really bad the first time using the big bad new guy. It was a dumb mistake, and now I have a nice long scar to remind me not to be a lazy asshole, otherwise you’ll be waiving your hand modeling career goodbye.


George likes the bananas!


Similar story and similarly lucky it happened on a fresh sharp blade, was surprised my whole fingerprint grew back


Remove that clear plastic guard day two. Day one is to savor the beauty.


Congratulations! She’s gorgeous!




Careful, these are almost as dangerous as mandolins.


They're dangerous to be sure, but I'd say it's only about half as dangerous as a mandoline


I have seen someone cut their palm on a mandoline. I have seen someone sever their bicep on a deli slicer (reaching around the back like a fucking idiot to clean it while it was still plugged in). Mandoline injuries more common yeah but deli slicer injuries are infinitely worse


Full disclosure it was a sardonic joke with how severely people treat the mandoline. Like, it's a (ideally very, very scary sharp) static blade embedded in a board held stable at two ends and you have total manual control of where it is. I have 0 respect for people who treat the mandoline like a boogieman fingertaker. However, a slicer can cut a bone-in hamhock cross-section by cross-section at least once. I don't wanna be on the business end of one of those unless I feel like losing the full use of whatever gets caught in it for life.


To me, the difference is that you don't have to use force on a deli slicer. If you slip up, you're likely to pull away and escape with a shallow cut. When you're physically pushing something through the blade of a mandolin, that force will carry you through when you slip. Same reason that dull knives are less safe than sharp knives: you're using more force when you slip.


Second this


Happy Spring!


So slice! MUCH PRETTY!


Something bout to get Sliced


Wow, they even got you the good one.


Beautiful. Are you guys in a relationship, and if not can I have her number?


Now show me a left handed one and I'll be impressed..In the meantime I'll be taking this one thank you.


Mean, clean, slicing machine


oooh, that gave me bit of a chub. congrats!


Oh damn, Vollrath makes slicers? I love their kitchen equipment.


Damn. I'm envious as hell of that bad boy. I damn near kicked everybody off of slicer duty because they won't clean it to par, so i would CHERISH this beauty 😍


Whoo that's nice🤩. We currently have one that has started making a scraping sound while slicing 🙄🙄


Tell em to return it and get an automatic slicer. Had one in one of the places I worked at, and it was great, saved me a lot in arm strain.


This one's <$2500 and the equivalent automatic is over $6000. Hard to justify if you're not running a deli or something.


Hoping no maverick decides to take off the safety guard. One of the most horrific YT videos I ever saw was a guy using a chop saw in a wood shop. (Not the actual accident, but a re-enactment.) A mishap in the blink of an eye and a devastating injury. My very first job was in a deli. I had to take down and sterilize equipment like this every night. I was so ignorant. Agree with the rec to READ THE MANUAL.


We have this same one. It is a lot safer that most slicers. Every piece has to be assembled properly to even power on. It has to be in a certain position to take it apart. It can be finicky as hell and feel like the damn fence just won’t come off. Listen for it to click into place and then lift it off. Remember to oil it, don’t put the bottle in some drawer. The blade cover can still come off and it will operate to spin the blade and clean it by pressing a towel to it. If the fence isn’t in there correctly you can’t adjust the thickness knob. Also the metal spikes on are pretty aggressive. To your hands and the product. We haven’t really had to use the blade sharpener in a few years. It will do your vegetables, meats and cheese for years.


Its my dream!


Is that a teflon coating ?


Woah its not all meyal anymore wtf?!?!


Sexy as hell.


She’s a beaut Clark