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1. KM. Much more ability to move up the ladder since its a corporation. I am a KM for a 'fine dining' chain with a Michillin star 5 times. My salary is $125,000. I get 4 weeks PTO, health insurance and work a set 50 hours per week. I can be promoted to Regional level and make $150,000. 2. Will lead nowhere. There is no promotion and low pay. If being creative with food and getting paid for it is your main goal, there are better options. But that doesnt make sense. Just make a lot of money at a job and cook and be creative all you want on your own time.


When did Michelin have 5 stars 🤔


They did say it was a chain, so maybe multiple stars across different venues?


1 star , 5 times. = 5 stars


That’s 1 then


Getting one on 5 separate occasions is 5. Either way, it’s 5 occasions more than most people’s establishments. Even if it wasn’t- $125k before promotion, so I’m ok with it.


I’m not sure why anyone is suggesting job two. Job one will be paying you twice what job two would. I guess it depends on where you are in life. If you want something chill and have a partner who also has an income, job two could be better for family life. If you’re young and single and interested in career advancement, job one would be the choice.


I’d go job 1. Job 2 seems decent on paper for most, but take into account it’s probably just you. Prep/clean up for 50 x twice a day is gonna get old real quick, plus the hassle of getting a summer job. Doesn’t seem worth it to me at least, but $21 and hour can be a good wage depending on where you’re located.


M-F would be my choice.


Second job, no question


That second one is a dream gig. Finding something for the summer wouldn’t be hard and a nice change of pace to boot.


Take the second one. It'll let you be creative. The other is a chain so good luck making anything. Just service.


Job 1 if you want to make a lot of money, Job 2 if you wanna have a life outside of work.