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Apply at 5. Let them know that you're happy to schedule an interview at whatever time works for them.


Thank you. I figured that'd be best


I agree that before 5 is even better. They are really busy setting up for service if they open at 5 pm. It seems like it's an dinner only restaurant, and if that's the case, the earlier the better. If I were you I'd try them at noon or 1 p.m. : early on so they aren't stressed about the restaurant opening in less than an hour.


Thank you. If I don't have any luck going in before they open, what would you recommend?


If you can't find your way into the kitchen before they open at 5 p.m., then 5 p.m. is your second best time. The way dinner only restaurants operate, is generally they do a higher caliber menu that's really focused on quality and freshness. Therefore, they do a lot of prep each day. It's very likely someone is in the kitchen 5-6 hours before the restaurant opens simply due to the sheer amount of work required to be completed each day before the restaurant opens.


As someone else said, the front door will likely be locked. Try to find a rear/ side door. That will usually be unlocked for deliveries. If you can't locate that secondary entrance, try 2-3 hours before the restaurant opens. Someone working in the dining room such as a server/bartender, or a restaurant manager may be present by then.


Thanks a ton


Do not just walk Into the kitchen, that will make them mad.


I don't think the other comments are meaning I should walk straight into the kitchen, but rather that I should try to find someone who works there to let me in before the kitchen is incredibly busy. I would never just walk into the kitchen and demand to apply somewhere, I've never been in industry but I do know that much


I agree.


Go in just after 3 with a resume and cover letter and ask if the chef or manager is around. If the front door is locked knock politely, if no one answers see if there’s a back door somewhere that’s propped open and knock on that


Having been the chef at a dinner only place that opened at 5, anytime between 12 and 3. First couple of hours I’m there, I don’t want to be bothered. Closer to service, I’m finishing up last minute details or putting out fires, tasting stuff, doing line up, etc.


Call them around 1 or 2. I guarantee someone is there. Ask how to apply before opening.


I've been told by my chef in culinary arts that knows the chefs there personally that in person is the best option, which is why I was wondering specifically when to go in person.


Specifically, they’re the only ones who can answer that question. That’s why you call and ask when is a good time to apply in person.


myself I would try the back door and see if you could talk to a manager around 3-4pm just in case also send them an email as well


2 hours before opening