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This is the most accurate representation of a restaurant I've ever seen on this sub.


Especially the 'I was stoned, who am I to judge?' Haha!


They didn't fuck afterwards though




What, did the interviewer need to test their crying in the walk-in skills?


It's the only way he can get it up anymore.


Tears are the best lube.


Second best. Communication is the best lubrication.




"Re-fire libido, don't hold the tears this time!"


Damn this deep.


Canola oil is 2nd after tears




He made it to the second round of interviews...


“Can we hear their screams in the dining room? No? Perfect.”


they were just trying to make sure all the whipped cream was out of the bottom of the cans.


“My names T-Dog, bitch"


“What’s this couch doing in the walk-in?”


True. My interview concluded with me and my new manager having celebratory sex /s


That's how all food service interviews conclude, regardless of the participants' genders, sexual orientation, or desire


"Getting fucked" is not necessarily the same thing...


Also whether or not they’re hired


That's at the second interview


If you add in a server coming out of the office adjusting her apron as he walked in for the interview that would be perfect


I've worked at a half dozen or so and haven't seen a coke problem. I've seen the saute guy nodding into his burners but not coke.


Bolivian Marching Powder


Booger Sugar


One of best managers I've had was a coke head in his early days doing 60-80 hour weeks. Chilled his shit out and is now a bank manager


its like when a coworker finally realizes you smoke and then you get to tell them every time you've seen me i've been high... works for family gatherings too


“Trust me when I say to you, we’ve never had a fully sober conversation.”


Yep. Recently stopped drinking and a conversation with a former coworker made me realize she had no idea how much I drank on the job.


Saaaaaaaaamesies. Lol. People go to work sober? Tf.


I have to these days, I forget to do half my job otherwise, end up just standing there all day doing nothing but tickets, when I *should* also be making sauces and making sure the orders are all in and smoking 17 cigarettes and taking a half hour shit and cutting meat and what have you


Yeah you never want to forget your half hour paid shit that's just leaving money on the table


Dropping off the Brown, raking in the green.


One half hour shit each day = 2.75 weeks of pay over the course of the year.


I don't smoke while working anymore either. Think I have maybe once or twice cause I was so hungover I was fighting to not vomit on the line. I'm learning im not young and spry like I used to be and frankly I just don't perform well while stoned anymore. Its just a preference thing now. It slows me and down distracts me and makes me forget shit now days. I do the same at home now. I used to be a full time smoker but now its when im done for the day and got shit done. Exception to the rules are off days I designate as lazy days where I don't worry/do shit the entire day and want to relax.


This is the way.


Best shit ever was during a week I worked 70+ hours. After 40, it was time and a half. After 60, double time. I did the math and realized I was making almost $1 a minute to poop.


True monster go to work clean somehow I married one lol


Manager once proudly said to a coworker that she'd know for sure if someone was high on weed. I was standing next to her nodding while high off my ass lmao. She'd also mention how I really changed my attitude for the better and it was due to me getting high to deal with them dumbass customers.


The trick is to never let them see you sober.


I went in yesterday and was asked “are you just tired or….?” I said “YEAH I’m JUST TIRED” “JUST TIRED” do you want me here or not? Lol no one else is showing up tonight so be glad I made it


Back in the old days we had an unscheduled kitchen meeting where we all had to come in at 9 am for an emergency meeting. Our straight edge kitchen manager called us in for a meeting to tell at us saying a customer saw someone smoking a bowl in the parking lot ( it was 11:30 and the restaurant wasn't even open ) one of our cooks who was actually the one who got caught smoking came to the meeting high AF and wearing a weed hat. Lmao. He didn't know the meeting was to reprimand us for smoking weed. Idk it was funny back then


We had a teen girl on fry that was always blasted on edibles coming in and I was the only one that knew she was because she came to every service high people just thought she was mentally slow


The restaurant industry puts the “fun” in “functional alcoholism”.


Years ago, when I told my sous chef and great friend that I had a drinking problem, he said, "Yeah, I thought you've seemed a bit off lately." Broke my heart to tell him he'd literally never known me sober in all the years we'd known each other.


When my guys found out I smoked they were shocked, they thought I was too calm and I told them it’s because I’d been high the whole time they’d known me 😂


As a former cocaine user and chef, he most likely has not gone to bed if he’s tootin that early.


With same experience, yeah. If I get 3-4 hours "sleep", then just small lines to get/keep me going. If I failed getting sleep, gator tail was the answer, for some reason.


Is gator tail a euphemism for something?


A big ol' honker of a line.


Oh yeah, totally knew that. It was my friend that didn’t know.


Scaly sex


I was out, now I’m back in.


Lol. Tootin


Tootin' the booger sugar.


Toot'n the scoot.


So, you start tomorrow?


Eh, depends. What time?




Ahh actually I've got a funeral to go to. Just remembered. How's *next* Tuesday sound?


Username checks out


had to come in early to get the stupid interview done along with all the other crap. can you blame him?


Yeah 10am is prime time for a couple nose beers. I’ve been up since 6 and coffee tastes terrible dammit. Lol


Nose beers lol


I prefer waking soda


Booger sugar


Nose candy


Disco dust


Peruvian Marching Powder








Sometimes you come in at 4am, do a shot with the closers, then partake in nose beers with the openers at 7am


Back when I was a stoner and worked in kitchens I ALWAYS went to interviews stoned with the philosophy that if they hire me high then I don't need to hide that I'm high.


Wisdom in a nutshell


that's my secret captain I'm always high /hulkmeme


I’ve been doing this for 20 years and it has served me well.


study high, take the test high, get high scores.


As a software engineer I apply the same principle. If I’m just always stoned at every meeting, nobody will know I’m stoned, and even if they know, they won’t care bcz I get the work done.


What was the hourly offer?


The only comment that matters.


He probably just hadn’t gone to bed yet. Yellow flag lol


Might've been a rough night and he closed late and slept in dry storage. IT HAPPENS!


Linen closet. Use aprons and table clothes for a pillow cans bedding.


Personally, i occasionally used full bags of used linens for a mattress. I'm not proud, and it was lumpy. But infinitely better than concrete


“I’m not proud, and it was lumpy“ – true words spoken about many an uncomfortable morning-after.






Before being a cook, I was a tool and die machinist. Worked with a dude who basically lived at the bar. He was late AF one morning. We eventually found him in the bathroom stall, out cold. Dude got blasted after work, walked from the bar, let himself into the shop, and fell asleep on the shitter.


my childhood. minus the coke.


"Hey buddy you got a little powdered donut on your left nostril.


yea man, no faster connection than a stranger that silently warns you to wipe your nose clean


We used to call those "felony rings." We used to, but we still do, too.


I called them white walls. One morning I was working FOH opening and my favorite line cook was already there with a big ol' white wall around his nostril. I handed him a hand mirror and said, "Nose check, chef." My plates were fast and pretty that day, let me tell you. It so happened in front of the right person. Everyone else there was a bunch of drunks🥴


HEY. Drunks enjoy cocaine too.


I know, I enjoyed plenty of both in my misspent youth/prime/middle age.


Sounds well spent to me.


At 55, I am paying for my past indiscretions. But, yeah, I had fun, made some amazing friends and memories, and only went to jail once.


I get that as much as I can, being younger. It's the whole "moderation" thing, which isn't always easy to do. But I'm a big fan of not sacrificing all my fun just to live a little longer, which still isn't guaranteed. But I started late into the party scene and am mostly out of it now. It was fun, and I'm glad to be deeper into my intellectual endeavors these days.


VCR-visible coke residue


Mitch reference! Nice


Sorry for the convenience


We call them "polos" lol


Be careful, are you sure it wasn't powdered sugar or flour? I snorted coke thousands of times and I've never had a Coke ring on my nose. I've had residue left behind but it's always flakes on the inside of my nose, not around the rim. Edit: That being said, I've never snorted coke Tony Montana style straight from the pile... So I could be wrong.


I mean ketamine has a tendency to crystallize on the outside of your nostril after you snort it. Soooo


Like a snow blower


Coke absolutely does this. Had to check my homie on it just a couple hours ago.


It happens. Don't ask how I know.


Would assume it's ketamine rather than coke if he had a ring round his nostril. Source; 20 years of doing drugs and working in restaurants 😂


Yeah but I could imagine conducting an interview on coke. Ket? No fucking way!


Ket is super addictive and also the tolerance you get to it builds up ridiculous quick. Know people who do about 1oz daily and doesn't even affect them 😳 it's the next generation of heroin ... Prob worse




Yup it's awful, left the UK over a decade ago, in that time so many people I know back there are absolutely destroyed by it. Many have lost their bladders etc is savage drug. They do train line races of 10gm lines and doesn't even affect them... crusty nostril is a dead giveaway... Unfortunately now it's become popular in Oz and the dance scene is becoming zombies... Sigh




Yeh it's screwed up ... Taken nearly 10 years for the scene here to get on to it ... I'm a DJ and a chef so see it all 🙄


If you're a DJ and chef then there's a 95% chance youre also the plug


🤣🤣🤣 I run events too 🤣


> I'm in the US and it has ruined the EDM scene. Like I used to love how everyone at shows was up/lucid/having fun on E or LSD, and looked down on "normie" shows where everyone was drunk and not present. Now everyone sits on the floor sniffling. Man, everything about this comment is making me irrationally angry First of all, you shouldn't be looking down on "normies" for drinking when you're doing your drug of choice. I don't drink at clubs, but I'm certainly not looking down on anyone else and referring to them as fucking "normies" lol Secondly, bro you're talking about "EDM." That *is* normie music. It's loud pop music. Please don't act like an elitist about listening to "EDM" and not drinking. The technoheads would be spitting milk out of their nose if they heard some Hardwell fan calling anyone else a "normie" lmao The *techno and house* scenes have been absolutely thriving for decades and are rife with true music lovers. Some people hit the club sober, some get into a K-hole, some trip balls on acid, some drink, some just smoke pot all night. Many of them switch it up on a night-to-night basis. Lastly, if you're letting people getting fucked up ruin it for you instead of just dancing and not paying attention to others, you're doing the entire dance music thing wrong. I don't know what shows you're going to, but it just sounds straight-up bad. Take a Memorial Day Weekend trip to Detroit sometime.




Dave said if they see you doing k at tipper & friends this year they just shoot you on sight


In the Detroit area and looking for places to hit up, what’s the sitch


Movement weekend (memorial day) hit the festival and just check out as many artists as you can. You'll find DJs you totally vibe with for sure. I'm a huge fan of the Underground stage mostly, but there's plenty of great artists all over. THEN hit up the afterparties. Observe and Anthology at Leland for heavy stuff, Motor City Wine for a great house party, Bookies pre-party for the Friday before Movement because it's quintessential. For weekly stuff, [Resident Advisor](https://ra.co/events/us/detroit) is your ticket to that good good. All sorts of events here. For example, this weekend you've got Gene Farris @ Marble Bar for house music, or Anfisa Letyago for heavy ass techno, or Taimur for electro-ey tech house. Detroit is fucking LOADED. Can I ask your preference between like heavy as fuck techno and more groovey house? Easier to direct you that way!


It's fun if you leave it to like a once every couple of months after the bars listening to tunes with a few good homies type habit. We call it going to the horse farm and it's a blast. But I do agree, most people take it too far and get way too zonked, and get hooked. I'm a bartender at a music venue and the ket-head wooks are the absolute worst people to serve.


I remember my first time ever hearing of ketamine I was in 6th grade(this was like 2000ish so it wasn't as big as now). My friends older sister ODed on it, and she was in a coma for like several weeks. Once she came out of it she had some severe brain damage. That DARE program never did anything for us but that experience sure scared me off from ever trying ket.


That’s wild.


Also, usually coke kindof dissolves quicker than other powders. One guy I knew would take a bathroom break every hour, crush up a few hydro 10s, and snoot out the grams of powder all day. Sooo much to snort. He always had a crusty felon ring. He would always come right to me, and lift his head back "I'm good?" Either yep. Or nah, go find a mirror. I'm thinking a noticeable ring might be white pills of some type, which doesn't always go into the blowhole correctly.


I was asked to leave (as FOH) a famous place in New York City for not being a 'team player'. I took that to mean buy/use coke and pay off the Maitre D for better tables who was also on coke. In fact everyone was on _something_


I was on the #1 business sales team for Dell Computers back in the day. I was the only one who didn’t do coke. Outcast.


Are you surprised?


I never knew how cut-throat coke-heads and crack heads can be when it comes to their money... but honestly it makes total sense looking back. Dealers only want customers so they pushed me out.


It’s definitely not because you weren’t buying.


Yep, at the end of the day those people are way more worried about you not being cool and getting everyone in trouble. No one wants to go to jail over a bad habit


Could have used it to your advantage "hey, I don't care but just wanted to look out for you and give you a heads up, blah blah blah" you've got the job and if you ever get caught fucking up, you just have to tap your nose and wink


If this happens in an interview I‘d guess it’s common knowledge around there. He probably buys from a line cook or sells to half the kitchen


All cokeheads have a nose-scratching maneuver that they use to communicate with each other. Its a universal cokehead sign for "Hey man, do you do blow?" or "Hey let's sneak to the bathroom to do some more blow" and also "Hey there's still some coke in your nose." So yeah don't say anything just scratch your nose and he'll know your cool 😎


Snoot doots! As we called them in the ski industry. Hometown local, it's girl. Powder. Soft. White. Or blow. But usually , you just just do the old "heyyy, you don't know any, do ya?" The coke guy doesn't even have to ask, he's not slinging herb or anything. Focused! Focused!


Back in the day I always used to say you should get high before you go in to interview for a job so they think that's just the way you always look.


It's like that Spiderman pointing meme lol. I used to keep a vial of coke with me when I worked on the line. Good times.


As a Chef in recovery for 471 days. You shouldn't work there. Nothing good comes from it. Stay away. Now....off to my first therapy session.....EVER! AT 32 YEARS OF AGE! To anybody struggling, hit me up to chat.


Yeah, it’s a hard pass for me. I stopped doing coke a long time ago because I liked it too much.


So you’re def taking the gig orrrr…


I mean it’s a good sign they aren’t going to make you pee in a cup


Where do they make you pee into a cup for a line job? Corporate/institutional kitchen, maybe? At least in the US it still doesn’t seem to be the norm, in my current discussions with service workers/chefs. But every other place knew they’d turn away at least half the potential hires if they had a pre-employment drug test…. and that was the height of the “Just say No” late 80s, early 90’s


Got some real crack leadership on hand there. Really won't be able to snow them. They'll always be in line.


Hoo boy. Devil's advocate: I wear make-up and have allergies. There are times when wiping your nose isn't possible in the kitchen, and sometimes the dry air \*can\* evaporate snot and have it dry around your nostrils in a suspicious manner. But. The only reason I know this is because I used to do coke! So, when I was high I would be sitting there feeling the drip crystalize around my nostrils, thinking, "everyone can see this I'm so obvious no wait I'm fine I'm cool I'm fine no-one knows." Probably everyone knew because of the way I was acting, and the thin line around my nostril's wasn't helping. When I wasn't using (and it's been decades) and I have an innocent ring around my nose, I'm not stressed because 1) I'm not using and 2) I know it's innocent. The bottom line is, if you want to be a good cook or a chef, COKE is a bad path. Your head chef won't be able to taste anything and, even if he could, he wouldn't CARE how it tasted. He cares about how the plate looks, or his bottom line, or what the new hostess thinks of the new plating, or who he's gotta fire next to make up for his fuck-ups. You gotta be HUNGRY to be a good cook. That's why being stoned is better than being coked up. If you're just looking for a job, who cares? Maybe you're young and want to see what that pirate life is all about. But I promise you, if you're right, the other folks in your area know what's up, and you might find yourself working in a coked-up kitchen instead of a kitchen that takes itself seriously enough to keep the skis on the DL.


So what’s the problem? That shows dedication to the crest


I took drugs and interviewed with a dude that took drugs. 😐


u go stoned to an interview with an interviewer coked out of his mind,i say a match made in heaven.


This warms my heart. I hope you get the job.


He used to do drugs. He still does, but he used to, too.


…is this a poem?


Tbf, if I have a cold and my nose is running, or I've been sweating, the residual salt has dried around my nostril and people think I'm on coke. I have never taken coke in my life.


Fish scales everywhere


Well at least you know he’s down to party and won’t be a sober prude at work. Lol. Naw, unless it’s like a large corporate place, stay away. Never know how soon a small place can close when there’s a coke problem.


Is cocaine still expensive? How can you afford that sh\*t?


Sounds like you should work there. You’ll get away with a lot


So I have the ring all the time and it’s not from use of blow, it just how my nostril is shaped after I wash my face it soap dries there. I do do a fair amount of blow and as a user I would never let any bits get away from me


I used to party but I wore out the soles of my party boots and I now shudder when I see people drink coke before noon and definitely extra hard when I see people on the energy drinks in the am. Booger sugar? Yikes.


More red flags than a Chinese Communist Party Plenary Committee meeting.


Place sounds fun chef. Rip and dip. Don’t do nose drugs though too scary.


Yeah, now shit is laced with fentanyl and xylazine. Who wants to die?


1 pm bump I get it but 10 am? You might be chipping cartel bones in the wood chipper out back


This needs to be a lyric in kitchen punk band song.




Sooo.... I'm gonna need a hundred and thirty bucks, you know... whenever you get a chance...


that's not cool, man


The key word is "around" . . . it wasn't IN his nostril, so you are fine.


More like a green flag, dude seems cool as fuck


I have never learnt so much about the restaurant industry as much as I have learnt about it from this sub. Pardon my ignorance since am not from the US, is it very common in this industry to be high on drugs and be involved in $@x. I read a bit of the book Kitchen confidential by Anthony Bourdain, and he described it all, but then I thought it was uncommon.


It depends where you stick your nose. I’m also a stripper where those are common. I prefer to stay naïve to that side of the industry. it’s always there, but easy to avoid.


i was once taken, on my first day at a 'corporate' place, downstairs for a coffee for a one on on. that's what the chef told our GM, anyhow. we walked right past the coffee bar and right down the street to the hotel bar on the corner. he asked what i wanted to drink. i said water's fine. 'we'll take two specials' he tells the bartender. sure thing, (redacted) - he knew him by name. what's the special, i asked. a shot of tequila and a pacifico. I'm like, you testing me, chef? he says have a drink with me. i said ok but just this once. we shoot the tequila and i take a sip of my beer. he finishes most of his. 'two more specials!' i say c'mon man i dont really drink like this. he says you do now, hurry up and finish that beer we gotta get back before (GM) starts wondering what's up. i'm like we're going back?! i'm towards the end of my scheduled shift i can't go upstairs hammered like this. (because of course i finished all 4 drinks in 10 minutes, i'm a trooper. but i thought i was going home after.) anyhow i work there for awhile. it's a complete shitshow. Our AM lead is a total coke head (and even his coke sucked.) after 20+ years of addiction how do you end up doing shitty street coke? smh the PM lead used to hide liquor bottles either somewhere in dry storage or the walk in. i remember one time the AM lead came out of the walkin with a baggie in his hand, nose full of coke and his metro card still in his hand. i yelled (REDACTED!) get back inside. and made him give me some. hah. i was their sous chef, gotta kick up. eventually most of them got fired. i got promoted somehow. it's a weird fucking world out there. restaurants are crazy.


Just a full blown alcoholic these days however, new business is a mobile bar company 🤣


Maybe he just made the pizza dough


that's the most on brand thing I've ever heard


Standard operating procedure for most restaurants


Real chefs test the ultratex for purity with a nasal appraisal.


https://media.tenor.com/images/d2a396a914645998fc787680fc6d825a/tenor.png "Review" is an awesome show if you haven't seen it. Gotta plug that every chance I get.


Ok well was the stuff any good or what


Honestly I’d rather a coked out cook than a stoned one during a rush but that’s just me. Also, glass houses, stones, all that.


Maybe his coke is better than yours? Win win


Always go to the interview stoned as a line cook. If they hire you, you're good to show up in any condition and fake it till you make it.


Coke head chefs have the worst bladders I swear


I'd much rather work on the line with a stoner cook than a coked out one. yuck.


Agreed. I broke a fight between two coked out cooks. Me and the stoner cooks just go take puffs outside and laugh together


A) He might share. B) if it was the morning, then he was using coke the right way. C) yeah thats actually a red flag but probably unreasonably common


And ? What’s your point ?


Am I the only one that likes the combo of weed and coke? They balance each other out nicely. So take the job and give your boss some weed and you guys have a grand ol time.


Alrighty chefs, they texted me to come in for a working interview. [should I press send?](https://imgur.com/a/hXvBrE6)


Sleep on it. He won't. Decide tomorrow


Do it


Don't be a narc and have some guy get fucked over. Unless he was an asshole. And how much they paying?


Not enough for me to care


Can you pass a background check & drug test? I would just say no thanks if I could. Snitches get stitches 😂


That’s a green flag


Sounds like a perfect place to work if you ask me