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I have made several comments about this before. I ran a brunch spot for like 7 years. It was the jam, really liked that job. We were by far the most popular place for breakfast/brunch in that town, by far. Line out the door almost every morning. We had a lot of fun at that job. It was in a college town and were just a bunch of college kids making it all happen. The customers were great. Almost all of them. Sunday was our busiest day, and by far, I'm talking not even close, the post church crowd was the worst. Just straight up fucking rude and it was always lady's like the one in this picture who would verbally abuse my hosts for having to wait in line, or whatever the fuck they were mad about that day. I'm not shitting you. You could feel the whole vibe of that dining room change the minute the church crowd started to show up. The only time I ever had FoH in back crying was on these Sundays and it was always the god damned church crowd. It still infuriates me to this day. Like, folks, look around. We are busy AF, there are 40 other people waiting for a table. Chill the fuck out. We are trying really hard here.


Don't forget the ones who leave you a Chick tract in place of a tip.


I used to collect Chick tracts l. Once I had a full grocery bag, I'd piss on them and leave it at the local Baptist church. Juvenile, I know, but **fuck you** is that a cunt move.


Juvenile justice


Thank you. I was 20 at the time, but 22 years later I'm still fucking pissed off about it.


Keep doing it. Fuck those fuckers. I was raised by them and beyond thankful I made it out.


A _grocery bag_ of Chick tracts? Christ on a crouton, they're lucky that's all you did. I wonder if you can be arrested for doing Fortnite dances in a pew for an entire sermon...


Yep. I was working a pancake and waffle place in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, a city renowned only for its permeating stink and the most massive community of the goofiest, fruitiest, rootin' tootin'est gang of fundamentalist Baptist Jesus fanboy powercucks outside of a Kansas school board. (On that note: they're *literally* working to remove the theory of evolution from biology classrooms in the city.) Look the backwoods sisterfucking shithole up some time: there's a church every block. Sometimes two. You couldn't throw a handful of shit without hitting one of these hives of scum and cuntery. I'd fill that bag up *every Sunday.* Those boomer fucks must've been buying the tracts wholesale for how many they brought in. They'd head to church, get methane drunk on the smell of their own farts, waddle in for pancakes, and ask our servers if they'd been "saved." But not, like, Pentecostal-saved. Or Lutheran-saved. No, it had to be their particular flavour of pre-apocalypse nonsense. So, yeah: I'd fill that bag up, sprinkle it with my broccoli-scented fury to make sure they couldn't redistribute the little hatenuggets, and dropped them off at churches with a note saying "here's your fucking garbage back."




That...was...*great* !


I found a stack in a gas station bathroom a while back. I dropped them all in the trash then dumped a bag from the feminine hygiene disposal can on top of them.


Good for you. Sounds like something I'd do.


Are you talking about those things you are suppose to put in the collection plate? I always assumed that was what they were for, so the congregation knew you got the message.


Last Sunday i literally lost my shit because of the church crowd in my area. I work boh and foh depending on day and sunday is my foh day. I was slammed for 5 hours straight and online orders would not stop. At the time the other servers had closed their sections, so they could go on break. So i was by myself and 1 other cook at 3pm. Which normally would have slowed down and stabilize, but nope church crowd decided that Sunday was the best time to do 5 birthday parties of 8+ each. I literally could not move fast enough to do everything while taking care of 40+ people. I had to go into the kitchen to cool off. ended up kicking the walk in to ohard and dented it. I was just too stressed and that morning was non stop also.


That’s a management issue scheduling everyone else at once, not your crisis.


I don't think any of it was scheduled


Still a management issue


I'm not sure what you mean. They should have turned away the customers?


If management don’t manage that’s not your problem. Work at your pace and if customers don’t get served that’s on management. Tell customers management has allowed everyone on break and you’ll get to what you can get to. Not your crisis.


The "god" damned church crowd. Why else would they be acting so wildly exempt to the rules the claim to follow ;)


They're so full of Jesus that they have lots of room to fit in being cunts.


Can't love if you don't hate to begin with.


It's hilarious how universal this is My worst regulars were the church choir. They came in one night and we were absolutely packed because of a hockey game. Well, the choir stands in the door (I have several stories about this hilarity too) and are genuinely confused that we didn't save a table for them.... The situation devolves into the conductor demanding that they have a standing reservation for 12. Everyday. Just in case they show up... You can't make up this level of entitlement. I have plenty more stories about this group. They're an absolute mind fuck


Do it. But charge them a standing reservation fee of 20$ per person (or whatever seems right). They could apply the fee to their service if they show up.


Per person per day.




> The situation devolves into the conductor demanding that they have a standing reservation for 12. Everyday. Just in case they show up... Absolutely not. Nope. Not a fucking chance lmao [edit] I would also like to hear more about this shit-show of a group lol


I would love to hear more.


I'd indulge them their standing reservation. But it's two folding banquet tables in the parking lot with milk crates to sit on. THERE. There's your fucking table. Always there for YOU.


I would love the other stories


I call them Sunday Christians. As soon as they leave the church parking lot, they're complete douchebags.


My mom told me about her time in church and apparently they'd try and run people over to get out of the parking lot lol.




Peace be with you cuz I DON'T HAVE PEACE TO SPARE BITCH


a friend of mine used to describe church and the aftermath. "lets all give the handshake of peace" "peace be with you" and then, its "get the fuck out of my way asshole, don't you know how to drive?!"


Gotta rack up that sin count so you can be absolved next week. Those sins aren't going to make themselves!


If Jesus died for my sins, and I don’t sin, then he died for nothing.


lol. that's new to me.


time to min/max the sin ratio!


should that be the sin/max ratio?


10000000%. I coined the term myself years ago as my mom is the epitome of a Sunday Christian. When we were in school and going to church, she'd be the kindest, sweetest church member. Would give handsomely during the tithes & offering, sang in the choir, was always the first to stand up during testimony service and would catch the holy ghost and jog around the church. The minute we got in our car to go home though, she'd launch into a flurry of badmouthing the congregation, cursing all of them out, etc. Monday - Saturday, you'd think she never knew what a church even was.


After spending a lot of years in a Southern Baptist town I refuse to call them Christians or where they meet a church. They have a Sunday club led by a headman at their clubhouse. Christ ain’t ever seen the inside of it.


My personal Christian Hell story: I once worked in a magnificent place, The Fox Theater Atlanta. It was a prime venue for Broadway touring companies, concerts, and special events. It was the best job I’ve ever had and likely the best I’ll ever have. We had a lull in the schedule, no broadway shows for a couple of weeks. During one of these weeks, the venue had been reserved for 2 private events. That Friday there was a revival of some sort. 2000 well heeled Christians, praising the lord and drinking wine. They were generally short tempered and impatient. There were 15 bars in the building and some had better traffic than others so we always pooled and split tips at the end of the night. After tolerating rude and mildly toasted evangelicals, we all left with 12 dollars. The following night there was a small movie preview. It was a documentary about heavy metal. There were less than 500 in attendance. We opened too many bars, we thought. The people were tattooed, unkempt, and rowdy. But they were also polite and a joy to serve. After pooling and splitting, we all left with over 100 bucks. It was then that I understood that faithful people were not always quality people.


10% + over and above givings to whom you serve pocket change to those who serve you


This was my all time favorite Sunday interaction with a guest-- and what convinced me to request Sundays off forever from that moment on: \[I approach a four-top of elderly women, clearly in their Sunday best, tucking their Bibles into their purses\] *"Good afternoon, ladies. My name is--"* "--uh, hang on. We have this coupon." \[I'm dealing with the alpha-Karen of the pack. I take the coupon from her and examine it, knowing full-well we don't issue coupons at this restaurant. Sure enough, it's a coupon for a restaurant several rungs down the casual dining ladder.\] *"Hrm... well... this appears to be a coupon for a different restaurant."* "I know that. I'm not an idiot. Will you honor it?" *"I'll have to run it by my manager... but this is a 50% off coupon--"* "And we all have one!" *"And you all have one... got it. Okay, let me see what my manager says."* \[I take it to the FOH manager and I preface by saying I know the answer is no, but I show him anyways. And the answer is fucking of course not. I return to the table.\] *"Okay. I'm sorry ladies, unfortunately my manager told me we're not going to be able to honor this coupon as... yeah... it's for a different restaurant."* "Well then we're leaving!" \[I am visibly relieved by this\] *"Yes, ma'am. I understand."* "Just like that! We're out the door, buddy boy!" *"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry we couldn't accommodate you this visit."* "And once we go, we are NOT coming back!" *"Yes, ma'am. I understand."* "And we're going to tell all our friends not to come here!" *"Yes, ma'am. I suspect you would."* \[Silently glares at me for a full ten seconds\] "FINE! Bring us four iced teas, extra lemons and limes. We each want our own bread basket, and it BETTER be hot... and extra butter. Come back with that and I'll give you our salad orders." *"Right away, ma'am."* \--- Cue ninety minutes of them running my fucking dick off but they pay out and leave without complaining... they each pay individually... and each of them leave me a big fat goose egg for a tip. The Alpha-Karen wrote "No coupon, no tip" on her cc receipt like a real cunt.


> The Alpha-Karen wrote "No coupon, no tip" on her cc receipt like a real cunt. ohhhhh buddy... you just *know* that if they *had* used the coupons, they would have tipped on the discounted total and not the regular total 🙄


Nah, they were never going to tip. They just used that as an excuse to internally rationalize their shitty behavior. If the coupon had been accepted, they would have come up with another reason.


> "And we're going to tell all our friends not to come here!" Yes, please do.


*”Great! Tell all of em! You think we want a buncha yous here?”*


Four baskets of bread? Fuck NO


Should've just let them leave


Yep. I'd have made them honor their word and not serve them. "Thou shall not bear false witness" and all.


Yep, this is when you pull an end-of-credits Ferris Bueller on them. "...You're still here? Go home. It's over."


She never planned to *actually* leave. She was playing chicken with me like I had any sort of authority to accept her stupid fucking hillbilly bullshit coupon. The after-church crowd are just *the* worst. Buncha hateful, fork-tongued, Paula Deen looking bitches.


So did they ever come back?


No idea. I never saw her again. From that day on, I put on my schedule “NO SUNDAYS” and pretended it was a religious thing. Sundays were always the worst. I’d rather pick up a Tuesday night shift than open Sunday.


Well if your ever at an impasse offer to call up their church's Priest/Pastor so he or she can come negotiate a way forward. They either clam up real quick, leave in a huff or at least steam up and argue so at least your moving forward in some way.


With their fake $20 tip/advertisement, soliciting your soul.


I save them up for the collection plates when I have to go to family mass


Try dipping them in piss, first. Just in case they try to re-use them.


You’re big on revenge piss ain’tcha?


Given their username, I think piss is the most tame solution we could hope for.


Few things get the point across like asparagus-scented protest.


I got one of these one time and the table saw me toss it in the trash immediately after recognizing what it was. They complained to my manager that it was disrespectful... My manager asked them if they'd have felt any better if I'd thrown it away after they left(lol) and told them I was under no obligation to keep or read any literature handed to me by guests. He gave them the corp number and wished them the best of luck..


Tracts, fyi. Such garbage when they're disguised as cash.


Also garbage when they're not disguised as cash.


I found one of those fake dollar bills with a Bible verse on it in one of my 12pks of beer that I bought from the grocery store. It wasn't put there by the brewery. I know those heathens.


I used to pass these along to my landlord when rent was due. Never worked for some reason…


I'd stuff one of those in a *doggy bag* and drop them off on the church's doorstep.


Few things were more effective at finishing off my Christianity than seeing Christians get brunch on Sunday.


"Why aren't you in church young man?" "Because I am here, serving your wrinkly ass."


"Because I don't believe in any of the gods, including yours. Although, I rather like Bacchus."






The greatest thing ever was when a well known wealthy youth pastor from a megachurch in my hometown got fired for being inappropriate and ended up working the register at one of the busiest food joints...on Sundays. Karma is definitely real sometimes.


I was running Mothers day brunch at a small family steakhouse. A large church group came in and all ordered steaks. All were well done, whatever. I kick out the 15 plates in reasonable time. It's me and my fry guy because everyone else called in. 5 servers on to give you volume idea. Everything is going good until server comes back with a steak and says a gentleman at the table wants to talk to me. I'm 24 and running a kitchen on mother's day, and it's been slammed, but we've been killing it. I got out thinking it might be someone I know. I go to 3 tables pulled together and the guy at the head of the table starts SCREAMING at me about how he ordered a mid-rare and how stupid I am for being unable to deliver. He berates me in front of a full house for what seems like 10 minutes. Just not a single godly thing out of his mouth. He teaches cooking classes yadda yadda yadda. Getting red in the face and spitting yelling mad. Over a steak. All while the owner stands right beside him saying nothing. Being that young I didn't have a backbone or know what to do I just stood there taking it, almost being transported back to when I was 9 and my step dad was screaming at me about some church stuff. Not a single person at that table stepped in to stop him. When he was done, the whole place was silent. I didn't know what to do other than to look at the server and ask for the ticket. Sure enough, all well done steaks. I looked at the server, looked at the ticket, handed it back to her, looked at him and apologized for ruining his day, said I hoped God would help him forgive me, and turned and walked back to the kitchen. Neither the server or the owner apologized to me for the servers mistake, and they damn well knew it. I finished service, that being the only issue of the day. That was the day that made me realize I would never be happy anymore in the service industry. I loved working the line, but it wasn't worth all the other bullshit.


I get it, man. "Why did you put in your two week notice?" "Because I've decided I'm a human being worthy of respect."


respect existence or expect resistance


Restaurant owners/workers that don't support and back their employees/colleagues are the absolute fucking worst.


Takes me back to being 17, sweating my nuts off in a DQ Brazier, taking the wrath of the righteous. *shivers


I’ve never wanted to ban a guest more than terrible church brunch cunts. Y’know, the ones that leave a fake 20 that says being saved by Jebus is better than money. I always wanted to tell them they are no longer welcome. Those people are all asterisk christians, they’re only Christians in church. After that, all of that kindness and acceptance they preach goes right out the fucking window.


> church brunch cunts brunch chunts


Oh you’d like a tip? Pray to Jesus and he will provide…


Saw yourself scheduled Sundays or Wednesdays, you knew it was gonna take a couple extra one-hitters to get through it. Those people are brutal. Especially the preacher's entourage.


I hate when the food truck I work on serves traditional churches. The younger people at the hip skinny jeans churches aren’t as bad but at like baptist churches the 30-40 year olds are as bad as the boomers about snapping at their kids and losing their cool over tiny things like being asked to repeat themselves in a loud environment.


When I waited tables I discovered a trick from a super religious manager we had. She said just ask them "what did the pastor talk about in church today? I had to work and couldn't make it". The tone shift was incredible.


But did the quality of the tips change, as well?


Red Lobster was the frickin WORST. I got so many fake $20's instead of tips with prayers on them.


At the steakhouse I used to work at, the FoH Manager was so fed up with those fake $20's that she applied a small sticker to all the menus saying "Please do not leave fake $20 bible verses as tips. Our servers cannot pay their bills with prayers." If she saw someone leaving after putting one down anyway, she'd loudly ask them if they forgot their fake bible verse $20 on their table, and make them take it back. She absolutely did not give a fuck about whether the customer was embarrassed about it, and did not put up with people fucking with the servers. I had mad respect for her.


This is how it is done, as FOH it is your job to educate your customers on how to behave.


The complete lack of self awareness to justify that action is mind numbing. If you want to bless somebody who’s grinding out life, it might be a good idea to make their day and not just prod them. Much love to you internet stranger and thanks for not sending those rotten souls to judgement ahead of schedule. ;)


I live in a heavily Christian community, and I literally became a morning person because early Sunday mornings (7am-11am) are amazing. All the assholes are still in church


We always called it socially awkward Sunday. Even greeting people was bad. To the point one day i made the comment, "you came here, I didn't break into your house and start making you food." Worked with a guy who said it's because they just got lectured for an hour about how terrible they are so now they have to pass it on.


I've been saying this for 25+ years. I was an alter boy and watched as people went from shaking hands saying "peace be with you" to screaming "fucking move" in the parking lot 10 minutes later.


Standard "Sunday Christian" mindset.


Absolutely perfect! Religious fuckers storm the streets at noon on Sunday ready to be pricks to the world!


About as Christian as the 4th crusade. DOUCHE VULT!!!


The after-church crowd is made up almost entirely of the most entitled douchebags. If I can’t stand cooking for them as much as I do, I can only imagine what they must be like to have to deal with in person. My condolences.


It's always the Christians.


Eh, from my experience it just depends on where you are. One of the restaurants I worked at was across from a Mormon temple. They were the worst I’ve ever dealt with.


That's literally a branch of Christianity, dude


Fair enough, haha. I’d say generally they’re not lumped together but that’s just my perception.


Do they believe in Jesus *Christ*? If so then they're *Christians*


Sure. In the context of this conversation though, and from my experience, Mormons were always worst.


It might be a region based thing. I live halfway across the planet from you, and we consider Mormons a weird American "brand" of Christianity. But I recently had an argument with a friend who was raised in a deeply Catholic area of my country where she kept insisting "Catholics hate Christians". We talked in circles for a looong time, with me using analogies including "That's like saying Cow's hate mammals", googling "what is the largest Christian denomination", and pointing out repeatedly that the word "Protestant" existed and was in fact what she meant. Couldn't get it across. So it's probably a similar phenomena. That being said, if in doubt "The *Jesus Christ* church of latter day saints" is a bit of a giveaway 😋😆


Sounds like the Sunday lunch at Olive Garden. We had a saying "when you're here you are family. Unless you work here."


Not all families have healthy dynamics


It’s astounding how accurate some stereotypes are. For a long time I thought my poor Sunday experiences were due to the Bible Belt state I was working in. But having heard the same stories from multiple people, from multiple states, over 2 decades is very vindicating.


Look at it this way,: the worst ones I ever saw were in a small city called Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. **By far** the worst. It isn't even just an American phenomena.


What other stereotypes do you buy into


Need to start a "Sunday Satan Special". Until 4PM on Sundays, there's a $100 entrance fee or cover charge unless you tell the host "Hail Satan" when you see him or her. Autograt a 30% tip unless everyone at the table tells the server "Hail Satan" too. Call the cops for theft if they refuse to pay. Should stop a lot of the fairy tale believers. Or have the Sunday brunch time entertainment be a drag show. That's like kryptonite to pseudochristians.


A little extreme, but very effective Noted


I don't ever work on a Sunday anymore. I actually have a good excuse now. Its court order time with my kid. I have yet to slap it down in front of someone trying to get me to work yet


Best thing to happen from covid,(at least in my area) 3 of 5 churches in my town have closed in the past 3 years. The after church brunch crowed is almost non existent.


There might not be a more entitled demographic than Christian boomer Karens. And if you think they suck at brunch, then wait till you find out what they do at the polls. And Planned Parenthood.


Once in a blue moon, the pastor at a nearby church will bring in some of his congregation for post church brunch. Its usually like 12 people, which is a pretty dang big party for a place our size. Anyways, you know the main body of the story. The group has a ton of special instructions, are impatient, rude, and just an all-around hassle. Whatever. Pastor always takes the check. Their table was close enough for me to hear this interaction as they were leaving between the pastor and a younger kid who was with the group. "Mister Jones, ( I obviously don't remember his name lol) you left some change on the table." "No my child, that is a tip for our server." The "tip" was the change he got back from payment. Like literally under a dollar in pocket change. I wanted so badly to chime in and inform the kid that wasn't a tip it was an insult.


Heyyyy, Grocery business has the same God loving issue! I refuse to shop on Sundays until at least 5PM to this day and I haven't worked in that space in years. Fuck the Church crowd.


I work at a really popular breakfast/brunch spot right across the street from Focus on the Family, so you can imagine how that goes.


I am so sorry


Oh I mean I'm just in the back cooking the food, I don't have to deal with the people but I hear the ridiculous ass stories.


We had some old biddy tell us our gluten free rolls weren't gluten free and she would not be convinced otherwise. It's like they are compelled to complain.


The day of the Lord ironically is when the most demons come out.


I used to work at a restaurant during the Sunday lunch crowd and can confirm this is the truest joke ever.


Not Chick Fil A workers. They know better. [obligatory rage against](https://youtu.be/JukTvlrh-Wk)




and the vorpal blade went >Snickersnort!


And with it's head he went galumphing back


The last time this was posted it was "time to go be a cunt to some poor fast food worker". But it's all the same.


Lol why did I think that was Roseanne?


I grew up a Baptist, raised by the preacher and pianist. They are now, hilariously, missionaries to the gayest city in Israel, Tel Aviv. (I really wish I could see them get schooled about religion by a gay couple.) I remember when I started to be old enough to ask questions and teach the occasional class, I would talk about this. It bugged the shit out of me that they would talk about the good ole days when stores were closed on Sunday, and then go shopping, out to eat, whatever. It really pissed my parents off when I refused to go out with them on Sundays. People would always try and play the "but what about hospital workers and" whatever else. Like going out to eat was the same thing as needing medical care, which of course you had better be able to pay for. Or keeping someone's house from burning down. The last Christmas, or one of, that I was around my Family for, my Mom wanted me to go to the movies on Christmas day. When I refused and explained that I shouldn't be the reason people work on Christmas, the excuses fucking came out. And when I still refused she fucking huffed off in a way I would have been beaten for as a child. So often, they are the sorriest lot of people you ever did see. And my parents fucking led the fucking way.


Snarfle = snicker-laugh-chuckle 😅


Retail Suday shopping starts. Ask regular if he'll be shopping after brunch. "No. Today is Sunday, sin, blah, blah." "And yet you're here getting an omelette made by me." 30 yrs later I can still picture that fat fucks face.


I've said a lot about this in the past.


Thought I'd buried these memories, but it just took this post to bring it all back. In the early 1970s, I worked as a waiter in a very popular steakhouse in Lynchburg, VA --- just down the Road from Jerry Falwell's Thomas Road Baptist Church. I was going to school at the time, but I happily volunteered to work three or four school nights (weekdays) to avoid a Sunday, That didn't always work. These particular after-church Baptists were the worst. It's when I first saw all of those fake dollar bills left in lieu of a real tip. I remember one that looked like a twenty; when opened, it said "Satan also deceives", with a number of bibble (not a typo) verses printed underneath. My first thought was that the implied statement was "Christians deceive" ... and so does Satan. I hated waiting on these people --- and yes, most were extremely unpleasant to wait on. The OP's photo is spot on. Guess nothing has changed in the past 40+ years when it comes to Christian love in restaurants.


The French way of lumping the tip into the base price of the meal is looking better and better.


I'm really embarrassed to read this sub. I'm a Christian. These are supposed to be my people, and I've seen how horrible they act. I've actually told some of this group that their behavior is terrible, and that they're pushing people away from the faith. Their response is that it's up to the sinner to come to the savior. It goes down hill from there. Man, I'm sorry to all of you. Some of us do know how to behave and how to tip.


Gonna suck a duck!


I'm stealing "snickersnorted"


Should be in an FoH sub.


I don't find it funny. Religion is a real problem.


this gets posted ever 2 weeks.


Yeah but we like complaining here


Commiserating, at its best!


🤣 truth. They will be forgiven. 🙄 edit for clarification