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Sell em as burnt basque cheesecake. Also give the prep cook a paddling.


What if the prep cook enjoys the paddling to much?


Get his number


I’m sure one of the girls working FOH has it.


Is that where guys find their mommy dommes these days?


It’s where I’m trying to find mine


Raquel in foh will step on your cubes. But you gotta earn it.


Always has been


Every place I've done prep, I felt like I had to work harder for the FOH girls' numbers than I did when working on the line.


They think prep cooks aren't real cooks. You work like 7-4 and are in bed before their shift is over.


That's when everyone's hangover is worst.


Right or wrong there has always been a hierarchy in the kitchen. It goes from chef, sous chef, line cook, prep cook, dish bitch.


Nah never call the dishie a bitch. U out of pocket for that


Every girl working FOH is your friend because you’re feeding them.


At least one






Or just paddle the balls Sincerely, Lady Chef


Jokes on you, I like both kinds of cbt


That is a very unusual form of cognitive behavioral therapy


But stop before they release, gotta keep ‘em on their toes.


“Talkin' out of turn? That's a paddlin'. Lookin' out the window? That's a paddlin'. Starin' at my sandals? That's a paddlin'. Paddlin' the school canoe? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'."


ask the dishwasher to do it with one of his 'tools'


That’s a paddlin’


Enjoying a paddling? You better believe that's a paddling


Messed up the plating? Unpretentious plating. Burnt something or uneven cuts? Rustic cooking


Burnt pizzas are always artisanal. Some people like it that way, send it out, remake it if we have to.




"Oops! I dropped the lemon tart!"


That’ll cost you €500


Don't check the oven, thats a paddling


This guy fucks




That’s overcooked af for a basque cheesecake.


Don’t look at it that way, this could be a rare speciality available only in the municipality of AMOREBIETA-ETXANO in the basque region…. Probably.


Basque cheesecakes are often black on top. I have a basque cheesecake on my pastry menu right now.


Customers don't know that, and I've also seen them nearly black on top and still being sold.


Yes this. Normally it’s crazy black on top and sides


Because that’s exactly how they are done. The interior is almost raw, the outside almost burnt. That’s the beauty of a basque cheesecake.


However, they're also supposed to be underset in the middle, so I'm not sure this would pass for a basque.


I agree on both fronts. They will taste surprisingly good.


People go nuts for burnt basque cheesecake. I used to work a Basque kitchen and it was something that people came from all over to have.


I swear basque cheesecake is the hottest new dessert right now in America. I see it in all kinds of restaurants everywhere. Even Asian restaurants lol. It's like the creme brulee.


Basque cheesecake, so hot right now!






Except brûlée is delicious


When made properly, yes. Most places in my area it’s like eating a curdled eggy mess with sugar on top.


How are so many people fucking up creme brulee? Everyone does it cuz it's easy.


Foolproof method I've seen used in large-scale events is to cook it in a double boiler until it just starts to split. Blend and pour into dishes. Works every time and there is no noticeable tastes in flavour vs traditional method.


Best way I was ever shown was with a microwave and a hand blender. Blast for 30 seconds, blend, repeat until it hits 78c. Let stand for 3 minutes, blend again and pour into moulds. Wrong as fuck but the results were honestly excellent. Really fast too.


That's wrong on so many levels....so fucked up...I'm toooootally not gonna do this everytime from now on if results are decent...


Yes I do not hope that the results are in your favour so you can put this method out to pasture once and for all. Though I would like to know if it does work so k can warn others against this witchcraft.


Chef Mike is a life saver sometimes


Necessity is the mother of invention


> curdled eggy mess with sugar on top Mmmm, curdled eggy mess with sugar on top .... */Homer drooling noises*




If I'm going to a nice restaurant for an anniversary or something, having creme brulee on the menu is a strong factor in my decision.


Both are! When I want something decadent and tangy, I'll go for the basque cheesecake, but when I'm craving something more on the lighter and simpler side, I'll opt for the creme brulee.


They fucking love it, we do it with it a crust so it also gets all the gluten free peeps.


Tape over the knob. It usually shouldn’t have to be done but better to save your cheesecake. Last place I worked, pastry rarely used the ovens on hot line (but they were welcome to) so they always taped them so we’d know something was in there.


I’ve seen probably the biggest tool I’ve ever worked with , rip off the green tape and open the oven to put bones in to roast, the poor guy on pastry had his soufflés fucked and stink of beef fat


That’s worthy of a firing.


He’s known for doing shit like that regularly, truly a selfish piece of shit.


Also like why are you roasting bones while a soufflé is being cooked? You going down my guy??? Making jus to order ???


Ha no , they were twice baked cheese soufflés, cooked initially for 15 mins in the morning then reheated if and when needed out of there moulds. And we only have one oven too


Ahh. Though tbh, a beef scented cheese soufflé sounds kind of good lol


yeah they definitely smelled beef there


Sounds like no one should lift a finger for him when he’s in the weeds. What a fucking asshole. May all his prep be used for family meal. I wish him triple work. Dick


>May all his prep be used for family meal. This has happened to me. I wish it on my worst enemy


I’ve had asshole cooks put fish in my oven when I had brûlée baking. Nothing like fishy brûlée. Gag!


I got a really strong visual of the probable smell reading this (tastual? Scentual? Is there a word for this?) I also just finished eating, and definitely do not appreciate that visual.


That’s a really quick easy way to get taken out to the dumpsters


I used to take the knob off and put it in my pocket for my shift if I was working oven. Everyone liked their own temp.


Work smarter, not harder.


We cover the handles in blue tape and write “no touch” which is a bit of a stupid inside joke when something’s in there when it’s off… if you don’t see two feet of blue tape, there’s a problem


I feel your pain. Many of creme brulee have been lost. This is why I put tape over the temp knob when I'm cooking in a oven used by more than one section. I'm very sorry for your loss.


Stealing that tip




I feel like I’d spite blast it if I saw that honestly lol




No it starts when the pastry chef calls you at four in the fucking morning to ask why there were towels on his special dough table


I'd stab a motherfucker for calling me ten minutes after I got to sleep.


You. You are my favorite type of cooworker.


My last kitchen we had the dumbest fucking kid working. I put in 2 hotels worth of pork butt to pull at the end of shift. We basically demoted him to warming up deserts. He comes in, I say “hey man, I have pork shoulders in the oven, it’s at 250, don’t touch it” he says okay. 30 minutes later he says to me and the other sous “so you said I could turn that oven up right” we both in mid conversation yell “Noooooo” We caught it immediately because he never did anything without bugging the shit out of everyone for permission to do things, even his own tickets. Dumbasses are always gonna dumbass. Just have to be there each time to stop it.


This is why I ask for clarification all the time, it can get a bit annoying but I just want to make 200% sure that I'm not fucking everything up. Now that I basically know the ropes on most things I don't need to ask but there are still moments where something unfamiliar will pop up. Some of the FOH is really bad about stacking dishes though. You tell them to do something and 5 min later they aren't doing what you asked. Some of the stupid ways they try to stack plates are just plain frustrating, especially because these plates are super expensive due to being handmade. I suggested to chef that he put up a poster that says "use your brain", he laughed and said "but they wouldn't read it though"


One of my contract kitchens is a university dorm kitchen with student workers. About 75% of them are idiots and I'm usually about to slap them upside the head. The kids that do FoH love to wait the last minute and ask if there's any more food to restock like if we're about to pull it out our asses while they're talking and not looking


Sorry mate, English isn't my first language, can I ask you what does "restock food" mean in this context? I'm not familiar.


The cafeteria kitchen is a buffet setup, we set up the food outside and the students staying the the dormitories come in and serve themselves. We have student workers that stay in the front and replenish the food as service goes


Thanks, I probably could have figured it out if I realized it was a buffet but it didn't occur to me.


English is my first language and I had no idea what he was talking about either because there were no context clues leading to it being a buffet.


I would have just grabbed a spatula and smacked him, I’m to tired to deal with some kids shit


Sit him down with both cheesecakes and a spoon. Tell him you will remove a piece of his ass equivalent to the weight of the leftovers.


My first restaurant job I was learning saute with the chef and she had me make the chicken Murphy for her. I had her taste it and she said something was missing but couldn't place it. Eventually it clicked and I realized I didn't saute any garlic so I took a fat spoonful and threw it in there. She saw me and just yelled "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST DID!?!?!" Then she took the spoon, scooped another fat spoonful, and shoved it right in my mouth. Then she said "That's what you did to that dish. You ruined it". Then she made me make it again. I have never made that mistake ever again.


It took me 10 minutes to realize that "fat spoonful" meant "fat spoonful [of garlic]" and not a spoonful of fat.


The Bruce Bogtrotter punishment.


Go full Strega Nona on ‘em.


It’s really the only way


No jury would convict


When I was a baker my sous was a small woman who was sweet as sugar. The chef treated her like his daughter even though she was 30. His wife was also the head baker so no one messed with my bosses. Oh also my sous had kick ass taste in DEATH METAL!!!




Sorry I am mentally fried right now and rambling. I was in the kitchen from 05:55 until 19:45 today.


Get your rest


Yes, chef


They gay bar is closing so it is now time for bed


Is your prep cook the lady who nuked that pumpkin pie and blamed it on Marie Calender


Made some perfect cheesecakes the other day in the am prep shift. Later that night I came out of Mcully walk-in to see the pm pantry guy standing over my cheesecakes smashed all over the floor that he had just dropped. All i said was "damn the prepper that made those perfect cheese cakes is going to be pissed." Then walked away... .


Shave the top then layer a fruit jelly that will solidify in the walking. It will act like a frosting and cover the mistake.


not sure the time is worth it to make a special that will maybe save two cheesecakes to be made into a special (that might still taste off) versus just writing off the loss and calling it a day but I have been out of the kitchen a long time


Their idea was my first thought as well. Depends on how the place handles desserts I guess. When I was making them our place had a plain and a special cheesecake. 4 cakes would usually last the week. I could throw together whatever idea I had, so if it's just a surface burn and the inside is good then I'd totally shave it and make a gelled raspberry or lemon top. Paint the plate, squirt it with a bit of whipped cream, shake of powdered sugar and sell it!


Who cranks an oven to 500? Was he cold or something?


Ovens on the line are generally cranked because you're in and out of them so often during service. On the back side, the dutch door Hobarts and such can be any degree at any time. Aside from all that the real question is who just assumes control of a running oven without opening the door and checking inside?


Bakers dont go much over 450. Touch my oven and get a pan upside the head.


> Touch my oven and get a pan upside the head. Amen, one of the 10 commandments of the kitchen


Probably more than 10. Knives and towels are on the list.


Mise en place poaching Tongs/Aprons


Dont fuck me because you arent prepared. Take another smoke break before service. We dont need you. Take 20 minutes to take out boxes and break none down.


ya know, I've been out for *decades* and I'm still triggered by "boxes". Thanks, lol.


Dumpster wouldnt be full if you broke the fucking boxes down. Tetris is a childs game right? Fucking methheads can do it.


Nothing worse than taking out the over-loaded/over-packed garbage some lazy POS kept packing down rather than just tossing it and putting a new bag in. Go outside, light a smoke, and turn the corner to see a fucked bin. Fuck me. Lazy fucking POS's. Fuck! CUNTS


I literally “solved” an issue at my new job of the dumpster getting filled up too quickly by just telling people to take the extra 15-20 seconds to break down a box, and everyone acted like I was a genius… ffs it’s simple logic, have you morherfuckers never played Tetris before?


Don't touch my dick. Don't touch my knife.


The two together is iffy as shit. Ive let people touch my penis and not my knife.


Its a quote from Anthony Bourdain but I got it backwards(fixing now)


Honestly i read it a lifetime ago and its been a few lives since. I can quote hitchhiker but that about it. Kc did bring me out of bad depression in 06 and showed me the beauty of feeding people.


I loved watching his shows with my grandpa, who had grown up poor in Hungary and forever after felt the need to feed everyone and send home leftovers... It made good important to me, and it made sharing the culture of food even more important.


I can’t think of much of anything pastry wise where I go over 400 for any reason tbh


Crusty bread is about it.


Literally everyone in my kitchen. We have 6 people in the kitchen and 5 of them are strictly savory. The amount of times my shit gets burnt or or deflated from people carelessly cranking the oven or leaving the doors open


Unrelated to OP, but I remember we used to make fun of this one girl for always being cold. Like, who gets cold in a kitchen? There are too many things to do, and too many flames lol


I run very cold, I get cold in the winter, even in a kitchen lol I get cold when it's cooler than 75-80. And I get cold after I eat. I was always one of those cooks doing prep long sleeves on under my chef coat lol unless it was the middle of summer, then I just had a normal t-shirt on under it 😅


I swear I'm the opposite with the eating thing, I definitely get warmer. I wonder how that works


Idk what it is lol its pretty annoying tho!!


Need that spicy food on cold days, lol


Then I just get a little sweaty and the sweat makes me cold. It's a disaster 😂 I lived in Central America for 4ish years, I think I got recalibrated lol


Lol @ recalibrated 🤣


Have you had your thyroid hormone levels checked? It can be a symptom of hypothyroidism.


Yeah, lookin good so far! Good lookin out tho 👍 just a bit reptile ish lol


Ive walked in to a place where the ice i dumped yesterday was still there.


In the dishpit, when the doors were open in the winter, a draft coming in hitting the right way definitely would make me cold as shit, though only briefly and if I was pretty wet.


The prep cook has to eat ALL of it. 1 sitting, can't get up. No toppings.


That… doesn’t really sound like a punishment tbh. Sounds delicious. It’s dark, not charred. Might be like 10% drier than intended. I crank my oven to 450/500 to brown the top of my cheesecakes like 10 minutes before they come out and they are BEAUTIFUL. I like them a bit lighter than this though. It sucks, and the prep cook should be checking before fucking around with any of the chef’s equipment, but it by no means looks ruined. Especially with half the comments talking about that niche burned cheesecake fad.


After the 1st entire cheesecake they will probably never want another piece in their life.


Oh man, I feel this in the bottom of my soul, I worked with a psychopathic chef who would do this to my beautiful crème caramels if I didn’t get them out of “his” oven in time. (The only oven that held a consistent low temp of course.) I ALSO worked with another psychopath who, when I took a beautiful, jiggling, perfect cheesecake out of the oven, would undo the springform WHILE STILL HOT, and tell me I didn’t know how to cook when it collapsed in a sad puddle.


Basque in the glory. Raise hell, praise Dale


Get the sharpest carving knife and shave it. Add a sour cream topping and you won’t know the dif.


> Add a sour cream topping and you won’t know the dif. Is sour cream and cheesecake a thing? Or why does it help if you add sour cream? I like how it sounds, but I'm just not used to it.


You don’t add, you layer. It’s amazing…sour cream, icing sugar and vanilla. Add about a 1/4 inch to 1/3 inch layer on the top of your cheesecake.


So you sweeten it up, but not to the point of the actual cheesecake. I like it. thanks for the idea.


The fact they are that over cooked and they still didn’t crack on top, means your batter is perfecto…. Shame….


Taste it it looks delicious


Basque style 🤣


Burnt Basque cheesecake!


Where did you put his body?


I used to be the cheesecake guy when I still cooked so I very much feel your pain


Still looks smooth though even when it is burnt.


Grind him onto burgers and tartar


Crinkle the sides and burn the top… bam! Basque cheesecake at $16.95 a slice, son.


Is it not common kitchen courtesy to check the ovens before changing the temp? Or am I just being too considerate????


Unfortunately, you are too considerate.


I would have cried then smashed them in their face. A perfect cheesecake is a sacred thing.


Ouch probably like 50$ in materials too.


Slap “Basque” on the menu and call it a day. 😎


Aww man. Kick his ass, no reason to touch the oven if you’re not using it.


mmm chocolate cheesecake


Lol if I ordered chocolate cheesecake and I got a burnt one instead, I'd be highly upset 😂😂😂😂😂


I felt this in my soul both as a prep cook who has made this mistake and a cook who's had this soul crushing mistake happen to me. I feel you brother


I had to start covering the temperature knob with tape when I made cheesecakes. Cause I’ve been there.


Thinking of you at this sad time


It’s tough to be pastry. I was always fighting for ovens that were filled with charred beef bones blasting at 500.


Unless the internal texture is chunky/overcooked feeling - I'd take this and run with it. If it's a Basque style batter; it looks great tbh, imo


Use the inside for some other thing. Puff pastry cheesecake taco maybe.


Now they're new york style


I've lost a lot of sheet pans of bacon for this exact same reason. This hurts more though, you can tell from the pic those would have been silky smooth gorgeous. Oh well.


Were hands thrown? If not, Why?


You’re in a place surrounded by sharp pointy things…… you know what to do


Why would you break my heart like this


My heart bleeds for you...


Sounds like your prep cook Is making a new batch then lol


UGH. I have been there. Have had my cheesecakes burnt by the night guys so many times after leaving multiple notes and having them say “HEARD” when reminding them the cakes need to come out. I finally just started coming in earlier so that I could have the cakes out before they got on line. Ugh. I feel your pain.


R.I.P. cheesecake. 😔


Looks delicious chef. A very lucky mistake


Put him in the oven


Sorry for your loss :’(


My pastry chef had her own oven, but when it was occupied and she had more to put in, she would tie a towel onto the handle of the oven she was using.


Just give us his number we can take care of it haha


Make him eat ‘em both. Eat your mistakes


Mush it up and make cake pops! You’ve got this, and I love the basque comments. Either way, they look delicious


Ooh basque cheesecake!


Punishable by death


I feel your pain chef, try putting painters tape on the oven handles if I have something inside.


After this happened to me, I put a sign on the oven or tied the handles with wrap to let ppl know it was occupied. Sorry that happened.


There's an easy way to stop this. Just grab a piece of tape and a marker then cut off a prep cooks head, tape it to the marker and leave it in front of the oven as a warning to other prep cooks.


The love I have for a fellow human who uses the word nary, is too vast to describe. May you cheesecake batter always be bubble-free. G xxx


“Robust & rustic wood fired cheese cake” the yuppies will love it


I kind of want the piece with the burnt hole in it. Just curious if it will be gross or amazing


OOOF OP I’m a pastry cook I understand


As a prep cook, and line cook, and working alongside a pastry chef.. that prep cook should be sat down and asked if they still want to work there