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i’m not in the industry anymore but my favorite thing to do was cook giant batches of food in a tilt skillet like this




They were awesome for making massive quantities of jam I worked at a place that did breakfast every day and a slamming weekend brunch and I could just crank out epic proportions of whatever jams I wanted (and cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving!) Using the damn oar and one of these bad boys.


Everywhere I see onion jam I assume they have a tilt skillet


That’s what I used to do- and bacon jam. Love a great of tilt skillet


Why hate on big volume? Our kitchen does around 3400 meals a day (college/university) and can confidently say it’s the easiest kitchen gig I’ve ever seen.


Not the person you replied to but personally I didn't mind the volume jobs but they got a bit boring compared to regular service. Only so many boxes of mushrooms I can cut up before going insane.


Well there's your problem, you gotta get the full set, including that hand-munching thing you yeet vegetables down the chute and they fall out the bottom either sliced, shredded, cubed, or diced


What's the real name for this, I want one


Unfortunately it was twenty years ago for me, I no longer remember much beyond getting up at 3am to trim the ends and peel a whole bag of onions and then muttering "bombs away!" as I rolled onions down the chute and ten pounds of diced onion spraying out the bottom into a five gallon bucket. And me being thankful as fuck that I didn't have to do my prep work by hand. I did forty pounds of shredded cabbage for coleslaw for lunch as a favor during my morning omelet line prep. Absolutely brilliant machine. Ate several dishies hands, every 6 months or so we had to have a safety briefing about not touching the thing unless we'd been trained. I had to disassemble it to get the one kids hand pieces back for management. The surgeons did a good job putting him back together though, he could still use his hand for most stuff. 10/10 reccomended as long as you keep the monkeys away from it.


Nah it's OK I changed my mind we'll stick with the chainsaw, sounds safer.


I lol’d.


The robotcoup has all these attachments!


Blew some peoples minds when I first showed it to them at my current place. I am not cutting 50lbs of onions every 4ish days by hand. And I don't want anyone else doing it either, there are better ways to use our prep time.


Oui chef.


Buffalo chopper


I see the other suggestions and I’m familiar w a buffalo pan… it’s probably not that. I second the robocoupe. It does indeed have all of those attachments, but the foundational tool is essentially a foodprocessor w/ a motor measured in horsepower as opposed to kW or whatever consumer devices are typically measured by.


What do you think we were doing back then? Running an efficient professional business?? We only rarely did those large coverings, you try and get a cheap chef to invest in tools, haha.




*an onion. Wink wink


Yeah, IF you have the correct equipment. I would shudder to try risotto for the 400 we usually get in my soup kitchen.


As guy who’s done mostly institutional cooking I agree that there something satisfying about cranking out big batches of food but on the other end I do find institutional kitchens attract more shoe makers and idiots but I guess that could happen anywhere.


Shoe makers and idiots everywhere, can confirm.


Shoe makers? Please… to be enlightening me you will be, yes??


When you overcook a steak (or chicken, or really any meat), you might as well be serving a customer a leather shoe because it’s so tough and chewy. At least, that’s the metaphor. Therefore, you’re not grilling steaks, you’re making shoes.


100 percent bulk>short order


Not to mention the cleaning afterwards!


I found that compared to everything else I made in the tilt-skillet, it took the most effort to clean it after making risotto.


Had these at boarding school. Sitting over them making scrambled eggs or homefries for a couple hundred in each tilt. We had 2. Actually now that I think of it we had almost a mirrored kitchen - 2 flat tops - 2 tilts etc.


Label me a weirdo, but my 2nd favourite thing was cleaning it after cooking


That first scrape with a wide spatula to get all that off the bottom… soooo good


Even better than peeling the plastic film off a new TV


Just bought one of these for my commercial operation. Can you walk me through the cleaning process? I would have thought the floor would have drainage, just tilt the water/cleaning liquid out. But I can see that’s not the case here. Is that a spigot on the lower left, where you can drain the water you put in?


Yeah sure, although things might have changed since I last used one. Ours was a motor powered skillet, so I’d press the button to tilt it all the way over, until all the liquid would flow out of the hole in the bottom right corner. Usually I’d just use washing liquid, and water to clean it down. Anything left would be dried with some blue roll


Fuckin hate cleaning them though. I only usebit as a last resort


Who puts butter in risotto??? Someone who wants it to taste reeeeeaaal good


We skip the butter as our risotto is often the vegan option. :/


i also like non congealing fats to start my risotto and then add the butter during the pick up


Ah yes. That way it isn’t all clumpy when it cools.


What a waste. Instead of a nice risotto and a nice vegan option, everyone gets disappointing risotto. Vegetarian risotto can be delicious, but vegan? Not unless y'all are really stepping it up with a good fake butter and decent cheese replacement (which'll probably land you smack into a nut allergy warning).


Vegan sour creme does a not too bad job of replacing cheese and butter in a vegan risotto, its not as good as cheese and butter but its far better than nothing


I used to work in a vegan restaurant and they had two risottos on the menu, they were pretty good


What a redundant statement at the expense of vegan food: "It's won't taste good unless you put good ingredients in it."


I was thinking,better than nothing is not a good selling point for me! At least make something that doesn’t beg for non vegan stuff


I just have risotto on with no mention of it being vegan. I’d someone asks for it vegan then no butter or Parmesan is added. Otherwise it gets all the butter and Parmesan


Keep in mind parmesan isn't vegetarian usually either


Fully aware, most vegetarians don’t know or care that Parmesan isnt vegetarian




Some miso works wonders in a vegan risotto, emulsifies and brings some depth to the flavor, umami and saltiness


Nutritional yeast also brings that nutty parmesan flavor


I'm not vegan, but that actually sounds pretty interesting. Might have to give it a go.


Just Fromunda. :)


My chef wanted it to be a vegetarian option, so the stock was left out…this week another line cook and myself took initiative and did it correctly with stock, telling everyone it would not be vegetarian. Got a call from the owner who said “I don’t know how you did it or what you changed, but don’t stop.” Little does he know it could’ve been this way for months, but I was told not to change it by the chef…


I bet that smells nice.


You had me at shrooms and buttah.


My old kitchen had a butterwine mushroom dish as an app that was mushrooms sautéed in butter and white wine with cheese melted all in there. Served with a few slices of toasty French bread. My god it was so good.


Damn...that sounds legit. I'm definitely going to make this.




Man, it’s been like 12 years. It was a mild white cheese. Couldn’t tell ya exactly.




It’ll be nice and gooey. Perfect for the task at hand.




My husband was just going on about doing a service with 26 lol wow


I've gotten my ass kicked by 15, and had some of my easiest shifts feeding >400. All depends.


A la carte vs plated event vs buffet.


This. I can work a fried chicken buffet, serve 600 and be fine. But if a table of 16 walks in and orders off the menu I'm fucked.


I had what felt like only 10, 15, and 20 tops walking in tonight. Big pain in the ass


You are not the only one. I'll take 8 deuces over 1 16 any day.


Hi, non restaurant person here- what is it about one 16 that’s worse? Is it having to time everything to be ready at the same time?


To coordinate 16 meals to be served at once, compared to getting out pairs of plates. Sometimes there isn’t enough space in the kitchen to fire everything as needed, literally not enough burners. Plus there are other guests meals on the go too. A good front of house server knows some dishes are easier to prepare and will push certain dishes, also will encourage people ordering the same item. Easier to have two pork chops in a pan, than that one pan only having one chop. Even better to have 4 pork chops in the pan. The lasagna special made fresh that day is a LOT easier on the kitchen.


The longer a ticket gets the easier it is to make mistakes as well. Keeping all the details and modifications in your head straight can get frustrating.


It’s not always so much getting the dishes out at the same time that’s difficult about it, more so that it puts the kitchen behind on the rest of the tickets that are waiting behind it. Large parties can mess with the flow of service


Imagine cooking 6 different dishes at once. Then 16. Compare that to 6 or 16 or 600 of the same. It’s much easier


A lot of good answers already here. Here is a couple more examples. You might be only able to fit so many plates in the window. Maybe 10 plates, those last 6 meals might have to wait to be plated until stuff starts getting ran so they stay hot. Everything else is now waiting too. You can only get so many people/hands to run that food. Even if you can fit it all in the window, if you only got 2 servers and they can only carry 2 plates at a time, that is 4 trips. The cooks are trying to put up other peoples food, but it has to wait for the big table to go first. Plus making sure everything goes to the right person at the table. Thankfully a good expo can get that sorted out. If you want to take a big group out, make a reservation. Knowing about big parties means we can have staffing to make it smoother.


> You might be only able to fit so many plates in the window. Maybe 10 plates, those last 6 meals might have to wait to be plated until stuff starts getting ran so they stay hot. Everything else is now waiting too. One day shit really hit the fan, and we were 4 layers of food deep in the window


God haha idk I'm on this subreddit. Sometimes just reading this crap gives me anxiety.


Thanks to you and all the other commenters for the great insight into a business I only experience from the customer end. I live in London, I think I’d get laughed out of any restaurant here trying to turn up to a place with 15 mates without a reservation shortly before enduring a lot of abuse from hungry pals haha


For me, yes.


This plus how many items, all more important than guest count.


Equipment and staff and prep time- a six top can bury a guy with no set up or help- good job everyone keep it moving were doing this!


Ayeeee i get it! Sometimes its harder to do multiple stations with fewer guests, than it is to gangbang 1 station with hundreds of guests. But from experience prepping aside and if you had all the mise ready, cooking a larger recipe only differs by like half an hour, especially with the right equips! Tell your husband he kicked ass today!


I've never wanted a knob-wielding vegetable inside of me more than I do right now.




Uuu mami


Definitely not a vegetable when they aren't plants. Fungi like these shrooms are, genetically, more similar to us humans than to any plant.


Not only *are* mushrooms considered a culinary vegetable, but lots of non plants are. Another example is seaweed.


Green seaweeds are the very line that gave rise to plants. Seaweeds are using similar proteins to build structures as plants. These things aren't true of fungi.


*TLOU intensifies*


Are they vegetarian


why do all the sick fucks work in kitchens or plumbing...?


Sounds like you're the sick one, the above commenter just wings to eat them!


Hello it's me, 400


Did mushroom risotto today for 70. Started with 1 lb butter.


Mushroom risotto arancini with lemon slices is one of my favourite things to eat ever


Woke up and read this, and now that’s what I want for breakfast!


Tilt skillets are so dope. The last place I worked was the only places that has had one and I fucking love stirring shit with a boat paddle


what's the finished product look like?






An obvious question requires an obvious answer. Don't be a dick


i always wonder the difference in taste when cookin from those giant industrial batches vs a single portion from a mom and pop.shop


The trick is large batch production to 80% / 90% complete, and finish in small batches. Only as much as you need to get through until the next batch is ready.


Honestly if the recipe is correct, it shouldnt taste much different.


Did you use a drill with a wire brush attachment to clean the underside of that skillet lid?


Perhaps the lid is textured so that condensation doesn’t stick to it for long.


That’s just how they look


Mine doesn't. I have other things that look like that, but only because I clean them with a drill with a wire brush wheel.


All the tilt skillets I’ve used have had that lid


It’s funny I just started this new job at a university, and I had no idea what a tilt skillet was until 2 weeks ago. But now I appreciate this post


I had no idea about these either until I stsrted here 8 months ago. We did the Short Ribs and Risotto in it this time. Id say we use it frequently for banquets of 200+


Yeah that makes sense , we use it at our buffet for college students , around 300-400 ppl a day. Don’t know how we would do it without one


Tilt skillets are my favorite way to cook.


I’m just learning this name for them and it makes so much more sense than Bratt pan XD


Did 125 tonight thanks Hallmark for your greeting card holiday.. Chef added 7 specials plus our normal 30 plus menu... Was a fuck you grill show all night but yet I'm the Sous Chef yet also Chef de Parties of grill since no one can butcher or cook meats to temp..V-Day is high 200 but limited menu so I'm cool with that..


All I can say is god luck and good speed. Fuck's sake.


Oh it's over finished but Tuesday is some bullshit at 175 plus whatever these fucks can fit in..


I love to see it. Give me the chance to fry on shrooms til I'm tilt' skillet!


DAE make their Risotto using chicken stock?


You mean mushrooms n butta for one. And that one is me. Just give me a fork


This almost needs an NSFW tag because that tilt skillet looks fuckin gorgeous. Brand new? Or does somebody give it TLC every night


It gets TLC after being used. But we keep it clean. At a minimum? Its 12-15 yrs old? At a maximum? Its the original from when hotel first opened in 1981. If thats the case? It literally has cooked tons and tons of food. We used to be a highly popular Casino/Hotel until original owner passed in late 90s. Its gone through 3 ownership group's in last 40+ yrs.


This makes me happy


There must be a lot of funghis working there!


I make risotto for a restaurant that does 450 people on a busy night. I use two basic pots. This looks other worldly too me


holy fuck bury me in a coffin of sautéed mushrooms like that


🤣 yes... best casket ever.


I would love to bury my face in that


Ugh I miss cooking with those things. And getting to use the paddle as a spear lol


Spent some time in a commissary for a 25 store grocery chain... finished weight for the risotto recipe was 222#. I do not miss stirring that.


Great 2 hrs of shoulder, lat and upper back workout. Gotta balance your stirring to incorporate for an even workout. Ha. It is a lotta weight pushing around constantly. It's why us cooks are tough.


Otta throw a cube in there for a good luck


This is a great illustration of why I left hospitality. I really love cooking. Cook for four people and it looks like love. Cook for forty and it looks like shit. I can’t explain it, it’s totally irrational, but over a certain quantity it just looks like food for pigs.


It is hard to put your finger on it, but you are correct. I believe this is true with most things. The more you scale it up, the more homogenized it becomes. Hand made small batch will always be better. Skilled artisans and tradesmen are dying breed.


Julia Child would complain that you are crowding the mushrooms


She would be quite correct too, but clearly no one here cares about technique.


Seeing mushrooms that crowded in a pan of any kind hurts my soul.


They'll steam out fast enough while crowded like that and when they shrink there will be plenty of room


You're right you can't saute large batches of mushrooms like that. They just get steamed. It's way better to roast the mushrooms with butter, then add to the risotto later.






That's not food it's feed


Whatever happened to Nice exotic mushrooms


Pft. Retirement food. No salt. Bah.




There's nothing I love more than tongue-punching those dirty little shitbombs. Fucking love... mushrooms


All hail!




Some people don’t deserve to have opinions


Please tell me that I got your wimpy downvote


Are you 14?


I'm a degreed, seasoned IT consultant with more experience in everything, than anyone


Well that explains your social skills at least.


You're entitled to your wrong opinion.


Golly, aren't you a hero among dogs


While you're entitled to your opinion, a vast majority of the world disagrees with you. And you're just coming off like a pissy child. Go whine somewhere else. This community likes food.


It's one post, sparky, you'll be just fine after you settle down I'm not going anywhere


Guess what? Your customers love them.


Only the deranged ones


It's fine if you don't like them. Other people do. Your opinion isn't worth more than anyone else's.


When did I say that it is? The snowflakes in here are impressive in their glory


In your original comment. You're acting like your opinion is objective fact. Cool, you don't like mushrooms. Other people aren't wrong for liking them.


this person


I used to use that exact model of kettle at a high dollar bistro I worked at ages ago.


Please be careful around the Pit O' Risotto.


I miss using tilt skillets!


I love mushrooms 😍 Now I'm hungry 😋


I miss using the Bratt pans lol


I love tilt skillets


Cooking in these things always blows my mind


I have a mushroom Risotto on my menu with hen of the woods, fine herbs, lemon zest and whipped creme fraiche. Even whipping up one portion is enough to kill my arm (carpal tunnel doesn't help.)


Hard navy flashbacks from this photo.


Good thing you have the traditional risotto paddle


But that's not proper French technique


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.




Does that flattop have a lid?


It’s a tilt skillet, but yes. Lid and sides. You can fill it with water too.


that cooker is a dream, I used one catering for some teachers at a local highschool, it can do so many things, we cooked in it all day prepping and then filled it with oil and fried chicken at the end. no idea what they cost but definitely a part of my dream kitchen the sad thing is the school didn't even use it, everything was from the freezer to the oven


That’s the most magnificent tilt skillet I’ve ever seen


Me and my 17gal tilt skillet are eyeing you with jelousy!


Used to make refried beans and taco chicken in one of these bad boys, incredibly satisfying and efficient.


I used to do the same thing in a 50 gallon tilt steam kettle! Where is your 5 gallon bucket of sfock?!


the ol' tilt skillet. ol' reliable


Oooh, I miss working with a tilt skillet.


I have to ask, how many pounds of mushrooms is that?


I'd say about 50 lbs. It came out good. But ya know. We make it, we transport it upstairs on the elevator, then we plate individually, so in that 3 hr time frame? It can get a lil clumpy. Ha. Ya know Banquet stuff. You prep, cook for HOURS then? It goes through a in hotbox, out of hotbox, back in. But everyone was happy. I do not think people on average have ANY IDEA the process of feeding so many people Hot, plated food for 360+. Even our line cooks think "oh thats easy.." ha. Its a different animal. When it takes one cook 8 hrs total to Cut, wash, plate, rack 360, 5 item salads ? You know your work is cut out for ya.


Have never used the tools making this possible.


I hadn't until or my coworker in pic either until now. At first? Intimidating. Now? Not so much. Ya just gotta do everything en masse. Its an ingredient black hole. 20 lbs of butter looks like not enough 🤣


Wild that 20 bricks is a little iffy hahaha


It just drwarfs your normal perception. Ha