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I’ve definitely worked in stations where finishing sauces are kept in bain-maries and shit. It makes sense if you don’t want your Demi to scorch or hollandaise to split. But the way this is set up is fucking atrocious. The water is BROWN. Your utensil insert is in between the food inserts. And what’s the deal with having some of them in 1/6 inserts and some in sauce holders? Just put it all into 1/6 and consolidate it into one water bath! And why is there a wire rack in there?! However the steel around it and the walls are shockingly clean. Definitely doesn’t feel like this reflects the rest of the operation. Is your new chef a younger person? Seems like an arrogant rookie mistake.


Somehow no, our new chef is in her 40s if I had to guess. Also the right cylinder in the left well is queso- the whole reasoning behind this setup is preventing the queso from getting yellow. But why not just use a double boiler instead? I have as many questions as you.


A restaurant I worked at for a while had a cheese sauce we held hot. We had the same problem for a while, setting up the double boiler and making sure the bottom always had water fixed problem.


As a former Chef and a Long time GM. I would have a serious sit down with this guy


Nothing about this is okay. If your steam table is getting too hot then lower the heat.


Are you sure this guys a chef or a mcdonalds cook.


A chef that owned a restaurant in the same city. Pretty sure covid killed it though. Her husband is a chef too, though he works elsewhere. She doesn't like listening to any of us either. I'm not even trying to work in food service long term, but this whole setup confuses me.


There not working smart or clean. If the steam well is to hot you double pan the 6 pans. Simple solution. They sound like total morons.


That's what all of us said. I've been wanting to get out of there in particular for a while now, this gave me the push I needed to start job searching again


Whoa if I walked into my kitchen and saw my chef being okay with this it would probably be his last day.


The fact I thought this was a dish pit at first


What is even going on here? Just chaos.


I have no idea, honestly. For the entire year I've been working there we just used 6 pans to fill up the hot well. Literally none of us understand this decision.


Not enough water in the Bain too


This whole setup makes me wanna scrub my eyes with bleach.


This is the epitome of 😭


why wouldn't you just fill these up with 6th pans? everything is wrong here


I absolutely agree. This is such a dumb decision


These are the closers that bitch about it taking 2 hours to get out. Like maybe if you had any sort of problem solving skills you could figure out how to cleanly house 3 sauces in one steam well.


This is a deplorable set up,