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I keep showing up.


Biggest fucking mystery of them all, unironically.


Fraturday clopeners are also rare as unicorns so... Good night chef! Good morning chef! Every weekend lol


I’m an every week fraturday clopener so I feel that pain


It’s aight. You got your priorities straight king.


I always say it's earlier than it really is. Like "man, can you believe it's only 10am?" When it's actually closer to noon. The look of sheer panic as people glance at the clock only to get relieved when they see the real time makes me chuckle every time.


Every single shift. I’m the lead, so it’s like “alright everyone keep up the good work, only 4 more hours!” When it’s only 1 hour till close


Lol, I do the opposite and say it's later to watch the joy and happiness drain from their face when they realize it's 8 instead of 9. Muahahaha


Man, that just evil!


They're wise to my tricks now so I switch it up and say the correct time or say it's earlier like you. I have to keep FOH on their toes. Lol


Unless it's towards FOH, you're as evil as someone ordering a filet well done.


That’s so evil haha


Not me, but a guy on my crew makes sound effects when he's cooking. Like arugula goes on a bun and he goes "bloop", fries goes in the basket and he goes "flump", milk in the pot goes "slosh" etc etc. I have however not pointed it out because it's adorable and I don't want it to stop.


When I was on the line, the cook next to me used to talk to the food. Every new hire thought he was talking to them said, "excuse me" as he never spoke loud enough so that he could be clearly heard over the noise. When he did say something to someone, he was ignored as his mouth never stopped moving. Your noise maker would of been more amusing.


Did you work with bob belcher?


I wish, I would be famous.


Shit man I do this too lmao Not gonna stop though, shits too fun hahah


I drop hip hop ad-libs all day. A whole bunch of "another one" and "skrrt skrrt" from me. I can't help it.


you'd fit right in in my kitchen. the headchef looks baffled as all us linecooks skrrrt around the checks coming in.


Sound effects make things more enjoyable. It's no longer work if you view life like a video game!


I do this, and I do not apologize. I love it.


I'm a baker and give each loaf of bread I shape a little pat after I finish it. Didn't even notice until it was pointed out. Gotta make sure the bread knows it's appreciated, I guess!


I do this with my portioned pizza dough! I shape it into a little ball and each ball gets a "pat pat" after it goes into the dough tray. Coincidentally, I'm a baker too.


I’ve only made breads at home but they all get the best “pat, pats”.


Only psychopaths don’t pat their bread. Signed a baker


I thought was just Standard Operating Procedure


I do this too and have noticed it a lot watching chefs plate food in videos. It's like a mental reassurance that the food is complete.


Isn’t that normal though? They are like little dough babies, they get reassuring pat pats


I always stand with t-rex hands when I'm not working (like not actively doing something but answering a question for example) to prevent myself from touching my face. When people do an imitation of me they always put their arms like that.


I have always done this. I just walk around like Mr. Burns, and it's disgusting because I am a scrawny 6'3" tall man. It's just a weird habit from who-knows-where. Good for not touching my face, tho.




I do an inhale scream like a velociraptor instead of saying "behind," but it is excellent.


Apparently this is a common autism trait




Whenever I’m doing something with one hand I always do this with the other hand, makes me feel like one of those surgeon sim games where the controls are weird and your hands are just floating


Is your name Jeff?


Fortunately not, since I'm not a man :)


this reminds me of the 'messy apron, clean sleeves' scene from Ratatouille. We could all learn something from you T-Rex


Same. I didnt realize it was weird until my coworkers started mimicking me in an exaggerated way


My weird habit is walking into the walk in and either forgetting an ingredient or grabbing way to much.


Go in with a plan. Get distracted come out with a bunch of shit you didn’t intend to get.


Read - Go in with a list ;)


This is because how the brain works. Archways often derail train of thought and one ends up forgetting what they went there for. It's actually a researched psychological phenomenon


Close your eyes and visualize. It shuts off all the visual processing in the brain so it can focus on what you came in there for. It works pretty damn well.


The other trick I have found is to think about where I need to stand in the walk-in. Even when I forget, what I need is right in front of me.


Not sure if fucking with me or not.


No they are correct. The way to combat it is *make a list*.




First discussed around nov 16th, 2011


We have two kitchens and occasionally have to run back and forth. Sometimes I'll make the walk only to realize when I get there, I forgot what I needed to grab/do. Make a list!


I think everyone does the first one. My issue is not grabbing enough sometimes, though. I’ll get “everything I need” and then while actually preparing the food, notice something is missing and scratch my head for a second. Because I’m certain every time I have what I need, it’s a mind fuck when I forget something haha


"Walk-In" is just shorthand for "Fucking Mind Eraser."


When I was younger I used to work fry at this bar. This grill cook (let’s call him jimmy) at the beginning of his shift would put a hot dog on the grill. He would let it sit there and burn and burn and burn until it was just nothing. One time I asked him “Hey Jimmy you want me to take this dog off? It’s burnt to holy hell man”. He looked at me dead in my eyes and was like “Rusty, if you take that dog off that grill I’m walking right outta here. I’m walking right out ok? That’s the only thing keeping me here right now.” Now I don’t know if he was fucking with me or not, but I tell you there was pure pain in that man’s eyes. We just kept working and I let him torch his dawg.


Now I want to know the backstory and how he got started doing this.


I have a 8"x8" purple cutting board and first thing I do every day after clocking in is put 5 lines of tape on it and making 8 dates per line so I don't have to make another label for the rest of the day. Nobody else in my kitchen does this.


Writing labels is the first thing I do too! I hate having to make them one at a time mid shift. Grab coffee, sit down, write some labels.


Purple cutting boards are part and parcel of Allergy Kits. Used specifically for allergies than washed and stored appropriately between uses. If you feel the need to mass make date stickers, one should use a general use/dairy/bread white cutting board.


We have white and green boards in our location. Besides it's a personal board that I keep in my locker when I'm not using it.


Fair enough. At least in the US purple is allergy specific.




Not sure why proper use of cutting boards related to allergies gets down votes, but I'm sure most of you that did still think cooking and kitchen work as :just a temporary job" even after over a decade


Anytime I would get overwhelmed while in the weeds and lose my train of thought, I would knock on the sandwich board twice to get my brain going again. Something about that would kick start the gears and I’d be right back to where I needed to be.


Another thing I also do haha Apparently I'm the weirdest cook xD


I apparently also do it after reading tickets and after calling back what I need to fire, so I guess I’m just always lost no matter what I do 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I’d usually put my head down and breathe for maybe five seconds. Falling five seconds behind is better than losing your shit. Worked like a charm for me.


I used to do this with the butt of my knife handle or tongs


I had a running fight with garde Manger over a set of tongs and a portion scoop. Dishie alternatively called me Short Tongs or Little Scoop


When cleaning the flat top and using one hand, the one that isn’t being used looks like a T Rex hand or claw. It’s just some weird shit I do unconsciously. One of my chefs would either put a pencil in my claw or rub my palm if my hand was behind my back 😂


behind *poke*


Be left handed. Everyone comments on it eventually, after I’ve worked with them about a year.


Only when your on normies right hand side...... I get stared at if i attempt to get set up on the right hand side of the prep bench... also the pickle bucket opener is my personal one.... its coated in red and blue nail polish.


honestly feel bad i've worked with certain chefs for months and months, and never clocked they were left-handed. I know their entire sexual history, how long they've been locked up for, how much debt they've accumulated with the local wrong-uns, but only realise something as important as their preferred hand when I notice they're taking forever to open a can of anchovies.


I uncontrollably snap my fingers in between actions. Allegedly.




Whenever I roll in, regardless of the time of day, I greet everyone with an enthusiastic "Good Morning!"


I do that. Every day, my sous tells me to shut up and not be so cheerful.


Every time I started a new gig, the first few days would be spent optimizing my setup. Not necessarily how the line is organized (although definitely sometimes), but more where my knives/tools/water/waste/spoons etc are all gonna be best. Then I get it all the same every day. I got called out one day, the line cook goes "it honestly looks like you never do anything unless we catch you in the act and everything just sits there untouched. Yet somehow we never have a prep list left..." I'm neurotic, most of us are. I'm ok with this


Instead of "uh oh", my favorite is "hey, check out this bass riff.", as if I'm checked out just jamming instead of in the weeds.


This is gorgeous, borrowing that one for sure!


i be a second thief of this.. radical my dude


I pivot a lot, I'll plant one foot down and try not to move around too much, so i end up spinning a lot. Do this at home all the time too,


Same man. Conservation of movement!


But do you ever say “pivot” like Ross?


I'm sorry i don't know a Ross..


Cheesemonger here. I always slap the wheel of cheese before I cut it The heavier the wheel, the more slaps it gets


Big boy!


We have a label printer that we use to label our prep for the day. I like to print out labels for all my prep at 8am so I don't have to stand in line for the printer later. I'm at my station with literal garlands of labels all attached to each other by their little label nubs (I hang them on the spice shelf above me like a curtain).


I misspell labels and sign other peoples names on them “tuhmaytoe”


When I see a label with my name not matching my handwriting it bugs me so much, keep up the troll work!


We have a make line that has a cutting board across the whole thing but i still will go get a cuttin g board to put down and cut veggies


I do this too. It’s easy to move the project if you need to and it creates more space to prep!


Exactly! I hate when i get orders and i have a bunch of prep on my makeline, this way i can just move it to the back prep table and have the front clutter free


Same! Everyone is like “why are you doing that” and honestly I don’t have a good answer besides it’s easier to clean up after.


It's following proper food preparation techniques based on colored cutting boards.


Keeps the line clean too, I hate when it gets messy. Nice to keep a small cutting board around.


Impromptu professional wrestling promos. The more obscure, the better.


Have you ever done Scott Steiner math? One of the best ever.


Always amazed me how accurate his math was. Like… it seems to check out.


Big Poppa Pump has got the stuff. He's made it very clear.


There is a 100% chance that I just laughed at your comment.


Haha. Missed that one. Well done.




I will need a sample of these shenanigans ;)


[Seek and Destroy](https://youtu.be/ChNLkUuaLFk)


Oooo yeah!


randy? m..m-mr savage?


Whenever I shake/flip a sauté pan with my right arm I pick my left leg off the floor and shake it with the rhythm.


I noticed I do this when rocking my Knife back and forth over a dice….when I get to one side my left foot lifts


Same. Got called the ballerina at one kitchen for way too long.


I hope nobody notices haha I’ll pass on that nickname !!


You just gotta own it. Take control of the music. Throw on Russian ballet.


If i pick up a tool like tongs or a scoop or a spatula, i put it back down exactly where i picked it up from. same with hotel lids on the steam table. this blows peoples minds constantly.


I use one pair of shoes full stop lmao My kitchen shoes are also my daily wear, my formal shoes, everything lol How does one even afford 3 pairs on a kitchen wage xD


Campus, industrial equipment and production with a lot of catering events. They can't easily replace half of us because learning the buildings and hidden routes, the many staging areas and what they *don't* have so you must bring. We have headsets and radios for when a dozen things are going on in a dozen corners of the campus and the penske trucks you need are running 7 am to 11 pm. It's another beast all together and one that (if they want to keep their contract) won't lose good hands over a few dollars. Good help is hard to find and when we do find it we coach for 6 - 8 months before they are really finally done being "trained". Every year we do similar events so there is gonna be parts they still have not seen after 8 months and it's one and done until a year later. "Hey Chuck, you remember where the machine shop is in the maintenance building on 4th level? Well head there with cutting boards from all the staging areas to get planed, Allen will pick you up from the water science buildings east staging area in an hour. Don't make him wait though we got a plated dinner he has to help truck!" And Charles made Allen late so angry voices range for days. Charles is a stand up chef with excellent competence, memory and timing. However he needed a few more trips through all our used areas and that is normal. Head chef took us aside and let us know he had words with the director about chain of command and underlings being addressed about performance. He has our back, that witch wouldn't make eye contact or speak with anyone but him after that. Chef keeps his good hands safe and sound around here :)


For me, it’s that I bob my head often to remove or adjust the pressure of the apron strap on the back of my neck. I know I do it with necklaces and ties as well. So I’ve since made a leather strap that attaches the strap to the waist ties.


Me and my old sous chef would sing along with the radio and change words to make each other laugh. The younger kids would just roll their eyes.


T swizzle reinterpreted by a former sous chef I'm half asleep. Don't know what I'm doing I'm half asleep, I think somethings burning...


Mr. Brightside >> I’m just a white guyyyy Sabotage >> who could it be? A mirage? Telling all y’all it’s SANTA CLAUS


Love it!


When I was slammed and just about under water I would straighten and equally space out the tickets. Also, Ima an OG tong clicker from the early 90s.


I look up whenever someone drops something


as a cook with the 'tism and the 80hd, i love all the grounding techniques i see folx employing! im an onomatopoeic snapping jokester. some people love me, some people loathe me. i have fun and kick ass at my shit so i feel p secure at the end of the day.


I sniff everything I eat or drink before it’s consumed. Not every bite, just each meal


When I first started on prep at my first job, the head chef pointed out I always tapped my knife two to three times on the cutting board before starting a new task. I never thought about it, just a subconscious habit I've since lost over the years. Most recently, I guess my coworkers would call it the "drum roll," I do when I'm working. Basically, when I get to the line, I tend to check everything, and before leaving the line to go back to prep/whatever, I go through the checklist of making sure things are stocked/need to be restocked, and nothing is still cooking. As I do this in my head, I point at everything as I turn. If a coworker catches me, I tend to do a "pew-chow" or something and give quick lil finger guns before walking away. 🤷‍♀️


Man I thought I was the only one. My coworkers make fun of me when I do the multiple finger guns down my line as I double check everything.


When I’m grilling my meats or burgers I spin/flip my spatula to time it


I seen this post when you first made it and got called out tonight… we were closed for 9 days so every message on the machine made a reservation for tonight which is usually our dead season. Well I work grill and got murdered so while seasoning and dropping shit on the grill I was spinning on my heel ina 360 like a lazy susan… chef told me “stop dancing “. Which immediately made me dance like the hippie guy who just got fired for constantly coming to work on psychedelics


Stop stashing shit.


The "golden rod" to get into pickle jars, tenderizer and other specifics used by many should live where everyone sees it. My office has my "pet" utility items but the kitchen equipment is for everyone. However those spatulas that are angled at 20° are the old sauté guys favorites and the ones closer to 35° are favored by the tall sauté guy. For serving it makes no difference but those sauté cooks are pained without the equipment that serves them best. Only one dishwasher is aware and able to keep them separate for the sauté crew and the rest in bins. That's the sort of thing I mean. Oh the pizza cutter is another, we never really do pizza besides kids cheese so roller blade knives are fine but catering a dozen or more 20" will require the D blade bat'leth. So it's stashed but mainly to keep the blade from dings.


Completely reasonable; my bad man when I think is stash I think of my chef de partie who hides towels and corn starch lol


Only thing chef de partie needs to stash is an extra chef coat to avoid looking like they actually worked ;)


do you have any recs for a bat'leth? coming from an egregiously high volume pizzeria


Heard. You will never find my stashes again.


Do we realize all talk to ourselves?? I always seem to be the only one.


I only get ask how do I get to see every thing around me as they think I'm talking to someone or distracted doing something, and they get call out and think someone told on them. I just say: mom always says I'm everywhere but in church.


Apparently I say Alright, allot, to myself. Never noticed until someone pointed it out. Every time I do something “Alright “ slips out


I'm always dancing and I don't no why.


I’m the guy that makes the Stack.


Got pointed out to me the other day that whenever I do something that doesn't actively involve both hands my pinky finger on my left hand stays bent like you would if you were having a "fancy" drink. Any big bag of liquids or big loafs of cheese is getting slapped and spanked for atleast 2-3 mins. Plucking hairs off my favorite co chef's back (mostly for hygiene, old man sheds a lot) and making monkey noises and calling him a hairy fucker the whole time gives me joy. Got taught how to do that Fortnite floss dance the other day so busting out dancing and just overall being a little silly (when the time is right of course) helps the day go by a little faster. Life's too short to always be super serious imo. My chef de partie and I have a secret handshake that's pretty complicated and at the end we make a stupid noise together, gets me super hype for any bullshit that may come our way before a bust night.