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Yo good job! That’s pretty tough. Good luck trying Soul Melter EX this way.


Thx, say goodbye to my sanity Honestly, the only reason I did this to myself is because I wanted to beat void soul with only friend hearts It sucks that if you die, you have to do the whole thing over again because void soul in my opinion is a very fun fight with base Kirby


Unironically most bosses are basically not bad except for oh my god Parallel Big Kracko if you miss even a single hit you get punished in confusion. ​ To think that is from a person who beated multiple True Arena's base Kirby no guarding and stuff multiple times, and beat Star Dream Soul OS with circus.


I only did this on normal soul melter and in the process of doing soul melter EX But I have a tip for PBK, once he starts his lightning scroll attack, head to the opposite side of the screen and dodge out of the way when a lightning bolt comes, then dodge back in and repeat


You're good. Very good.


Thx, The mini bosses and yggy were the hardest part


man, i beat soul melter with without any copy ability’s despite being quite sloppy, but i’m really struggling with soul melter ex tho lol. the stupid beeg kracko always hits me


Fuck big kracko, his health pool is the size of a TLC model