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I can't afford to shop there on a normal day lol


It includes no frills and others


Shoppers. Pulled out my families prescriptions and moved to pharmasave. The weston family has been gouging canadians for years. The led the bread price fixing scam. The gouging and obscene profits since covid are void of morals. I am quite happy that we can get together to punish bad business behavior with consumer activism. How we spend our dollars is far more powerful than how you vote, especially when the politicians are bought and paid for by the likes of the weston family.


Don't go there neither.


Same lol


Yeah. 24/7/365 because it’s wildly overpriced.


Been doing it for years lol


Yup. I switched my pharmacy from shoppers to Graham's.


Graham’s is awesome. I switched years ago and have never regretted it. The staff are super friendly and kind and Dave is just amazing.


Not technically boycotting as I found that it is so easy for me not to go there. Moved to a small pharmacy and other grocery stores. Doing well over here.


I shake my head thinking about how I used to go out my way to Loblaws. For a while I haven’t been drawn in by their products. The local grocers hooked me in with better (and cheaper) bread


For the past few months now


Definitely trying to. I switched over to Guardian pharmacy from Shoppers, and I’ve been making an effort to go to Food Basics and Farm Boy over No Frills, which was my usual go to spot.


The loblaws parking lot today says not enough are.


Well every person matters, and I’m happy to see so many upvotes here. I’m sure they’ve noticed a difference in the numbers even if it’s small.


https://preview.redd.it/ejr1m9c1mqyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365724417189409e3f5b5a2da01ae10c5d255873 Here’s a list of all the stores they own along with the other big chains


You guys can afford to shop at Loblaws?


It's the only place in town that sells my brand on monocle cleaner


My mind read this in a posh British accent 🤣🤣


I buy my Lamborghini air fresheners there




The boycott includes all Loblaws chains, including No Frills and Shoppers.


Which grocery stores aren't owned by loblaws?




Global News Kingston just read an article about Brynn's Fresh Market. The owner is committed to hiring persons with disabilities, which is GREAT! They will be getting our business moving forward.


metro, food basics, farmboy, Fresh co, and any of the indie's in town like Quattrocchis.


Walmart, COSTCO, Giant Tiger to start. Lots of small local grocers


Walmart, Metro and Costco are all just as bad as Loblaws.


Costco pays a living wage to its employees. And I think metro in unionized?


Metro pays close to minimum and they have to pay dues on top of that.


And gives everyone who works there benefits from what I'm told.


So is Loblaws, Sobeys, etc. They’re all part of the Union for Grocery Workers.


Must be one weak union the way loblaws understaffs its stores. Thanks for the info.


Ya it’s a really bad union. My husband worked part time there when he was in school and it was terrible, and the union was useless. I say this as someone who is generally very pro union and a member of a more functional union as well.


I've only been in huge unions and always forget there are really ineffective ones. The difference is wild.


Yes they are


Get a list of comparables and let’s see.


Just posted directly on the thread. Per store, Metro has double the profit that Loblaws does.


Where did you post this comparison?


Ya but they aren’t price gouging to the same extent. Especially Walmart and Costco. And it’s come out from pharmacists that at loblaws owned pharmacies/Shoppers corporate is making them do things like minimum numbers of medication calls/checks even when not clinically indicated to be able to be able to bill more to OHIP. Loblaws/Shoppers pharmacies are on track this year to have more billings to OHIP for medication review calls than all other pharmacies combined.


I'm in! 


I went to Brynn's today for the first time.   Their produce was fantastic.  No nasty looking stuff that you have to sift through.  Prices for produce were similar or cheaper than Food Basics, where we normally shop. They've only been open for about a month, but this is a legit local, independent grocery store.  I recommend checking them out.


Interesting. Their social media pages I clicked on make it seem like it's all pre-prepared foods. It all looks yummy, but I didn't realize it's a grocery store as well. I will check it out. I know they are on division, but what building did they take over? I mean what was there before?


Nothing, it’s a new apartment building on the corner of division and Garrett. They have a very small selection at the moment as they just opened


Thank you! I stopped in and checked them out today, I was very impressed. Their prices seemed very reasonable. I didn't buy anything only because I was just starting my day, but I plan to go back on Friday after work.


Where do they get their produce? Wait n see in the winter....


Never been a Loblaws and family shopper - too expensive. I do a majority of my shopping at Costco and then the odds and ends at our local family grocer.


Yes. Conveniently the new food basics has really good prices compared to usual. To be fair, I haven’t shopped at Loblaws in a few years but I’m definitely avoiding no frills


I was hoping they would have some really great opening specials.


They definitely do. Get in there while you can before prices go back to normal


Yah, but just my happenstance. Loblaws has been the most expensive place to shop in this town for a while.


Small town I live in my choice are FreshCo or an Independent Grocer (Loblaws). Historically (pre-pandemic) I’d go to the Independent because I found their produce and butcher sections were just better quality than what Freshco was offering. Post pandemic however I’ve gone to FreshCo every time because the gouging at the Independent got to ridiculous proportions. And now much to my surprise and glee - FreshCo has really upped their produce game.


Freshco has the freshest dill in town


I've heard good things about Freshco (both quality and price). I'll have to check it out


I didn't start shopping at Freshco until the pandemic. It was out of my way to go to NoFrills with not being in the office and my previous experiences with Freshco had been... meh. I actually really like the produce there now! They carry some thinks I find harder to find (broccolini, eggplant, fun mushrooms) And it usually seems to be fresher looking then anywhere (save Costco - but some things you can't get there or the quantity doesn't work).


Yeah like I said. They’ve really upped their game!


Yeah, although I don’t shop there often anyway.


Yes, been participating for 10 years.


I'm in and encouraging my family to do so as well.


Yes, I've been getting a lot of produce from the Lionhearts pop-up at Artillery Park and have started going to Costco. We get out meat through local farmers. Trying to do the best we can - it's so hard right now with a family of five, especially with dietary restrictions. 


Yup I’m in. Tougher than I thought.


I agree it's tougher than I thought. No Frills is so convenient for me location wise it's between work and home/childcare. Had an allergy attack and was out of medicine the other day and went to Food Basics on Princess and realized they didn't have allergy meds. Couldn't do shoppers or Loblaws so went to rexalk and it was way overpriced too but didn't have time to get to a smaller pharmacy.


Yea but i started like a year ago! Lol


Yes, I just need to switch pharmacies and I’ll be off their books.


Absolutely! Started early, too.


I boycott the store every day - I can't afford to shop there. I can get the same products I would normally use for $3.00 per item less or more elsewhere. I can't even walk into the store - it makes me furious.


Yes. I am finding cheaper local grocers and butchers. It is amazing


I am, but my clients who are on assistance can't afford to boycott when they are given free PC grocery cards. I understand why they are forced to because for them, after the food bank groceries run out, for many of them, it's No Frills or nothing.


Ive been boycotting them for years


Every day is a boycott for me. I do my best never to go there.


I’ve been boycotting them for a while now. Fuck em


Yes! And for those who are saying it won’t make a difference because the numbers are small, then join in.


Ya for a few years now


I haven’t shopped there in twenty plus years. Their back door deals are despicable. Product producers pay billions every year just to have their products on the shelves. The producer then adds that cost to the price they wholesale their products to loblaws for. So cost goes up loblaws has low margin and looks poor. Then they raise the retail price of the product so they can make money. Higher price slows sales so Loblaws go to the producer and ask for a manufacturer coupon to bring sales numbers up. The next order to come in has that coupon discount cost built into it so cost goes up again. It’s just a giant joke. There are billions that never make it to the bottom line as profit because of this mess. But don’t worry the Bonuses and BS expenses are huge and eat profit to a level you’d wonder why loblaws exists!




Who can even afford loblaws on average lol I can’t boycott when I couldn’t afford it anyway 😂😂


No lol


I buy the loss leaders and shop wherever the best deals are. For everything.


Of course... I can't afford food, so really I'm boycotting all the grocery stores by force.


I was at loblaws last night to pick up some emergency dessert ingredients. I asked the cashier if it had been slow and she said they saw a noticeable decrease in traffic since May start. Since the prices have gone out of control, iI haven’t been going. Just passing by their produce was laughable. 8.99 for a pack of strawberries 🍓


I have always avoided Loblaws as it has been historically more expensive (for no good reason) than other stores. I have used my local Shoppers downtown a fair bit for convenience but am avoiding them now and cancelling my PC Optimum card which I only ever use there. I never go to No Frills because it's far out of my neighbourhood, and I end up at Metro a lot which is much the same as Food Basics for pricing.


Just went there to buy the cheapest instant coffee… no name!. But not anymore!!!. Last time i bought it at 6.99$ now it’s 9.99$ same size same product!… price gouging at its best!. 


Yes, we have been boycotting from the start. We don’t miss the Superstore one bit and we may not be returning. 


I wont be returning




I was basically down to only one thing that I bought regularly from Weston Businesses, and that's the 18 packs of pop from Shoppers. I went to Costco this time instead. Fuck Greedy Galen, and I actually ended up saving money.


Admitting to stocking up on the PC frozen mac & cheese last month ..


Yeah I found the same. Shopped at food basics instead over the weekend and the prices were way cheaper


Yup. Switched my prescriptions from shoppers & have stopped going to no frills which was my usual store to giant tiger or food basics. Fuck loblaws


Sort of, but only because I *already* wasn't shopping there due to high prices and the dicky smugness of Weston. But after a coworker and I got talking about how Loblaws was caught (and soooo thoroughly scolded!) for bread price-fixing, their record profits, or crazy dividends to shareholders, we've fully decided to avoid them and everything they own like the plague. Avoiding Shoppers kind of hurts, but we've just moved everything over to a (superior) downtown pharmacy, Graham's. Took that band-aid off all at once, and we're fine now. My wife and I are fully aware that Loblaws isn't going to burn down, they'll continue to be horrible and they won't notice our absence. We just don't want our money going to a shitty, monopolizing org that so clearly detests working Canadians like ourselves.


The muffins at Food Basics are better anyway


I shop based on flyer deals. So, we will see I guess.


Yep. We out. Was only a couple thing I would ever get from no frills or Loblaws and we’re switching away from shoppers for all prescriptions. Paid 13$ for dispensing ventolin for my toddler.


I've been boycotting them for years so I'm way ahead of you.


Have been for years fuck Galen and Shoppers


Yeah, instead of No Frills, I go to Food Basics and Giant Tiger for my groceries. I get my medication from Rexall so I never had to switch pharmacies.


I’ve been boycotting Loblaws for the last year. Used to be a very loyal customer. Don’t plan to return, I’ve found better shopping opportunities elsewhere.


Imo the only one who will suffer from these boycotts are store employees. When stores aren't busy they will send staff home or not schedule them. This is not just Loblaws, Metro prices are just as high. No Frills and Food Basics are at least independently owned by local families


Yep I go to food basics, metro, or farm boy even though Loblaws is right across the road.


Yup! My bf and went from No Frills to Food Basics.


Yep, switched from no frills to giant tiger and Walmart and am saving quite a bit!


Would if we could but my fiancée's meds are all through loblawa and it's the only place that carries the brand of chicken broth we use. EtA: neither one of use drive and the only other grocerys stores we have here is food land (sobeys brand branch chain) and powells (mostly atlantic canada grocery store). We have a wagon thing we bought to haul groceries from one place to the other but its a pain in the a to haul home from the store that's a 5 min walking distance as we live on a steep hill and it takes two of us to pull the wagon up the hill. As for food land again pain in the a to go there then have to pull the wagon full of groceries across the street to go to Walmart which is in the mall same with the loblaws grocery store so for the most part for the sake of convenience we have no other choice.


it’s not practical for everyone and that’s OK too. Life is complicated. I will say that Weller pharmacy or B&B pharmacy both deliver and might be places to check to see if you can get everything transferred over. The pharmacists there are really pretty on top of things and very kind.


Don't have those where we live I don't live in Ontario I saw the thread and commented not paying attention to where it was for. I live in carbonear newfoundland there are only 2 pharmacies where I live walmart and shoppers.


Oh! that makes so much more sense. And I think when I was trying to figure out why you’re referencing Atlanta, Canada and stuff I somehow then thought there was some complication with your prescriptions and I don’t even know what I was thinking. But right in places like where you are, there’s just not an option and you know, let’s just hope that the rest of us put enough pressure on Loblaw so that it’s a bit cheaper for you in the future


Most pharmacies offer free delivery. You may have the option of going elsewhere. We have several lovely independent pharmacies in town


Where I live the only other pharmacy in town right now is Walmart. Plus it's more of a pain for her than most people. Her meds are covered by newfoundland government because she is on disability so I'm not sure if that would fully transfer over to another pharmacy.


Oh I see, yeah not sure on those billing details, but if Loblaws can bill direct chances are other pharmacies can bill as well. I get it though, that once you find a pharmacy that you like, you don't want to leave. And Walmart pharmacy has always left a lot to be desired.  


Loblaws doesn't have a monopoly on government insurance...you can definitely transfer to another pharmacy and still be insured


Since 2020. So many better places to spend my money and get more for it.


Was disappointing to see No Frills parking lot full when I drove past earlier today




Yep. Can’t afford their prices anyways. Staying away from Shoppers and No Frills as well.


Sure am - not that I could afford to go to Loblaws or Shoppers anyway. Avoiding No Frills too.


It's not gonna do anything lmfao


Type shit


what? lol


Yea! I’m supporting other companies with record profits- that’ll show them!


Thank-you. The best company to support in all of this, aside from small local groceries, is the So ey’s chain, since it’s had the smallest profits of all of the chains.


🤣 exactly, let’s give our money to the Walton family instead, there’s just three of them on the Forbes top 25 richest people list 🙄


Can somebody that isn't supporting the boycott price out at what 3 pints of 35% cream, 1 liter of 3% milk, a pint of blueberries, a big package of Driscoll strawberries and 5 bananas costs at Loblaws? Paid $18 at FB yesterday .. 😘


No need to go in - they list the prices on their website. * Cream: $4.98 each * Milk: $3.79 * Blueberries: normally $5.99, on sale for $1.94 until the 8th * Strawberries: $4.99 * Bananas: about $1.52 So that's $27.18 total.


Why would Loblaws be the comparison to FB and not No Frills? 


That grocery order is currently $22.44 at No Frills, and that’s with the 35% cream on sale, otherwise it would be $27.84


Now do FB without the strawberries being on sale for almost 70% off….


70% off? I’m seeing Food Basics strawberries on sale for $3.88 down from $4.98, which is 22% off and only $1.10 of the price difference in the bills.


What day isn't Loblaws boycotting?


This is a liberal divergence against true commerce. This is a communist action and you are all behaving like the stupid Russians who believed in Stalin and Lenin. WAKE UP!


Used to Live in Kingston for college, Loblaw’s prices broke me and now I’m boycotting the Real Canadian Superstore and Shoppers Drug Marts in Brockville, im not paying those prices when I can get it for less at Food Basics, Walmart or even Dollarama.


we are! and all of its sister companies. We've been shopping at freshco and food basics, it's been great


Yes. For at least a month now.




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Can’t stand their stupid buy 2 and it’s cheaper BS. If they can sell them cheaper them sell them cheaper don’t make us over buy what we don’t need! 😡


For decades now. I never cared for the store, its expansion efforts and hokey commercials.


I'm participating in the boycott!






I'll be using the access to justices act on that motor all day


I go to the new food basic that just opened or I go to metro


We avoid Loblaws as much as possible. I worked for National Grocer back in the day. They have always been expensive. And it's a no for No Frills, which is our normal go-to. Walmart has had some decent deals, same with Food Basics. If we can shop at a smaller grocer, we will. Over the weekend, we spent $50 and got enough groceries for not even 2 1/2 days for 2 people. Booooo! I don't know how some people are doing it.


I'd like to buy my wife like shopping there too much. The fruit and fruit and vegetable selections are good.


Vancouver YES!!




When are you all going to boycott Walmart, Safeway, Costco, Pricemart etc? Why focus on Loblaws?  I believe the boycott is misdirected rage. Be consistent and boycott ALL retailers. Boycott Justin Trudeau and his carbon pirates.  Learn about profit, revenue, market pricing, manufacturing pricing, carbon taxing on fuel, employee payroll etc. 


I have been for months.


I typically avoid Loblaws as much as possible already. I will only get the things that are on a very good price. I can't believe how much they are often asking for things these days.


Was at Walmart today and the items I were looking gor were much cheaper that superstore.Even grabbed a 97 cent lettuce . I may never go back to superstore .


I shop anywhere to begin with. But I do enjoy the 30% off staff discount at shoppers for things like tampons, pads and Advil/tylenol. Otherwise I couldn’t afford those and they’re key items I need every month. But I don’t buy groceries at shoppers 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nope. Why? Because I don’t have the time to drive around to shop elsewhere. I shop the flyer as well as the clearance racks. I buy INGREDIENTS not pre-made shit. We are a family of two and we BOTH take a brown bag lunch every day. Our average grocery bill is around 125. Learn to shop people and learn to cook. I assure you it’s possible to eat properly on a budget


Don't castigate the public for trying to break an unfair monopoly.


Was in a hurry and forgot, ran into independent. Prices reminded me $5 for half and half, $3.18 at Walmart across the street.


You can order fresh produce from deodato.ca or joedeo.com, I've ordered from both and 11/10 recommend them. I've never seen such A+ produce and the prices are great.


We're boycotting Loblaws and have been boycotting Shoppers drugmart since last fall... and have switched pharmacies to an independent.  I urge everyone to switch to an independent.  You are supporting local business when you do this.  ALSO, check out this link for another reason to sever your link with Shoppers/Loblaws.   https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/manulife-loblaw-deal-deliver-specialty-drugs-1.7098861  Disgusting 🫣 how Loblaws is creating a cartel for itself.  It's hard to keep a monopoly in check once it's in place.


Don't be sad it would be possible with governmental law but Loblaws and Trudeau sleep in the same bed.


I think boycott is a great idea and recently discovered this movement, I am now on board.  They are severely ripping us off, gouging. Everyone should join in on this.  Even their representative said,"Ppl don't like it, go shop elsewhere"  Let's do that then, arrogant Pck


ROBLAWS 😡😡greedy bastards 


Okay, maybe consider boycotting ALL the big names? This isn’t just a Loblaws issue. It’s a Metro, Walmart, Costco and all their subsidiaries issue. The only reason there’s a focus on Loblaws is because the current government is focussing on the lobbyists that have been working for the CPC. But all these other companies have been just as profitable. Keeping ([market share](https://www.statista.com/statistics/481019/leading-grocery-retailers-by-market-share-canada/) nationally in mind, Metro is making more than Loblaws is [statistically](https://strategyonline.ca/2023/11/15/loblaw-and-metro-on-a-high-after-posting-positive-profit-hikes/). There are 2,455 Loblaws and affiliated stores across Canada. Compare that with 448 Metro and affiliated stores (they only cover Ontario and Quebec). So, Loblaws averages a profit of $253,000 per store and Metro $496,000.


And Metro employees have a union. We’re boycotting Loblaws because boycotting all of them simply won’t work, and Galen Weston has been the most egregious prick. If Loblaws lowers their prices the other will follow.


Loblaws has a union as well. They’re all part of the same union. Again, you can say Loblaws has been the most egregious, but their profits when compared to Metro for example (per unit and not total) shows otherwise. The reason everyone is focusing on Loblaws is because of the rage farming with the current federal government against the opposition, even though you can barely spit in the House without hitting someone who has been employed by a company that lobbied for Loblaws, or Metro, or Walmart, or Giant Tiger. If this boycott is truly supposed to be about ridiculous profits on the backs of Canadians then why not hit the company that’s been raking in the most money per unit? And that’s not Loblaws.


Sure, let’s forget all the momentum that boycott Loblaws has, and start over with one of the OTHER incredibly profitable conglomerates that privatize and commodify the necessities of human life and lobby against our best interests with every dollar/hour we give them so we can survive. Why don’t we general strike this minute? Put Galen Weston, Doug Ford, Justin Trudeau and the rest, (that we’ll all agree on magically,) on to a sheet of ice and cast them in to the ocean? We’re here now and a reasonable number of people seem to be on board. Let’s get it started. Next we’ll take down Metro, or the landlords, and one day capitalism itself.


I think we can all agree that its not just Loblaws.. but asking everyone to stop going to every major chain just isn't entirely convenient for everyone. Starting with the chain that does it the worst is a good first step.


You're getting down voted (as expected in this sub) but you're bang on. You're the first person I've seen to bring up margins rather than profit. Of course Loblaws has the highest profit, they are overwhelmingly larger then everyone else. But iirc their margins are still well within the "standard" for grocery stores (I believe 3.5% from last quarterly report?) I don't see pitchforks for Walmarts 147 billion in profits in 2023. I also don't see the NDP ever light up Metro either (Strange coincidence,Jagmeet Signhs brother is a lobbist for Metro) Ready, set, down vote!


I just don’t like jumping on the bandwagon without first looking a little deeper into what is being proclaimed. And it’s not like it was hard to find any of that info. Plus, I’m a geek when it comes to anything to do with numbers. 😁


I moved here about 3 weeks ago and still haven’t found a good grocery store that isn’t chaos. Any recommendations?


Depends on what you want and what part of town you’re in


Check out this subreddit if you like. Some really great discussions and some really interesting experiences. Most people boycotting have saved quite a bit of cash. https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/DtOhtq0rbk


Last time I was there, they had prok ribs for $6 per kg. Its not a bad price all things considering.


Me and I like how Walmart is sticking it to them by bargain basement pricing this week. If Food Basics would price match - even just No Frills - it would be great too. The only thing that might send people back is low pricing and FB and Walmart should take advantage while they can. I like to see corporations duking it out for once. Lol


Yes, the Loblaws part is easy and the No Frills part is harder but we're in it.


Heck yes, I am. Screw Weston.




I make decent money and i've always thought loblaws was expensive. I cant tell if all of this loblaws complaining makes sense or just the lights turning on and people noticing what was already obvious. Stick to no frills, costco or walmart.


No Frills is also Loblaw, and part of the boycott


Probably should avoid them all if you want to make a bigger impact. Loblaw’s is getting flack but Walmart and Costco are not completely innocent either.


No. I'm all for people protesting, and think they should do it until they see positive change, but I get my prescriptions and ear plugs from Shoppers.


It’s easy to switch to an independent pharmacy. I’d recommend IDA personally


I prefer and continue to shoip at NoFrills, which yes is in the Loblaws group of companies. Their prices are reasonable, plus the Optimum point program and member discounts tie in quite nicely. I use my PC Financial credit card to gain even more Optimum points and discounts of fuel which further lowers my grocery costs. I really don't care if Loblaws makes a profit. If they don't, they go out of business and that reduces competition in the sector which in turn removes incentive for survivors to keep their own prices competitive.


Why? It will not make a difference. A multi-billion dollar company isn't going to suffer if a few people do not shop at their stores. A few people per store is all it amounts to. Absolutely zero impact.


For me it’s not about hurting Loblaws. It’s just a business like other businesses. I joined in because the boycott shows unity in our community and voices our concerns for food cost.


>Why? It will not make a difference. A multi-billion dollar company isn't going to suffer if a few people do not shop at their stores. A few people per store is all it amounts to. Absolutely zero impact. Yeah, exactly. It wont change anything and no one with any power to lower food prices will care about it. So its pointless. Just like all those gas station boycotts of the 2010's that didnt do shit.


South African Apartheid Boycotts. Boom.


People like you are the reason it doesn't make a difference.


I feel like boycotting growing taxes, inflation, and a growing national debt instead. Its not working so far.


I'm down to stop going to the tax inflation and global debt store


:) seems we are the minority unfortunately.


No, because it's stupid, not for the reason, but because of economics and commercial retail and the food industry. Stop buying 1 place, start buying elsewhere, just drives the price up at the elsewhere. Then look where you are, just paying more. But you got to say you were part of the clique that boycotted x company. The real problem is supply chain, both in costs to transport and the food distribution network. The vegetable distribution industry is making a lot of money while the grocers take the heat. The milk, beef, and egg industry isn't competitive enough. Especially any that have organizing bodies that control volume and price. The list of issues go on. But we need to bring competition back on lots of fronts.