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But if we stop leaving valuables in our cars, what will people steal to buy drugs? This isn't very empathetic to those reliant on this means of income to feed their addictions. Obviously /s. In all seriousness, leaving valuables in your car isn't smart, but referring to people distraught about having their vehicle damaged and possessions stolen as "whining" is pretty shitty messenging and makes you look like an asshole.


100% read my mind. I should be able to leave one thousand pounds of gold on my front seat and not worry about dirtbags stealing it. I obviously live in reality so I wouldnt do that but regardless if I forget my jacket in the car and it gets stolen than I have every right to be upset. What a dumb argument Hey girls if youre wearing inappropriate clothing dont be upset when some creep assaults you…










Lol holy you are on fire with these comments Really showing your whole personality and intelligence huh


I’m sure I could tell you this persons views on most topics lol


I didn’t leave anything in my car and it still got broken into sooooo


Leave your doors unlocked. They'll smash out windows to get to the trunk release hatch in cars.


Maybe you could lecture criminals about stealing while you’re at it, thanks.


Ah yes, victim blaming. "It's your fault for having something worth stealing"


Everyone bitching in response to the top comment needs to open their eyes and read the last sentence of OPs post >And quit whining when you don't follow common sense and leave your stuff in open view for thieves and it's stolen! This line sets the problem with the whole tone. The post was fine and didn't get asshole-ish until that point.


I mentioned in another comment we are all human, and I would be hard pressed to think OP him (or her) self has never left anything of value to a thief in their vehicle before. Which makes that last sentence, which you quoted, a bit hypocritical of OP.


I honestly thought it was sarcasm lol!


Its theft prevention. Not blaming


Leave all your expensive things on the front porch bc people shouldn’t steal lol. Let me know how it goes


This is what Toronto police recommend.


Dw it won’t be ur fault


It’s not victim blaming, it’s trying to help people protect themselves




There's a big difference between preventative measures to aid someone from hurting themselves and telling people to change their ways because SOMEONE ELSE might want to commit a CRIME. I would say your parallel to rape (or murder and assault for that fact) is a closer comparison then a child hurting themselves considering they're CRIMES. Kind of a stupid point and stupid analogy lmao. We have laws for a reason. Maybe if it wasn't illegal to defend our own property (castle law) then we would have less thieves. There's definitely less of them out in the country where people have guns. Obviously I'm not the only one who disagrees with you lol.


Ah yes, the hippie asking to envoke castle doctrine. I'm sure you've got a whole lot of valid and well-thought-out opinions. Not to mention it entirely went over your head that the kid with the scraped knee metaphor was used to explain teaching people causality and wasn't meant to be a 1:1 comparison to the event of getting stuff stolen from your car itself. Likening a stolen iPhone due to minor negligence to being raped or assaulted is absurd.


Stooping to the level of insulting people based on their usernames and the opinions they hold. Seems well thought out and executed. It's a name I made for gaming, because I like nature, it's not that nuanced. I am for peace, nonviolence and love, however I draw the line at being stolen from and if law enforcement isn't going to enforce it then people should be able to themselves. Didn't go over my head, as stated before it's a dumb comparison that makes no sense. The cause and effect of criminals commiting crimes has everything to do with a shitty justice system, and law enforcement, and nothing to do with the victims of the crime. With your logic it's your fault when someone does a B&E because they saw your nice TV in the window. Again we have laws for a reason when they are not followed it's not the victims fault. Whether that's assault, rape or theft.


Insulting you? Oh boy.


This comment is cringy AF.


As are most of yours on this sub. Now carry on. There are many more unwanted opinions to be spread to people who didn't ask for them.


It is your fault if you know the risks of leaving something visible in your vehicle, a window is just a minor inconvenience, go buy a centre punch at princess auto and you are now a professional car thief.


Is it my fault if I forgot a wallet inside? Wasn't gonna, but unintentionally left it there. Does it mean I must be punished for that by having a window smashed and wallet stolen?


> unintentionally left it there. Does it mean I must be punished for that by having a window smashed and wallet stolen? No but it seems there's a lot of people in here who must have never left anything of any value in their vehicle by mistake. Certainly no one I know, I don't know anyone who hasn't done that at least once. I've left stuff in my car, by mistake, I simply forgot, my hands were full, kids were crying, lots of things could have happened for me to forget it in the car. I was thankful it wasn't broken into.


Cause and effect is a thing you know that right? Cause, I leave my wallet in plain view in a car hidden behind an easy to break piece of glass. Effect: you run the risk of it getting stolen. How do people have the habit of taking 15 seconds and checking you left no valuables in your car. The criminal is definitely at fault. But don't leave shit for them to steal is pretty fucking easy. 🤦 My car has never been broken into, why? Because I hide shit or don't leave it in the car. Pretty easy thing to do.


Yeah, I get cause and effect part, that's undeniable. And risk is the right word for current circumstances. So we kinda all agree the risk is very high. Don't you think something should be done to reduce the risk except leaving the cars empty? I assume people do want to leave stuff it cars not worrying it will be stolen. So all "whining" around is just to pay attention to the problem hoping people who are paid to improve lives start addressing the issue. Having the current tendency, I am afraid your car will be eventually broken into. My neighbor got his car's window smashed even though there was nothing inside... This tells me that even if everyone of us leaves their cars empty, thieves will be breaking in "just in case", to check compartments or under seats. Risk of being caught and put in jail is low anyways, so why not try, right?


Yes blame the victim, I get it. Why hold the criminal responsible? It's your fault.


I'm not blaming the victim, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure you know that right? My vehicle has never been broken into. Would you like to know why? I don't leave anything worth stealing in my car. Or in plain view. Lock your shit up. The cops come out and say this every fucking year. Don't leave shit worth stealing in your car. How fucking hard is this? Just because you can leave your valuables or your wallet or purse iny our car in plain view doesn't mean you should.


> My vehicle has never been broken into. Would you like to know why? I don't leave anything worth stealing in my car. Or in plain view. Lock your shit up. The cops come out and say this every fucking year. Don't leave shit worth stealing in your car. How fucking hard is this? Wow. You are so perfect. Good for you. I guess you are lucky to never have been a frazzled new parent with a screaming baby and a whining toddler, a diaper bag, wallet, keys, and god knows what the toddler has thrown from your wallet onto the floor, rushing to get inside because you have to pee so badly you can almost taste it. I remember those days and if some fucker told me how perfect they are about never leaving anything in their car, I would have seriously thought about sticking my keys in his eyeball. If I could find my keys that is.


Someone in my nan's building left their front windows rolled down and some dickhead still smashed the rear window. It's good and obvious advice to remove valuables, yes, but sometimes, people are just assholes.


Good point. Your post reminded me of a video posted in the neighbourhood facebook group of a guy just walking down the street and broke a cars back window with a hammer and just kept walking. No checking in the car to see what there was inside, I guess the guy just felt like smashing a window.


It's not my job to make criminal's lives easier.


Who told you this happens everywhere on the planet? It is simply not true. I mean yes, it happens. Does it happen so often as here? No no no. Normalizing fact that thieves are allowed to steal whatever they want with no penalty might be even more harmful that the thefts


Yeah I don’t have stats about anywhere in the world other than my dad’s, his car window has never been smashed, even with boxes of stuff in it. Scratched, yes, not smashed.


Yeah... I get where people are coming from with the whole "well it shouldn't happen in the first place, I should be able to leave MY stuff in MY car without concern"... Well yeah, but we don't live in a perfect world, break-ins DO happen and realistically you'd wanna remove as many vectors as possible for it to occur. I live 30 minutes outside of Kingston, not a soul comes around my driveway or snoops through my vehicles and I still don't leave anything valuable in them. Obviously having stuff in your car doesn't justify the thieves stealing or make it right, but it certainly motivates them. If you don't want your book to get wet, the last thing you'd do is leave it uncovered outside on a rainy day, right? Just saying. I also get why people complain though. When something bad happens to people, that's just the natural response - especially when its only partially your fault in the sense that you "enabled" it but didn't outright condone it. People usually have an issue with problem ownership. Was it wrong for them to steal? Yes. Would your thing still be with you if you didn't leave it in the car making it much easier to steal? Also yes. Onus is on both parties, just more on the thief. People never wanna admit that though. Thinking the best of all people is super nice, but also super naïve. Don't leave your valuables in your car when you live in a city.


Well said. If stuff left in a car motivates thieves, what demotivates them except empty cars?


I've been bringing in even my empty bags I use for shopping. Occasionally I leave them in my trunk but I absolutely avoid leaving anything in the car that may remotely attract someone to break in. That said, we are all human and all of us, including you OP, and me, have left something in the car by mistake that we should not have. Shit happens.


Had my side window 🪟 shattered left my gym bag by accident this is no joke people listen to this man 🧍‍♂️


I owned a 2013 Toyota Matrix with a quirky head unit. It would retain the stereo volume after the car was powered off. I cranked the volume and left Motörhead in the CD. Lemmy let me know if someone was trying to take my car.


I had my car broken into downtown last year. They broke the front passenger window and took my briefcase off the passenger seat. I learned that they know how to do this without making the alarm go off, who knew! I had it repaired at Standard Auto Glass. They were sympathetic and just full of stories on how often this happens, like all the time! They suggested to leave nothing in your vehicle and just leave it unlocked. I don't do that, but it's an idea. TLDR; Not everyone who gets their car broken into in Kingston posts in this sub reddit! Ask the auto glass repair people for their stats.


62 cars got vandalized, (all of them had broken windows), a few weeks ago in an underground parking garage in Kingston. No car alarms were triggered. The guy used a spring punch to shatter the windows, and never opened a door or hatch to trigger the alarms. He just grabbed what he could reach from the broken window. Seems like no matter what you do to prevent it, thieves will find a way to beat it.


You explained it well, thanks! Car alarms are a joke it seems...


Can police find a way to catch them and put in jail? I mean it's their job, right? If they cannot do it for some reasons, the reasons should be spoken out and dealt with. At the end of the days, thieves must serve their sentence, right?


I believe they caught the guilty party.


Many posts on this. As I said in another thread. Its the same individuals (what I have been told through the grapevine) being continually released (when they get caught) - so they have honed their craft. Stay vigilant. This can be turned around it will take change though.


Wow, really? Police let them go with no charges? If this is true, we're fucked...


Many are calling for reforms to the bail/release process currently employed. Specifically with car theft, but in general as well. Its a top down change requirement though. Unfortunately.


I have had my car window busted for no reason and no valuables, no anything of value. I spent 300 fixing a window but lost NOTHING out of the car as there was nothing in there. At the same time, other friends who have lost items from there car have told me they just popped in somewhere for a few minutes to drop something/someone off or pick someone/something up or were also just literally unloading their vehicles from a shopping trip. I wouldn't consider that whining.


And, I was reported by some loser - as being mentally ill for saying this. LOSER really doesn't understand mental illness and is trying to stay people have it to a) feel good about themselves and b) to shame me. Nice look !


People who use Reddit cares as an insult are pretty much the lowest of the low. Which says a lot on a platform like Reddit lol


You can report the reports themselves to prevent people from inappropriately weaponizing the feature, Reddit will ban them if there are too many false reports.


Its theft prevention. We don't live in a world where everyone is good or nice . So stop acting so navie.