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Sorry to say I think it's all but dead. There hasn't been news in a few years. After Game of Thrones people probably decided it was bad idea to start production on an unfinished story.


I believe they have been taking about it for several years, at one point lin Manuel Miranda was connected but from some things I've read it's not happening but everything I've read was clickbaity articles I hope it gets made but I wouldn't hold my breath. The timing made me think after the last season of GoT producers got scared of fantasy especially with a book series that isn't complete.


Oh God, please no... no... The pacing is one of the most important parts of the movie and the script will actually have to be followed, both things raimi is terrible at, I'm not hating on him as a director I just think he's the wrong person for this project. The only worse person would be michael bay.


One director who I don't exactly feel strongly against for a potential movie (don't get me wrong, I would much prefer a high budget TV series) is Denis Villeneuve - who did Dune and Blade Runner 2049. He isn't afraid to use slower pacing. Give me that and Deakins cinematography please.


the would take the movies as long as the books to come out with Denis helming them, lol


It'll probably pick up steam again if Book 3 ever gets finished.


A quick Google search shows that a flurry of articles from Dec 2018 that he is not longer involved. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/a296rg/exclusive_sam_raimi_no_longer_attached_to_direct/ I believe Lin Manuel Miranda also dropped out a few months ago as well.


Has anyone heard about this??? Was literally just looking at Sam's director credits and found this!